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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the market for household appliances in russia has changed, which companies have replaced european and american ones, and how the market for smart gadgets is developing. the director of the moscow kremlin reserve museum, elena gagarina, was awarded the order for services to the fatherland, third degree. the corresponding decree was signed by russian president vladimir putin. the document was published on the official legal information portal. it is said that gagarin was awarded a citation for his great contribution to the development of museum affairs and the preservation of the cultural heritage of russia. april 17 to elena gagarina, the daughter of the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin, turned 65 years old. about 3,500 hospitals were created and reconstructed in 3 years, russian equipment is being supplied to them and work will continue, mikhail mishustin announced this in a video message to participants in an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of health. she started work. thanks
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to the efforts of the entire medical community, it was possible to achieve a significant result; over the past year , life expectancy in our country has increased to almost 73 and a half years, this is the highest indicator for the entire history of russia, it is important to do everything necessary to improve. high-quality treatment, among other things, high-tech, using modern breakthrough methods. therefore, we are consistently expanding the program of state guarantees. for the current year, its funding has been increased by more than 400 billion rubles. so that citizens continue to receive help free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy, even with serious illnesses. residents of any russian region can now contact presenters. federal centers, not only
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place of residence, but also undergo the most complex operations. sergei shaigu instructed to organize additional supplies of protection systems for tanks in the special military operation zone. the minister of defense announced this in the omsk region, where he checked the implementation of the state defense order. sergei shaigu also checked the organization of the educational process at the omsk automotive and armored engineering institute. denis alekseev with details. production in accordance with the realities of combat operations, if it has long become clear that the likelihood the arrival of a projectile at a tank from the flank is much less than the probability of getting hit by an enemy drone, here this is taken into account and they put standard protection in a simple, expensive visor, we serially supply the vehicle with additional protection, the modernization of tanks at omsk-transmash is constant, defense minister shaigu visited the enterprise in the summer last year, then the question was how to strengthen... the protection of target guidance devices,
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now there is no such task, the last time we were here, we looked, which means the protection of sights, the protection of sights, it exists, yes, serina, yes, of course, all the vehicles that come off the assembly line are equipped with a set of camouflage means, there is an additional turret protection module, the next batch of tanks with significantly increased survivability is prepared for shipment to the north military district zone, when this big one began... program for additional protection, this is when we were looking for alloys there, we were looking for everything else, we found it all, we did it all, and now we need to see it, and here they understand it very well, and therefore the number of heavy flamethrower systems produced in the sun is another the brainchild of omsk-transmash has only been increased by 2.5 times in a year, production capacity has been expanded, the schedule has been adjusted, new personnel have been trained, training and retraining of specialists is taking place within the walls of the enterprise, it turns out. depending on the shift, well, 70,
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80, attention is also paid to equipment that is already being used at the fronts, part of the work on the repair and maintenance of such armored vehicles was taken on by cadets of the armored engineering institute, such is the production practice, and what kind of experience is gained there we're all gone in a different way, it’s true that life is completely different, and the kids there must understand that we put a barbecue here.
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armor protection, protection from unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels, additional systems for the protection of sighting systems, these tasks have also been completed, the task.
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wait in these frames the tula rszzo tornado delicately destroys the vaunted american hymers, that’s what it’s all about. denis alekseev, fyodor zarovny, lead. an alarm was declared in several regions of ukraine last night. reports of explosions came from dnepropetrovsk region. according to local authorities, several infrastructure facilities were damaged in dnepropetrovsk and krivoy rog, and explosions were also reported in pavlodar. details have not yet been provided. several explosions occurred in the odessa region; according to preliminary data, the port infrastructure was damaged. the geography of spring floods is expanding in russia. the tense situation in the kurgan region. water enters 13 settlements of the belayazersky district,
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eight more are under the threat of flooding. per day the level of the tobol river in the kurgan area has risen by 40 cm and the water continues to flow. in the temyansk region, where. the peak of the flood is expected any day now; the water in the ishim river rose by more than 2 m in one day, hundreds of houses, roads, and bridges were drowned. rescuers are helping local residents, delivering food and medicine. in the risk zone in the orenburg region, several villages along the banks of the sakmara river, residents are asked to collect the necessary documents and things and prepare for evacuation. as for orenburg, the situation there is normalizing, commissions will begin work today on damage assessment. in bashkiria , the number of flooded garden plots almost doubled in one day. in the samara region , several bridges were damaged. in the tomsk area , ice began to move on the tom river. rescuers are monitoring the hydrological situation. in the altai territory, the state of emergency has been lifted and restoration work has begun.
