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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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well, the way they look, they look like that, there are so many different things, a surprise, of course, like that, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we’ll meet in the future, tell me when 100 years from now. state reserve reserves and the fight against the drug threat were discussed today by members of the security council. the meeting was held via videoconference from nogorevo by vladimir putin. this is how the president outlined the topics of conversation. we have several questions today. let's talk about
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state reserves, talk about measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population - in the fight against the drug threat, several speakers, powerful explosions thundered at night, the night before in ukraine, messages came from several regions of the country at once, ukrainian... the publication published notes about attacks in two cities in dnepropetrovsk and krivoy rog. according to local authorities, infrastructure facilities have been damaged. a few hours earlier, the roar of detonation was heard in pavlodar, where exactly this happened has not yet been reported. explosions thundered in the odessa region; the night before, a gas pipeline in the kharkov region detonated areas. the torch of burning fuel rose to a height of 70 m, and the asphalt began to melt within a radius of 40 m. the commander of the artillery battery of the ukrainian armed forces,
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ivan yaroshchuk, was sentenced in russia to 22 years in prison. this sentence was imposed for ordering the murder of four civilians in mariupol. as the investigative committee informed the court, the evidence collected was sufficient. the crime occurred in the spring of 2022; yaroshchuk’s subordinate noticed a car with white tape on the mirrors and door handles. there were four unarmed people inside men. having learned about this, yaroschok ordered to open fire on the car. the militants failed. to achieve the goal, the residents were able to run out of the car and hide. yaroshchuk admitted the wine. sergei shaigu checked the implementation of the state defense order in the omsk region. the head of the military department visited the plant where tanks and heavy flamethrower systems are produced. the management told the minister that when preparing equipment for sending to a special operation zone, its security is increased already on the assembly line. modernized t-80 tanks are equipped with new camouflage kits.
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denis alekseev with details. production in accordance with the realities of combat operations. if it has long become clear that the probability of a shell arriving at a tank from the flank is much less than the probability of being hit by an enemy drone, this is taken into account and standard protection is installed. in common parlance it is a visor. we supply the machine with additional protection module as standard. modernization of tanks at omsk-transmash is constant. defense minister shaigu visited the enterprise. last summer the question was how to strengthen the protection targeting devices, now there is no such task, the last time we were here, we looked, which means protection of sights, protection of sights, it is there, yes, yes, yes, of course, all the cars that come off the assembly line are equipped with a set of camouflage means, there is an additional turret protection module; the next batch of tanks with significantly increased survivability is prepared for shipment to the northern military district zone. when
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we started this big program for additional protection, then when we were looking for alloys there, we were looking for everything else, we found it all, they did all this, but now we need to increase it, and here they understand this very well, and therefore the number of produced heavy flamethrower systems solntsepek, this is another brainchild of omskransmash, has only been increased by 2 and a half times in a year, production capacity has been expanded, the schedule has been adjusted, and new personnel have been trained , training and retraining of specialists is taking place...
