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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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open fair trade, which will provide new opportunities for our companies, but we also need to create a global playing field and address the risks that we believe are associated with openness. besides geopolitics, there is another reason why trade with eu countries cannot grow. for example, grain, as we know, is consumed not only by people, it is used in agriculture as feed for poultry and cattle; in this regard, europe is now more progressive. glances, they turn to global idea of ​​reducing methane emissions into the atmosphere, and they cited such figures that a fairly large volume of the atmosphere is obtained from domestic animals, and thus, most likely, naturally, their dynamics will be mixed up, so i think that it is quite profitable and interesting for russia now to take advantage of this situation that the center... is completely shifting towards this
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side of the brics countries, and here there is very high consumption, and here, as it were, very high production. about the initiative to create a grain brix exchanges, chinese and brazilian media are actively writing. obviously, the partner is also interested in the idea. with the advent of the new site , russia will be able to finalize its grain turn to the south and east. which is important for everyone, since there is no just world without. fair trade. in the summer of 2021, a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasnov. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically to kill. the situation became tense, the parties began to shoot at each other. chaos is happening, it sounded
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shot, and i felt pain in my stomach, blood flowed into my head immediately that they wanted to kill us all, krasnov responded by shooting at least three times at the attackers. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used a weapon to protect, i repeat, my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, i told him what happened here, they looked at me with such eyes, they said: this cannot happen, the man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took on this matter and carried out our investigation, now it’s up to the zornyaki, congratulations, attention to the face, contacts with you, carry out work on the breakdown, second, now the light has appeared at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much once for work, this tunnel is not the longest on bama.
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they plan to put all the damaged houses in order, they are repairing not only facades and entrances, they are carrying out work in apartments, they are actively restoring social infrastructure, a new one has opened in the city kindergarten. irina efremova has all the details. new facade, playgrounds , animators. today it’s a real holiday for the children of mariupol; their native garden is being reopened after renovation. one of the first lucky ones to see him as a little girl. i like our group most of all, beautiful tables, a toilet, beds, a playroom, before all this was ugly, yes, but today in this garden there is beauty at literally every step, we are now in a children's bedroom, there are soviet cartoon characters on the walls, here we are children, distinguished guests will come here themselves, and with their own eyes everything they will see marat khusnulin and denis pushilin, together with their children, solemnly cutting the red one.
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halls and catering department, this is the right landmark where parents can look, then the feed goes to new groups, there are musical ones, is it worth giving birth or not, is everything ready for this? as it was before, when there were long queues, that is, it had to be adjusted, when to have a child, taking into account where to leave him then, with whom to leave him, so already in the summer of 2022, parents began to ask to start a kindergarten, even though he suffered from the fighting, it was very scary, but we got ready, went in, examined the building until lunch, and the children were in kindergarten, and the parents could go get rations and someone could get a job. this is the first time a major overhaul has been carried out. now the institution has new communications and security systems, the kindergarten will accept 110 people, the kindergarten was not in very good condition, take the same kitchen, the same furniture, now we walked around, well, in general it’s very cool, while i’m bringing the second one, the third one is growing up, soon and third here, definitely, yes, only to this
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kindergarten, soon absolutely all the children of the city will see what russian standards mean, deputy prime minister marat khusnulin spoke about the new plans for the time frame for the restoration of mariupol, every time i come here, i do it without fail. today we talked again, we still need to go to each house again to sort it out. the deputy prime minister spoke about plans to accelerate the pace of launching industrial enterprises and continue to repair tens of kilometers of roads. irina ifrimova, dmitry rud, lead donetsk-mariupol. in the russian prosecutor general's office considers the ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack in kroku city hall to be obvious. igor krasnov stated this during a meeting with
