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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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naturally, it could not affect the activity of entrepreneurs, namely small entrepreneurs, they curtailed their plans, many for development, in some cases they closed enterprises, the number of employees decreased, well, in general, the industry showed an increase in turnover of about 15% and a small an increase in the number of cash registers, but basically this growth, of course, was ensured not by the small jewelry business, but by large business, it’s all these... factors that serve as the reason that we, as part of fulfilling the instructions of the president, we developed our law jointly with the ministry of finance of the russian federation in order to allow those jewelers who are engaged in the production and or sale of products and silver to use special tax regimes, the industry is very cautious about these prospects, but i approximately expect that the increase will double the number of enterprises that deal exclusively with silver, today there are about 500 such
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enterprises, the number of sales points will grow even more, and if we talk about the number additional jobs, then the industry also estimates carefully, from 5 to 10 thousand additional jobs, it will be created accordingly due to the fact that those special tax regimes will return. next week, senators will discuss the implementation of state energy policy. issues of development of the transport complex in the constituent entities of the country will be touched upon. measures to develop roadside infrastructure will be considered. see you in a week. see you on the senate program.
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hello dear friends, friday evening, i'm alexander kharievsky, time to sum up some results of the past week. things continued to get complicated in russia this week. the authorities are taking emergency measures to minimize damage from natural disasters. in particular , mandatory evacuation has been announced in some regions. the ministry of emergency situations helps people get to safe places. at the same time , local authorities are increasing the volume of work on the construction of protective structures. at the moment, their main task is to save people’s lives, then it’s assessing the damage. and, of course, subsequently the restoration of housing and economic objects. today we contacted
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the governor of the kurgan region, vadim shumkov, and this is what he told us about the current situation. vadim mikhailovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, friday evening, i would like to know how the situation is in the kurgan region, the flood, how quickly the water comes and in general, what is happening? at the moment, the so-called head of the moor has passed the city of kurgan is located in the belodersky municipal district, which... kilometers downstream, in the mound the water level now ranges from 10 m 13 cm to 11 m, which exceeds the historical maximums that were during the flood of 1994. in other municipalities, the water level ranges from 7 m 80 cm in the south of the region to 6 m in the north of the region, these are the differences. vadim mikhailovich, well, as i understand it, a lot of work has been done, and we’ve already talked to you. on air earlier, as i
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understand it, the situation now on friday evening no longer poses such a severe danger for people? well, i wouldn’t relax for two reasons, because i said, not yet in one municipal district the flood did not pass, this is the belozersk municipal district in the city of kurgain, the peak of the flood is now observed, the biggest point of stress for us is the sections of the dam, the dam itself was built in 1962 and underwent major repairs. it was carried out in 2014, yesterday just in the places where major repairs were carried out, and we caught situations when there was a secretion of soil and part of the dam began to peel off, work was carried out all night, several dozen equipment were working, several hundred people were hammering with bags of soil, these places were still being finished off with concrete this morning so that the lady could stand, so it’s too early to relax, this lady has a whole residential neighborhood, but i just wanted to ask. and if god forbid
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it breaks through, how dangerous is that? this is dangerous, because the differences in the heights are quite significant, the water depth near the dam is more than 4 m. that’s why evacuation was carried out yesterday... they have been working all week before in the same area and carried out preventive evacuation, so we are busy, but like other structures, during -firstly, is there they, and secondly, what is happening there, is there any threat there, breakthroughs and so on, well, the main lady is, of course, the city of kurgan, in a week work was carried out along its length of more than 17 km, of which more than 3 km they added an earthen one, a ridge of more than 3 m and a half and 14 km were covered by meshes...
