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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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at first, the first time when we came in, it was scary, and then it became commonplace, it was scary to go here, of course, you don’t know anything, and the war seems to be all around, when i hear that in the wine cell, something has arrived somewhere, i’m starting to panic, well, in our kusbass there are mines everywhere, and that is, coal is exploding, the sound is similar. well, the children perceive it the same way it was all with us, they call the decembrists, well, yes, the decembrists who moved here.
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vladimir putin held a meeting with permanent members of the security council, the president immediately outlined two main topics of the event: state reserves and the fight against the drug threat, and emphasized that he wanted to hear several points of view on each issue. we have several questions today; we’ll talk about state reserves, and we’ll talk about measures to improve delivery.
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they must understand that we have a barbecue here, additional body kits are being made, but this is something that needs to be learned. after inspecting the production, shaigu held a meeting with the plant managers. engine supply issues have been resolved and production has begun. production of new engines with more power began. heavy flamethrower systems, everything
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that we said about retrofitting tanks, about additional protection, armor protection, protection against unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels, additional systems for protecting sighting systems, these tasks have also been completed, now we need to significantly increase the additional kits that we need to install on those vehicles that are in combat, that is , what we have today is fully equipped and here we need additional supplies of equipment to the brigades and repair shops that we have on the battlefield. new explosions occurred in odessa, local media reported. according to them , a fire started in the city. there were messages in the telegram that ammunition detonated in the area of ​​one of the local military units. previous explosions in the odessa region were recorded at night. according to
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preliminary data, the port infrastructure was damaged. previously, reports of explosions also came from the dnepropetrovsk region, as local authorities said, there were damages several infrastructure facilities in dnepropetrovsk and krivoy rog. explosions were also reported in pavlodar. no details have been provided yet. several explosions occurred in the odessa region. the geography of spring floods is expanding in russia. the tense situation in the kurgan region. water reaches 13 settlements. eight more are at risk of flooding. during the day, the water in the kurgan area rose by 40 cm and several sections of roads were closed due to overflows. and in the tyumen region the level of ishim increased by more than 2 m. boat crossings have been organized. rescuers are helping local residents, delivering food and medicine. in the zone of the riskovrenburg region there are several villages along the banks of the sakmara river. residents are asked to collect the necessary documents and things and prepare them. to evacuate
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areas where the water has begun to recede, a commission to assess the damage began today. in bashkiria , the number of flooded garden plots almost doubled in one day. in the samara region several went under water. ice movement began on bridges in the tomsk area on the tom river. rescuers are monitoring the hydrological situation. in the altai territory , the state of emergency has been lifted and restoration work has begun. in buryat, the level of the selenga river dropped by 30 cm. 12 houses and 285 household plots were freed from water. rescuers are using drones to monitor the situation with possible ice jams on the river. experts call several areas difficult at once. reportage. tatiana kostygova. arrival of drones. we will start broadcasting 10 minutes after arrival. 10 minutes before the rotorcraft drone launches into the sky. the drone will help rescuers cope with an important task today. to display the most clear picture of what is happening in
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the bliselinka area, emergency situations ministry employees monitor the flood situation not only on land or water, but even from the air. you can appreciate the scale from a bird's eye view thanks to this easily controlled one. before launch, emergencies ministry specialist denis bozhenov checks the readiness of the equipment. the battery is full and ready for use. we don’t leave it behind the latch, we check the functionality of the battery again. aircraft in basically ready. a minute later the aircraft takes off. on the monitor, the operator has all the strength in full view, having flown tens of meters, the manager. the drone notices that ilyinka is no longer threatened by water, but hundreds of areas in the republic are still flooded. during the day today , 12 residential buildings and 286 household plots were freed from water, 30 residential buildings and 311 household plots remain flooded.
