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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin held a meeting with permanent members of the security council, the president immediately outlined two main topics: state reserves and the fight against the drug threat. the conversation took place via video conference. we have several questions today, let's talk about state reserve reserves, talk about measures for...
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bc, railways, arsenals and fuel storage. in response to the kiev regime’s attempts to damage russian energy and industrial facilities, 34 group strikes were carried out with long-range precision weapons air and sea-based, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which objects of the energy industry, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and the railway infrastructure of ukraine, facilities were damaged. air defense, arsenals and fuel storage facilities for military equipment, training centers for unmanned aerial vehicle operators, temporary deployment points for units of the ukrainian armed forces, nationalist formations, and foreign mercenaries were also hit. them over time, the russian military-industrial complex is increasing the production of heavy flamethrower systems for sanitary equipment, sergei shaigu reported about this from the head of one of the omsk enterprises. in addition, the production of modernized t-80 tanks with ...
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protection for the common people has been launched, we serially supply the vehicle with a model of additional protection, the modernization of tanks at omsk-transmash is constant. defense minister shaigu visited the enterprise last summer, then the question was how to strengthen the protection of target guidance devices. now there is no such task. in last time we were here, we looked at the protection of sights. sight protection, it is there, yes. yes, sure. all
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vehicles that leave the assembly line are equipped with a set of camouflage means, there is an additional turret protection module, and the next batch of tanks with significantly increased survivability is prepared for shipment to the northern military district zone. when we started this big program for additional protection, when we were looking for alloys there, we were looking for everything else, we found it all, we did it all, but now we need to increase it. and here they understand this perfectly well, and therefore the number of heavy flamethrower systems produced, this is another brainchild of omsk-transmash, has only increased by 2 and a half times in a year. we expanded production capacity, adjusted the schedule, and trained new personnel. training and retraining of specialists takes place within the walls of the enterprise. depending on the shift, well, 70-80. attention is also paid to technology that is already being used at the front. some of the repair and maintenance work on such armored vehicles was undertaken by the cadets. tank engineering institute,
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such is the production practice, and what but experience is being gained, everything is completely different here, it’s true, it’s not completely different, and the kids there must understand that we have a barbecue here, they make additional body kits, but it’s 280, you have to learn this, the state defense order is omsk- transmash is scheduled for a long time in advance and is completed on time , even taking into account the constantly introduced innovations. issues regarding the supply of engines have been resolved, the production of new engines of higher power has begun, the production of heavy flamethrower systems has begun, everything that we said about retrofitting tanks, additional protection, armor protection, protection against unmanned aerial vehicles of various levels, additional systems for the protection of sighting systems, these tasks have also been completed, the task is to be issued within the framework of the state defense order. not just weapons for
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the front, but modernized models that will significantly increase the effectiveness of our military in the special operation zone are facing almost all defense industry enterprises. this week sergei shaigu. showed a functional fire support complex, the vehicle is modern, but needs to be improved, the minister notes. if we take it and make it as an assault weapon, we need to insert 12.7 here, chryzontema anti-tank missile systems with modern guided missiles, fzrks, verba anti-aircraft missile launcher, active tank protection complex, arena m, which are already being modified taking into account experience special operations, all this too. weapons that are under the control of the russian military, not long ago shaigub inspected the splav enterprise in the tula region, they are constantly working to improve the accuracy of its main products, jet systems hail, hurricane, tornado, and the results are not long in coming. in these frames, the tula rszzo tornado delicately
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destroys the vaunted american hymers, and that’s what it’s designed for. denis alekseev, fyodor zarovny, lead. well, now to the topic of floods. there are already 39 regions on the list of those affected by the spring flood; one of the most difficult situations is now in the kurgan region. the water level in tobol, near the regional center, exceeded 10 m for the first time in 30 years. this is a historical maximum. remain in the region almost 2,000 residential buildings and more than 3,000 summer cottages were sunk. more than 15,000 people were evacuated due to spring floods. the day before, two boiler houses stopped working in kurgan. they found themselves in a flood zone; the authorities will pay compensation to everyone who suffered from the flood. residents of the kurgan region can also help their fellow countrymen. municipalities have opened collection points where they accept drinking water, food, baby food and clothes. now a short advertisement,
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ago, but only now have they formalized the legal ones. today, the participants of the joint congress unanimously supported the initiative. details from anna voronina. for the party, new people are only the fourth congress, but the delegates are addressing large-scale issues. on the agenda is a final unification with the party of growth. the behavior is atypical for political movements; new ones often separate from parties.