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the minister of internal affairs of venezuela. for the delegation of our supervisory agency, the trip to this latin american country was the first. report from our special correspondent. evgenia nipata. caracos is the capital of venezuela. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov arrived here for the first time. a busy work program is expected, as many as five meetings with representatives of the republic, in less than day. and the first point of this program begins in the national pantheon of venezuela. since the end of the 19th century, this has been a place where the country's national heroes are kept. on the initiative of ugachavis , a separate building was erected for the sarcophagus of the main fighter for the independence of latin america, simon balivar, symbolizing the national wave. liberation movement on the continent. before the start of the flower-laying ceremony, the musicians of the military orchestra could be said to be warming up. i had the pleasure of visiting russia 2 years ago and this is the song that... russia is very loved. the song is filled with
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euphoria, it awakens the brightest feelings. russian prosecutor general igor krasnov, together with ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary to the country sergei melikbasarov , honored the memory of the national hero of venezuela. the head of the russian supervisory authority was received at his residence by nicholas madura. nice to meet you, you are so young, i'm glad to meet you. the russian delegation arrived in the country on the eve of the holiday of the beginning of the movement for the independence of venezuela. regular conversations between you and the president defines the relationship as a strategic partnership. and it is currently actively developing. i know that you had a busy day with the prosecutor general, it is very important to share experience, since russia is such a huge state with
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an effective law enforcement system , and this is the basis of the country’s independence, to counter terrorism, interference in the internal affairs of the country, and corruption. the delegation moved around caracas. which is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world, accompanied by armed guards on motorcycles. the street of karakos is absolutely full of graffiti, among which there are those dedicated to russia, for example, to the heroic defense of stalingrad. the building of the general prosecutor's office of venezuela in caracas. an interesting feature is that there is graffiti next to it with the image of fyodor mikhaelovich dostoevsky. the prosecutor general of venezuela is very fond of russian literature. general. venezuelan prosecutor tarak william saab halabi. the tattoo is visible from under the collar and arms of the shirt. madura's closest associate, the man whom huga chavis called the poet of the revolution for his poems about the struggle for the independence of venezuela. this is a historic visit because it is the first time that prosecutor igor krasnov visits latin
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america. the signing of a cooperation agreement by the prosecutor is of high importance for the countries of establishment. the supervisory authority of russia and venezuela signed a cooperation agreement. the previous one, created in 2007, is outdated. the new takes into account, among other things, the threat of cybercrime, problems with money laundering, and most importantly, new geopolitical realities. russian prosecutor's office open to interaction with all countries of the world on principles. to the world of the republic, rimigio sebal osom ichasa said that for political reasons
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, western countries refuse to extradite murderers, corrupt officials, swindlers and extremists. the consequence of double standards, you mentioned this, has already become a terrorist attack in the moscow concert hall that shocked the world community, which claimed the lives of hundreds of civilians. of course, we are making every effort to identify all organizers, sponsors, ideological inspirers. thanks to cooperation for the benefit of our countries, i want to reaffirm our commitment to our fraternal ties, thanks to which we have come
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a long way, we have a lot ahead of us, and we confirm that we are ready to cooperate even more. the fifth negotiations in caracos were held with the comptroller general of venezuela, hasnel perassamachada, who heads the republic's accounts chamber. igor krasnov proposed concluding an interdepartmental agreement that would, for example, help better combat corruption, in particular in the area of ​​protecting budget funds. working trip of the prosecutor general of russia to the countries.
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these decisions are an expression of our country’s position on condemning nazism and its legal criminal actions recognized by the court as genocide. prosecution beyond the statute of limitations. parliamentary elections have started in india. due to the size of the country, with almost billions of voters, voting was divided into seven stages. it will.
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days of the capital in the smolensk region 26 mm, in the west of the moscow region 17. the rains are weakening today, but a very strong wind awaits us, it will accelerate to pre-storm speeds, it's already getting colder in the northwest, we're expecting snow. so, showers and thunderstorms that occurred at night were observed over a vast territory, from the black earth region to the center of russia and the volgovyad region. vivid footage was posted on social networks by residents of the nizhny novgorod, kirov, kursk, lipetsk, tambov, oryol, and ryazan regions. at 6:30 in the morning there was a thunderstorm. their sheremetyevo near moscow in the voronezh region the night before also flashed lightning, and in some places the rain was accompanied by hail.