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our special correspondents: stanislav bernwald and stanislav vasilchenko are monitoring the situation in the kurgan and tyumen regions. communications, and colleagues, hello, kurgan region, first, stanislav, what is the situation now? in flooded areas? surely, greetings, the water level in tobol has already exceeded 10 m, now it is 10 m 12 cm, which is 6 cm more than it was in 1994, when kurgan also experienced the consequences of a powerful flood. according to the ministry of emergency situations, in the next 24 hours an intensive increase in water is expected on tobol with dynamics from 25 to 110 cm. already today, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 10 motor pumps to the region for pumping water; they will be used in the most flooded areas, where the situation is now the most difficult. according to the latest information
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, 1,941 residential buildings and 3,380 country houses, as well as five low-water bridges and 12 car areas remain flooded in the region in 29 settlements. roads, the situation is under the control of the ministry of emergency situations in the region, more than 14 thousand rescuers are now working, and more than one and a half thousand units of special equipment are also used, including unmanned aircraft. the ministry of emergency situations employees themselves told us how the work of specialists in the use of unmanned aerial systems is structured. on the territory of kurgan there are 15 unmanned aerial systems in the region, of which 13 are helicopter types, and two are aircraft types. the plane will take more than 1,500 photographs. each photograph will have a geopoint attached to it, and specialists from the national crisis management center will subsequently stitch this photograph into one large map in order to assess the extent of the flooding and, well, deploy resources. employees of the ministry of emergency situations in the kurgan region
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work day and night and to ensure this round-the-clock work, by order of the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov to the region 22 sets of light shields were delivered. the ministry of emergency situations spoke about this in more detail. this device is used to illuminate the area during search and rescue operations at night, including patrolling flooded areas. evacuation of people and animals, monitoring the integrity of the dam. currently, the evacuation of the population in the region continues. right now, water is entering another 13 settlements in the belozersky district, and eight more settlements are in the risk zone. local authorities also warn that in the event of intensive increase in water in tobol, residents of vostochny, kulatsky and the tets microdistrict need to be prepared for urgent evacuation. this is the information for this hour, colleagues. thank you, stanislav, now. in the tyumen region, where stanislav bernwald works, and what the regional authorities and the ministry of emergency situations are doing to prevent
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large-scale flooding of the region. yes, hello, colleagues, in the tyumen region there is still a not critical, but serious problem with water, and the ishim river in the area of ​​​​the city of ishim, according to the city gauging station at 8:00 am, the water level in the river was recorded at area of ​​the city. and 690 cm, that is, over the past 24 hours the water has risen by 228 cm by 2 2 m 28 cm, 160 cm remains to the critical mark, so just a few minutes ago we were at one of the highest points of the city, where the river also passes, so local residents say that just this morning the water has risen another 40 cm, that is, the rise is ongoing and the rise is very serious, the day before the governor... made a detour around the area, in the ishim region, in the tyumen region,
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the situation there is now the most difficult , so here it is he inspected how the dams are being built, how they are being strengthened, the work has really been colossal in such a short time, everyone hopes that these dams will hold up, but there are settlements where the water has already entered and is beginning to rise in them, the governor also announced compensation today , which will... be issued, paid to those whose houses fall into the flood zone, well, it’s worth saying that a huge number of people are now working on the dams, these are volunteers, and builders, just concerned citizens, we today we were at one of the dumps, we talked to the guys, let’s listen to what they have to say, we, like no one else, must help with this problem, and we were the very first to volunteer, so we don’t even shy away from, you know,
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people for the sake of one goal: to protect our beloved city here you can feel, well, they are helping, in addition to the builders, it’s just that the volunteers are being helped by the cadets of the tyumen higher military engineering command school, 102 people were redeployed from tyumen, here to ishim, work is underway, guys, in addition to strengthening the dam, they are also building it they are protected, they are carried out with a special mesh, so that there is no leakage of these dumps, let's listen to the volume of work
