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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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number of such cars in our country is still very small, well, mostly foreign- made, although domestic manufacturers are included in this electric ... the race is proof of this our conversation with the ceo of electric vehicles manufacturring ilya rashkin ilya, hello, thank you for taking the time to talk with us, you are certainly busy with active introduction of electric transport in our country, but nevertheless i would like to talk about the market as a whole and, most importantly, about the market for electric vehicles, including trucks, and because this is a completely new direction and its...
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everyone is concerned about the problem there, for example, of rising fuel costs , reducing the cost of transportation, yes, there are a ton of kilometers, this is our project, exactly what we are doing, yes, this is the production of commercial electric vehicles um, and he solves it in the following way, that is, we have set the task so that we the cost per kilometer, the cost of ownership was 30% lower than that of our analogues, analogues with engines. fire and we followed the path of what, let’s say
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, an average, medium-sized logistics business per day, and one logistics shift takes from 200 to 300 km, so our task was to meet, firstly, so that our electric car could do this travel a distance without recharging, that’s because infrastructure development is a separate issue, we can talk about it later, yes, of course, definitely, this is one of the main directions, problems, so to speak, yes, so our task was to provide a long autonomous range, up to 300 km, a logistically understandable carrying capacity of about a ton, an adequate cost, here, of course, all the most interesting and hidden, yes, because the cost today today's electric logistics vehicle is on par with an internal combustion engine, around three, there are 3.5 million rubles, an electric vehicle in this regard costs 1.5 million more, here... there is a whole range of tools and measures, which we use, with which they help us, yes, in particular there - the federal
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executive authorities, the moscow region, specifically moscow, yes, where we have mass production, so if we talk about these tools, then of course the task is to achieve parity as much as possible cost, yes, that is, so that for the customer a car with an internal combustion engine and an electric car at the entrance are approximately the same in cost, there are subsidy instruments. here we have such a subsidy under resolution 649, that is, this is a discount on a car of 925,000 rubles. that is, when logistics companies buy our comtrans , which means they lease, they receive a discount from the state in the amount of 925,000 rubles. which already significantly reduces this difference in price. then there are already various measures, and there are regional support measures, so we now have a task: on an initiative basis, we are now working with the ministry of industry and trade, with the ministry
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of economic development, sparta with the department of investment industrial policy, and the task is with additional measures incentives to generally achieve parity cost, then when a logistician buys such a machine, it doesn’t cost him a year, it starts earning him money after a year. regarding ice, it starts to do this right away, this is the key task of the transition to electric mobility, this is actually the main problem, and another problem is generally the conservatism of the logistics market, but it is quite pragmatic, because when you buy a tesla, well, you think rather irrationally, yes, impulsively, emotion, that is, this is a cool gadget that you you buy for yourself when you are engaged in cargo transportation, it is important for you how much it costs to transfer the cargo per 1 km, here we are
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today, we are already winning, yes, that is, we can already boast of a figure of, say, 8 rubles per kilometer. , here are analogs with an internal combustion engine, it’s 13, 15, 16 rubles per kilometer, today such a significant difference is achievable, but as i said, the market is conservative, it requires significant... additional impulses and support measures, yes, in order to convince just these customers, our clients, use this in everyday life, in everyday logistics, ilya, right away, i’ll interrupt you, several questions immediately arise from your answer, firstly, why do you need to convince everyone of this, i understand that progress , probably cannot be stopped, electric cars will become part of our lives, in the west this agenda is being promoted as a separate topic, why, but... it seems to be believed that in the end this is a more environmentally friendly transport and so on, although there are
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studies that show this very controversial moment, but we won’t focus on this now, i’d just like to hear from you why people in you rightly noted that we have a huge distance, we have huge climate changes, now it’s snowing in st. petersburg, and we have rain in moscow at the moment, this is even happening, although here... about at least once, that is, these problems arise, the immediate question is why all this, yes, you are absolutely right, an environmental, environmental issue , it is of course important, but due to the latter for two years now, what has been happening in general, the environmental agenda, it
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is being pushed back a little in principle, it is being rejected in general in the world, so the question is coming to the forefront: in general , efficiency, economic efficiency, why? this is the most important question you asked, we are positioning our, say, commercial electric transport for intracity logistics, that is, it is not intended for intercity logistics, it covers exactly all internal city logistics, that is, it is ideal a logistics tool for cities with a population of over a million, that is, when you, let’s say, have a car leaving a hub with parcels, have traveled 250 km there all day, it has returned at the end of the day, and at the same time you have made significant money from it, because you don’t spent on diesel or gasoline, used only electricity, and electricity, as you know, yes, is significantly cheaper, yes, like energy, that’s the main answer why this is needed, there are, of course, many more
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factors, yes, why is this needed , well, these are probably the main ones, since logistics is very pragmatic. here people operate only with numbers, numbers are a stubborn thing, if we can and show in practice that it is cheaper, and thanks to this tool you can earn money, then it starts to work, and we are actually the only one in the country today who we managed to achieve such a pricing policy, and this costs a lot, in particular production, because we are a completely russian product, but we are not built on... the basis of a completely russian chassis, we have all our components and assemblies developed within our company, also, again, for the reason that we can influence the cost, manage it, manage quality, manage risks from the point of view of some things sanctioned, that is, here every brick is important, if it all adds up, then it turns out in fact, it’s very effective - an effective
