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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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the city will see snowdrifts as high as december , 5-10 cm high. it is still relatively warm in moscow. the maximum temperature for today is +13. there are gaps in the clouds, but the solar heating will be canceled out by strong winds. by the end of the workday, gusts could reach 18 m/s. in some places it will be 21. at the same time , the temperature at the end of the day will drop to +4, at night to +2°. in windy weather , it will seem that it is a few degrees colder outside. well, tomorrow morning the air temperature within the city will be about 5°, the wind will slow down to 13 m/ give me a sec.
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the law on employment has begun to work in a new edition, unemployment benefits will now be indexed annually, additional support measures have appeared, stanislav berenwald has all the details in the program instructions. the new version of the employment law comes into effect; by the way, it has not changed since 1991. how will measures to support the unemployed work now? let's say, in 5 minutes there are instructions in the program. let's start with unemployment benefits, which will now be indexed every year in february. indexing will take place on based on the consumer price growth index for the previous year, it is now 107.4%. thus, the maximum unemployment benefit in the first 3 months will be 13,739 rubles, in the next 3 months 5,370 rubles. citizens will be able to receive benefits in this amount. from
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february 1, the minimum benefit amount will be 1,611 rubles. let us remind you that the benefit is calculated from the average earnings at the last job. you can claim the maximum if you worked 26 weeks during the year before registering with the employment center. from former individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people will now be able to receive the new upper limit benefit. individual entrepreneurs and those who work under a civil contract will be able to count. not only for the minimum amount of unemployment benefits, as was the case before, but a higher amount of benefits will be accrued if, in addition to entrepreneurship, 26 weeks of employment are confirmed a year before registration at the employment center, unemployment benefits will be calculated in this case , based on average earnings in such labor relations. let us remember who receives the minimum benefit - these are those who are looking for work for the first time, who have not worked 26 weeks over the last year, who want to resume work after a break of more than a year,
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a month from the date of receiving the status of unemployed ; such applicants are employed, then the employment service will pay them in the remaining period of additional payment between the wages they receive and the average wage in the region. in most cases, benefits can be received for no more than six months. the main
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goal of the employment service is to help find a job. all applicants can undergo free retraining under the national project demographics in their list of priority professions for the labor market. states the government, having studied the staffing needs of employers. the law specifies the categories of citizens who will be primarily assisted in obtaining vocational education; these are those who have completed military service by conscription or contract, including in volunteer formations, and members of their families; they will be assisted with training for 3 years , such citizens have the right for priority employment through employment services. another priority is employment. centers in our employment service will be partially compensated for the costs of the hiring subsidy program, and students will be helped with internships. personnel departments should interact with the career centers of colleges and universities in order to eliminate
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the problem of the first job as much as possible. well, on the job in russia portal it will be possible to use the internship and practice service from may 1. on the portal , customers of targeted training will have to publish their proposals. enrollee will be able to choose an offer in any region of the country that interests him. from september 1 of this year, the provisions of the law that relate to quotas for the employment of people with disabilities come into force. regions will have the full right to establish them for employers in different amounts, depending on the sector of the municipality and the number of employees. by the way, additional financial support is also provided. individual entrepreneurs will be able to receive government support.
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and functions through it will form and maintain an electronic personal file of the unemployed, as a result all processes will go ahead, including social payments. with the postponement , several more important changes will come into force: if previously a person got some casual work during unemployment, then he was deregistered at the employment center. according to the new law, it will be possible to work for up to five working days on the basis of a civil law contract; the employment service in this case has no right. remove a citizen from the status of unemployed, stop paying benefits, this norm has been in effect since 2025, and if a person will be recognized as unemployed in a place of temporary stay, then - the new legislation also allows him the opportunity not only to search for work, but together, this was possible in
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the previous version, but to receive unemployment benefits. these changes also take effect in 2025. let's repeat, the most important unemployment benefit will be indexed every year in february, receive it... in the maximum amount , former individual entrepreneurs and self-employed orphans, under certain conditions, will be paid the difference between their average salary region. and finally, disabled people and entrepreneurs will be able to receive subsidies for disabled workers. some of the provisions of the new employment law will come into force next fall. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about any of the government support measures, subscribe to our telegram channel. ask, and we will disturb the relevant departments and tell you about everything in one of the next releases of the program instructions: meet new
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limited designs of sbercards and stickers, apply on the sberbank website or application online enjoy them every day, it’s just space, a kitford vertical vacuum cleaner or a kitford air grill. with discounts up to 18%. burger king tastes better when cooked on fire. what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longidaza against prostatitis. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a superkick in rubles every month. and also withdraw cash for free at any atms. not just profitable, alpha profitable. this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g
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of unprecedented rich taste in one glass, try a real plambier russian cold, great, incredible taste, you don’t need it like that, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, like that, choose buy with convenient delivery by click on the megamarket, hunting, this is your thirst, your chance to get yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. great car, i agree, perfect, just needs to change the oil. shall we stop by? do you have the perfect one? oil for my car? here is an excellent oil - growth oil mabr. 83% of buyers choose it again. what's so special about it?