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snowfall in the morning was observed 270 km from moscow in the city of vyshny volachok, tver region. this video was filmed on the m11 highway. a heavy snow charge forced drivers to slow down, and the snow lingered on the roadway . at the same time, the south of the pskov region was simply snowed in the morning. in the city of velikiye luki , snowfalls reduced visibility to 4 km. moment. judging by all-weather webcams, visibility was even less, and temporary snow cover appeared. the record holders for the amount of precipitation per day were the smolensk and kaluga regions, where in some... over 20 mm of precipitation fell, or 2/3 of the monthly norm, in the capital region 17 mm fell in some places rain, the amount usually accumulated in april in 2 weeks, 8 mm of water fell into the precipitation measures of the main weather station in moscow, vdnkh. excessive waterlogging led to the formation of fog and haze; the capital's airports in the morning recorded a deterioration
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in visibility of up to 1-2 km, while the lower edge of the clouds dropped to 30 m. let's see where the culprit of the bad weather is now. it must be said that in less than a day, a small balkan cyclone turned into a powerful whirlwind; it covered more than a thousand km and reached the central region by 3:00 am. cloud spiral atmospheric fronts stretched from bryansk to kirov. the most intense precipitation occurred in the smolensk region, thunderstorms rumbled at night on the warm front, and snow fell on the cold front. the cyclone itself is small but deep. the pressure drops in its zone are 4-5 mm. fort column for every 100 km, the pressure in its center is now about 730 mm, for the central region this is 18 mm below normal. very contrasting air masses are involved in the circulation of the cyclone, so the intensity of precipitation is quite high and the wind in some places will intensify to storm force speeds in the west of the middle zone, gusts up to 17-22 m/s in some areas up to 25. as
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the cyclone further develops , more and more will arrive in the center of the country. portions of cold air, it is already snowing north of the smolensk-veliky novgorod line, and tomorrow morning the cold snap will cover the entire central region. thermometer readings will approach zero, and on the banks of the fields it will freeze to -5° in some places. in the northwest and extreme west of the russian plain, temporary snow cover will even begin to form. by tomorrow morning he the border will move south by 800 km. there will be some snow even in the upper reaches of the dnieper. moreover, in places, for example, st. petersburg and veliky novgorod, quite december snowdrifts with a height of 5-10 cm will appear. well, in moscow it is still relatively warm, the maximum temperature for today is +13. now there is very low cloudiness, light rain is possible in places, there will be gaps in the clouds during the day, but the solar heating will be canceled out by strong winds. during the day, gusts up to 18 m/s in the evening up to 21.
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at the same time, the temperature at the end of the day will drop to +4°. and at night up to +2, there will be windy weather it seems that it is still a few degrees colder outside, we continue to monitor the weather. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it’s your turn, alfabank will give away 100 million rubles. entrepreneur all over the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business at alfabank. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is accruing, you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay off, shopping or getting rid of credit card debts is easy with halva, that’s not how it works it’s necessary, it’s necessary like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this, choose, buy with convenient
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the olympic committee of ukraine, the country 's ministry of sports, and the president of the judo federation demanded that a number of russian athletes not be allowed to participate in the european championship. we will discuss all the details with my colleague danila makharin. dani, good morning. well, who is on this list and whether the international judo federation will somehow react to these appeals. good morning, sasha, there are about 15 diudaists who are planning to go to croatia at the end of april to receive olympic medals licenses. let's hope no one interferes with this. russian chess player jaan nepomniachtchi played mnechu in the twelfth round of the candidates tournament in toronto. the opponents were indian representative ramezh babu. in the end, united. nepomniachtchi missed her personal leadership, takes first place along with two other players, this is the american nakamura and another grandmaster from india gukesh, everyone has 7 and
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a half points, the next one ian nepomniachtchi will play with will be the direct competitor for the first line, the same nakamura, it's already will be the thirteenth tour of the planned fifteen. the day before , the semi-finalists of two more european football cups, the europa league and the conference league were determined. italian. atalanta, together with russian national team player alexei mironchuk, advanced on aggregate. liverpool bayern set a 21st century record for the number of matches without defeat in all tournaments among the top five european leagues. the forty-fourth such match was with westham, in which baer won back in the last minute, moving on. roma beat milan and marseille beat benfica in the europa league semi-finals atalanta will meet with marseille, and bayern with roma. the first matches of this stage of the tournament will take place on may 2. in the conference league , aston villa with unai emery reached the semi-finals, and spider with magomed azdoev were eliminated by brugge. fiorentina put the squeeze on victoria polzen, and olympiacos turned out to be stronger in fenerbahce. as
