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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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in russia, the geography of spring floods is expanding, the situation is tense in the kurgan region, water is entering 13 settlements, and eight more are under threat of flooding. during the day, the water in the kurgan area rose by 40 cm, and several sections of roads were closed due to overflows. in the tyumen region, the level of ishim has increased by more than 2 m, boat crossings have been organized, rescuers are helping local residents, delivering food and medicine. in the riskov zone in
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the orenburg region there are several villages along the banks of the sakmara river. residents are asking to collect necessary documents and things and prepare for evacuation. in areas where the water has begun to recede, damage assessment commissions began work today. in bashkiria , the number of flooded garden plots almost doubled in one day. in the samara region, several bridges went under water. in the tomsk area , ice began to move on the tom river. rescuers.
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hello, what is the situation now? hello, yes, indeed in ustishimi everything is now on high alert, because this is the very north of omsk region, it borders tyumen, the irty and shim rivers actually flow there, which can overflow its banks, as for ertysh, everything is relatively calm here, the biggest flood happened in the omsk region, oddly enough, on the contrary in the south, where it seems like it should be dry, but the water came from there from kazakhstan, because there was a lot of snow there and you... in the russko-polyansky district, a dam broke, and today the governor of the omsk region, vitaly khatsenko, visited the region, by the way, didn't come, but arrived by helicopter, because the roads there are still washed out, they are very much in the water, in some places it is almost impossible to get there, at least by car, vitai khotsenko assessed the damage, and told local residents that they would be sent payments to all those affected by the flood, from 1000, this is for all residents and up to 1000, these are those
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animals, well, this is the situation so far in the omsk region, vera, irina, thank you, irina lots, the flood situation in the vomsk region, in buryatia rescuers are monitoring the situation with possible ones. except ice on the selenga river experts call several areas difficult at once. report by tatyana kostelova. arrival of drones, 10 minutes after arrival we will begin broadcasting. 10 minutes before the rotorcraft drone launches into the sky. the drone will help rescuers cope with an important task today. to display the most clear picture of what is happening in the area, the ministry of emergency situations monitors the flood situation not only on the ground or... but even from the air
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, you can estimate the scale from a bird's eye view thanks to this easily controlled the fantom4 aircraft takes a minute before launch by a specialist and the aircraft soars up, on the operator’s monitor the whole force is in full view, having flown tens of meters, the drone’s controller notices: ilyinka is no longer threatened by water, however, hundreds of areas in the republic are all... flooded, for 24 hours today , 12 residential buildings and 286 household plots were freed from water, 30 residential buildings and 311 household plots remain flooded. we continue to monitor the situation, the situation is under the control of the main department of the ministry of emergency situations russia in the republic of buryatia. today
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there is another goal - to identify ice jams on the selenga. it is because of them that the flood does not recede. having determined the boundaries of the territory, the operator records the geolocation. this is where the traffic jam is. yeah, there's a drop of ice here. there, further on, the water is already clear, that is, he will be called, yes, but here, in advance, in this place , an explosion will be carried out. the same picture is observed by the operator at the local mobile communication center; he transmits an image of the area to the central headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations. visually we clearly observe the congestion ice, that is, ice cover completely from coast to coast, we will now fly over and show the full picture in order to assess the situation. here , engineers monitor every second of video online. thanks to high-speed internet, the broadcast from the drone is not interrupted even for a minute. the drone has the ability to broadcast from an installed camera, which allows you to assess the situation with high resolution.
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rescuers promptly transmit data on the location of the ice jam to the military. in a matter of minutes, sapper engineers are ready to produce blasting on the river. the picture above gives a more detailed idea. how ice can behave after an explosion, ice after blasting work gradually goes down, to the place of the jam there are kilometers of paths that the military and rescuers overcome in an airboat, we start, the ice field from shore to shore opposite ilinka does not allow water to pass, because below elinka the water is already open, 2 km of the line field will explode, 30 seconds before the explosion, the sapper reports full readiness. atom i kuban at the reception, charges in a number of sixteen pieces have been installed, ready to carry out an explosion, as understood, reception, ready, fire, specialists record
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the result, the method worked, the water has no more barriers, the selenga continued its flow, bypassing the territory of the populated area, aerial monitoring will continue until the flood situation stabilizes, tatyana kostygova: viktor yalantsev, leading buryatia. powerful explosions rocked the night before in ukraine. reports came from several regions of the country at once, with the majority of cases in one region in dnepropetrovsk region. closer to the morning , ukrainian publications published notes about strikes in two cities in dnepropetrovsk and krivoy rog. according to local authorities, infrastructure facilities have been damaged. a few hours earlier, the roar of detonation was heard in pavlodar. where exactly this happened has not yet been reported. explosions thundered. region, the night before a gas pipeline in the kharkov region detonated. the torch of burning fuel rose to a height of 70 m, and asphalt began to melt within a radius of 40 m. sergey shaigu checked in omsk region to fulfill the state defense order, the head
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of the military department visited the plant where tanks and heavy flamethrower systems are produced. the management told the minister that when preparing equipment for sending to a special operation zone, its security increases. already on the assembly line, the modernized t-80 tanks are equipped with new camouflage kits. denis alekseev with details. production in accordance with the realities of combat operations. if it has long been clear that the probability of a shell arriving at a tank from the flank is much less than the probability of being hit by enemy drone. here this is taken into account and standard protection is installed. common birth is a visor. we supply the machine with additional protection as standard.
