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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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managerial personnel, it all started with the young soviet republic, then a great contribution to the development of the university was made by sergor dzhenikza, after whom, by the way, the university was called until the mid-nineties . the first five-year plans, the difficult years of the great patriotic war and the post-war period of reconstruction, the collapse of the soviet union due to the emergence of a new russia, the university lived with all these important periods. country to this day, retaining the title of a forge of managerial personnel. seven educational institutes, 40 departments and more than 10,000 students studying to the highest standards. the state university of management has trained more than 200,000 specialists for a wide variety of business, social and economic sectors. the symbiosis of traditions from modernity is proud of its historical departments and the latest approaches, such. as project-based learning, from
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the first year students conduct real cases for the largest companies and state corporations. the company gives some project to this group, from the first to the fourth year, it leads this project, develops it, that is, the guys, and in parallel with education, yes, they also study a specific industry right inside, well , it’s clear that there are no issues with employment upon graduation, that is, as per... the university is a participant in the federal project advanced engineering schools, the main directions are solving problems in import substitution in the field of mechanical engineering and studying the use of artificial intelligence technologies to create decision-making systems, a number of scientific projects are being implemented in the field of unmanned aircraft systems in economic activities. regions project
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quite serious, because it is essentially dedicated to the creation of a new industry in the russian federation, since the state university of management specializes in economics and management, and we are consistently working to transform our university into an industry university, yes, that is, we are engaged in work that is relevant and needed for industry. in addition to unique educational programs, guu offers its students the only one in all of moscow. a single campus, a unique university town, combines only educational buildings and a hostel, but also a lot of infrastructure, absolutely everything is collected here, here we have residential buildings, a sports complex, a separate building for a swimming pool, a separate business center, all educational laboratories, on-line educational, and after a couple of lectures and seminars in gu is always in full swing with student life; for extracurricular life specifically in gu, it seems to me, all conditions have been created, clubs that are involved in social life. student
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councils, state university student council, student council of institutes, international club friendship, a club for cheerful resourceful people, a case club, there is also a volunteer center and creative groups. the state university of management has already trained more than 200,000 specialists for all sectors of the economy, business and social sphere; the list of its graduates includes governors, ministers, officials of all levels and top managers of the largest.
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next, the broadcast will continue with the program question of science: the microchip market is in for big shocks and for russia this is a window of opportunity, what the domestic industry is now capable of, for why our country plans to join... the club of high-tech leaders. look further, and i’ll say goodbye to you until monday. see you later, good news. the key resource of the 21st century is oil, rare earth metals, maybe clean water? no, electronic chips - say experts in the field of semiconductor technologies, and. according to the most daring estimates, in the near future our planet will face a war for processors and microcontrollers. on what such forecasts are based, see our information. world with the smart prefix: phones and computers are becoming more powerful, even household appliances are now smart.
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the demand for high-performance electronics is growing every day, but will microchip manufacturers be able to satisfy the silicon hunger, especially in the face of coming changes. for decades, a small company has been developing integrated circuits. selected companies, mostly tech giants from the us and south korea, have crystallized the southeast asian industry in korea as well as the island of taiwan. more than half of all modern chips are assembled on capacity of local tsmc. and this is what settled down there in the late seventies, mid-eighties, maybe, when microprocessors actually appeared, when it became clear that this was the future, then tsmc itself appeared, tsmc was destroyed, into market mechanisms politics intervened, chips became a tool in the sanctions fight, the situation was aggravated by the trade war between washington and beijing, and due to the worsening relations between taiwan and the mainland of china
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, the sword of domocles was raised over the industry. the united states of america feels that leadership in the industry is slipping away from them literally before our eyes, the situation around taiwan, if the situation is... if they develop according to a negative scenario, then the blow to the industry will be very serious, in this regard, it is not known who will still win. the west is trying with all its might to maintain control over technology, the united states is pulling production onto its territory. washington announced a large-scale program for the development of the semiconductor industry and it is already known that new factories in the united states the states will be built by samsung and tsmc, but those who do not want to technologically depend on uncle samm will launch their own. india, china and, of course, russia have announced plans to create independent production facilities. so, already in 2027 , the first plant of twenty-eight-meter chips will start operating in our country. what kind of technological future awaits us and what place will russia take in it? this is a question of science. hello, i’m pavel toropov, associate professor
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of the faculty of geography of moscow state university, and today our guest is yulia sukhoroslova, director of development of electronic engineering of the element group of companies. good afternoon. hello, pavel! here is julia, the first question, it seems to me, is urgent, there is a feeling that it is obvious that the demand for microelectronics, for chips will only grow, and there is a feeling that if you look at it with the eye of a geographer, then generally speaking, in connection with geopolitical with all the changes, the market of this industry, well , the geography of this industry is changing rapidly, the market is experiencing fragmentation, this is what awaits us in this regard, very correctly noted, and if historically the industry developed according to the principle. to form vertically integrated players, that is, conventionally, each leading company localized within itself the full cycle of creating a microcircuit from development to its direct production, packaging in a case and for further sale, but now, as the technological process becomes more complex,
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the capital intensity of production rises, these stages production began to be divided , such geographical clusters were formed, conditionally the cluster of the usa and europe is everything connected with... that it would be nice, of course, to have our own local production to meet minimal internal needs, conditionally state needs, there was a need, in fact, for the localization of the full technological cycle, let not according to advanced topological standards, that is, we are not talking about 10 nanometers or 5 nanometers, yes, these are already quite stable mature topologies at the level of 180 nm, 90 nanometers, and such a technological reserve is...
