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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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these barracks of dilapidated emergency housing, well , it’s simply impossible in our time to look at them, much less allow our citizens to live there, at the same time we need to build more, only 0, if i’m not mistaken, 0.3 km per inhabitant - this is one of the lowest indicators, the northern conditions are understandable, and of the total volume of housing under construction, more than half is individual housing. construction is not an effort of the authorities and not the efforts of investors, so please, the fact that individual housing is being built, thank god, we need to help and support, especially wooden housing construction, where to build it, like no other, but it is necessary to increase the volume of construction, otherwise you have a thousand orphans, orphans with insecure housing, it is planned to provide 670, if i’m not mistaken, and the rest of the families with children. ..
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who need to be given housing, commenting on the appeal of the residents of kome on social networks, valentina matvienko focused attention on the kirov park in sektafkar that requires repairs and called on the relevant minister of the republic to take up this issue closely, and to the senators who represent the region in the council the federation was instructed to keep this issue under control. according to the head of the upper house, kumi has significant economic potential, which needs to be developed by creating favorable conditions for business, not only in the mining industry and timber processing. keep the flood situation under control, and support people who have lost their homes. valentina matvienko called on senators of the regions who are suffering from the spring flood to actively participate in resolving the current situation. according to the chairman of the federation council, it is necessary keep your finger on the pulse, help resolve all issues until the water recedes, and when it does subside, take a more detailed look at the losses and losses suffered by citizens. innovative approaches and effective development mechanisms.
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improving the work of local self-government bodies. according to her , the federation council always advocates for women in all spheres to more actively express themselves. moreover, their work at the local government level is of particular importance. let me remind you of the words of vladimir vladimirovich putin, who repeated more than once that it is local self-government determines the way of life of our entire large country. and it is very important for us that local government has a direct voice. heard
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in the process of making government decisions, believe me, this is not a figure of speech, it must be so, with their concerns, experiences, citizens first of all come to you, and often on issues that are not within your authority, but together with therefore, people count on responsiveness, attention, and sensitivity from local governments. in my opinion, and i think in your opinion, these qualities by nature, they are peculiar to us women, so it is no coincidence that the number of women working in municipalities is more than three times higher than the number of men, the figure itself speaks for itself. reducing the number of inspections, instead a risk-oriented approach and an emphasis on preventive measures, is also about control reform.
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enterprises in the unified catalog, grouped into six categories of enterprises with dangerous reproduction or dangerous possible impact on human life and - these are the six categories that include there are about 7 million enterprises in the russian federation; they have their own risk categories and their own approach. and if we talk about indicators of the risk of violation of mandatory requirements, which, as i understand, will be catalysts for unscheduled inspections, what can be attributed to them? catalysts are, first of all, those factors that show that there may be a violation, there may be a danger to the health or life of people, and if... the catalyst signals to the supervisory authorities that there is such a danger, then this is precisely the basis for in order to pay a visit, carry out an inspection and prevent possible violations, such catalysts and work on them, they give very high efficiency, under such
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a risk catalyst, a risk indicator, this means the degree of detection of violations is approaching 90%, well, what kind of catalyst could this be, for example , well, a catalyst, for example... look, we are talking about the labeling of various products, for example, the labeling of tobacco products, if there is no labeling, this is precisely a catalyst, then there is a correspondingly high probability that this is either a counterfeit or a product that can harm a person, and it should be noted that the government is developing a huge number of indicators in this regard, only last year it developed...
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this opportunity for free consultation and last year preventive visits there were more than a million compare 360,000 inspections and more than a million preventive visits, which seemed to tell the business that there is a risk here, here you need to look and work
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in this way, moreover, last year a system was introduced to initiate a preventive visit at the request of the business itself, and there were more than 100,000 such visits last year. and what other, well, let’s put it this way, bonuses can a business expect from such a risk-oriented approach and what is the benefit of this to consumers of goods, consumers of services, but in other words , what is the benefit to people from this? well, talking about producers in services, well, firstly, this is an opportunity to work more calmly if the business producer understands that he can withstand and work within the limits, without overstepping the risks, through risk indicators.