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in particular, we are talking about supporting the development of robotics and robotization of production, connecting the capabilities of artificial intelligence research in this direction to the processes and, of course, the development of our own russian production, supporting entrepreneurship as the main the directions of the election program on the eve of the regional elections were also discussed at the congress today.
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great support, as always, for young people, in several cities they offered us, they say why you can get married there at sixteen, why you can work at 14, but vote only at eighteen? therefore , my colleagues and i agreed to hold a whole series of discussions to introduce a bill making it possible to vote from the age of 16. this idea will be finally approved by the composition of the central council of the party, where representatives entered as if from new people. and from the party of growth, the creation of a new structural unit was unanimously approved at the congress today.
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anna boronina, valeria borovikova, anna nikulaesh, news. the liberal democrats also held a large meeting in moscow today; they summed up the results of the winter online political school. the project started in february 2023 under the auspices of the ldpr youth organization, bringing together more than 2.0 participants from all regions of the country on its site. according to the head of the party, " he is interested in his possible role in the future countries, in ensuring the role of russia, both in
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the external contour, as the core of the new world majority, and in domestic politics. in russia, today is the day of remembrance of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis and their accomplices during the great patriotic war. throughout the country as part of a federal project. patriotic actions take place without a statute of limitations, interactive lessons are organized in schools and universities, a crime without a statute of limitations is investigated by the investigative committee, based on the collected evidence , courts have already... so many soviet citizens lost patriotic war, most of them are not military personnel, but civilians, this terrible number is remembered today throughout the country, a variety of people of different ages,
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different regions, different professional occupations unite in the common cause of conservation. historical truth, in memory of the genocide of the soviet people by the nazis, the public chamber opened an action center without a statute of limitations, schools, universities, victory volunteers, historians from all over russia are connected to the online broadcast for more than 9 hours continuously talked about crimes against civilians. everyone has in their family, of course, someone who fought on the battlefields, but in most families there are those who know first-hand about co-nazism. today. the historical truth about the crimes of the nazis is the memory that really already exists, it is present in our russian society in the person of its youngest representatives. mass executions, deportations, imprisonment in concentration camps, terrible torture, violence, humiliation, hunger, the soviet people had to go through it all. the nazi invaders were cruel even to children. i
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will never forget the woman who showed her hand during the court hearing. she had scars on her hand because the nazis took blood from her, a little girl, ten years old, for the needs of their army, she said that she remained alive only because she had a common blood type, she was fed a little better than other children, tree seedlings are planted all over the country in memory of those who died, the annual the garden of memory campaign, its goal is to plant 27 million trees in memory of each person who died. during the war years. the samara region is participating in this event for the fifth time. this year 31.00 seedlings will be planted there. i didn’t find my great-grandfathers, they all fought with me, but mm, i learned the history of my country from films from the stories of my parents, grandparents. here. and for me now, well, sometimes it even gives me goosebumps, that when i plant, i imagine
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that, well, this is in memory of my great-grandfathers. and this is north ossetia. together with volunteers a veteran of the great patriotic war, alexander pagaev, 98 years old, also plants trees on leningradskoye every year. during the great patriotic war, i only touched the forty-third or forty-fourth front, so in fact, i actually liberated the city of vyborg, the years pass, and the significance of the great patriotic war. weakens, on the contrary, on the contrary, people are interested with great interest. volgograd people bring flowers to the monument to the civilian population of stalingrad. august 23, 1942, one of the most terrible days for the city. during the massive bombing killed more than 40,000 residents and injured more than 70 thousand.
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we carry the memory of the victims of this event, and bring it to ours. the younger generation, so that they remember, know and do not allow this to happen in later life. today , memory lessons are being held all over the country, and for a greater immersion in history, schoolchildren are told about the war years right in the museum. the lesson is called no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten, we talk about various concentration camps, and also tell the story of claudia ivanovna, who survived all this hell made it out alive and was released. in moscow , in the victory museum you can clearly see the destroyed world. life at the exhibition ordinary nazism more than 200 exhibits tell about the atrocities of ukrainian nationalists, collaborators, occupiers during the second world war, as well as about the mass crimes and terror of modern neo-nazis against the inhabitants of ukraine. the worst thing about this exhibition is its scale; it is still being replenished. one of the most heartbreaking exhibits is the bicycle that you see at the exhibition, it’s for children.