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a barbecue is installed here, additional body kits are being made, but yes, 28 this must be learned, the state defense order of omsk-transmash is scheduled for a long time. production of new engines began greater power, production has begun , issues regarding the supply of engines, heavy flamethrower systems have been resolved, everything that we said about retrofitting tanks with additional protection, armor protection, protection from unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels, additional systems for protecting sighting systems. these tasks have also been completed; within the framework of the state defense order, the task of issuing not just weapons for the front, but modernized models that will significantly increase the effectiveness of our military in the special operation zone is worth in front of almost all defense industry enterprises. this week, sergei shaig was shown
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a functional fire support complex; the vehicle is modern, but needs to be improved, the minister notes. if we take it and make it like an assault rifle, we need to put it here. chryzontema anti-tank missile systems with modern guided missiles, manpads, a launcher for verba anti-aircraft missiles, an active protection complex for the arena m tank, which are already being finalized taking into account the experience of the special operation, all these are also weapons that are under control russian ministry of defense. not long ago, shaigub inspected the splav enterprise in the tula region, where they are constantly working to improve the accuracy of its main products, the grad, hurricane, and tornado rocket systems. and the results are not long in coming. in these frames, the tula rszzo tornado delicately destroys the vaunted american hymers, and that’s what it’s designed for. denis alekseev, fyodor zarovny, lead. the geography of spring floods is expanding in russia. the tense situation in
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the kurgan region. water comes in at 13 settlements, eight more are under threat of flooding. during the day, the water in the kurgan area rose by 40 cm. due to overflows , several sections of roads were closed. in the tyumen region , the level of ishim has increased by more than 2 m, boat crossings have been organized, rescuers are helping local residents, delivering food and medicine. in the risk zone in the orenburg region, several villages along the banks of the sakmara river, residents are asked to collect the necessary documents and things to prepare for evacuation. in areas where the waters have begun to recede, today a damage assessment commission began its work. in bashkiria , the number of flooded garden plots almost doubled in one day. in the samara region several went under water. bridges in the tomsk area, ice began to move on the tom river. rescuers are monitoring the hydrological situation. and in the altai territory , the state of emergency has been lifted. restoration work has begun. our special
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correspondents: stanislav vasilchenko and stanislav bernwald are monitoring the situation in the kurgan and tyumen regions. they are in touch. hello colleagues. first kurgan region. stanislav, what is the current situation in the flooded areas? yes, vera, greetings, the water in tobol has already exceeded the mark of 10 m, now it is staying at a mark of 15 cm, but for the last 2 hours, this mark remains unchanged, however, according to the information of the ministry of emergency situations, today an increase in water is expected on tobol , which will vary from 25 to 100 cm. according to the latest information, now in the region, 29 settlements remain flooded, 1941 residential ones. house and 3,380 country houses, also five low-water bridges and 12 sections of highways, right now behind us is just one of the bridges that leads from the city embankment to the nearest snt. the water got very close to it, so it was blocked off, emergency situations ministry employees are now on duty here, but
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this is actually what the private sector itself looks like, where this road leads, pay attention, the houses, the first floors of all houses are already completely underwater. somewhere, as the locals have already told us, some houses simply floated up, in fact, the locals don’t know what to do with them next, they come back here to again check the condition of the house, but of course, this can only be done on boats, right now two locals were apparently checking the condition of their house, today the minister of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, alexander kurenkov, is working in kurgan, primarily the head of the department examined the bridges that are located. in the flood zone , i talked with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations who are involved in eliminating the consequences of the floods, so i suggest watching a fragment of kurenkov’s conversation with the employees of the ministry of emergency situations. umsky most received a task from the governor, which means there was a flood of submerged trees, debris,
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in a word, small traffic jams formed, now a group of rescuers has been sent to float the equipment with a program in order to clean it all up as much as possible and let the water pass beyond the control of this lady. we have 17 points identified, they are on duty around the clock and include an engineer, that is , from the production workers who patrol the areas, these are all scattered across all 22. both day and night, yes, yeah, also alexander kurenkov checked today how they are being observed anti-flood measures in the areas of kurgan, where water is already approaching apartment buildings, embankment dams have also been installed there, they cope with their task, moreover, the minister of the ministry of emergency situations even recommended that the ministry of emergency situations employees share their experience with other regions that are also prone to floods, if the current level is tabola i came here, he’s standing.
