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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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yes , more than 40% of sales came from china, turkey, russia and belarus. according to the expert’s forecast, in 2024 the market will grow by another 10-15%, amid a recovery in consumer demand. information picture of the day in facts - this is russia 24. in the studio artyom yamshchikov and olga armyakova. and that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. security issues and
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two of the most important topics at the meeting with the president were state reserves, as well as improving the fight against drug threats. footage from the kremlin. the fastest tanks in the world t-80 are now available with protection against drones. modernization taking into account the experience of special operations. sergei shaigu checked how the state defense order is being fulfilled at a plant in the omsk region. we’ll also tell you about the successes of our military: high-precision strikes on ukrainian armed forces targets, progress on avgeevsky. and kupinsky directions, meanwhile kiev feeds with promises of help, but there are fewer and fewer hopes. vladimir putin asked the ministry of health to help the regions modernize primary healthcare. the president stated this in an address to the participants of the ministry board. the results were discussed at the meeting last year we outlined plans for this year. let's find out the details. another israeli strike on iran, is there
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a nuclear threat and what response is tehran preparing now? against this background , the un council meeting, heated debates around palestine, why washington vetoed the country’s membership in the world organization, we will tell you in facts. and the best russian students in the world became the absolute champions of the international programming olympiad. the student will bring two gold medals to moscow at once. higher school of economics from egypt. with the guys' victory already russian deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko congratulated. vladimir putin held a meeting with permanent members of the security council. the president immediately outlined two main topics: state reserves and the fight against the drug threat. the conversation took place via video conference.
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we have several questions today, we’ll talk about state reserve reserves, we’ll talk about measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population in the fight against drug addiction, several speakers have instructed to organize additional supplies. family protection for tanks in the special operation zone, the minister of defense announced this in the omsk region, where he checked the implementation of the state defense order. sergei shaigu also checked the organization of the educational process at the omsk defense, defense tank and engineering institute, but with denis alekseev in detail. production in accordance with the realities of combat operations. if it has long been clear that the probability of a shell arriving at a tank from the flank is much less than likely. get hit by an enemy drone,
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here this is taken into account and standard protection is installed, for simplicity, a visor, we supply the car with additional protection. modernization of tanks at omsk-transmash is constant. defense minister shaigu visited the enterprise last summer, then the question was how to strengthen the protection of target guidance devices. now there is no such task. last time we were here, we looked at the sight protection.
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understands perfectly well, and therefore the number of produced heavy flamethrower systems of the sun, this is another brainchild of omsk-transmash, has only increased by 2 times over the year, production capacity has been expanded, corrected. schedule, new personnel have been trained, training and retraining of specialists takes place within the walls of the enterprise, depending on the shift, well, 70-80, attention is also paid to equipment that is already being used at the fronts, part of the work on the repair and maintenance of such armored vehicles was undertaken by cadets of the armored engineering institute, such is the production practice, but what kind of experience is gained, everything is completely different here, that’s for sure. completely different, and the kids there must understand that we have a barbecue here, additional body kits are being made, right? you have to learn this. the state defense order of omsk-transmash is scheduled for a long time in advance
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and is being completed on time, even taking into account constantly introduced innovations and improvements; issues regarding the supply of engines have been resolved; production of new engines of higher power has begun. production of heavy flamethrower systems has begun, everything we said about retrofitting tanks, additional protection, armor protection, protection from unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels, additional systems for protecting sighting complexes, these tasks have also been completed, the task of issuing, within the framework of the state defense order, not just weapons for the front, but modernized models that will significantly increase the effectiveness of our military in the special operation zone, is faced by almost all defense industry enterprises. this week sergei shaig was shown a functional fire support complex. the car is modern, but it needs to be improved, the minister notes. if we take it and make it like an assault weapon, we need to put