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a result, in the semi-finals, which also starts on may 2, fiorentina will play against brugge, while aston villa will face olympiacos. now for sure, nikita kucherov is officially the top scorer of the nhl regular season this season. second time in in the careers of kucherov and ovechkin, this season kucherov scored 144 points, becoming the third player in league history to reach this mark. only lemieux's walnuts are ahead. the only one who could catch up with nikita was makina, but two points in the last match of the regular season were not enough for him. but in the same game, valery nichushkin scored a double, and colorado, in the end. won 5:1 against edmonton. despite kirill kaprizov's goal, his club minnesota ended the season with a home defeat to seattle 3-4. kaprizov
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opened the scoring at the beginning of the first period, finishing the attack with an accurate and effective throw. he now has 96 points in 75 matches of the season and is the undisputed leader of his team in this indicator. minnesota did not make it to the playoffs, so after losing to the set, the season ends. the opening match of the final playoff series of the continental hockey league ended in magnitogorsk. at home, the metallurgist began the fight for the gagarin cup with yaroslavl lokomotiv. my colleague stas ridekultsev will tell you who won and how it happened. magnitogorsk residential and industrial is divided by the ural river. it is this that is considered to be the border between europe and asia. there is even a corresponding sign. the border, however, is very arbitrary and blurred in the urals. in every city they will definitely tell you that the border between the west and the east passes right there. before this season in the continental hockey
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league, this border had an outline. fight for the title so that they meet in the finals the cross playoffs have created intrigue among teams that few expected in the main series of the season, even though this is the first in the east metallurgist is the third locomotive in the west. the yaroslavl team, playing in four matches, ran over a chelyabinsk tractor in one second and did not play for more than a week before the start of the final. nitka finished her series with the motorist less than three days ago, i don’t know, it makes sense to base this on the final, here it’s simply a fact that we played poorly for two periods, so we can say that the pause could have been that the metallurgist was in game rhythm, what difference does it make here? the gagarin cup, the coveted trophy of the continental hockey league, is on the first match of the final series between magnitogorsk metalg and yaroslavl
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lokomotiv. magnitogorsk's name is on this cup twice, and in general magnitogorsk is playing in the gagarin cup final for the fifth time, for lokomotiv this is the second attempt to win the trophy. lokomotiv has not been in the khl finals for 15 years, magnitogorsk reached the decisive series in the season before last, despite the title in this series, the press and experts unanimously call the railway workers the favorite, the fact that we are called underdogs does not affect us in any way. the first two. the teams spend periods cautiously, of course, they are looking for happiness at someone else’s goal, but first of all they think about defending their own, too much is at stake, and the best goalkeepers of the playoffs, ilyanbokov from metallurg and daniil isaev from lokomotiv , have three clean sheets under their belts confidently, it’s not for nothing that they say that goalkeepers win finals. the finals are won not by goalkeepers, but by the team, a single whole, with one fist for each other, but i can’t disagree with you, goalkeepers are, of course, 90-80% of the entire
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team. what to make us nervous because we can’t score, this never happened, we understood that sooner or later it would come, but lokomotiv scored first at the beginning of the third period, maxim berezkin scored, lokomotiv is better than others in the league, knows how to maintain an advantage, but this is the magic of the gagarin cup final, almost instantly the hosts came back, nikita mikhailis scored, we understood that we had conceded and needed to make up for it, somewhere we had already gone there in bulk, before that there were chances to score somewhere. we couldn’t finish her off, it’s good that it happened this way, sanya made an excellent pass, driven forward by the stands, the metallurgist earned a power play at the end of regular time, which was converted by alexander petunin. 2:1, the first match of the series up to four wins, metallurg wins. the hosts even opened the locker room for the press in the first match of the final, unprecedented courage and self-confidence of one of the finalists. while
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we... how is it in the rays of glory, why not buy into it, it’s just that sometimes it smells bad and they swear, so you can sometimes get punished, so don’t be offended if you sent in the wrong direction you want. the second game of the series will also take place in magnitogorsk on saturday, and after that the final will move to yaroslavl. one hundred among the rings ivan lavrikov and alexander stalmashevsky, news from magnitogorsk.
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it’s 10 in moscow, we continue our morning broadcast, here’s what we’ve learned by this hour. sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order at the enterprise.


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