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that they perform. arrived from the city of tyumen, an engineering unit, accordingly, we are carrying out the task of building up the dam, the height of the dam is 5 m, a decision was made, together with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations , to build the dam up to a meter, and accordingly , its width is up to a meter to be reinforced with non-washing film. we break it down into groups, one group works in a direction. 50 railway bridges people and one group near the water treatment plant of 50 people, respectively, this is a range of tasks, we have loading with a bag, laying them out, covering them with film, well, the day before i already said, i will repeat again, there was an overflow of the route that leads from russia to kazakhstan and further to kyrgyzstan , overflowing over the roadbed, that is, one spill began to rise, but crossed the roadbed and... the second spill begins, this indicates that the water is arriving, a second wave is expected
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in the near future. we continue to monitor the situation, and vera, i give you the floor. thank you, our special correspondents, stanislav bernwalt and stanislav vasilchenko, reported on the flood situation in the tyumen and kurgan regions. by the end of the year in mariupol, he plans to put all the damaged houses in order; he is repairing not only facades and entrances, but also carrying out work in apartments. social infrastructure is also being actively restored; a new kindergarten has opened in the city. irina efremova will continue the topic. new façade, playgrounds, animators from today, mariupol children have a real holiday. the native garden is reopening after renovation, they raised their hands, little miroslava was one of the first lucky enough to see him. i like our group best, the beautiful tables, toilet, beds, and playroom. was it all ugly before? yes, and today in this garden there is beauty
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at literally every step, we are now in a children’s bedroom, there are characters from soviet cartoons on the walls. that's it... with whom to leave it like this already in the summer of 2022 , the parents began to ask to start the garden, even though it suffered from the fighting, it was very scary, but we got ready, went in, examined the building, until lunch and the children were in the kindergarten garden, and parents could go get rations and someone could get a job. a major overhaul was carried out for the first time, now the institution
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will accommodate 110 people with new communications and security systems, the kindergarten was not in very good condition, so take that too. these will be schools, kindergartens, which means that we have a goal of 500 facades this year, we have about 400 apartments that need to be renovated inside, we are working on it, and of course, that’s what worries me, so far it’s the insufficient pace of restoration of housing construction, so today we talked again, we need to talk again after all, go to every house, figure it out, the deputy prime minister also spoke about plans
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to speed up the pace of launching industrial enterprises, continuing the repair of tens of kilometers of roads, irina efrimova, united russia and the nasha pravda foundation presented airborne forces innovation day in ryazan skvorets drones. they were developed by the center for unmanned systems and technologies, can fly at a distance of up to 20 km, are able to withstand electronic warfare systems and perform tasks in any weather conditions. secretary of the general council of united russia andrei turchak noted that the center for unmanned systems and technologies has already united more than 100 enterprises.
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russia will assist our units in the special military operation zone by ensuring the purchase and delivery of these promising models to the front. in russia, today is a day of united action in memory of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war. in all educational institutions and other sites, many events are held, interactive lessons are held called without a statute of limitations, created with the participation of pedagogues, historians, psychologists, i will reconstruct them. reconstructs the facts of that era. there is no statute of limitations for criminal cases of genocide, they are dealt with by the investigative committee, and every year it is possible to restore more and more new facts of crimes. based on evidence collected by investigators of the investigative committee, including the results of search activities, archival materials, and witness testimony.
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judicial decisions have already taken place in 19 regions of russia. in st. petersburg. lugansk people's republic, kursk, smolensk regions and in other subjects, these criminal actions were recognized by the court as genocide. these decisions are an expression of our country’s position on condemning nazism and its legal prosecution beyond the statute of limitations. the fsb published documents about the struggle of soviet counterintelligence with bandera in the ranks of the red army in the spring of 1944 after liberation. ukraine's reserve regiments and divisions began to call up local residents, including a large number of nationalist formations, according to published documents. by august 1944 in 2018, smersh employees identified more than 4,000 members of the ukrainian rebel army and the organization of ukrainian nationalists.