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i understand that the dam was built and the residents helped build it, it was such a moment, of course, the residents - we are carrying out this so-called mobilization among the factories of the city of kurgan, and of course, everyone there is mostly local residents, so the audience is quite versatile, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations, this is a mobilized employee of the enterprise, these are volunteers, these are government municipal employees, some stuff bags, others bring them to the dams, because everyone is working, and accordingly, as i understand it, there is help from other regions, not only you make do with local forces, but emergency response teams arrived from eight regions,
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and several regions also helped the equipment, because at the peak of the dam’s construction more than 25 units were involved, the equipment was quite heavy, including forklifts, including. dump truck, so my colleagues helped, but as i understand it, there has been no serious destruction of the infrastructure so far, or are there still some difficult moments? several bridges were demolished upstream, just here in the city of kurgan and the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the peak moments helped, because they created congestion and aggravated the situation with rising water, regarding roads, roads, bridges, today more than a dozen regional and internal highways have already been overflowed. including one main one, which connects the peak of the area with the city kurgan, and also about six bridges, in my opinion, were flooded, but the damage done to these bridges and highways can only be counted when the water recedes. of course, in addition to this, there were also outages at housing and communal services facilities, this is
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the power supply line, several boiler houses were disconnected, removed and removed, as well as the gas supply line, everything will be considered already and water is supplied. well, as i understand it, the losses are for ordinary citizens. also , accordingly, it’s just too early to consider now, no, look there, any work on compensation, but let’s say, providing financial assistance to citizens is divided into several parts, the first mandatory payment is 10,000 rubles. upon the fact of living in a house with floods and under flooding, for each resident, a second payment of 30,000 rubles to each resident for partial waste of movable property, that is, personal belongings mainly and furniture, and a third payment of 50,000 rubles, if the same property was lost. completely and the fourth main one, if the house was damaged or has already gone out of circulation altogether, then compensation for damage to the residential building, to the residential premises, and today there is a payment for 10,000 rub. and in order to pay to charge 30-50,000 rubles for damage to the house, it is necessary to get into these houses, while
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it is impossible to enter a single house, they are all either flooded or flooded, and this work is carried out by municipal commissions that will get into these houses when the water will go away along with the residents. as i understand it, now some of the residents are still in taps, that is, not everyone is naturally at home, this is understandable, yes, of course, we have 2 weeks due to, let’s say, forced evacuation, welcome evacuation, from different about 15,000 people were resettled from points, that is, we notified people that there was a lot of water, we had certain data on the volume, we understood which municipal settlements could go under water, from there people were resettled on a preventive basis, most of them went to friends, friends, relatives. but someone stopped by the temporary detention center, today there are 780 people in the temporary temporary detention center, and vadimir mikhailovich, another extremely important topic in these things is the sanitary situation, because after a flood, unfortunately, there are often epidemics, this is where the work is is being carried out to minimize these things,
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we have also created a municipal commission, just today we discussed with anna popova the specifics of their work, the region purchased 40 tons of bleach, it has now been provided. municipal formation, which is already freed from water, that is, work is going on synchronously, the water is leaving, there is a working group, a commission that evaluates, let’s say, the degree of treatment, this treatment is carried out immediately. in parallel with this , a commission has been created that will deal with anti-infective measures, for this we also invited our specialist from moscow, who from monday will lead the work, this is vaccination, vaccination, and let’s say , training on rotaviruses, noraviruses. vladimir mikhailovich, are there already facts of illnesses with these diseases? not yet, i hope they won’t, because we intend to work efficiently, that is , the water that is needed does not come from the tap, which is already appropriate. does not meet sanitary standards, as i understand it, this is all already brought, no,
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tap water is just in the city of kurgan comply with sanitary standards, its intakes are taken regularly, we were just quite worried about this, the water intake itself was surrounded by a twelve-meter lining so that there was no overflow of water, and today the water coming from the taps of the residents complies with the standards, but besides this we were worried, we asked the residents to stock up on water also in advance so that they have an alternative.
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teach or is it still a secret? well, what are the secrets? our task now is to guard the dam and hold the dam, day and night there is a guard, 20 technical groups - these are men just in buses with heavy equipment with inert material, crushed stone, sand, and soil in bags, constantly on duty under the dam in order to immediately go to the problem point. also, where we are located, a duty headquarters works around the clock, with my participation. which receives signals about any deviations from the norm, a technical team immediately leaves, so just hold on, there are no other options. yes, vadim
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mikhailovich, good luck to you, yours is not easy right now situation, let's hope that you will really be able to minimize all these natural disasters, thank you for finding time for us, all the best, thank you, in the zaporozhye region, soldiers of the sudplatov battalion struck at concentrations of infantry of the ukrainian armed forces, targets were hit at the coordinates that at night you... drone operators. by the way, the battalion has its own pilot school and experimental workshop, where the military assembles drones themselves. i saw them and talked to the volunteers of the battalion named after sudaplatov, our military correspondent, anton stepanenko. pre-flight preparation has been completed. the catapult sends the wing into the air, and it hangs in the sky for several hours. this is a uav, a supercam reconnaissance vehicle, a reliable, proven svo device. if it detects the enemy’s attempts to suppress the signal, it automatically changes the frequency, because of this it is extremely inconvenient for enemy crews. rap