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12.7 here. anti-tank missile systems chryzonthema with modern guided missiles, manpads, verba anti-aircraft missile launcher, active tank protection complex. arena m, which are already being finalized taking into account the experience of special operations, all these are also weapons that are under the control of the russian ministry of defense, not so long ago shaigub inspected the splav enterprise in the tula region, they are constantly working to improve the accuracy of its main products, the grad rocket systems, hurricane tornado, and the results are not long in coming. in these shots, the tula rszzo tornado is delicately destroys the vaunted american hymers, that’s what it’s all about. denis alekseev, fyodor zarov. lead. moscow will be able to successfully resist kiev for at least the next 2 years. this is the conclusion reached by military experts at the washington post. they note that russia has increased the production of weapons and ammunition, while the armed forces of ukraine, in turn, are experiencing an acute shortage
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of equipment and shells. the publication writes that such an assessment will not add optimism to the kiev regime, which is losing ground on the battlefield. in turn, the german entrepreneur believes that... he destroyed ukraine because of his dependence on the united states. in his opinion, the promises of the american partners turned out to be empty, and the ukrainian authorities will no longer be able to correct the situation. alpha friday. supercake every week on alfabank cards. on friday, april 19, we are giving 50% cashback on performances. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, a desire to act and
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ice movement began on the tom river. in the altai territory, the state of emergency has been lifted, and restoration work has begun in the region. well, in the kurgan region, the water level in tobol near the regional center, for the first time in 30 years , exceeded 10 m. now it is 1.015 cm. this is a historical maximum. today , more than 2.0 residential buildings remain flooded in the region and... they found themselves in the flood zone; the authorities will pay compensation to everyone who suffered from the flood. residents of the kurgan region can also help their fellow countrymen in municipalities have opened collection points where they accept drinking water, food, baby food and clothing. on the territory of the kurgan region. 15 unmanned aerial systems, of which 13 are helicopter type, and two
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are aircraft type. the plane will take more than 500 photographs, a geopoint will be attached to each photograph, and specialists from the national crisis management center will subsequently stitch these photographs into one large map in order to assess the extent of the flooding, and, well, deploy forces . well, now to the situation in the orenburg region. over the past day from the flood. more than 400 houses have become free of water, in most areas there is a decline in river levels, and over 15 thousand houses still remain in the flood zone. in the regional center , water continues to be pumped out from basements; in orenburg and orsk, mobile systems for informing and warning the population are deployed. there people can get all the information about payments and the work of the commission. local deputies supported the bill on the release of flood-affected organizations and individual entrepreneurs. orenburg and orenburg
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district, as well as legsky district and orsk. organizations and citizens whose cars were destroyed during the flood were exempted from paying transport tax. from the 10th to today they did it. one person with disabilities, an adult grandmother was on the chair, chickens, rabbits, imdyushki, the entire household, everything that could be, they helped everyone, tried as best they could, yeah, so they also helped the animals a little, in the tyumen region there is water is rapidly approaching the city of ishim and the village of kazansky, the level in the river of the same name
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ishim may reach a critical value, about 8.5 m, and this will happen tomorrow, regional governor alexander. mohr said that floods of such magnitude have not occurred in the tyumen region for the last 77 years. more than 2.0 residents were evacuated from areas where there is a threat of flooding, some power facilities were turned off in the villages of kazanskoye, bolshaya yarki and ognevo. the power supply will be restored by special order from headquarters. well, today 90 houses are flooded in the tyumen region. so ours works in the region correspondent, connections with facts. stanislav, we welcome you. yes, stanislav, hello, how is the situation, what are the local authorities and the ministry of emergency situations doing to prevent large-scale flooding. greetings, colleagues, indeed in the temensky region the situation is only becoming more difficult hour by hour, i’m not saying that it is critical, but water is really flowing in, well, at 8:00 in the morning from monitoring
