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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch. our colleague, war correspondent from news semyon eremin, died in the zone of a special military operation. an enemy fpv drone dropped ammunition on it. this happened in the area of ​​the village
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of shelter, zaporozhye region, eremin died from his injuries, they reported the news on their telegram channel. semyon was a fighter until the last minute, he did much more than just a journalist, he helped the front, fought with the enemy together with the military, he died doing his work, which he sincerely loved, these are the words of the general director of lime vladimir tyulin. semyon eremin’s last report came out 2 days ago, in which the military correspondent talked about how the russian military uses training methods. fight with drones using shotguns. he covered the progress of the special operation from its very beginning. he worked in mariupol at the azov-stal plant in marinka, was one of the first to report from volnovakhe in march 2022, when russian troops removed the ukrainian flag at the entrance to the city, and also showed the work of drones, lancet and artillery using adjustable ammunition krasnopol. awarded the medal of the order for services to the fatherland, second degree.
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vladimir putin held an operational meeting via videoconference with the permanent staff of the security council, one of the main topics was the state reserve reserves, which include, among other things, the main types of food, fuel, and everything necessary to eliminate the consequences of emergencies. deputy secretary of the security council dmitry medvedev reported on the situation in this area. and here is the footage from the beginning of the meeting. we have several questions today.
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measures to improve the provision of assistance to the population in the fight against the drug threat, let's talk about state reserves, let's talk about several speakers, in a week russian troops carried out 34 group strikes on the infrastructure of ukraine, the ministry of defense reported this, the targets were energy facilities... military enterprises industrial complex, railways, arsenals and fuel storage facilities, as well as places of deployment of foreign mercenaries, arsenals of the air defense system. in addition, after the liberation of pervomaisky, our troops we advanced further in the avdeevsky direction. the ukrainian armed forces repelled 53 counterattacks, losing more than 2.0 soldiers and seven tanks. the topic will be continued by egor grigoriev. krivoy rog, blow.
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khimmash did not survive the pavlograd infrastructure facility; solid rocket fuel for the missile defense system was made here; in dnepropetrovsk , missiles hit the workshops where they repaired military equipment and assembled drones for the armed forces of ukraine. on the outskirts of the city , an ammunition depot was destroyed; at the railway station, according to preliminary information, a train with military equipment and militants of the ukrainian armed forces, they were heading to zaporozhye and donbass. in the kharkov region it showed. underground, as online publics claim, the gas pipeline caught fire. our armed forces responded to the ssu for attempting to cause damage to the russian energy system. 34 group strikes were carried out by high-precision long-range air and sea- based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which energy industry facilities, enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the railway infrastructure of ukraine were hit, antiphlogistics. defense, arsenals and
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fuel storage facilities for military equipment, training centers for unmanned aerial vehicle operators, temporary deployment points for units of the ukrainian armed forces, and nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries were also hit. in the kupinsky direction, unguided aircraft missiles are heading towards the enemy’s strongholds. sappers are working on the ground closer to our positions. their task is to clear the road, lay out corridors for the passage of equipment and infantry, including thanks to them, during the week, units the western group of troops advanced forward, they were defeated by manpower and equipment 12.
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prefers not to wait for its logical end. over the course of 7 days , 27 ukrainian servicemen made the only right choice. in the video, a group of vsu officers, in order to save their lives, overcame the dnieper, swam across the river at night to surrender. shot, shot! those holed up in the trenches have no chance when our artillery comes into action. the crews of the d-30 howitzers know their stuff. 122 mm shells fly after sighting, very accurately, and infantry no more. a stronghold in the byl direction, where the ukrainian armed forces have 2,170
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militants in a week. their 53 attacks were repelled near the settlements of leninskoye, novgorodskoye, berdyche and others. in the southern donetsk direction , the vostok grouping of troops managed to thwart the enemy’s reinforcement of forward positions more than once; enemy losses of up to 760 people, over 3,550 military personnel, were lost to the armed forces of ukraine in a week in the donetsk direction. our troops are pressing forward. egor grigoriev, news. now about the situation with floods in the regions. the situation in the kurgan region governor vadim shumkov commented during a conversation with alexander. korievsky on the air of our channel. according to the head of the region, technical groups with heavy equipment are constantly on duty at the dam in kurgan. some areas of an important facility are under heavy load. earlier in the city , residents of three microdistricts and several snts were evacuated. the water level in the tabol river may rise
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above 11 m. the city of kurgain is now experiencing the peak of the flood. and the biggest point of stress for us is the dam sections. the dam itself was built in 1962. and its major repairs were carried out in 2014, yesterday, just in the places where the major repairs were carried out, and we caught situations where soil secretion occurred and part of the dam began to peel off, all night work was carried out by several dozen equipment , several hundred people worked, they were filled with bags of soil these places, and today in the morning they were finishing off with concrete in order to stand there, the strongest flood in the tyumen region, the level... is growing rapidly, the congestion of branches and tree trunks on the river is being cleared up, to eliminate it they brought in an additional group from the ministry of emergency situations. in addition, the first tier of the embankment in the city is completely flooded, this was reported in the information center of the regional government. our
