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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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100 years ago. the key resource of the 21st century is oil, rare earth metals, maybe clean water, no, electronic chips - say experts in the field of semiconductor technologies, and according to the most daring estimates, in the near future our planet will face a little bit of a war for... on what
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these forecasts are based on is in our information. the world with the smart prefix. phones and computers are becoming more powerful, even household appliances are now smart. the demand for high-performance electronics is growing every day, but will microchip manufacturers be able to overcome the silicon hunger? especially in the face of impending changes. for decades, the development of integrated circuits was carried out by a small circle of selected companies, mainly technology giants from the united states and south korea. the industry in southeast asia has crystallized.
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washington and beijing, and due to the aggravation of the situation, the trade war between chips became an instrument of the sanctions fight, relations between taiwan and the mainland of china were brought over the industry by the sword of domocles. the united states of america feels it has leadership in the industry the situation around taiwan is slipping away literally before our eyes. if the situation worsens, if it develops according to a negative scenario, then the blow to the industry will be very serious. in this regard, it is unknown who else will win. the west is trying with all its might to maintain control over technology, the united states is pulling production onto its territory. washington announced a large-scale program for the development of the semiconductor industry and it is already known that new factories in the united states will be built by samsung and tsmc, but those who do not they want to be technologically dependent on uncle samm, they will launch their own lines, plans to create independent production have been announced, including by india, china and, of course, russia. so already in 2020. what kind of technological
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future awaits us and what place will russia take in it? this is a question of science. hello, i’m pavel toropov, associate professor at the faculty of geography at moscow state university, and today our guest is yulia sukhoroslovoy, director for development of electronic engineering at the element group. julia, good afternoon. hello, paul! well, yuli, the first question, it seems to me, is pressing, i have a feeling that it is obvious that there will be a demand for microelectronics, for chips. only to grow, and it feels like, if you look at it with the eye of a geographer, then generally speaking, in connection with all the geopolitical changes, the market of this industry, well, the geography of this industry is changing rapidly, the market is experiencing fragmentation, this is what awaits us in this regard, it is very correctly noted, and if historically the industry developed according to the principle of forming vertically integrated players, that is, each company conventionally localized the leader within itself. the full
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cycle of creating a microcircuit from development to its direct production, packaging in a case and for further sale, now , as the technological process becomes more complex, the capital intensity of production rises, and these stages of production began to be separated , such geographical clusters have formed, conditionally the cluster of the usa and europe - that’s all , what is associated with development, the creation of ip chips and the asian cluster - that’s all that concerns production of microcircuits, that is, now. indeed, many countries that had not previously participated in this semiconductor race, they thought that it would be nice, of course, to have their own local production to meet minimal internal needs, conditionally state needs, but a need arose, in fact, for the localization of complete technological cycle, albeit not according to advanced topological standards, that is, we are not talking about 10 nanometers or 5 nm, yes, these are already quite stable mature topologies, the level there is 180 nm, 90 nm, and
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we have such a technological backlog, it has been formed in russia, that is, with mature technologies we can fully provide for ourselves and see it from our partners. what kind of interest is there in our full-cycle technologies from the development of technology, production equipment , creation of the production infrastructure itself, here is yulia, well , nanometers were mentioned, in fact, let’s say a little for our viewers, for a general understanding, after all, this is a chip in itself chip, what is it, well, of course, it’s some kind of very a small microcircuit, and what is measured there in nanometers, it’s a measure of length, but it’s a very... small distance, yes, it’s a billionth, which means a meter, it turns out, it’s very small, that’s what, well, if he says, simplifying a little here, we can say that modern microcircuits consist of essentially the same basic elements of transistors, of which
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there are now billions and billions of modern microcircuits, respectively, each such transistor is responsible for controlling an electrical signal and forming a conventional unit of information. there one or zero, if we further use this in logic, yes, and that is, on the basis of such elements we can implement the simplest logic, computational functions, the same operations of addition, multiplication, and so on, this is what allows us to provide computational functions when they talk about nanometers, regarding the topological norm of the level of technology, they talk, if i’m speaking simply about the size, the key structural size of this basic element, that is, the transistor. now, after the technology there is 28-22 nanometers, it’s more like this marketing ploy and it’s more likely not so much about geometric parameters, but rather the ratio of the number of elements in terms of area and the output performance of the microcircuit, well
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, for example, here’s what we have on the screen now, this is one of the chips under a microscope, and very interesting picture, in fact, if you take a conventional walk through the microcircuit, then this is at the forefront, however, here it is, and also i’m not entirely clear on this, maybe i don’t quite understand it completely, that’s interesting, that’s it - if we actually it turns out that we are a we work in the visible or ultraviolet range, and we shine it through a photomask,
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that’s right, i understand, yes, well, let me briefly tell you a little about the technological process, essentially it is divided into two stages, this is the so-called front end offline, as in the case of surface in the layer of the semiconductor wafer , doped regions are formed, which are enriched with charge carriers, which will directly ensure the functioning of the transistor structure itself and are then formed accordingly at the back level endovline layers of metallization that connect these transistors to each other. and what operations do we need in order to form such a complex structure, what can they be? first, well, we probably need to form a drawing, and the drawing is formed, as you very correctly said, an operation called lithography, or one of its subtypes is photolithography using ultraviolet light,