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the water has added more than 2.5 m, if to be exact 2.60. and this is already felt here in the city, but we have just returned from the city pedestrian bridge, there the water rose quite strongly, here is the dead wood that came from the upper reaches of the river, it simply formed a serious traffic jam, and this is a very big problem, because the water begins to spread, it begins to spread and just begins to put maximum pressure on the dam, now emergency situations ministry employees and all relevant departments have been instructed to clear the passage by morning. water, that is, to make sure that water passes through this bridge as much as possible, otherwise it threatens big problems, so the ministry of emergency situations employees actually use two method: they flood this dead wood under the bridge, try to push it to the other side of the bridge, the second method is
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to tie the largest trees from the other bank with cables and pull them directly to... the shore, let's hear what work is being carried out and what the time frame is for this , in order to minimize the damage, raise it, at this point in time, yes, all forces have been thrown into eliminating the congestion that occurred due to the fact that the water has risen, so all the forces of the ishim city administration, the ministry of emergency situations, tsr, have been thrown we are planning to localize it. overcome it, try to overcome it, that is, push it, push it, of course, yes, that is, we will try to push it under the bridge space in different ways and we will pull some of it to the river bank of the city of ishim. the ishim district and the kazan district are the most problematic points in terms of the flood situation at the moment, as i said, in the vyshim district the increase in water is sensitive,
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and there is a slight decline in the kazan district, but they are waiting for a second wave, you understand. it’s impossible to predict anything here, today it’s already there was information that the village was starting to go under water, some, for example, the village of big yerki, literally flooded overnight, we couldn’t get there today, although we tried to approach it from different sides, we’ll try, there are still people there, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations are delivering water and food there, it is clear that there is no light, we already understand from orsk that this is also a big problem, there is no light.
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the water level in the tobol river in the area of ​​the village of uporovo dropped by 1 cm, in the area of ​​the village of ivlievo, yarkovsky district, it increased by 18 cm, 93 households were flooded in nine settlements of the kazan region, 2,198 people were evacuated from settlements threatened by high water. in areas of potential flooding. now sirens are constantly sounding, and the radio broadcasts are breaking through with emergency messages, which say that people who are in these dangerous zones need to evacuate. either to the temporary detention center or to relatives, take everything you need, these are documents, some essential things, be sure medicines, doctors work in temporary accommodation centers,
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psychologists work there, everything is done there to make people feel comfortable, well, as far as is clear, in such a situation it is possible, these messages should not be neglected, and people are also trying, of course, to save their property , for this purpose temporary storage places have been organized in the city. personal belongings, as well as pets , are taken in for a rest by the local municipal shelter, in general, the work done here is simply incredible, volunteers work, builders work, volunteers generally work three shifts, just like the builders, that is , work on building up the dump in the ishimsky district, in the kazansky district does not stop for a minute, people come from the bottom of their hearts, that is, they understand that... big water, like as a rule, this is a big disaster, and it can only be prevented together, this is the situation here in the tyumen region, let's hope that somehow it will get easier,
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and let's hope that in the near future we will be able to take control of the situation, stanislav and take care of yourself , from tyumen region was stanislav bernwald, we continue, so, those affected by the floods are entitled to financial assistance; to date, residents of the orenburg region have been paid more than 73 million rubles. over 40,000 people received benefits. in the region , the lump sum payment is 20 thousand per person. in case of partial loss of property , 50,000 is due, and in case of complete loss of property - 100. in the kurgan region , victims are also paid compensation for complete loss of property of 50,000 rubles. for partial 30. and there is also a lump sum payment of 10,000 rubles. residents of the tyumen region whose houses were flooded as a result.