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special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is working at the site of the disaster. during the day since monitoring, the water has added more than 2.5 m, to be precise, 2.60, and that’s already. is felt here in the city, but we returned from the city pedestrian bridge, there the water rose quite strongly, that dry water that came from the upper reaches of the river, it just formed a serious traffic jam, and this is a very big problem, because the water begins to spread, it begins to spread and just begins to put maximum pressure on the dam, now it is necessary to eliminate this congestion, because the water is flowing even more actively, now the ministry of emergency situations employees are alone with the help... under the bridge, more the guys are working on the boat, they are also using a cable, the debris that is stuck under the bridge is also trying to pull it to the other side, all
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efforts are being devoted to eliminating the jam that occurred due to the fact that the water rose, therefore, all the forces of the ishim city administration, the ministry of emergency situations, and tsr. have been tasked with localizing it, we plan to overcome it, and the shimsky district and the kazansky district are the most problematic points in terms of the flood situation at the moment, as i said that... the region, and the increase in water is sensitive, and there is a slight decline in the kazansky district, but they are waiting for a second wave, you understand, it is impossible to predict anything here, today information has already appeared that the village is starting to go under water, for example, the village of big yerki, and literally overnight it was flooded, get there we didn’t manage to get there today, although we tried to approach there from different sides, we will try, people remain there, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations are delivering water and food there, it is clear that there is no light... from orsk we already understand what it is is also a big problem, the light cannot be turned on
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for safety reasons, but people start cooking on burners, in addition to the flood , a fire also occurs, this happened in orsk, and this should not be allowed under any circumstances, in fact, the water level in the ishim river near the village of ilyinka per day dropped by 7 cm, in the area the city of ishim increased by 228 cm, the water level in the tabol river near the village... 93 households were flooded in nine settlements of the kazan region, 2198 people were evacuated from settlements threatened by high water, there are no relatives or friends outside the flood zone, go to a temporary accommodation center for temporary accommodation. in areas of potential flooding
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, sirens are now constantly sounding, and emergency messages are breaking through the radio broadcasts, which say that people who are in these dangerous zones, they need to evacuate, either to a temporary detention center or to their relatives, take everything they need, these are documents, some things, basic necessities, necessarily medicines, doctors work in temporary temporary accommodation centers, psychologists work. everything was done there to make people feel comfortable, well, as far as is clear, in such a situation it is possible, these messages should not be ignored, and people are also trying, of course, to save their property, for this purpose temporary storage places have been organized in the city personal belongings, as well as the local municipal shelter takes pets for a rest, in general, the work done here is simply incredible, volunteers work, work...
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about how large-scale production works,
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a report by artyom yundes. here, in the heart of the machine-building plant in the city of stakhanov, metal melted to 1,600° will later turn into non-standard parts that will be used throughout russia. unique parts are not produced mass-produced, but upon individual order. to the part for the mining and coal industry must withstand enormous loads. it is best to view the blinding bright liquid metal through safety glasses. the spectacle is fascinating, but the production is still dangerous. the high melting point can be felt even at a great distance, but steelmakers say they are already used to it. many have worked here for generations. valentinplotnikov has been in the profession for two decades. resistance to temperature is necessary, you have to get used to it. so, in principle, it’s like
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you get used to everything in the process, but sometimes it’s scary? no, why? yes, what is there to be afraid of? fire, that's all, for me i like it, i love it when something is made with your own hands, the plant carries out a full cycle of work, from casting to production of the finished part, after filling special molds with liquid metal they will cool for a day. the hardened steel will then become a complete workpiece. the next stage is mechanical processing. we melt once a day. in principle, we have about three or four swimming trunks. we do it for a week, this is more than 3 tons. recently, this is the geography of supplies - this is both the urals and magnitogorsk, the trend is that now there is a lot of work locally, metallurgical enterprises and mines are starting to operate, so we now have enough work in lugansk and donetsk. over the 90 years of its existence
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, the company has never stopped its work; the plant conscientiously manufactured spare parts. for the main coal industry in the region, even during the great patriotic war, when production was evacuated beyond the urals and under fire from the armed forces of ukraine today. a minute of silence in memory of the fallen plant employees. stakhanovites not only always work they knew how, but also to defend their homeland. in february 1922, maxim kandrukevich, together with a friend and colleague, volunteered to go to the front. after being wounded he returned to the plant. the comrade died. we are here on the central one.
