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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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asia, here the heart of the continent beats. these are the facts, we continue. the exhibition russia at vdnkh took place. meeting of the annual final board of the ministry of health , a welcoming letter from president vladimir putin to the participants of the board was published on the kremlin website; it was read by deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. vladimir putin first of all noted that increasing life expectancy and active longevity is a key priority of state policy. and therefore, according to him, it is important to continue to pay great attention to the prevention of diseases, their treatment, and of course, use the most for this.
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modern high-tech methods. putin, among other things, asked the ministry of health to help all regions in modernizing primary health care, both from the technical side and from the methodological side. the head of state thanked the ministry’s team of all medical workers in the country for their hard, responsible and dedicated work. but in his address to the board members, mikhail mishustin noted that it is important to do everything necessary to increase accessibility. make sure that in in every region of the country, including in small towns and villages, people received qualified, timely medical care. at the end of the year, all indicators of the national healthcare project were achieved, the ministry of health said. and tatyana golikova noted that the new national project “long and active life will cover all areas.”
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therefore, we are consistently expanding the program of state guarantees, for the current year it will use modern breakthrough methods; funding has been increased by more than 400 billion rubles. so that citizens continue to receive free assistance under the compulsory medical insurance policy. mikhail mishustin also stated that it is necessary to increase the production of vital drugs, and this despite the fact that 80% of such drugs...
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are already produced in russia. the prime minister noted that decisions have been made so that more patients with heart disease can undergo therapy, for which over 11.5 billion rubles will be allocated annually. in 2023, as noted by the ministry of health, 686 drugs received registration, 77% of which were domestically produced. but it is noted that the growth production of domestic drugs over the past year increased by 7%. and medical products by 15, the main goal was announced by the head of state in decree 474, this is to achieve a life expectancy level of at least 78 years in the russian federation as a whole by the thirtieth year. by the end of 2030, we expect that more than 4,200 healthcare facilities should be created by then.
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priority development of human resources, therefore, he instructed to keep under control the improvement of remuneration for doctors. well, now to other news: the new people party merged with the party of growth. the agreement on the merger of the leaders of the two political movements was signed several months ago, but only now it has been formalized legally. today, the participants of the joint congress unanimously supported the initiative. details from anna voronina. for the party, new people are only the fourth congress, but the delegates are addressing large-scale issues. a final unification with the party of growth is on the agenda. the behavior is atypical for political movements; new directions are more often separated from parties, but as noted in the leadership, new people and the growth party complement each
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other. among the new people there are entrepreneurs, but in the party of growth there are also a lot of them, but among the new people there are also youth activists, students. those who see their future in russia, people are involved in ecology, there are a lot of the so-called educated class, and we see that the party’s agenda is also focused on the future, and not on the past, so this association is an association of a complementary type. in particular, we are talking about supporting the development of work technology and robotization of production, connecting to processes of artificial intelligence capabilities and...
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in many cities we took second place, including very improved results in moscow, in st. petersburg in other cities, second place in money, the main thing is that we also saw great support for young people, as always, in several
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they offered us right in the cities, saying why you can get married there at sixteen, why you can work at 14, but vote only at 18, so my colleagues and i came to an agreement. hold a whole series of discussions to introduce a bill so that you can vote was from the age of 16. this idea will be finally approved by the central council of the party, which includes representatives from both new people and the party of growth. the creation of a new structural unit was unanimously approved at the congress today. anna voronina, valeria borovikova, anna nikulaesh, news. meanwhile, the ldpr winter online political school was closed in moscow. more than a thousand people from all over the country took part in the classes. party chairman leon slovsky spoke at the closing ceremony. the online political school is a kind of political elevator, so to speak, for those trained youth
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who are trying to position themselves in politics, who would like to work in the sphere of politics, the state. the outline of the core of the new world majority, and in domestic politics. well, in the capital at these minutes the main film event of the year starts, the moscow international film festival, one of the oldest in the world, opens. 11 films compete in the main competition. russia is represented this year by the ribbon alien, but in general the program included 240 films from 56 countries. in today's situation.
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and now it’s time for economic news: russian banks earned 899 billion rubles in net profit at the end of the quarter, an increase of 2% compared to last year, as stated in the central bank’s review. the regulator emphasizes that over the past year the banking sector has grown significantly, assets increased by 20%. the number of profitable banks has reached 255, which is about 80%. russian railways and transmashholding are developing new locomotives for... the eastern training ground. two prototypes the heat and electric locomotive are planned to be sent for
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testing in 2025. this was reported to russian railways. the locomotives will be able to transport freight trains weighing more than 7,000 tons at a speed of 120 km/h. let me remind you that at the end of the year , the carrying capacity of the eastern range reached 173 million tons, by the thirtieth year it should increase to 255 million. russia has sharply increased the supply of goods to africa. at the end of the year. its share in russian exports has doubled to almost 5%, rbc writes about this with reference to data from the federal customs service. in total, our country sent goods worth 21 billion to the continent. dollars, including wheat, petroleum products, chemical products, machinery and equipment. the g7 will continue to tighten control over the price ceiling for russian oil, the heads of the mid-union announced this at a meeting in the italian city of capri. countries will continue to limit russia's energy income and hinder development.