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services. the country is improving the system of social guarantees for participants in a special military operation. one of the recent legislative initiatives. i haven’t seen my son for a year and a half, with whom i’m now talking on the phone. the man is in the zone of a special military operation, he is a platoon commander and his brother, his youngest son, serves in the same battalion with him. they wanted, i also let go with a light heart, but what can he do, let them go, the soldier’s wife and children are also waiting at home,
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by the way, his son askhap plans to go to in my father's footsteps. are you proud of your dads? of course, the khizriev family from the city of kurcheloy feels the same feeling for their sons, husbands and fathers. today she is almost completely... gathered at one table, this is my little family, this is my eldest son, after him this is my son, this is salman , my son, and this... family alone at home, they they rarely come on business trips, so someone has to take care of
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them. relatives of military personnel are surrounded by attention from both the federal government and local leadership. in our region they provides assistance to the foundation named after the first president akhmat hadji kadyr, the hero of russia, which helps, starting with food packages, to solve any living conditions, financial assistance to resolve some family issues or referrals. treatment to other regions or even to the point of sending it abroad, this fund sends food convoys to the area where sogo is being held, it also helps the residents of these new regions of ours, at first the whole operation was sent through this fund , assistance was provided in the region of 30 billion rub, that's all the donation funds that are provided through this fund for the participants, by the way, they are provided with all kinds of support in a special account in the region. there are combat veterans.
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a number of medical institutions, including the innovative center for physical and rehabilitation medicine, are engaged in the rehabilitation of soldiers who returned from the north military district zone in the chechen republic. last year alone, more than 100 special operation participants and their relatives were received here. the center has all the conditions for a speedy recovery of patients and even has its own own park. now nasir magomadov is undergoing rehabilitation at the center. from the very beginning of the ied, he was in a combat zone. after 2 months of service, he was wounded by a sniper. the bullet passed close to the bell.
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reverent attitude towards the participants of the special operation to receive the necessary help. and this is without exaggeration in every region of the country. much work to support soldiers and their families is carried out at the legislative level, as the chairman of the federation council emphasized , about 100 laws have been adopted to protect the interests of military personnel and their loved ones.
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including, by the way, in unfriendly countries, which our president spoke about last year, emphasizes that for russia there are no unfriendly peoples, so we proceed from this principle, this project is a little over one and a half years old. it began in june of twenty-two, and it was a coincidence, it was really a coincidence, that for the first time we talked about this at an international event dedicated to the day of 22 june of forty-one, the conversation took place in minsk, and then the idea of ​​​​creating a club first received public support friends of russia who have
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there really are a lot of russia, but we are not talking about formal friends, but about those who are ready to be serious with us.
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during the russian-african summit, which was also in st. petersburg, there were also many events just in this format of the club of friends of russia with our african colleagues, we also presented this club, this project within the framework of the st. petersburg economic forum , that is , we use every opportunity for face-to-face contacts, but also where logistical
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difficulties arise, we use the system vks, taking into account what we have already done. and we worked in a full-time format, including in the western hemisphere as part of our well-known international festival marathon, then in general we are already talking about thousands of people in different countries, and very different people, and famous politicians, and famous musicians, famous film directors, and famous scientists, in general , very different people, of different ages, different religious views, or even atheists, there are people from western europe, including.
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those goals that we set for ourselves, and they of a unifying nature, and here russia is now acting as such a flagship, this is not being done against anyone, it is for something, for the freedom of nations, for the sovereign equality of the state, which, by the way, we talked a lot about in connection with the approaching birthday, the 300th day birth of immanuel kant, and it was no coincidence that we called him our fellow countryman there, that it is true that he was actually a subject of the russian empire, although not everyone knows that, let’s say, kant taught philosophy...
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then his very important work, it was called toward eternal peace, contains three important points: the first is the sovereign equality of the state, it presupposes and from it follows the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of the state, it is extremely relevant today, and of course, this is the principle of the peaceful existence of a state with different political systems, which presupposes compliance with the first two, and if we look closely at history that passed after he wrote this book, this idea was repeatedly proposed to the world... by the russian side, and then by the soviet side, and now again by the russian side, sometimes this was expressed in very serious designs, for example, such as the organization of the united nations. well, or the helsinki treaty, or the helsinki treaty, or there, well, i won’t go into all the events, but even the famous speech of our president
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vladimirovich putin in munich in 2007, it also proceeded from these principles of a sovereign state, but the only thing you need to understand is that here are the neo-imperialists , these are the neo-colonialists, they profess a different principle, this is the promotion of colonial practices that have become obsolete a long time ago, but are still taking place, this is neo-globalism. and if you are supporters of these unsuitable, in my opinion, practices, then you automatically reject the principle of sovereign equality of the state, they are simply incompatible, in this sense, another initiative is ours, this is the global movement for the freedom of the nation, which was founded here in moscow in february, including with the participation of many members, well , informal members, of course, of our informal club, this was also of great and important importance, do you think, so... your meetings, your conversations within the club friends of russia, will they ultimately be able to lead to the signing of, well, an agreement similar to helsinki, helsinki 2, so to speak, conditionally, you know,
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of course, such documents are still primarily the lot of diplomats, heads of state, heads of government, but what i would like to draw your attention to is that, for example, on april 3, at the federation council, we adopted a very important document, this appeal in connection with the attempt.