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​​transmits everything it sees correctly. the flight control center is an extremely secret place, the operator is exclusively wearing masks so that it is impossible to identify. vasya and petya are fictitious names, they are a target for the enemy priority. they opened up all the strong points in our direction, they opened up all the working working shafts, they are just changing them in places, but in essence, how many of them are there, all that are there are all hidden. they work in shifts, almost 24x7, they are eyes, reconnaissance and adjustments for both the battalion and the allied artillery. in the orekhovsk direction , the enemy’s work on setting up defensive lines has been revealed, based on their guidance, the artillery begins to work, well, the allied artillery is working at the moment, uh-huh, here’s the arrival i was just there, and what did they find there? this is an imitation, an imitation of breaks, and that is ours. the artillery is working on the enemy to prevent them from continuing to dig in. over
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the next hour and a half of flight, the crew discovers a camouflaged artillery position and, as if on a hunt, lies in ambush. she is not a target until there is video recording of her work, that is, the shot. this is due to the fact that the enemy sets up a lot of dummies and false firing positions, but the gun worked, there is no doubt, so the response to... a strike, you see, yes, that is, this the bull is brought up, the tracks from the car turn around, pull it up, pull it out, that is, well, this immediately catches your eye. the landing of the uav is perhaps the most dangerous moment for the crew, so we pick up the bird and leave as quickly as possible, we also find our colleagues, opponents, drone pilots, because there is no need to relax, it turns out to be a kind of duel, that’s right, a duel, we have some such that is there a war of our own, or something, a kind of atmosphere
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between pollinators, because we... naturally hunt each other, yes, we hunt, they are behind us, we are behind them, everything is fair, all because the crews of drones sometimes cause so much damage to the enemy that all that remains is to take revenge, guys, and you wrapped it all up so quickly, loaded it and go, it can be yes, there is danger, yes there is, but in any case, the counter-flash fight, as was said earlier, is being carried out, so anything can fly here, we act, yes, ending with the fact that hymers can fly here, and this despite the fact that one rocket costs approximately 150 dollars. cases there were such people, and we also annoyed them there normally, so they really like it when we fly, they have the same physical training , they start running, they light up,
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various types of drones have become the hallmark of the battalion named after sudaplatov, they fly their own school of flight simulators until darkness in the eyes, only after that flights at the training ground, the training course is at least 10 days, the cadets are isolated, they can only fly and fly, modern military operations dictate their own conditions, it’s incomparable, but the cost of your product and sometimes the target it hits, of course, that is, with the help
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of some small ammunition, brought to mind and used by a competent, let’s say , specialist. you can hit a much more expensive, much more important target. with minimal investments, the maximum result is, in fact, the principle of organizing the work of the battalion, which is why, in addition to its own pilot school, an experimental workshop has been created, as they joke, they will make everything from lawn mowers to rockets. there is only one condition, the parts are for open sale. jammers, we make our own jammers, because factory ones arrive with some defects, we test them, see where they need to be corrected and make our own. well , the rep system, let’s say, we make reconnaissance aircraft, we even make reconnaissance vehicles like this, they’re for assault brigades, and we do everything for the battalion, from some kind of tracking beacons, let’s say we use small ones, to large planes that can fly there for 3-4
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hours, compete with, well, kalashnikov, but why are the factory ones not satisfied with the price? all no matter where to get the money, let’s say, well, a supercam hall, this is a hall in general for the military , semi-civilian supercams are being developed there, well, these are millions of rubles, our product there we are trying to cost 100, 200, 300 thousand, an experimental sample takes about a month, but they make it in production 2-3 days, 20 aircraft were manufactured, copters don’t count at all, they are proud that thanks to their own jammers from the enemy’s fpv drones... more than one fighter died, anton stepanenko, valery vinakurov, leading the zaporozhye front. now to the world markets, they are now at the mercy of politics, oil this week soared above $90 per barrel due to iran’s attacks on israel, but then the price
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dropped below $90 per barrel. stock market traders do not yet believe that the conflict in the middle east will escalate to that level. when it begins to interfere with oil supplies to the world market, of course, such risks exist, but at the moment such a development of events seems unlikely to stock market traders, although forecasts for the price of black gold are gradually shifting to 100 dollars and above per barrel. well, gold prices have been consolidating all week near an all-time high; markets often behave this way after a sharp rise in prices. some stock exchange players believe that the aggravation of the middle eastern conflict is already in prices; prices for non-ferrous metals have risen sharply in price after western countries imposed sanctions on the supply of our metals to world markets. the reasons are clear; at some point, there may be a shortage until our companies establish new supply chains, or rather, modify the old ones. all this will lead to
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that chinese, not western, exchanges will determine the cost of basic commodities, particularly metals, for the global economy. already, the shanghai exchange is one of the main ones on the precious metals market. and after the actions of our former western partners, it will still determine prices for non-ferrous metals. at the moment, of course, our company will face problems, as the company fears that a third of its sales may be under the threat of sanctions imposed in the uk and the usa. i emphasize that this is not official information, but some expert assessments. but as we have already said, with some losses, these new supply chains will still be built. sanctions are already affecting producers, russian producers of non-ferrous metals. they are already starting to use various creative schemes, there is a risk that russian companies will experience a decrease in financial indicators, such as income, such