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the bicycle, it was also brought exactly from the scene of the events, here. we know the story that a five-year-old boy was riding it, who, unfortunately, died as a result of shelling of this place at this time, in general, while riding this bicycle. the crimes of the nazi invaders are neither forgiven nor forgotten. the investigative committee of russia continues to investigate the criminal case of genocide and year after year establishes new facts of crimes against prisoners of war and civilians. judicial decisions have already taken place in 19 regions of russia. in st. petersburg, lugansk people's republic, kursk, smolensk regions and other entities, these criminal actions were recognized by the court as genocide. these solutions are.
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places of mass graves of civilians this helps to identify previously unknown and prisoners of war. the task of investigators is not only to document new facts about the atrocities of the nazis, but to identify specific individuals, everyone who was involved in the commission of crimes. anastasia ponko, yuri marchen. evgeniy makun, eva fedotova. news. minister agriculture dmitry patrushev came on a working trip to mordovia. he toured several local businesses, including those producing fertilizer and animal feed. the minister also visited one of the villages to assess the progress of the program for integrated development of rural areas. patrushev discussed the tasks of developing agriculture with the head of the region. i wanted to take a small share for now, but we are constantly. your economic indicators are based on agro-industrial ones. complex as a whole are growing, in particular the index agricultural production in the twenty-third year in mordovia was significantly ahead of the russian average, higher than in the country as a
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whole, and the profitability of agricultural enterprises, well , we will continue to allocate significant amounts of funding to support production and development of rural areas, this year for mordovia the limit is higher than last year, it will be 2.7 billion rubles, we expect, of course, that we will master... the largest plastic processing plant has been launched in russia, this is a joint venture of the capital st. petersburg company, and it was built enterprise in the moscow region, investing almost 12 billion rubles in the project. and they plan to buy this money by the thirtieth year . our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, saw how everything is organized in production. this plastic processing plant is not only the largest in the entire country, but also the first in russia to combine the complete production chain of waste recycling. this is a flagship
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project, now under our circular economy project. you know that, on instructions from the prime minister, we have an initiative called the circular economy. we create eco-technoparks and encourage businesses to open such production facilities. today i probably received positive emotions and pride for the representatives of russian business who risked making colossal investments in this project. the cost of the project is 11.7 billion rubles, of which 2.9 billion rubles are federal funding as part of support measures that come through the rio ppk. the circular economy, as it is, on one site in the moscow region. there are adjacent capacities that make it possible to obtain pellets from obsolete plastic, and from this raw material to produce garbage containers. the deputy prime minister
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paid special attention to the environmental friendliness of the project. the plant is equipped with modern local treatment facilities. the water used to wash the plastic is returned to the production cycle after cleaning. the unique complex was built in record time in just 23 months, including using green financing.
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a real crash test is carried out at the factory, their they beat, throw, do everything to find out their true strength, but that’s not all, in order to understand how the container will behave in a particular aggressive environment, they are immersed in a real alkaline bath, temperature +70, well after this, the container is still frozen in temperature, behind this door -40°... enterprises will help to significantly reduce the amount of plastic ending up in landfills, which means they will help realize the key goals of the national ecology project, less than a kilometer from the new
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factories, construction of an eco-industrial complex is underway park in the moscow region, created within the framework of the federal project closed cycle economy. this is probably the most ready-made facility to date, an eco- technopark, a new entity, this has never happened before. there have been industrial parks in the russian federation, but there have never been eco-industrial parks, so that it would be possible to gather residents in one place who would engage in a circular economy, engage in waste processing, extract useful fractions from waste, and then work. with this useful fraction and accordingly make new products, new goods. four residents who will be located at the new site will be engaged in the processing of wood waste, rubber products with the production of rubber crumbs and glass, as well as the production of animal feed using organic fractions. the facility is one of six eco-industrial parks that will appear in the country by the end of 2024. in addition to the moscow region, facilities are being built in
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the stavropol territory. no later than 2027. varvara nevskaya, dmitry korsakov, alexander sidorov and valentina velichanskaya. news. the main film event of the year starts in the capital this evening. one of the oldest moscow international film festival in the world opens. in the main competition , 10 films compete. russia this year.
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circumstances that happened in the world, the fact that he does not lose his interest in himself is very good. now let's take a break for a short commercial, and then watch the vesti program, duty department.
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where are you from from the eleventh b, don’t lie, it’s me from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to...


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