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thank you, now to the tyumen region, stanislav bernwald works there, stanislav, what are the regional authorities of the ministry of emergency situations doing to prevent large-scale flooding of the region, what is known by this minute? hello, colleagues, well , the most important thing is that, probably at this moment , it’s worth saying that in the city of ishim and in general in
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the tyumen region, problems are becoming more and more every hour, we are on a pedestrian bridge due to rising water, and here something like this has formed here is a garbage jam, as it is called, a garbage jam, a garbage jam, and the wood that was going upstream just stood up, the water last night here in the area of ​​​​the city of ishim rose as much as 2.5 m, even more than 2.60, to be precise, here accordingly, this... garbage jam is now preventing water from passing through, and in connection with this , a spill begins, what we see, we see employees of the ministry of emergency situations and other services who are now trying to eliminate this jam, this is done in the following way: they are trying to break through just under the bridge there is a traffic jam, something goes under the bridge and further downstream, and something is pulled out by larger pieces of wood and pulled to the opposite bank, this traffic jam must be eliminated as soon as possible... otherwise on the dam, the dam is literally 100-150 m away, there's already water there
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approached, but if this plug is not eliminated, a rapid rise of water will begin, i say again, over the past 24 hours the rise was 2.60, this is a lot, just last night there were great brightness, the village went under water, the water is coming very quickly , there are already flooded areas, getting to them is still extremely, extremely difficult, but we will try: we already have more than 90 flooded houses, it’s difficult for people, i’ve made a decision, we’ll pay the families whose houses were flooded 50.00 rubles for priority needs, no need to collect any papers , you will only need a statement, instructed social services to pay as much money as possible. the issue of subsequent support
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will be considered after a commission inspection of residential premises, now all forces are rushing here in order to break through this traffic jam, it is clear that the forces of the ministry of emergency situations are not enough, i think that builders will also be involved here now, generally free hands of course there is a catastrophic shortage, but... people, ordinary citizens come, help strengthen the dam, help increase the dam crest, well, now they are also needed here people, because well, it needs to be cleaned up overnight, and the amount of work here is large, and , accordingly, the garbage is all right, right, that is, if you don’t clean it up, it will simply grow, the volunteers who work for days on the dam, exactly for days, that is, several shifts, work does not stop for a minute, many say that they could not stay away from this trouble, we, like
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no one else, must help in this problem, and we were the very first to volunteer, so we are not shirking, even, you know , we are told, forget about studying for now, so we need to help the city, because such a disaster has come, and we must cope with it, so with all our might, everyone, all the guys are trying, working tirelessly, even working in two shifts, even someone sometimes asks to work in two shifts in order to get more to help this city, because... we, like no one else, must help and we are coping as best we can in the city ; radio sirens are constantly heard. periodically interrupted by emergency messages about b-evacuation, if you are in dangerous flood areas, you need to evacuate either to relatives or to a temporary temporary detention center, which are provided with everything, including hot meals, medical care, and so on and so on and so forth, meanwhile, people who are located in areas at risk of flooding continue to evacuate valuables
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, take them out and evacuate people with limited mobility. in the temporary temporary residence center or in the hospital. if you have no relatives or friends outside the flood zone, go to a temporary accommodation center. the addresses of the temporary accommodation center can be found in the city administration. residents are preparing, transporting things. right now i'm waiting for an ambulance to grandma needs to be hospitalized; she has limited mobility. tomorrow is a day off, we’ll come and we’ll also clean everything in her house, lift it into the attics, and prepare for the flood. everything is on the second floor. raised it, so i think that it should be able to withstand it, i’ll tell you about now, when the heater in 1970 was flooded, the second floor - that means 2.50, well, i think that everything should probably be preserved, but everywhere in essence, jewelry work is underway, so the employees
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of the ministry of emergency situations are now going down to this traffic jam, trying to secure the cable and pulling out the garbage onto... or sent under the bridge, we continue to monitor the situation here in the city of ishim, all the latest news is on our air. colleagues, thank you, our special correspondents, stanislav bernwald and stanislav vasilchenko, spoke about the flood situation in the tyumen and kurgan regions. let 's take a break for a short commercial and then continue. stay with us.
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an attractive price. only tasty, period. just like that, no need. it's clear? i understand. this is how backpacks are discounted up to 50% at the megamarket. the director of the moscow kremlin reserve museum, elena gagarina, was awarded the order for services to the fatherland, third degree. the corresponding decree was signed by vladimir putin. the document was published on the official legal information portal. it says that gagarina was awarded for her great contribution to the development of museums and the preservation of the cultural heritage of russia. 17 april elina gagarin, daughter of the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin, turned 65 years old.