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relevant ministries and departments, well, at the end of last year, both crimea and sevastopol completed most of the tasks of the state program, including key ones, such as repairing the city road network, creating new places in schools and kindergartens. marad khusnulin noted that both regions have good prospects for housing construction, attracting investment, and further increasing tourist attractiveness. the republic of crimea and sevastok worked well. the financing program has been completed by more than 99%.
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most of the tasks set were achieved. today we also discussed issues related to the program until 1930 and the forecast until 36. in the president’s message , he outlined a number of new national projects, new tasks, so the goal of our the meeting today was to integrate the existing program of socio-economic development with those new priorities, new tasks. which was set by the president. teams from the higher school of economics won the world programming championship. the finals of the competition for 2022 and 2023 were held in egypt. previously, the competition was postponed several times due to military operations in the middle east. teams of students from the faculty of computer science of the higher school of economics became the absolute champions of the forty-seventh championship final programming world won gold medals in the forty-sixth final of the tournament.
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israel and iran will no longer exchange blows, cnn reported , citing a source. that night, according to media reports , explosions were heard in the area of ​​the iranian city of isfahan, the authorities of the islamic republic announced the operation of air defense systems. well , ekaterina shamaeva studied the versions of what happened. there was a lot of uncertainty about what happened that night in iran from the very beginning. the first to report an alleged attack from the outside. however, according to state media of the islamic republic, the flight of three small drones was recorded. major general seawush mehandust, who is a senior military official, confirmed that loud noises were heard in the east of the city of isfahan. they are related to the work of air defense. the systems
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responded to the presence of three small drones. apart from this, no incidents were recorded. state television sources said there was no attack by a foreign country. the drones, according to a representative of the iranian national cyberspace center, were launched inside countries. later, iranian media published a video from isfahan itself. as can be judged from these images, the situation in the city is calm, nuclear facilities are safe, tehran said. this was confirmed by magathe. according to western media, the target of the attack was an air base. the israeli military declined to comment officially. an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. israel struck back where it was attacked from. government security sources reported this to the jerusalem post newspaper. however, israel will not officially take over responsibility for strategic reasons. iran claims that it was an explosion at a plant, as they want to avoid escalation. israeli sources told us they do not understand why the pentagon told
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the american media about israeli involvement. they could have remained silent, thereby preserving iran's dignity and avoiding an escalation of the situation. the only high-ranking israeli official to respond to the strike was national security minister bengvir, who is considered one of the main hawks in the cabinet, but he was also brief. weak. with the people of iran also agreed with the israeli minister. on social networks they began publishing videos of paper airplanes being launched. this is how they make fun of the scale of the attack. elon musk also commented caustically on the incident. he reacted to the publication that the base was under attack.' they rely on american f-16 fighters, transferred to tehran before the islamic revolution. somehow our taxpayer dollars are blowing up our taxpayer dollars. both sides demonstrate a restrained reaction and do not seek to exaggerate the significance of the blow, writes american new york times. the newspaper cites the point of view of israeli analysts. according to them, on the part of tel aviv it was a military
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maneuver that did not cause significant damage, but sent a signal to tehran. we will answer, but what will happen if iran also answers, how will they prevent the emergence of a larger conflict, neither side is seeking escalation, but both are ready to demonstrate that they cannot be intimidated, both states have no long-term strategy and this is very dangerous. the german media write that israel coordinated the strike with everyone partners, jordan, egypt, saudi arabia. and the united states, and spanish news agencies , citing the commander-in-chief of the iranian army, report that no response from iran should be expected. cnn adds that israel is not planning any new direct attacks. ekaterina shamaeva, news! well, in what sense on the same topic: will ukraine receive a new package of financial assistance from the united states? this issue will be decided
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on saturday in the us congress. dmitry morocco is overseeing preparations for the vote. in kyiv they held their breath in anticipation of saturday's vote in the us congress, the long-awaited decision of the house of representatives will determine whether ukraine will receive a new financial aid package? american congressmen have not been able to reach an agreement on this issue since the fall, because we are talking about a significant amount - 61 billion dollars, of which more than twenty-three are proposed to be used to replenish military equipment transferred to ukraine, about eleven more are intended to support current military operations. can also be considered as a support measure use of income from frozen russian assets. american assistance for kiev is critically important, insist the authors of the bill, however, opponents of the initiative in the house of representatives insist. there is also plenty of 50/50, there is always the possibility that somewhere, shortly before the vote, a right-wing minority will rebel,