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i’m especially furious, good afternoon, colleagues, in central russia the wind is already accelerating to storm levels, and winter has arrived in the north-west of our country. most of the incidents associated with gusty winds have occurred at the moment; on sofia perovskaya street, a huge poplar tree fell onto the roof of a children's boarding school, it demolished an iron fence made of corrugated sheets, and the debris damaged the roof and broke the glass. at the same time on the street novomoskovskaya has two trees at once. fell on a playground; by a happy coincidence , there was no one on the swing at that moment; in other areas, the wind tore off parts of the building's cladding. in kologa, pillars of a tree fell
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on a passing car. there is no exact information about the victims; it is known that there was a child inside at the time of the incident. the following footage is also from the kaluga region: in obninsk a small truck started moving without a driver, according to eyewitnesses, the reason for this was strong wind and a driver who forgot use the handbrake. meanwhile , winter has returned to the north-west of russia: a huge traffic jam has formed on the novopriozerskoe highway, 5 km from st. petersburg towards the region. during the snow storm, several cars collided here, completely blocking the passage. previously, several serious ones. the accident occurred in the novgorod region. the state traffic inspectorate asks drivers to exercise maximum caution in difficult weather conditions. due to bad weather on the m11 highway in the novgorod and
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leningrad regions, they decided to reduce the maximum permitted speed is up to 70 km/h. the traffic situation in the northern capital has also become seriously complicated. there are numerous accidents on the roads. traffic on the okhtinsky bridge was temporarily blocked due to accidents. well, this is... the m-11 highway in the tersky region, the road surface is covered in snow, snow charges in some places impair visibility to 700 m. on saturday , a storm cyclone will go to spoil the weather in the russian north, where there will be snowfalls, in the north of the komi republic, the polar urals and mosaic freezing rains are expected in priobi, the middle latitude of the european territory of russia will be occupied by an anticyclone centered over the volga region, due to which the weather will improve and become warmer. well , until the end of today. during the day , strong winds will remain over a vast territory in the middle zone, a zone of storm winds with parves up to 15-20, and in some places up to 23 m/s has already
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hit central russia. on saturday night, the storm zone will shift to the upper volga, and in the daytime it will attack the vologo region and the south arkhangelsk region. near moscow in sheremetyevo, the wind has already accelerated to 21 m/s. despite this, by midday the air the capital managed to warm up to 14.6° plus. a cold front is expected to pass through in the coming hours. there will be some brief rain. late evening in places in the north- west of the moscow region it is not even ruled out. light wet snow, gale force winds will persist with gusts up to 21 m/s. on saturday it will subside, it will be cloudy with clearings, light rain in places during the day, in the morning it will get colder to +1:4, in the daytime to +10-13. on sunday, partly cloudy weather will be without significant precipitation, at night +2.5, and in the afternoon it will warm up to +14 +17. well in
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continuing the topic of weather - or rather bad weather, a message from the news agency about heavy trucks being banned from entering the capital of karelia and noticed. the authorities of petrozavodsk closed the city to heavy trucks during the severe snowstorm that hit petrozavodsk, promising 20 cm of snow. and so we continue, another urgent news: the number of settlements cut off by floods in the tyumen region has increased to... there , road communication has now been stopped in two villages of the kazan region and ishimsky. we are monitoring the situation, now on to other news. a fruitless attempt to stop the inexorable course of history, these are the words of the russian permanent representative to the un vasily nebenzi after the united states blocked the resolution recognizing palestine as a full member of the organization. 12 out of 15 security council countries
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voted. among them, russia and china, great britain and switzerland abstained from voting, but the united states, as one of the permanent members of the security council, used the right of veto. the resolution was submitted for consideration by algeria, before which it was supported by the majority of countries of the un general assembly. all of them believe that palestine has earned the right to a place in the united nations. algeria now declares that it will introduce its resolution in...
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the eighth year, it is officially recognized by 138 of the 193 un member countries. the palestinian leadership first submitted an application to join the un back in 2011, but the united states immediately made it clear that it would block any palestinian attempts at full membership in the un. since 2012 , palestine has observer country status. 2 weeks ago another application was submitted to consider the palestinian issue. for that, to officially begin the procedure. knowledge requires the support of nine of the 15 countries on the security council, including permanent members russia, china, france, great britain and the united states. but it turns out that over and over again everything comes down to the position of the united states, israel’s main ally. and another statement by the palestinian leadership calling on the un security council to force israel to leave the gaza strip, especially against the backdrop of new attacks by the israeli
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army, this time in the north. at least nine people have died, according to media reports. 15 are listed as missing as a result of israeli bombing of residential areas, and last night there were reports of new... israeli strikes on iran, according to the american media, israel carried out a quote.


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