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tool, and ilya, look, i ’ve read a lot and i haven’t driven electric cars myself, well , as a driver, but i’ve read a lot that electric cars are convenient, they’re quiet, and for cities, they’re convenient, they’re they don't have exhausts gases, it is clear that electricity is also extracted, mined, produced somewhere, these exhaust gases, conventionally, they are carried out of the cities, well, in fact, this is what we have, yes, that is , somewhere there - all this fumes far away, relatively speaking, produces carbon dioxide, in cities with over a million people there is frequency, order and silence. by the way, there are two points here: these electric scooters that prevent people from walking on the sidewalks, they are also dangerous to health, because you don’t hear it approaching, but this is a separate topic, but i wanted to ask you something, you said that cars expensive to produce, this is due to small batches, because it is clear that volume is very important for production, or is this due to other
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factors, because electric machines, in fact, they are simpler than internal combustion engines, this is written everywhere, there is less... the main one in general, the global problem today is precisely the increased cost of electric vehicles, the main percentage of the cost of electric vehicles here is the lithium battery assembly, and that is, it is the lithium battery assembly that determines the increased cost of... otherwise you are absolutely are right, that is, the electric motor itself, its layout, its additional components, this is a very simple thing, well, relative to the internal combustion engine, so the main cost is, of course, lithium, in particular, now there are many initiatives in our country, but rosatom and
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rosatom subsidiaries are engaged in creating a gigafactory there for the production of russian batteries, now a lot is being done in order to... to increase, increase , create new lithium production somewhere, yes, in order to have a completely full production cycle in our country, of course, when this is achieved, here the price indicators can be different, but the main reason, of course, is the high cost of lithium battery assemblies, and ilya, you said that , that you have completely developed your own, now if we talk about problems of a purely production nature, it is clear that under the conditions of sanctions many things were not made in russia, i mean components there , and so on, and some simple rubber bands and it was time to buy abroad. now, what needs to be done to produce electric vehicles, as i understand it, this will concern not only this area, but in general, what is especially
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pressing for you now, what needed to be decided yesterday, or does this apply to the whole spectrum? production, well, yes, in general this applies, since there is a huge number of components and assemblies contained here, this generally applies to everything, let’s say today we buy... lithium cells in china, that is, well, here are the bricks themselves, from which already assembly is going on, but in general the assembly is the battery itself - this is a very high-tech solution, let’s say it’s completely our development, that is , you can buy bricks in different places, now all the wiring, all the high-tech, it’s already sitting here inside , that’s why here , of course, this is the development of these industry technologies, standards, yes, which are now needed for unification, because we have a huge, extensive...
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key things, such as electric mobility, this includes from battery assemblies to production of electric motors for these electric vehicles, so we are also doing a great job here, in fact, i want to say separately, we are getting help from the authorities, the federal executive authorities, yes, that is, we are doing a great job with the ministry of industry and trade, but we have a special investment contract under which we undertake to invest. and in general in the creation of production, in the localization of components, and for this the state gives us certain preferences, and there are monetary ones, not monetary, that is, some tax
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benefits, that is, these are very important things, in general now all market participants, and especially those related to the electric vehicle industry, they are, as it were, brought to such a common denominator, yes, when you have a program localization, you must comply with it in order to receive additional subsidies. discounts and so on , well, again, due to the fact that this is a key task for the country, there is a federal program, yes, the development of electric transport, which is supervised by the government directly, yes andrey removich belausov, and this program is precisely responsible for two fundamental pillars through which all this is developing, this is the support of manufacturers, this is precisely the conclusion of such special investment contracts, the localization and development of charging infrastructure. that is, these are the main drivers, they exist, and i believe that russia is one of the few countries in the world, yes, that makes a huge amount of effort to
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ensure that we have all this, and in general , i communicate with teams, from the government and the ministry of industry and trade from the dip, and the department of investment industrial policy, these are teams of professionals who really want to get their results. to help find some solutions there , create some new ones, but here , under the leadership of the department of the city of moscow, investment policy
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of entrepreneurship, we are now thinking about a support program for the development of comtrans in the moscow region, yes, because we are residents of a special economic zone, technopolis moscow, our plant is located there, that is, it is in moscow, and of course moscow is also a significant driver. yes, if i think so, this is now the main driver for the development of electromobility, both private and commercial. yes, ilya, the authorities are helping you, this is wonderful, now all that remains is not to let you down, and your colleagues, well, i think that those cars that you produce will still be produced in mass quantities, these are the problems, oh which we talked about, they will be decided, as i understand it, there is interest in this, thank you very much, good luck with your work, all the best, thank you, alexander! all the best, vertical vacuum cleaner kitforрд or aerogril
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