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somehow very small microcircuit, what? there it is measured in nanometers, this is a measure of length, but this is a very small distance, yes, this is a billionth part, which means a meter, it turns out that this is very small, that’s what , simplifying it a little, but we can say that modern microcircuits consist of the essence of such basic elements of transistors, which now number billions and billions on modern microcircuits, respectively, each such transistor is responsible for controlling an electrical signal and forming a conventional unit of information,
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there is 1 or zero, if we continue to use this already in logic, yes, and that is, on the basis of such elements it is possible to implement the simplest logic, computational functions, the same operations of addition, multiplication, and so on, this is what makes it possible to provide computational functions, and when they talk about nanometers, regarding the topological norm of the level technology, they say: if i put it simply, about the size, the key structural size of this basic element, that is , the transistor, then after the technology there are 28-22 nonomers, this is more of a marketing ploy, and it’s more likely not as much about geometric parameters as about the ratio of the number of elements in terms of area and the output performance of the microcircuit, well , for example, what we have on the screen now is under a microscope... one of the chips, yes, a very interesting picture, in fact, if you walk around the microcircuit,
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it looks like a metropolis that has its own buildings, it even somewhat resembles such highways, relatively speaking, but here we specifically see the metallization paths, that is, this is the upper level of the microcircuit, which in essence and connect current-carrying elements, individual components of the microcircuit with each other will thus ensure the connection of this entire complex system, of course. here it turns out in order to do this, if i understand correctly, photolithography should, and absolutely stands at the forefront, however, here and also i’m not quite in this, maybe i don’t quite understand it completely, that’s interesting, so - if in fact it turns out that we are working in the visible or ultraviolet range, and shining through a photomask, am i correct? i understand, yes, well, let me briefly tell you a little about... the technological process, essentially it is divided into two stages: this is the so -called front end offline, as conventionally in
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it development damn it, conventionally, within the framework of the front end, a transistor structure is formed, that is, when in the surface layer of the semiconductor wafer, doped regions are formed, which are enriched with charge carriers and will directly ensure the functioning of the transistor structure itself and further, respectively. we need in order to form such complex structure, what can they be? first, well, we probably need to form a drawing, the drawing is formed, as you very correctly said, an operation called lithography, or one of its subtypes is photolithography, with the help of ultraviolet the surface of the plate is illuminated, a mask is formed that is already superfluous...
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it’s just essentially polishing, but in reality it’s not, and there are a lot of technological difficulties, from the point of view of chemistry, from the point of view of the mechanics of the process itself, which means dividing the wafers into the same chips, packaging them and already... and as if the final stage of their measurement and testing, it is very important at each stage to essentially check the characteristics of the resulting microcircuit, both from the point of view of monitoring its geometry, that is, topology, and from the point of view of its electrical parameters. it’s clear, here’s another question, really, because if this is the visible range and ultraviolet, well
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, that means we get somewhere, roughly speaking, from 100 to 700 nm, when we say: about the production of chips there are some much smaller , i somehow don’t understand how this happens, yes, there is such a formula is called the rayleigh criterion, which determines, respectively, the relationship between the light source and the resolution, that is, the minimum size of the pattern that can be obtained, and it is expressed as a dependence on the wavelength, but in fact the parameters of the optical system that is used to form of this figure, that is, the so-called numerical aperture. and accordingly, in modern photolithographic machines a radiation source is used - this is a 193 nm wavelength ae; accordingly, a pattern is already formed on level there is 90 nm and below, and there is also a technology called multi-petering, when using mask displacement you can form a more precise
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pattern without changing the source wavelength or the parameters of the optical system, but this is required... for additional operations when you just you repeatedly apply a photo template, and if we are talking about, say, china, yes, which has now also entered this race, and about the statement about the fact that chinese colleagues there have reached 5-7 nm, they are going exactly this way, but at the same time, in the world, of course, the industry has moved into the area of ​​the x-ray spectrum, and radiation at the level of 13.5 nanometers is not even suitable... it’s very interesting, but what is the place of inert gases in all this production, really? russia, in its own right, has almost up to a third of the production of industrial neon, which supplies the world, well, here everything is also quite simple, in fact, inert gases are necessary for carrying out technological operations within the framework of a vacuum chamber, essentially the working environment in which it is carried out
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technological process, for example, precipitation or poisoning or betexial growth, for example. that is, a number of technological processes that alone even such generally powerful processes are simply carried out in this environment. yulia, well, i’m listening to you like this, i have this feeling, a country like ours is like no other country in the world can cope with this alone, it’s easier to make a space rocket, so let’s talk about the russian situation, can we? we count, well, unfortunately, we probably have to be, well, how they say, we must be patriots, but we must be realistic, probably now we are falling behind, as we must admit, and we are falling behind. as i understand it, it’s quite thorough, so we have prospects, can we somehow count on success alone? well, of course, we believe in this success, and i would say that it is not unreasonable, it is still impossible to deny and cancel the technological basis of the scientific school that was formed, because the semiconductor industry, during the period of the soviet union, was in no way inferior to that
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level of development that was formed there conditionally in the usa or other countries, even so , yeah.