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the plant is actively developing, veterans, factory workers and young specialists are making a great contribution, the geography and number of orders are growing, and as a result, the number of employees is growing. over the past 2 years, the number of employees has already doubled, 120 people work in production, and upon reunification with the russian federation, large prospects, i would really like to wish our company great optimism, faith in a bright future and moving only forward. one of the oldest enterprises. the lugansk region is today modernizing its production, updating equipment; in 2023 , two new machines were purchased; there are plans to become a resident of the free economic zone and take advantage of subsidies for the development of the company. the company has orders for several months in advance. artyom yundos, egor pavlenko, maria bulgakova, vesti lugansk, stakhanov. the ministry of defense is planning reconstruction
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old military clinical hospital in st. petersburg. monitor the progress of construction and modernization. military and social facilities of the leningrad military district, deputy minister of defense timur ivanov arrived on friday. the district command reported on the development of the medical support system for the armed forces. the deputy minister was also shown clinics and other units of the kirov military medical academy. a military-patriotic rally of cadet of the russian guard, heir to great russia, took place in the moscow region. the event took place in a separate operational division. appointment of the dzherzhinsky national guard troops. more than 200 students from cadet classes in schools in the capital and region took part. the children were shown military equipment, small arms, modern drones and a museum exhibition. in addition, the cadets marched solemnly, performed drill songs and competed in
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dismantling the assembly of a kalashnikov assault rifle. russian. students won the world programming championship, one of the most prestigious tournaments in the it field. competition finals in just 2 years, 2022 and 23 took place in egypt. they had to be united due to the tense situation in the middle east. teams from the higher school of economics competed for prizes with rivals from more than 170 universities. emil mersaev found out what the tasks were. here it is, the long-awaited one. the cup at world competitions is in the hands of the russian team. the team from the moscow campus of the higher school of economics became the absolute champion of the icpc finals, an international student programming olympiad. it took place in the egyptian city of luxor, which is in the middle of current of the nilo. 50,000 people from 111 countries took part. it was one of the largest
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and most prestigious competitions. they had their own skills, for example, fedya and kirill write code very well, in principle they will come up with a lot of ideas, i acted in the team as a mathematician, the guys are part of the national sports
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programming team, they recently won the games of the future in kazan, as well as the championship russia last year, all three became interested in it disciplines while still in school and were able to reach heights despite the fact that they did not grow up in capitals, krasnoyarsk, ivanovo and novoalteysk, in russia there is such a place as sirius, where you can come from any region. i was in the service during the december shift, well, during the march shifts for the all-russian olympics, for the all-russian schoolchildren olympiad, secondly, there is the internet , after all, all sources are open there, according to the coach, to beat peking university in the finals, as well as students from the world-famous massachusetts institute of technology and cambridge were helped by a unique system of training athletes, which was formed in russia through the synthesis of modern methods and the best practices of the soviet past. we have very good preparation, starting from school years, this is... preparation for 4 years of undergraduate study , of course, does not have time to prepare champions, we need to start in advance, however, the victory of this team is not the only one in the world, as they say, it collected
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a lot of cream in competitions in egypt. this time, two finals were held there at once for 2023 for the twenty-second, both olympics were constantly postponed, either because of the pandemic, or because of the aggravation in the middle east, so now the organizers have decided to hold it all at once. in addition to the championship, last year students from shena from another team took third place in the competition the year before. the competition is so great that this line in the overall standings is awarded a gold medal. the team from the capital festeh also received it, and they also brought with them a silver medal, or third and fifth places in the competition for 2023 and 22, respectively. excellent results, that is, we are very pleased, gold and silver, i believe that our guys in general great guys, well done, this was achieved through long training since january 23, that is, we train. the team of both universities was congratulated by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko. i sincerely congratulate the students of the higher school of economics on their well-deserved victory, as well as the fistec team, which became the finalist
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of the icpc championship. i am confident that your skills will allow you to create innovative technological solutions that ensure the technological sovereignty of the country, the importance of which our president vladimir putin has repeatedly spoken about. in fact, now universities are doing everything possible to prevent brain drain, university representatives say. the format of interaction with business is partner-partner, that is, this means that students are already deeply immersed in the practice of our large domestic companies from the first semester of the first year, this does not cause such thoughts, you know, where should i move. the final of this year’s international programming olympiad will take place without delays, the competition will begin in the fall in astana, and prize places are again predicted for russian athletes. emil mirsaev, news.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting us, well, they were already there when i
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came here. we need to find mothers, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, etc., what do you want, let’s keep our eyes open, 100 years in the future.
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the key resource of the 21st century is oil, rare earth metals, maybe pure water? no, electronic chips - say experts in the field of semi-wires.


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