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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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we often talk about money, the sums are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are top of the world, stood up, dusted himself off, went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure. our colleague, izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin, died in the zone of a special military operation. an enemy fpv drone threw at him ammunition, it happened near the village of priyutnoye, zaporozhye region. eremin died from his injuries, the news was reported on his telegram channel. his last report came out 2 days ago, in which the journalist told. about how the russian military
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uses methods for training to combat drones using shotguns, he covered the progress of the special operation from the very beginning, worked in mariupol at the azovstal plant in marinka, was one of the first to report from volnovakha in march 2022, when russian troops the ukrainian flag was removed at the entrance to city, and also showed the work of lancet drones and artillery using adjustable ammunition krasnopol, was awarded a medal of the order for services to the fatherland. second degree. vladimir putin held an operational meeting with the permanent members of the security council via video conference. one of the main topics was the state reserve reserves. it includes , among other things, basic types of food, fuel, and everything necessary to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations. deputy chairman of the security council dmitry reported on the situation in this area medvedev. and here is the footage from the beginning of the meeting. we have several questions today. let's talk about
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state reserve reserves, talk about measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population in the fight against the drug threat, several speakers, the current situation with floods in the regions, the situation in the kurgan region was commented on by governor vadim shumkov during the conversation. with alexander korievsky on the air of our channel. according to the head of the region, technical groups with heavy equipment are constantly on duty at the dam in kurgan. some areas of an important facility are experiencing heavy load. earlier in the city , residents of three microdistricts and several snts were evacuated. the water level in the tabol river may rise above 11 m. the city of kurgain is now experiencing the peak of the flood. and the biggest point of tension for us is the dam sections. the dam itself was built in 1962.
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is growing rapidly, they are clearing out the jam of branches and tree trunks on the river, the kibo liquidation team has attracted an additional group of the ministry of emergency situations. in addition, the first tier of the embankment in the city is completely flooded, this was reported in the information center regional government. our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is working at the scene of the disaster. during the 24 hours since monitoring, the water has added more than 2.5 m, 2.60 to be exact, and you can already feel it.
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here in the city, but we returned from the city pedestrian bridge, the water rose quite strongly there, that dead wood that came from the upper reaches of the river, it just formed a serious traffic jam, and this is a very big problem, because the water begins to spread, it begins to spread and just starts to maximally put pressure on the dam, now it is necessary to eliminate this congestion, because the water is rising even more actively, now the ministry of emergency situations employees alone are using a cable to pull large trees to the ground, the second group are tractor drivers, they are trying to push garbage directly under the bridge, guys are also working on the boat, they , too, with the help of a cable, are trying to pull the debris that is stuck under the bridge to the other side, lift it, all efforts are being devoted to eliminating the jam that has occurred due to the fact that the water has risen, therefore, all the forces of the administration of the city of ishim, the ministry of emergency situations, the tsr, are thrown at... its localization,
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we plan to overcome it, and the shimsky district and the kazansky district are the most problematic points in terms of the flood situation at the moment, as i said, in the vyshimsky district. and the increase in water is sensitive, and there is a slight decline in the kazan region, but they are waiting for a second wave there, you understand, but here it is impossible to predict anything, today information has already appeared that the village is beginning to go under water, for example, the village of big yerki, literally flooded overnight, get there we didn’t manage to get there today, although we tried to approach there from different directions, we’ll try, there are still people there, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations are delivering water and food there, it’s clear that there is no light, we...
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dropped by 1 cm, in the area the village of ivlievo, yarkovsky district, increased by 18 cm. 93 households were flooded in nine settlements of the kazan region, 2,198 people were evacuated from settlements threatened by high water. there are no relatives or friends outside the flood zone. go to a temporary accommodation center. addresses of temporary accommodation points. know that in the city administration, in areas of potential flooding, sirens are now constantly sounding, and radio broadcasts are breaking through with emergency messages, which say that people who are in these dangerous zones need to evacuate either to a temporary detention center or
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to their relatives, take everything necessary, these are documents, some essential things, necessarily medicines, doctors work in taps, psychologists work, everything is there.