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we continue to monitor the situation; the situation is under the control of the main department of the russian ministry of emergency situations republic of buryat. today there is another goal - to identify ice jams on the selenga. it is because of them that the flood does not recede, having defined its boundaries. the operator records the geolocation, here is the place of the jam, yeah, here the ice is accumulating, there is already clear water there, that is, it will be undermined, yes, but here an explosion will first be made in this place, the same picture is observed by the operator at the local mobile communication center , he transmits an image of the area to the central headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations. we visually observe ice congestion, that is the ice cover is completely from coast to coast, now we will fly over. we will show you the full picture to assess the situation. here , engineers monitor every second of video online. thanks to high-speed internet, the broadcast from the drone is not interrupted even for a minute. the drone has the ability to broadcast from an installed camera, which allows you
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to assess the situation with high resolution. rescuers promptly transmit this location of the ice jam to the military. in a matter of minutes, sapper engineers. ready carry out blasting work on the river, the picture above, it gives a more detailed idea of ​​how the ice can behave after an explosion, the ice after blasting work goes down gradually, to the place of the jam there are kilometers of paths that the military and rescuers cross on an airboat, the ice field from the shore to the bank opposite the ilinka does not allow water to pass, because below the ilinka there is already open water,
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the situation does not stabilize. tatyana aerial monitoring will continue until the flood kostygova, viktor ilantsev, lead buryatia! against the backdrop of snowfall, avtodor has reduced the speed limit on the m11 highway; on sections of the highway in the novgorod leningrad region, a car can be driven not exceeding 70 km/h, usually 110. snow also fell in the tver, yaroslavl, kostroma, nizhny novgorod and pskov regions. bad weather is moving towards moscow. dobd urges drivers to stop traveling because many have already swapped winter tires for summer ones. according to forecasters, snowfall may last until saturday evening. vladimir putin asked the ministry of health to help regions in modernization of primary health care. the president stated this in
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an address to the participants of the board of the ministry of health, which is being held today at vdnkh in moscow. the address of the head of state was read by deputy prime minister tatyana golikova, according to the president, over the past years... hospitals have been created and reconstructed. thanks to the efforts of the entire medical community , a significant result was achieved. over the past year, life expectancy in our country has increased to almost 73.5 years. this is the highest figure ever history of russia. it is important to do what is necessary to improve access, quality care, among other things. high-tech using modern breakthrough methods, therefore we are consistently expanding the program
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of state guarantees; for the current year its funding has been increased by more than 400 billion rubles. so that citizens continue to receive help free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy, even with serious illnesses. residents of any russian region can now contact leading federal centers, not only place of residence. well, and, accordingly, undergo the most complex operations. in the next 6 years, the authorities plan to complete the modernization of primary healthcare, this will make it possible to additionally treat about 7 million people. deputy prime minister tatyana gullikova announced this to a colleague of the ministry of health. according to her, modernizing healthcare will also increase life expectancy by about 5 years. the main goal remains the same. the main goal was announced by the head of state. back in decree 474, this is an achievement by the thirtieth
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year, the level of life expectancy is at least 78 years in the russian federation as a whole. by the end of 2030, we expect that more than 4,200 healthcare facilities should be created, in addition to what we have already created. the share of emergency facilities should fluctuate within 1%. on average, three new medical facilities are opened every day; this has never
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happened before in the history of the russian federation. today we are on a certain platform for the next step, this includes the digitalization of healthcare, many activities have already completed, this is a block of questions regarding the introduction of new technologies, domestic equipment, medicines, within the framework of the board. and today tasks have been set for the entire industry, including support for motherhood and childhood, and the health of the working population. necessary adjustments to the socio-economic development program, updating of three-year plans for road construction. marat khusnulin discussed this today at a meeting in the zaporozhye region. as part of his trip, the deputy prime minister reviewed the renovation of melitopol state university, which is one of the key educational facilities in the region. almost 1,300 students are studying here, and then they finally decided on the location and parameters
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for the construction of a new children's hospital in melitopol; marat khusnolin separately touched upon the topic of road construction in the region. we held a large organizational meeting, outlined plans for launching the enterprise, reviewed three-year plans for road construction, i want to say that we are doing positive work, that road builders are already showing empathy. most likely towards the end this year we will try to increase the volume of road construction, we looked at plans related to new housing construction, because we have a mortgage at 2%, but there is no housing yet, we need to speed up housing construction. in the kherson region, morad khusnulin, together with the head and chairman of the regional government, inspected the main construction projects. the deputy prime minister noted that work on socio-economic development programs is going well. in addition, the first stage should be launched in june. artresidences of the tavrida cluster. to next year this area will become the main youth center. now,