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on fire, taste, don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like that, like that, i understand, buy with a discount of up to 99% for bonuses with ber, thank you, alpha friday, supercake every week on alfabank cards, on friday , april 19, we give 50% on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment, only in the alfa afisha service in the alfa bank application. not just profitable, alpha profitable. democracy, glasnost, in general, perestroika in one word. these guests came in, came out, and between the very talked. nevermind, why are you telling us that everyone is equal? the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society, in principle , was a capitalist society, democracy
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was a show, that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great feeling of freedom among the people, but people did not know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they got carried away western ideas, we can be friends, the americans began to tell us how we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, they sincerely wanted to help, why russia. the market for household appliances in russia has changed, european and american companies have been replaced by russian, chinese and turkish ones. the range of products is growing, sales volumes are increasing, and smart gadgets are appearing more and more often. in the homes of russians. read more about everything in a special report by alena logvinova. brands of household appliances that
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left russia are gradually closing their stores, our companies are taking their place, what strategy do they choose to enter the market. a very good balance between emotions and economics. while we are opening stores, we have there are only 20 of them, we... opened half of them last year, sales of equipment are growing, and in retail stores on online platforms, the assortment is expanding, buyers are increasingly trusting new brands, like retail. are adapting to current conditions; if last year we closed at about 150,000 unique titles, then we entered this year having boldly exceeded the figure of 200,000. indeed, people have begun to trust online sales on marketplaces more, both large and small household appliances.
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smart gadgets are increasingly appearing in homes russians, what household processes can already be optimized using mobile phones. that is , you put it in, forgot, and after some time the phone reminds you that you need to add more powder or add more water, the departure of european, american and south korean... brands of household appliances gave a chance to russian brands. last year, the profits of our producers as a whole increased two to three times. for example, the vacated niche was successfully occupied by mg rusland. 2 years ago the dishwasher industry was dominated by german and swedish companies. after they left, the manufacturer focused on this category. equipment is ordered under contract
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from china, europe and turkey. if you have a wide range, it’s easier for you to work with everyone. due to sanctions, domestic manufacturers were forced to rebuild supply chains to look for new partners, and some even moved their own factories to other cities, but this brought results. the fti group company moved production from kaliningrad to the moscow region in 2022, while they are working here
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two lines of the slide, but plans to open another one in the future. thus, the total volume of... production will increase from 300,000 pieces per year to 1 million. the company cooperates with large chinese, spanish, turkish brands. the kaliningrad assembler of household appliances decided to change his registration after the closure of the logistics chains of the sea. investments in expansions have already exceeded 150 million rubles. after the introduction of sanctions , container lines stopped entering the kaliningrad region and it became very difficult to import equipment here. and our company. accepted the decision that it would be easier to bring the equipment to the moscow region, due to the fact that the main customers are located in moscow, the company itself is currently located in the same place where it was in kaliningrad, but the production itself only remains in voskresensk, essentially contract assembly has been established here , brands order tvs mainly from chinese partners,
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they supply components in the moscow region and then specialists assemble the equipment, an obligatory aspect. quality control. during the shift, products are checked in in a selective manner. a new tv comes off the assembly line in voskresensk every 45 seconds. if you need to switch from one brand to another, the lines are rebuilt in less than an hour. the transition from model to model takes about 10 minutes. that is, i don’t know what brand. depends more on the diagonal. transition to the example from 26 diagonals from 32 to 50 and back. that's the problem. and if the diagonals are the same, there are no problems with ordering. 10 minutes means the average productivity of the line from the twenty -sixth there to 43 1.200 per shift 50 55 - the digital television systems company is located in the kaliningrad region in the city of gusev on the territory of technopolis gs produces
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tv set-top boxes up to 2.5 million units per year, and receives components from neighbors. also residents of the cluster, first , microcircuits and other electronic components are installed and soldered on the raft, then connectors and controls are mounted, then the final assembly of the finished product, its testing and packaging. here they also release software that our engineers write, plus the development of the constructive, this is also our production of molds, this is also ours, so here everything is in cooperation. most of the work at the plant is performed by artificial intelligence; employees are needed mainly for control; nearby is a manufacturer of plastic and metal cases. a full
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production cycle, when a customer comes to us and says that i have an idea to make this or that product, our designers work with them, make drawings, mathematical models, which are subsequently agreed upon with them, after that, if the customer everything suits us, we manufacture this or that equipment. details according to his requirements, tv sales in the country grew by 28% last year. the russians purchased 8,700,000 devices, the chinese became the leader, and south korean brands were ahead. the household appliances market is being actively explored by new brands, mainly from turkey and china. russian and belarusian manufacturers are also strengthening their positions. according to research, approximately half of buyers believe that they can find the product they need. easy enough. the market has changed therefore, the business model is being restructured by large players. for example, a qualitative transformation was carried out in a large chain of household appliances and electronics stores.