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anna nemirovskaya has details. russia is rapidly expanding its work with african countries. in the current foreign policy concept , the african direction is officially declared one of the most important, cooperation in science and health care is among the priorities. for 2 months
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, russian mobile laboratories traveled by sea from st. petersburg to the capital of uganda, kampala. two modules for testing for especially dangerous infections, ebola, cholera, yellow fever, were created on the basis of kamaz vehicles, that is, they can. overcome long distances off-road, and this is extremely important, because for example, the latest ebola outbreak in uganda occurred in a remote area on the border with the democratic republic of the congo. they have proven themselves remarkably well in guinea. this august will mark 10 years since the first delivery of such a laboratory to guinea. over these 10 years in guinea, using our mobile technologies and pit surveillance technologies, we managed to cope with... the ebola epidemic, the yellow fever outbreak, the measles outbreak and the cholera outbreak in guinea, and we do it all together with our friends. vladimir putin announced that such a laboratory would be transferred to uganda at the russia-africa summit in the summer. this is the so-called sanitary passage,
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it is through it that epidemiologists will enter the laboratory. here they will leave their clothes, change into work clothes, put on personal protective equipment. there is also a shower here; you will need to use it upon leaving. go ahead. the mirror is not here for beauty, but to check how tightly it fits protective clothing. the doors here are designed in such a way that in real work it is impossible to open two at the same time, only one at a time; so-called negative pressure is maintained here, this means that the pressure outside is higher than the pressure inside, so air can only escape from here through a specially designated channel with powerful filters. it’s not for nothing that a demonstration of the work of laboratories is called a military exercise; the fight against infections here is like a battle for... we have already observed situations where outbreaks of diseases occurred, but instead of
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helping, most countries left africa alone with them, they continued to kill african peoples. we need to work together through russian-african initiatives to prevent outbreaks from being turned into weapons. working together is russia's principled approach and the scientific conference, which brought together scientists from 15 countries and two international organizations, is just an example of such common work. train specialists, give them tools. and share our scientific and practical best advanced developments, this is very important, this is very valuable, and this is so appreciated by our colleagues on the african continent, the western approach, our colleagues here have already experienced for themselves when they can only give the material to the laboratory, and then spend a week or two trying to achieve it, but what it is still there, it is the largest and most equipped laboratory in uganda, the equipment is foreign, mainly from the usa and japan. twice a week tests from patients from all over the country are brought here, and during an epidemic every day, but
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hours are spent on the road, every minute counts. a russian laboratory can be quickly deployed in any remote source of infection. the laboratory sets up very quickly, it takes 1-2 hours from the moment the installation arrives at the required points, until the moment when it can begin to accept samples and analyze them. russia didn't just hand over the laboratory. the ugandan specialists who will work here have been trained by russian colleagues from the microbe anti-sea institute, and this demonstrates russia’s previously announced principle on african problems, african solution. anna nemirovskaya, igor belagurov, news from uganda. every success begins. dreams, to do something of your own,
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in the white hall of the moscow city hall. and we, of course, must do everything possible to ensure that they are provided with everything necessary, to support them morally, at this time, of course, more than ever, the work, skills, and talents of muscovites who do everything are important it is possible for our economy to be on
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the rise, to provide the necessary funds for conducting a special military operation, so that our country can live fully and develop, this is extremely difficult to do. one of the largest schools in the region will be opened in the moscow region by the beginning of the school year. and in lobnya the construction of the aviatika engineering and technical lyceum is being completed. the new educational institution will accommodate more than 2,000 children. i checked the progress of the work.
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probably positive emotions and pride for representatives of russian business who took the risk of making huge investments in this project. rub 11.7 billion project cost, of which 2.9 billion rubles. these are federal funding funds as part of support measures that come through the ppkro. the circular economy, as it is, on one site in the moscow region there are adjacent facilities that make it possible... to obtain a pellet from obsolete plastic, and from this raw material to produce garbage containers. the deputy prime minister paid special attention to the environmental friendliness of the project. the plant is equipped with modern... local treatment facilities structures. the water used to wash the plastic is returned to the production cycle after cleaning. the unique complex was built in record time in just 23
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months, with the involvement, among other things, of green financing from a russian environmental operator. a full cycle complex was used here. we not only produce recycled raw materials, but also produce finished products from recycled raw materials. the production includes four technological complexes that process all main types of plastic household waste, including illiquid waste, such as polygon film, which was previously considered inaccessible for recycling. if we talk about the capacity of 63,000 tons, this is the capacity of the incoming - let's say, flow of recycled plastics and more than 50,000 tons per year of ready-made flexes and granules. from the received raw materials, the company will produce up to 120,000 containers per year, as well as plastic household products and euro pallets. the share of recyclable materials in new products