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as profit, and due to the fact that some discounts will either be increased or expenses have been increased to ensure that metal, which previously was directly was bought by european or american buyers, now it has been delivered to them... taking into account certain restrictions there, because the idea of ​​expanding the entire export of what was previously supplied to the west, to the east, is popular, but nevertheless, if we look for the same china, then it is the largest producer of aluminum, china controls most of the nickel production in indonesia, in this regard, china of course buys our metal, but in general... it buys it only under certain conditions, because that he produces it himself, this also needs to be understood, so most likely the geography
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of supplies will remain, plus or minus, similar, there the share of the east will increase a little, it’s just that it will take some of what before remained in the profit column for russian companies. the german chancellor's visit to china ended this week. mr. scholz prepared for it for a long time, as the german media themselves report. he took top managers of the largest german companies with him on the trip. this shows great hope chancellor of germany, on the possibility of somehow stopping the degradation of business relations between the two countries. well, that's degradation. a threat, and in the meantime, china remains the largest trading partner for germany, but everything is going to the point that the american allies will force the germans to curtail trade with
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the middle kingdom and the fault is big politics, or rather the lack of it in germany, the country has long turned into a vassal of the united states. that is why scholz had to once again try to put pressure on china to force it to abandon its support for russia. in reply, the chinese leadership put forward its settlement plan. first of all, this is a cessation of any hostilities, this is a ceasefire, and only then against this background of negotiations. what do both si and scholz agree on? the fact is that the current situation,
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a situation where there is constant tension not only in europe, well, for example, in the middle east, but also in east asia, all this can lead to the collapse of the global economy in general, and therefore here, of course, the positions of the parties converge, but it’s interesting that germany presents this as its... victory, as it were forced scholz, forced sijin ping to make such statements, but frankly speaking, the chinese position has not changed, and most importantly, china believes that any negotiations without russia are impossible, meaningless, because then they will not be legitimate, the meeting of switzerland, in chinese opinion, is not can take place without the active participation of russia, in this sense, i will repeat again that china has not changed its position over the past year, perhaps not by an iota. following the visit, the german media did not report on the chancellor’s victories; they were quite they commented skeptically on the business results of the visit and continue to write about the dominance of chinese
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goods. in their markets about the problem of transferring jobs from germany to china. this process continues very actively, which, of course, cannot please the german leadership. on the other hand, scholz cannot leave the country without chinese investment. germany continues to need chinese investment, and china is one of the largest investors in the german market. and in this sense, germany largely depends on china. by the way, by volume of investment. depends much more than russia, against this background, that is , against the background of the fact that scholz brings a colossal number of german businessmen, representatives of the largest german concerns, in order to break into the chinese market, he is forced to simultaneously discuss the political problem, and discuss with on the one hand, he discusses it as a petitioner, let our german companies in china, on the other hand, he tries to insist that
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china should... make statements in which it clearly emphasizes that it does not will continue to support russia or reduce aid and support. naturally, china does not want to mix politics and economics. china clearly understands that it is open to economic issues, in this sense, i think that the amount of german capital in china will increase, but on the other hand , china is not going to change its policy of being a little aloof from the fray. in europe and i would call pro-russian neutrality, in this sense china will still adhere to its tendencies, its a trajectory that is aimed primarily at stabilizing the situation within china, and in no case a position that is beneficial only to western europe or the united states. despite the mutually beneficial cooperation, the german leadership cannot help but understand that their allies overseas will sooner or later
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force them, if... not just to stop cooperation with china, then to sharply limit it, especially for high-tech industries, this will lead to further stagnation of the german economy, but there appears to be transatlantic solidarity in germany will win again. of course, germany today is under enormous pressure from the united states, including economic pressure, but germany is interested in expanding relations with china because it is solving its own problems. just last year. trade turnover between germany and china decreased by 4.5%. and this year we now have figures for the first quarter of this year of as much as 16%. in fact, this is a terrible blow to the german economy. and in this sense, of course, germany can criticize china as much as it wants, criticize the way its economy is structured, criticize that china is putting pressure on the german market with its too cheap
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electric cars. but at the same time, the united states cannot compensate for the losses that germany suffers when relations with china are disrupted, so it seems to me that everything here will remain exactly in the paradigm, in the model that exists, accordingly, china is ready to expand relations with germany, trade, but china will not make any economic concessions, because for china the stability of relations is much more important, than every second benefit. therefore, let’s say, scholz’s visit to china, of course, the visit as a whole is very positive, because the countries at least did not argue, in fact they tried to establish some new contracts, but on the other hand we did not see any serious political progress.
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now it’s up to the explosives, congratulations, pay attention to the face, contacts with you, carry out the repair work, now the light has appeared at the end of the tunnel, thank you very much again for the work, this tunnel is not the longest on bama, only 1800 m, but to break through it in duseolinsky the ridge began already in 1939. all this was boiling, you know, all this was stirring, you continue to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, what volume to go out with, how much money to spend, the economy turned to the east, to the detriment of our enemies, we are achieving high successes, such precedents there has never been transport construction in the history of russia.


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