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the retailer found new formats of work and expanded its portfolio of brands and services. as for leaving, in fact, almost no one left. one way or another, brands maintain their presence, some explicitly, some implicitly . and from the point of view of the emergence of new players, of course. in household appliances , primarily chinese brands have increased their positions, while in russia online sales are also growing rapidly, the three largest marketplaces, wildld, barisazon and yandex market, sold electronics and equipment worth 720 billion rubles in 2023, which is 75% more than a year earlier, as the participants themselves explain, with the departure of some manufacturers, the strength of the brand has ceased to play an important role, it is no longer so important for the buyer to purchase equipment in retail stores that were famous for direct deliveries. you can choose a marketplace where prices are often lower. indeed, people began to trust online sales on marketplaces more, as a major
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household appliances and small ones. and we would like to note two main factors that contribute to this: firstly, these are reviews, people actually read them, and use the experience of previous buyers. product certification has also been introduced on marketplaces. confirming its originality. all products that have passed the test have a certain mark: original product. another online trend among offline retailers is the growth in income from the sale of smart household gadgets. the category is becoming mass products. such devices are extremely popular during major sales on the eve of the new year holidays. there are only a third of vacuum cleaners left on the market, the second third are occupied by robots, where you don’t even need to press, just tell him. go vacuum and he went to clean up the vacuum cleaner the last three trinkas have now gone away with such a device as sticks we call them or well, vertical vacuum cleaners
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, yes, that is, this is actually a newfangled story , what’s convenient is that there is no garter to the network, you can take it to any place, you can reach the power , it allows any it seems to remove the dirt. what this is a fitting room, but this is a demonstration of the operation of the smart curtains function, and we can say, open the curtains, it will begin to open the curtains, following the trends, in september 2022 , the marvel distribution company signed an agreement with the chinese manufacturer of smart home appliances and began supplying brand products to russia . turn on the red color. robots were the first to enter the market.
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control the washing machine, unfortunately, do not load things, but at least you can control the modes, control the time, on your phone you can see what time it is... left until the end of the wash, these functions allow the user to think less about how much powder he poured in, how much water he poured in, if we are talking about a dishwasher, that is, he installed it, forgot it, and after some time the phone reminds you, that you need to add more powder or add more water. you can now find smart gadgets in a network of stores that previously specialized in products. announced a change in the brand concept and redesign, first of all , the range has changed, it has expanded, now
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you can buy in stores... home appliances, goods for sports and recreation, there was even a special section for animals. stores will open on an area of ​​150-200 km. this format is more convenient for the client and optimal in terms of revenue. in the company , along with the rebranding, there was a change in the assortment policy; we had a certain, so to speak, policy written down for the brands that we take. of course, there are primarily a lot of chinese brands here, why? because the chinese. in principle, now the cutting edge of the knife, so to speak, they are the first to introduce all the most interesting things, they come up with, and there are quite a large number of, so to speak, advanced brands that, in principle, compete today with korean brands and are one of the most advanced ecosystems there in terms of, for example, a smart home. last year, the demand for large household appliances in our country increased to brands from china, turkey, russia and belarus
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. this tunnel is not the longest on bama, only 1800 m, but they began to break through it in the duseolinsky ridge already in 1939, it was all in full swing, you know, all this excited you, it continues to to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, what volume to go out with, how much money to spend, the economy has turned to the east, and to the detriment of our enemies we are achieving great success.
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there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction. the construction of the baikal sea mainline is not only about rails. the problem is for people to be there, live, serve. this is the task. april 19. memorable date of russia. april 19, 1783, the day of crimea’s admission to russia. empress. catherine ii signed the manifesto on the acceptance of the crimean peninsula, the taman island of the entire kuban side under the russian power. the manifesto spoke of a happy transformation from rebellion and disorder into peace, silence and legal order. the crimean referendum of 2014 continued the events of those days, confirming the historical affiliation of the peninsula with russia.
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in russia, the geography of spring floods is expanding, intensely. the situation in the kurgan region, water enters 13 settlements, eight more are under the threat of flooding, in one day the water in the kurgan area rose by 40 cm, several sections of roads are closed due to overflow. in the tyumen region, the level of ishim has increased by more than 2 m, boat crossings have been organized, rescuers are helping local residents, delivering food and medicine. in the risk zone of the orenburg region there are several villages along the banks.


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