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no less, i would say 10, so that a new generation of such qualified, good personnel would grow up, we have enough specialists in your field, unfortunately, now there really aren’t enough of them and... over the years a situation has formed where and microelectronics, and physics in general, probably as a branch of science, it was not as popular as conventionally the
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same it technologies, and here we essentially have to compete with it specialists, who already understand their career path, opportunities, and all the prospects, from the point of view of the industry, it is now at a stage of such formation and quite active growth, but there are so many.
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ours will be able to make money on this business, yes , well, in fact, we are counting on this, here it is very important to understand that it is in conjunction with building a complete vertical, starting from the electronics industry, ending
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with microelectronics, that is, conditionally, there will be our own computers, there will be own equipment, there will be our own auto industry industry and so on, this will gradually create demand for microelectronics, and for this , production capacities and technologies and developments are already being increased, yeah. in this logic , this is how it works, well, as i understand it, a plant is actually being built, with a technological one, for 28 nm, and to ensure production, this is exactly what is being done for this task and for this super task, it is essentially correct for mass civilian market, and in general even for the mass market, this is the question, since i meteorologist, i can’t help but ask, here is our task, well, this is also such a computationally very powerful task, the task of weather forecasting,
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the problem of energy consumption will play more of a role in creating equivalent productive and computing power, but i would probably think in the direction of new algorithms, there are such a division is the so -called quantum inspired algorithms, yes, which now, without the use of a quantum computer directly, is conditional, but essentially reproduces those processes that seem to simulate the computing power produced.
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to some extent, these geopolitical troubles played into their hands, because while all this was being done, it means that everyone in taiwan was happy with everything, on the other hand,
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well, like a meteorologist. trace back just a couple of years ago, they talked about the global semiconductor crisis, in addition to the relationship there between the usa and china, there was just recently an earthquake, and if there were a lot of climatic factors, the same fires, earthquakes, a lot of things happened in japan, and the auto industry is very suffered greatly from this, well, of course, well, who’s talking about what? meteorologist, climatologist?
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its maintainability is very low, it is much easier to conditionally replace a complete board, it is accordingly new, even if one component has failed. secondly, after all, if we are talking about some used equipment, it has already been used, its condition and the performance of those microcircuits that remain there are unclear, well, the third factor, even economic, because the cost, respectively, of one microcircuit is amounts to a few dollars there, or even less, and accordingly it’s just is inappropriate, while recently our domestic production capacity
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has increased by more than three to four. understandable , well, besides, listening to you, i thought so, not being an expert in this field, somehow it seems to me that the microchip that was in the coffee grinder is cereal, it is unlikely that it will somehow be able to work in the angara rocket , i have this feeling in the software block, and the design of the software block itself, the hardware and software block, is at the first stage and the list is directly formed those elements that will be used, and just change one. the other is not so simple, even moreover, i will tell you that when designing the microchip itself , it is produced for a specific factory and its features of its technological process, that is, you cannot simply change the factory, this will also require a redesign cycle. well, the leading world powers seem to have entered a new technological race, no matter what the future microelectronics industry in russia will be, there will definitely be a place in it. for questions science today answered by yulia sukhoroslova.
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director for development of electronic engineering of the element group of companies. julia, thank you very much. thank you. how is the implementation of the state defense order going, sergei shaigul checked in the omsk region, and what are tanks and heavy flamethrower systems equipped with at the plant? the geography of spring floods is expanding, water continues to remain in tobol, vyshim, and movement has begun in several villages along the banks of the sakmara in the tomsk region in the risk zone.


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