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as one of the proofs of the state’s long-term aspirations to systematically develop these territories, the program arctic hectare. georgy podgorny will tell you how to become a participant and what can be done on the allocated land. the program has been in effect since 2021, according to which any citizen of our country can receive 1 hectare of land in the arctic, absolutely free, now i’ll tell you more. the scope and geography of the program are impressive: the murmansk region, the nenets and malonetsky autonomous okrugs, separately. districts of the krasnoyarsk territory, arkhangelsk region, the republic of kome and karelia, the exact list is regularly expanded, in the yamalo-minsk autonomous okrug has already been submitted
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441 applications, and over the last six months about 100 applications have been received, in most cases the arctic hectare is provided in the immediate vicinity of cities, after all, the specifics of the region are such that there are very large uninhabited... territories, but in order to be able to subsequently build a road and make the necessary connection all the necessary infrastructure; of course, the proximity of rural settlements or cities is important. they say about the north: once you arrive there, you stay forever, and serious incentives for this have been created, once again and in detail: the land is given free of charge, the lease is concluded for almost half a century, for 49 years, and you can register it as ownership already... 4.5 years, another six months are given to confirm that you are using the hectare for its intended purpose, these first five years must enough to settle down, build a house for yourself or
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some kind of object for tourism, production, in general, what is enough for a flight of fancy? registration is quite simple, you need to submit documents through the mfc or through a website on the internet, the package is quite small and not complicated. and this, in general, gives opportunities for wider involvement of residents, and of the entire country, not just the region. the arctic hectare is issued for individual housing construction, or for some industrial initiatives, and here all kinds of startups can be implemented, as well as for agriculture or for the development of tourism, recreation, of course, the arctic hectare develops... experience, and extremely positive from another land development program, we are, of course, talking about the far eastern hectare. according to the government, last year alone they received 10 hectares.
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over 8 years, over 122 thousand have become participants in the program. the principles of the arctic initiative are similar, like comatives, and the effect in the arctic is becoming more and more significant. by august 2013 , 5,000 people had already begun to develop their hectares in the north. the most popular direction for individual housing construction. about a quarter are engaged in various business activities. and separately, we can predict the contribution to the growth of agricultural tourism, which is also already noticeable. if we are talking about the far eastern hectare, then the priority there is choice plot far from populated areas, then the arctic hectare, on the contrary, it just assumes that the hectare can be taken near a populated area. what is this connected with? well , of course, with the severity of the climate and the cost of bringing such a small place of life to a remote hectare.
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necessary communications, if relatively speaking, in the far east, more than 60% of the far easterners who took a far eastern hectare are engaged in agriculture, that is, this is a dacha, improving the well-being of their own family, then in the territory in the arctic region we see an interesting picture: more than 40% of people are building housing, here are some interesting details about the arctic program: one person: can receive a plot of up to a hectare only once, but for a family of up to ten people you can ask for the corresponding number of hectares, and another important thing , territories are not given out in an open field, where there is nothing nearby, as a rule, there are cities nearby where all the life of the regions is concentrated, which means there are already or are being built roads, electricity and other things that are simply necessary for such a difficult but ambitious task as the development of the north, the issue of infrastructure, in
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particular for... the fact that today the program for hectares of the arctic far east has taken place is a fact, and this program creates additional stimulating conditions for securing the population in these territories, but at the same time developing, these programs pose new questions that need to be addressed. today , the russian arctic is a place where the potential of the entire country is realized, and where it is done, if not everything, but a lot so that you can make
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your dream come true. the federal program is a guide and an effective assistant to making what people want possible, be it an arctic hectare or a mortgage at 2%, northern allowances, etc., these are just tools that help residents make the north truly charming and attractive. the jewelry industry has regained the right to use special tax regimes, the law that was approved by the federation website will breathe new life into small businesses and will help domestic manufacturers to be competitive for... silver products. we’ll find out what other opportunities will open up for jewelry production from senator pavel tarakanov. the introduction of restrictions, however , had the effect that the industry slightly slowed down its development specifically in terms of small medium-sized businesses. we saw an increase in the tax burden on individual entrepreneurs at the end of 2023; it increased almost 2 times. naturally, it could not affect
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activity. entrepreneurs, namely small entrepreneurs, they curtailed their plans, many for development, in some cases , enterprises were closed, the number of employees was reduced, well, in general, the industry showed an increase in turnover of about 15% and a slight increase in the number of cash registers, but basically this growth, of course, was ensured precisely by the considerable jewelry business, namely big business, it is precisely all these factors that are the reason that we, as part of... working out the instructions of the president, we developed our law together with the ministry of finance of the russian federation in order to allow those jewelers who are engaged in the production and or sale of products and silver, and use special tax regimes, the industry is very cautious about these prospects, but i roughly expect that the number of those enterprises that deal exclusively with silver will double.


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