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the next batch of tanks with significantly increased survivability is prepared for shipment to the northern military district zone. we started this big program for additional protection when we... were looking for alloys there, we were looking for everything else, we found it all, we did it all, but now we need to increase it. and here they understand this very well, and therefore the number of heavy flamethrower systems produced by the sun is another brainchild omsk-transmash, over the year it has only increased by 2 and a half times. we expanded production capacity, adjusted the schedule, and trained new personnel. training and retraining of specialists takes place within the walls of the enterprise. you get that depending on the shift. well , 70-80 attention is also paid to equipment that is already being used at the fronts, part of the work on
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the repair and maintenance of such armored vehicles was undertaken by cadets of the armored engineering institute, such is the production practice, but what kind of experience is gained, we have absolutely everything there in a different way, that’s right, it’s completely different, that’s right, and the kids there should understand that we have a barbecue here, and they make additional body kits, right? you have to learn this. the state defense order of omsk-transmash is scheduled for a long time in advance and is completed on time, even taking into account the constantly introduced innovations and improvements. issues regarding the supply of engines have been resolved. production of new engines with greater power began. production of heavy flamethrower systems began. everything we said about retrofitting tanks with additional protection, armor protection, protection from... pilot aircraft of various levels, additional systems for protecting
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sighting systems, these tasks have also been completed. the task of issuing, within the framework of the state defense order, not just weapons for the front, but modernized models that will significantly increase the effectiveness of our military in the special operation zone, is faced by almost all defense industry enterprises. this week, sergei shaig was shown a functional fire support complex; the vehicle is modern, but needs to be improved, the minister notes. if we take it and do it as, therefore, an assault weapon, here we need to insert 12.7, chryzontema anti-tank missile systems with modern guided missiles, manpads, a launcher for verba anti-aircraft missiles, an active tank protection complex, arena m, which is already being finalized taking into account the experience of a special operation, all these are also weapons , which is under the control of the russian ministry of defense, recently inspected an alloy enterprise in ... the region, they are constantly working to improve the accuracy of its main products, rocket systems hail, hurricane, tornado, and
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the results are not long in coming. in these frames, the tula rszzo tornado delicately destroys the vaunted american hymers, and that’s what it’s designed for. denis alekseev, fyodor zarovny, lead. alpha friday. every week using alfabank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances, concerts, festivals and other entertainment. only in the alfa poster service in the alfabank application. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. it tastes better on fire. burger king. on easter, russian lotto unites people; when we are together, our help is greater, in
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charity easter circulation, from each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes. we'll give away 1,000 cash prizes, every second ticket wins. yandex tv station pro. culet screen with anti-glare coating, voice control with alice, unlimited content - all the capabilities of the station. alice, continue the film. i turn it on, forget about the remote control with the new yandex tv station pro. tabacquette, start a new life without cigarettes. it’s not easy to catch a firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on syota, your money will not fly away. we return the rubles for the remaining minutes and run. you can yota like this, you don’t need it, you need it like this, like this, like that, i
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jandex go , jandex go, all deliveries. hunting is your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes in just 100 rub. hunt, come out to win. touch the croc. burger king is everywhere, water, on fire, taste! order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, receive a superkick in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! contract military personnel receive
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regional support measures. combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and others benefits from the state. everything is fair here. serve under contract. director of the moscow kremlin reserve museum elena gagarina was awarded the order of merit for the fatherland, third degree. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. the document was published on the official legal information portal. it says that gagarina was awarded for her great contribution to the development of museums and the preservation of the cultural heritage of russia. on april 17, elena gagarina,
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daughter of the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin, turned 65 years old. promotion life expectancy, active longevity are the main priorities of state policy, this is stated in vladimir putin’s address to a member of the board of the ministry of health, which was read by deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. the meeting is being held today at vdnkh, and the prime minister also delivered a welcoming speech. mikhail mishustin noted that in terms of life expectancy , russia has achieved the highest indicators in history. thanks to the efforts of the entire medical community, significant achievements have been made. result. for the last year, life expectancy in our country has increased to almost 73.5 years. this is the highest figure in the entire history of russia. it is important to do everything necessary to increase the availability of quality treatment, including high-tech treatment, using modern breakthrough methods.