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over the past year , life expectancy in our country has increased to almost 73 and a half years. this is the highest figure in the entire history of russia. it is important to do everything necessary to increase the availability of quality treatment, including high-tech treatment, using modern breakthrough methods. therefore, we are consistently expanding the program of state guarantees. for the current year its funding has been increased by more than 400 billion rubles so that citizens continue to receive help free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy, even with
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serious illnesses. residents of any russian region can now contact leading federal centers, not only at their place of residence, but also undergo the most complex operations. the party of growth and new people will unite. this decision was made today at the last congress in moscow. our correspondent anna voronina is watching the event, she is in touch. hello anna. what does the party see as the advantages of such a merger? kind day, colleagues, but it should be noted that the merger has been going on for some time, in particular , both parties nominated their own single candidate for the presidential elections that took place in march of this year, vladislav davankov, and today they were just summing up the results of the election campaign, the course of the elections, their ending, noting that... the party of new people and the party of growth, they complement each other very well. among the new people there are entrepreneurs, but there are also a lot of them in the party, but among the new
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people there are also youth activists, students, those who see their future in russia, people involved in ecology, a lot of the so -called educated class, and we see that the party. according to the agenda, it is also aimed at the future, and not at the past, therefore this association is an association of a complementary type. it should be noted that the party of new people is very young, it is only 4 years old, and at the same time, nominating their candidate for the post of president is a great success for them, this was noted today in the party leadership. let me remind you that vladislav dabankov received over 3,3000 votes, and thanks to this election campaign. the party has improved its rating, now it has exceeded 8%, and let's listen to how
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the presidential candidate himself assesses the course of the election campaign and the results of the elections, in many cities - we took second place, including a very improved result in moscow, st. petersburg in other cities, second place in money, the main thing is that we also saw great support for young people, as always. in several cities they offered us, they said why you can get married there at sixteen, why you can work at fourteen, and vote only from eighteen? therefore, my colleagues and i agreed to hold a whole series of discussions to introduce a bill making it possible to vote from the age of 16. today , 64 delegates from 57 regional branches are taking part in the congress. on the agenda today is a new election program, which concerns the elections that will be held in september this year, regional elections, with an emphasis on supporting
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entrepreneurs. regional elections always bring more specifics to local, specifically regional issues, into programs, with with which we are going in the elections, so for each subject it will be a separate story, but our main direction for more freedom for the business community, for less regulation, for less government interference in the activities of entrepreneurs, business people, this will remain unshaken.
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in india, elections to the lower house of parliament began today, with nearly a billion voters , many living in remote areas that can only be reached by boats or elephants. therefore the process voting will last until early june. there are many contenders, but the favorite is the ruling indian people's party, led by narendra mode. report by evgeny davidov. india is literally living with elections; all other events have faded into the background for the next month and a half. the largest democracy in the world. indians themselves will decide who in the next 5 years will lead the country where every sixth inhabitant of the planet lives, almost one and a half billion people. festive puja - a religious ceremony in honor of the beginning of elections, a prayer that the voting was fairly successful. indian voters first go to the temple, then to the polling station. rajasthan, a state in northwestern india, is one of the first
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to take the chosen baton. people come with... entire families, trying to vote early before the heat sets in; during the day the temperature here exceeds 40°. polling stations are open even in the most remote settlements, this is the territory of an ordinary rural school in the state of rajahstan, people first register, receive a voter id and then pass inside, a line forms here, and once inside each voter receives a special mark on his finger, with indelible paint so that he cannot vote twice, then he passes.
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parliament requires a simple majority of at least 272 seats to become the ruling party or coalition; the country faces seven rounds of voting, rotating in different constituencies, in all 28 states and eight union territories. i came to vote for modi because he wants to make our country better. voting in india will last until june 1, after which votes will be counted, and this, according to the local press, will be the longest general vote in the world. experts give the greatest chance to the phara tinata party led by prime minister narendra modya. in recent months, he has been actively traveling around the country, communicating with voters. the ruling party is opposed by a motley alliance of opposition forces. mode, of course, expects to retain a majority of seats in the lower house of parliament. evgeny davidov and vladislav dadonov, news from india.
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