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for example, we are here on the territory of a youth camp, which , first of all, should be launched this year for the season, the goal is to make it a full-fledged camp by next year, where young people can study, live, study. but all these questions, they drag along with them, this is a question related to sewerage, for example, it is necessary. more than a thousand people from all over the country took part in the classes. party chairman leonid slutsky spoke at the closing ceremony. the online political school is a kind of political elevator, so to speak, for those trained youth who are trying to position themselves in
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politics, who would like to work in the field. public administration politicians who are interested in their possible role in the future country, in ensuring the role of russia, both in the external contour, as the core of the new world majority, and in internal politics. avito begins systematic training of personnel in the field of artificial intelligence at base. physicotechnical institute, a master's program in data science is opening, training in which is fully paid for by the it company. the first intake will be 18 people in order to make the educational process as individual as possible and guarantee the quality of education. simultaneously with their studies , students will undergo a paid internship at avito and improve services that are currently used by 70 million people. we have a huge number of partners
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in our festeh school of applied mathematics and informatics, a whole one. a constellation of partners from the russian academy of sciences and industry, they they also marry each other very well inside, because we have laboratories, on the sites of which our academicians, professors , and students solve the most breakthrough problems coming from the industry, we have already reached a certain scale, when it became clear that we need existing specialists on the market is not enough, so we want to unite both the fundamental education that the physicotechnical institute itself represents, and - in russia , today is the day of united action in memory of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war war. commemorative events and promotions are held throughout the country. historian investigators study archival documents. there is no statute of limitations for criminal cases of genocide. in 19 regions , the actions of the nazis and their accomplices during the war
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have already been recognized as genocide. anastasia panko has details. schools, universities, victory volunteers, and historians from all over russia are joining the online broadcast. for more than 9 hours they have been continuously talking about terrible crimes against civilians. this is an inclusion from the field, about how children, youth participate in schools in carrying out this day. these are original lectures by guys from the lecturers club without a statute of limitations, which is very valuable to us. today there will be a presentation
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of books, now there is inclusion from artek, inclusion from rostov-on-don. events that are aimed at commemorating the victims of the genocide today, april 19. april 19 is not a random date. on this day in 1943 , a decree was issued on penalties for nazi villains guilty of murdering and torturing soviet citizens and captured red army soldiers. we had the first such sentences already in 1943 and we conducted such trials, as they call them in soviet renburg, 21 trials and we condemned them. 252 people, mass executions, deportations, imprisonment in concentration camps, terrible torture, torture, humiliation, hunger, the soviet people had to go through all this, the nazi invaders were cruel even to children, i will never forget the woman, here she is during the trial meeting showed her hand, she had scars on her hand, because
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the nazis took blood from a little girl, ten years old, for the needs of their army and... she said that she remained she was alive only because she had the normal blood type and was fed a little better than other children. the crimes of the nazi invaders are neither forgiven nor forgotten. the investigative committee of russia continues to investigate the criminal case of genocide and year after year establishes new facts of crimes against prisoners of war and civilians. judicial decisions have already taken place in 19 regions of russia. in st. petersburg, lugansk. people's republic, kursk, smolensk regions and other subjects of the specified criminal the actions were recognized by the court as genocide. these decisions are an expression of the position of our country. on the condemnation of nazism and its legal prosecution beyond the statute of limitations. investigators are carefully studying declassified archival materials about the great patriotic war. this helps to identify previously
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unknown mass grave sites of civilians and prisoners of war. the task of investigators is not only to document new facts of nazi atrocities, but to identify specific individuals who were involved in their commission. anastasia ponko, yuri marchenko, evgeny mokunev, eva fedototova. news. vladimir mashkov called for more active involvement of students in work in the union of theater workers. a forum of regional branches of the organization operates in moscow. as mashkov noted, the main vector of the union today is the development of the russian multinational theater and the activation of branches in the constituent entities of russia. this is a union, this is a union of equals. therefore the center. may offer something, some kind of development, but each region knows about its problems, its