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will range from 30 to 100%. each of the containers they undergo a real crash test at the factory, they are beaten, thrown, everything is done to find out their true strength, but that’s not all. in order to understand how the container will behave in one way or another... well, after that the container is also frozen at a temperature outside this door of -40° celsius. enterprises will help to significantly reduce the amount of plastic ending up in landfills, which means they will help realize the key goals of the national ecology project. less than a kilometer from the new factories, eco-industrial construction is in full swing. park of the moscow region, created within the framework of the federal project closed cycle economy. this is probably the most ready-made facility today, an eco-technopark, a new entity, this
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has never happened before, there were industrial parks in the russian federation, but there were never eco-industrial parks, so that it was possible to gather residents in one place who would be involved in the economy closed cycle, they will process waste, extract a useful fraction from waste, or already work with this useful fraction. respectively make new products, new goods. four residents who will be located at the new site will be engaged in the processing of wood waste, rubber products with the production of rubber crumbs and glass, as well as the production of animal feed using organic fractions. the facility is one of six eco-industrial parks that will appear in the country by the end of 2024. in addition to the moscow region, facilities are being built in the stavropol territory, leningrad, nizhny novgorod, and chelyabinsk regions. two more eco-industrial parks in krasnodar and primorsky regions must be put into operation no later than 2027. varvara nevskaya, dmitry
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korsakov, alexander sidorov and valentina velichanskaya. news. more than 200 films from 56 countries will be seen by viewers and film critics at the moscow international film festival. the main thing is that the forty-sixth russian film screening, one of the oldest in the world, officially opened in the theater. russia. there are 11 films in the main competition. for the first time, the festival will feature screenings of films from the brix countries. the start was solemnly announced on friday by the chairman of the jury of the main program, icelandic director, screenwriter and producer fridrik thor fridrikson and the president of the moscow international film festival, nikita mikhalkov. watching a movie, judging a movie, hellish work. i don’t know which of the jury members will be luckier, but i liked the russian program, and it’s very important, it’s really
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important that people who live in our country went with... to watch their cinema in order to recognize themselves in it love yourself. later in this hour, watch the diaries of the forty- sixth moscow international film festival. the author and presenter of the film industry program ivan kudryavtsev will talk about preparations for the opening of a film screening about his main films. well, the russian swimming championship has ended in kazan. medal
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disciplines for six competitive days. the words of yegor kornev speak eloquently about the level of the tournament and the ambitions of the participants. in kazan, yegor kornev won four gold medals. he became the most titled participant in the championship, but after winning the 100-meter freestyle he spoke harshly. the result , of course, is terrible in my opinion, but next time i’ll try to swim much faster. i'm not satisfied, after all, this is not even the first place in the world, so what is there to be happy about. one of the best, let's say so. championships, which were, but overall good, just not a failure, i can’t say that anything was really bad, but what is mediocre, that is, not the peak of the capabilities that could be shown. on the final day of the tournament , 11 sets of medals were competed for. one of the most anticipated medal events on friday is the women's 200m breaststroke. it is at this distance that evgenia chikunova holds the world record. in kazan, at the signature distance
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, chikunova won hugely.
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this is already a very good time, it is generally accepted that there will be no russian swimmers at the olympics in paris, but among the athletes themselves there is still no consensus on this issue. yulia efimova’s earrings in the form of olympic rings, it would seem, are just decoration and a detail, but the detail is indicative. i understand correctly that the issue of participation or non-participation in the olympics is already closed for russian swimmers, and we are definitely not going directly officially. each person has his own choice, but for me. closed because i haven't been yet, for example, even the olympic standard, so it’s too early for me to say whether i’ll go or not, but if i pass the standard, i’ll think about going. almost 700 athletes took part in the russian swimming championship in kazan. with gold medals from the tournament in the rank of champions of russia in 1924 , 35 people left kazan. alexander abramov, alexa kalchuk, alexander kutataladze and karen melikyan. news kazan.
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russian students won the world programming championship, one of the most prestigious tournaments in the it field. the finals of the competition in just two years, 2022 and 23, were held in egypt. they had to be united due to the tense situation in the middle east. teams from the higher school of economics competed for prizes with opponents from more than 170 universities. emil mirsaev found out what the tasks were. here it is, the long-awaited cup at world competitions in the hands of the russian team. the team from the moscow campus of the higher school of economics became the absolute champion of the icpc finals, an international student programming olympiad. she went to egyptian city of luxor, which is in the middle of the nile. 50 thousand people from 111 countries took part. one of the largest and most prestigious
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programming competitions. the olympics have been held annually for almost half a century, and since the 2000s, the winners have most often been russian students. three people in one team solve 11 problems in 5 hours. the goal is to build, modify or correct algorithms. to make it clearer approximately what it is. well, many people use a navigator when planning their route. and so our part is hidden inside there is an algorithm that actually builds this route. and something like this. here, without coherence, creativity, resistance to stress, the most important ability to make bold innovative decisions , the winners themselves, fyodor ramashov, kirill kudryashov and...


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