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it turned out that they received from their leaders the task of conducting anti-soviet agitation, inciting soldiers to desert and making attempts on officers. rosneft today presented new software to large oil and gas companies. first program. rnsm simulator, which models and designs treatment designs for the bottomhole formation zone. this will help increase well productivity. second development - the pn aqua software package, intended for design work; in particular, it allows you to create three-dimensional models of aquifers. and the third new product is the rnsm software package, which will allow processing, interpreting and modeling seismological survey data. the rosne company develops its software, attracting not only highly qualified programmers, but also geologists, geophysicists, mathematicians, physicists, surveyors, designers, and all those who
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use the software. this allows us to create software quickly, efficiently and in a short time frame. we have already adapted some of the software for the linux operating system, which allows our industry companies to more efficiently switch to domestic solutions. we believe that all our efforts help not only our company. but the entire industry throughout the country. time dictates new challenges for us, and we follow the development of software in the field of modeling, especially in the field of integrated modeling. rosneft has a product, it is precisely responsible for can simulate surface networks, primary oil refining. we have already tested this product, now we hope to see new features. new calculation methods and new equipment that we can model and use to optimize production. it is profitable to retire with
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it’s better with vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, this is who else taught whom vtb, together everything will work out, now about the weather, road services in the regions of the west and north-west of russia have been put on high alert for bad weather, weather forecasters are warning about worsening weather and a sharp cold snap in the center of russia,
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let's talk more about this with meteorologists. grigorova, ekaterina, hello, the day before you and your colleagues warned about a nine-storm storm, the forecasts were not adjusted. precipitation is weakening and the wind is increasing. in a few hours the central region will cross the cold front of the cyclone and the wind will increase to almost storm speeds and it will get colder. looks like spring has escaped. winter footage with such comments was posted on social networks this morning by residents of the novgorod, pskov, tver, and leningrad regions. snow charges forced us to reduce speed on the m-11 federal highway. due to snowfalls , traffic inspectors reminded drivers of the need to be careful on the roads and avoid sudden maneuvers, because most motorists have already changed their tires to summer ones. but we managed to get such rare shots rent near old rusa in the novgorod region. newly arrived wintering aestas are pacing in the snow. residents joke that with this weather, the birds may well be getting ready to head back. the return of winter in belarus looked no less impressive. this is the beginning of the day in vitebsk, which is located at the latitude of moscow.
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and due to snowfalls, the number of road accidents has increased. emergency power outages occurred in three regions of the republic. showers and thunderstorms last night were observed over a vast territory from the black earth region and the center of russia to volgovyadsky district. vivid footage was posted on social networks by residents of the nizhny novgorod, kirov, kursk, lipetsk, tambov, oryol, and ryazan regions. at 6:30 am a thunderstorm was recorded in sheremetyevo near moscow. in the voronezh region the night before there was also lightning and rain. was accompanied in some places by hail, the culprit of the bad weather continues to circle over the central region, this whirlwind began to form only yesterday morning and in less than a day, a small balkan cyclone turned into a powerful whirlwind, it covered more than a thousand km by 3:00 am reached the central region, the cloudy spiral of atmospheric fronts stretched from bryansk to kirov, the most intense precipitation occurred in the smolensk region, night thunderstorms thundered on the warm front, and on the cold front came from...
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the cyclone itself is small, but deep. the pressure drops in its zone are 4-5 mm standard column for every 100 km. the pressure in its center is about 730 mm; for the central region, this is 18 mm below normal. the cyclone circulation has very contrasting air masses, so the intensity of precipitation is quite is high and the wind will intensify to storm speeds in some places. in the west of the middle zone gusts up to 17 to 22 m/s. in some areas up to 25. as the cyclone continues to develop, the center of the country will move toward the center of the country , and colder and colder air masses will flow into the center of the country. it’s already snowing from the northern line of smolensk and veliky novgorod, and tomorrow morning the cold snap will cover the entire central region. thermometer readings will approach zero on the banks of the niva and in some places it will freeze to -5°. 200 km from moscow
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already. temporary snow cover began to form. on the territory of the novgorod region , its height reaches 4 cm. by tomorrow morning , the border of the snow cover will advance south by 800 km. there will be some snow even in the upper reaches of the dnieper. moreover, in some places, for example, in st. petersburg and veliky novgorod , quite december snowdrifts with a height of 5-10 cm will appear. it is still relatively warm in moscow. the maximum temperature for today is +13. there were gaps in the clouds, but... the warming up will be canceled by strong winds, by the end of the working day during the day gusts can reach 18 m/s in some places 21, while the temperature at the end of the day will drop to +4, at night to +2°, in windy weather it will seem that it is even a few degrees colder outside, but tomorrow morning the air temperature will be at within the city limits it will be about 5°, the wind will slow down to 13 m/ second.


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