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tasks better, they live there, so for we, of course, have this open dialogue with each regional branch for the first forum, this is the most important direction; elections to the lower house of parliament have started in india. where every sixth inhabitant of the planet lives, almost 1.5 billion people, festive puja - a religious ceremony in honor of the start of elections,
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a prayer for voting to be fair and successful, indian voters first go to the temple, then to the polling station. rajasthan, a state in northwestern india, is one of the first to take the chosen baton, people come with whole families, trying to vote early before the heat sets in. during the day the temperature here is higher. 40°. polling stations are open even in the most remote settlements, this is the territory of an ordinary rural school, consider rajasthan. people first register, receive a voter id, then go inside. here they line up, and once inside, each voter receives a special mark on their finger, with indelible paint, so that they cannot vote twice. and then goes into voting booth. and here’s another interesting point: the standard ballot paper in india looks the same. very colorful, this is not a sheet of paper with the names of candidates or parties printed, here it is an impressive electronic device, somewhat reminiscent of a large intercom, next to the names of the parties
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there are recognizable symbols, plants, animals, household items, it so happened historically that even those who cannot read. the fight is unfolding for 543 seats in the lower house of parliament to become ruling party or coalition, a simple majority of at least 200 is required
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. vera welcome, yes, this can happen if the conflict drags on. oil prices jumped amid a new round of the middle east conflict. after israel's overnight attack on iran, the brand rose in price by almost $4 and was trading above $90 per barrel. the maximum occurred around 6 a.m., followed by a gradual decline. this is a natural reaction of the market, analysts explain. the reason is the fear that oil supplies from the middle east will decrease, but serious. 90 are acceptable indicators, if they are a little higher, it will not bother us much, above 100 is already a reason
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for... excitement, and if we go beyond 110, we find ourselves on the verge of a new energy shock. there is now sufficient supply on the market, at least from opec, to prevent such a price increase. at the same time, if the conflict drags on, iran's oil production could decline, which could trigger a much more serious rise in prices. we see that the volume of production may decrease in iran, the volume does not. and this too, in fact, when we reduce the volume of production or some resources, the cost changes upward, a number of forecasts already indicate that the cost of oil may increase by another 30-40 dollars from the current price, then yes, we will be able to see 120-130 dollars behind the bars, following oil, gold has risen in price, against the backdrop of geopolitical instability, the demand for this
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protective asset is traditional. from 3:00 a.m. the price went up and reached a maximum around 5 a.m. at a level above $2,430 per ounce, then slow decline, as in the situation with brand. israeli economies, meanwhile, predict a negative scenario. the international agency snp downgraded the country's long-term sovereign credit rating, explaining that there is a fear that the war with hamas and the confrontation with other groups may escalate, affecting the economic, fiscal parameters and balance of payments of israel more strongly. what was expected? this means that the risks of investing in the country, specifically in public debt, have increased, primarily due to the fact that the deficit has increased budget to a significant significant value, now it reaches 8% of gdp, and thus, new borrowings for israel will be significantly more expensive, expenses for...
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interest payments on external debt will increase, which will further worsen the deficit situation. snp analysts estimate that due to defense spending, israel's budget deficit this year will reach 8% of gdp. at the same time, the economy itself will grow by half, and the national debt by 26 may approach 66% of gdp. most analysts. thank you, maria filippova spoke about economic news, and we will now continue with an urgent topic. in the sixteenth arrondissement of paris , a police special operation is taking place right now, a man has entered the iranian consulate,
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according to french media, he is wearing ... with explosives, and he is threatening to use them, it is also reported that there is a security perimeter around the building where the representative office is organized, then there is an area cordoned off by the police, this is all the information for now, we are monitoring the development. in the summer of 2021, a hot woman appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasnov. crowd: young people threw stones at the businessman’s site, they came specifically to kill, the situation became tense, the parties began to shoot at each other, and chaos was happening,
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a shot was fired, and i felt pain in my stomach. we took on this matter and carried out our investigation, now it’s up to the grass-fed workers, congratulations, pay attention to the face, communications face, carry out work on the breakdown, now there is light at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much again for the work, this tunnel is not the longest on bama , only 1800 m, but to break through it in
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the duseolinsky ridge began already in 1939, all this was in full swing, you know, all this...


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