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those loyal to trump in congress will say, no, we won’t vote, or the speaker will be removed altogether, the problem is not really about money, well you can give money, you can print it, you can, i don’t know, russian gold and foreign exchange the reserves will still be taken away, although they do not want to do this and are afraid of the problem. the point is that the american military-industrial complex is, in principle, unable to quickly produce as many weapons as ukraine needs. earlier, the verkhovna rada stated that ukraine would run out of money by the end of summer if the united states did not resolve the issue of providing assistance, even if it received support from other sponsors. the european union intends to find instruments for long-term financing of kiev just by the summer. this was stated by the minister-delegate for european affairs in medi-france, jean manuel barot. this week i decided on the volume of assistance. switzerland, the government of the country will allocate 5 billion francs to ukraine, although it will not do this immediately, over the next 12 years. in march , kiev received a new tranche from the imf in the amount of
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$880 million, but they are not going to forgive the existing debt of 15 billion, at least this year. they give money to ukraine, not only the united states, not only the european union, but if you remember the beginning of the year, the first 2 months, while there was stupor, yes, the united states did not give it. they didn't have everything ended, and the european union could not agree on its package, at that time japan was giving money to ukraine, denmark was helping, the netherlands, yes, now france promised to give about 2 trillion there this year, britain, that is , even latvia there and how much there they also pledged to give $200 million. the international monetary fund itself estimates kiev's need for foreign aid at $42 billion, this year alone, which is exactly what is needed to cover the huge budget deficit, imf managing director kristalina georgieva expressed: confidence that such an amount can be provided. we estimate ukraine's needs for this year at $42 billion. we are confident that these needs will be met, but
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we will certainly have to closely monitor the situation in the country. at the same time, the degree of ukraine’s dependence on outside assistance has become critical. the volume of foreign exchange in lebanon exceeded 90% of gdp last year. in such a situation, international agencies declare a high probability of default and continue to reduce credit ratings. russian swimming championship, the tournament brought together the strongest swimmers from all over russia from more than 70 regions. our sports
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correspondent alexander abramov is watching the final day of the competition. he communicates with us directly from the aquatics palace . sasha, greetings. alexander, welcome, so, how is the final day of the tournament going? yes, colleagues, good evening, well, today is the final evening in kazan, at the aquatic sports palace. russia, today the maximum possible number of medals is being played out, this is 11 medal disciplines today, and some medal disciplines have already ended, in particular , the women's two-hundred-meter breaststroke has ended, this was probably the distance that was the biggest intrigue today, there were at least two intrigues: firstly, how evgenia chakunova will perform, i will remind you that evgenia chakunova is the holder of the world record in the 200m freestyle and the second intrigue was how the three-time olympic medalist would perform. so evgenia chakunova, as expected, won today’s 200 m swim with her brother, she didn’t broke the record, was about 2 seconds behind him
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, but this was enough to become the champion of russia, and yulia efimova, who qualified for the final, only swam in the eighth lane with the eighth result, she took second place today, by 7 seconds fell behind evgenia chikunova. let's now listen to probably the most recognizable russian keyboard player, yulia efimova. it’s mentally hard to go to the start line, 200 m is a very difficult distance, especially when you’re not ready, well, i’ve already said this many times, well, but still, apparently, by the last day, as i said, i started to feel more or less myself, and no matter how much i wanted, there was such a patch there in the morning, over time the eighth got there, but i didn’t expect it, but 2:26 is already a very good time. the competitions at the aquatic sports palace in kazan will continue today, for about an hour, and i will remind you that the russian swimming championship, this year, is the
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selection stage for the friendship games. we’re definitely not going officially, everyone is already closed to russian polovtsians, yes, already a person has his own choice, but for me it is not closed, because i have not yet, for example, even been to the olympic standard, so it is too early for me to say whether i will go or not, but if i am talking about the semi-standard, i will think about it to go, so, as of this moment, out of 42
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medals... russia and morocco signed a memorandum of understanding between the two departments, the agreement was concluded in rabat, where igor krasnov arrived with the work.
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partnership between russia and morocco, our countries have reached a new, qualitative level, thanks to continuous and consistent collaboration. the prosecutors general signed a memorandum of understanding between the two departments, which will allow prosecutors from the two countries to exchange experiences. morocco is one of russia's leading trade and economic partners in the region. taking into account the intensification of cooperation , the tasks of ensuring the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and investors are of particular importance. this is only the first step; we will strengthen our constructive interaction in the widest range of our areas, which are of mutual interest to us. after the negotiations, the russian delegation headed
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to the mausaleum. before the fifth monarch, who fought for independence from french colonial pressure, representatives of the attorney general's office laid flowers as a tribute to the people of morocco. evgenia nipot, evgenia kirilenko and valeria borovikova, presenter: rabat, morocco.
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vladimir putin held a meeting with permanent members of the security council. the president outlined two main topics at once: reserves state reserves and the fight against the drug threat. the conversation took place via video conference. we have several questions today. let's talk about state reserves, let's talk about measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population. in the fight against the drug threat, several speakers, over the past week, the russian military carried out 34 group strikes with high-precision weapons on the territory of ukraine. the ministry of defense reported this, but the targets were energy industry facilities and vp enterprises.


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