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therefore, we are consistently expanding the program of state guarantees. for the current year its funding. increased by more than 400 billion rubles. so that citizens continue to receive help free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy, even with serious illnesses. residents of any in the russian region can now apply to leading federal centers, not only at their place of residence, but also undergo the most complex operations. by the end of the year in mariupol they plan to put all the damaged houses in order; not only the facades and entrances are being repaired, the work is being carried out inside. in the apartments of residents, the social infrastructure is being actively restored; a kindergarten has opened in the city with new bright playrooms, cozy bedrooms, and a modern catering unit. irina efremova will continue the topic. new facade, games playground animators, today the children of mariupol have a real holiday, their native garden is being opened after renovation. they raised their hands.
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little miroslava was one of the first lucky enough to see him. i like our group the most. the block is, well, the right guideline where parents can look, that is, is it worth giving birth or not, is everything ready for this, not like it was before, when there were long queues, that is, this... had to be adjusted when having a child , taking into account where to leave him later, with whom leave it, so already in the summer of 2022, parents began asking to start the garden, even though it
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was damaged by the fighting. it was very scary, but we got ready, went in, examined the building, until lunchtime, the children were in kindergarten, and the parents could go get rations and someone could get a job. a major overhaul was carried out for the first time; now the institution has new communications and security systems. soon absolutely all the children in the city will see what russian standards mean. deputy prime minister marat khusnulin spoke about new plans for the restoration of mariupol. every time when i come here, i make sure to fly over by helicopter, i see that we are there before the end of the year. basically we will finish all the apartment buildings, this year we still have about 10-12 objects, these will be schools, kindergartens, which means that we have a goal of 500 facades this year, we have
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about 400 apartments that need to be renovated inside, we we are working on it, and of course, that’s what worries me, so far the pace of recovery is insufficient, today we talked again, we still need to go to each house again and figure it out, the deputy prime minister also spoke about the plans speed up the pace of launch. israel launched strikes on iran, the media reported, according to their data, the target was an air base near the city of isfahan, and drones were allegedly launched. meanwhile, according to representatives of the iranian national cyberspace center, the drones were launched from the territory of the islamic republic. as one of the generals of the uranian army stated, the damage was not recorded, and the sounds that were
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in india began parliamentary elections due to the size of the country, almost billions of voters , the voting was divided into the 7th stage, it will go until june.
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rossneft today presented large oil and gas companies with new software, the first rnstm simulator program, which models and designs the treatment design of the bottomhole zone of the formation. intended for design work, it in particular allows you to create three-dimensional models of aquifers. and the third new product is the rnsm software package, which will allow processing, interpreting and modeling seismological survey data. the rossneft company develops its software, involving not only highly qualified programmers, but also geologists, geophysicists, mathematicians, and physicists. surveyors, designers, all those who use the software, this allows us to create software quickly, efficiently in a short time. we have already
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adapted some of the software for the linux operating system, which allows our industry companies to more efficiently switch to domestic solutions. we believe that all our efforts help not only our company, but the entire industry, the entire country. until 2023 we had, so to speak, our equipment is only foreign... in 2022 we began to actively look for some analogues, based on objective indicators we settled on renvector, since 23 it has now been equipped with us, we are gradually integrating it into production activities , we are covering more and more cases related to engineering requests, it is important that we constantly have such a communication corridor with developers with technical support, they actively help, that is , some questions arise, they listen to what what we need, what our needs are, they are trying to quickly implement them, now is the time for
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economic news, popularity is growing in russia. automobile tourism, according to the association of tour operators, at the end of 2023, up to half of travelers reached their vacation destinations by car, this is a record share; previously it did not exceed 15%. the association noted that there are no prerequisites for a reduction in auto tourism this year, its expected share is 50%. astro group raised almost 12 billion rubles as part of a secondary placement of shares. total sold 21 million securities, or 10%. capital, investor demand tripled the supply, the company received over 60,000 applications. the deal became the largest open source debut since 2021 and the largest in the technology sector since 2020. russian gas exports to europe remain a record, despite the end of the heating season. according to rbc calculations , gazprom supplied 543 million cubic meters to the eu via the turkish stream in 2 weeks. this is a four-year
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maximum. in total since the beginning of the year. 4 billion cubic meters have already been pumped along this pipeline, with taking into account supplies via the ukrainian route, there are already more than 8 billion. earlier it was reported that europe ended the heating season with record gas reserves. the occupancy level of the underground gas storage facility at the end of march was above 58%. and belgium again began purchasing russian diamonds in february. this was reported by riyavosti with reference to data from the european statistical service. since the start of supplies , the country has already imported 25 kg of industrial diamonds worth almost... rubles. this is the first batch since october and the largest since april. let me remind you that the g7 countries introduced a ban on the import of russian diamonds from 1 january. it was economic news. short.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. it is best, in these conditions, to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow. an assembly has been created that is not the church of christ, the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste, and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, initially set the task of tearing off ukrainian people from russian. the lord is wonderful among
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his saints, let's see what happens next. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. take russian digital solutions to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal ones. yes, ours are more brutal. there will be more. how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions. and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product, your brother is there in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger, i ’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i owe him find.
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now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, good afternoon, we have a few questions today, let's talk about state reserves, let's talk about...


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