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the surface of the plate is illuminated, a mask is formed, and the excess areas are etched off , for example, here this is already a bleeding process; then let’s say transistor for formation. structure, it is necessary to create doped areas, that is, to introduce essentially additional elements there, there is such a separate operation as ion doping, these are quite complex such large-scale machines, so we are also involved in their development, and what other operations could there be, let’s say the leveling of the surface of the microcircuit and it would seem, well, it’s just essentially polishing, but in reality it’s not, and there are a lot of technological difficulties in terms of chemistry from a mechanical point of view. it is very important at each stage to essentially check the characteristics of the resulting microcircuit, both from the point of view of monitoring its geometry, that is, topology, and
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from the point of view of its electrical parameters. clearly, this is another question, really, because if this is the visible range and ultraviolet, but this. this means that we get somewhere, roughly speaking, from 100 to 700 nanometers, when we talk about the production of chips, some are much smaller, but somehow i can’t figure out how this happens, and there is a formula called: that is, the so-called numerical aperture, as a function of wavelength, but essentially the parameters of the optical system that is used to form this pattern, and accordingly, in modern photolithographic machines a radiation source is used, this is 193 by... length waves and, accordingly , a pattern is already formed at a level of 90 nm and below, while
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there is also such a technology of the so-called multi-petering, when using a mask offset you can form a more precise drawing without changing the wavelength of the source or the parameters of the optical system, but this requires additional operations, when you simply repeatedly apply a photo mask, and if we are talking about china. yes, which has now also entered this race and about the statement about the fact that the chinese colleagues there have reached the pony, they are going exactly this way, but at the same time in the world, of course, the industry has gone into the area of ​​​​the x-ray spectrum, and radiation on level of 13.5 nanometers and even yuli came up, tell me, it’s very interesting, what is the place of inert gases in all this production, actually russia.
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well, of course, we believe in this success, and i would say that it is not without reason, after all, one cannot deny and cancel the
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technological basis of the scientific school that was formed, because the semiconductor industry, during the period of the soviet union, was in no way inferior to the level of development that was formed there, conditionally in the usa or other countries, yes, at the moment, if we are talking about micron technologies, there are also some submicron technologies, then we are generally quite here. not self-sufficient, provided with both equipment and materials with all the necessary technological parameters, if we are talking about more modern technologies, then there is a certain groundwork, there are specialists with a fairly deep understanding of the physics of the process, the physics of semiconductors, and well, with a certain level of attention and, probably , cooperation between the entire industry and customers as microelectronics manufacturers and developers. perhaps somewhere even adjacent industries, that is, conditionally, and physicists, and
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engineers, and programmers, this problem can be solved, yes, not immediately, several iterations will be required in order to reach a truly serial level of products, that is, conditionally, some developments may already be in the next 3-5 years they have been brought to prototypes; it will take several more years to further introduce their series and refine them to an industrial level. in geophysics, for example, well, of course, the science is big, but the technology in general is of course much simpler, everything equally, in order to train a sufficient number of specialists, you need, off the top of my head , 5-10 years, no less, i would say 10, so that a new generation of such qualified good personnel will grow up, we have enough. there are, unfortunately, really not enough specialists in your field now; over the years
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, a situation has developed where microelectronics, and physics in general, probably as a branch of science, it was not as popular as conventionally the same it technologies, and here we have to essentially compete with it specialists who already understand their career path, and opportunities, and all prospects, from the point of view of the industry, it is now at a stage... of such formation and quite active growth, but there are so many very interesting and global tasks that attract very bright and extraordinary personalities. into this industry, and this is exactly what we offer to these guys, of course, now, fortunately, i’m very happy about it, microelectronics has really begun to be talked about, it has begun to be discussed, it has become clear its strategic significance, and not only for conventionally heavy industry, yes, but also for our entire digital world, so here we
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, of course, are making every effort to form such i...
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in conjunction with building a complete vertical, starting from the electronics industry and ending with microelectronics, that is, we will conditionally have our own computers, we will have our own equipment, we will have our own auto industry, and so on, gradually it will be formed simply into microelectronics, and for this already production capacities and technologies and developments are being improved, that is, it is precisely in this logic that it works, well, as i understand it, a plant is actually being built and with a technological one... this is exactly what is being done for this task and for this super task, in fact, yes for the mass civilian market, and in general even for the mass market, this is the question, since i am a meteorologist, i cannot help but ask, here is our task, well, this is also such a computationally very powerful task, the task of weather forecasting, hydrodynamic models,
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assimilation of data from all over the globe, of course they are implemented on supercomputers, but the question is a little naive. of course, probably for an it specialist, for a microchip specialist, taking into account all these trends, taking into account the optimism that you inspire, we will be able, using some new future technologies for the production of microchips, to make a computer so that this task can actually be done on a laptop could it be solved, or is there a cooling system, we don’t care, yes, very right, here it will most likely play a more role as a problem energy consumption to create equivalent performance and computing power. then i would probably think in the direction of new algorithms, there is such a division, the so-called quantum inspired algorithms, yes, which now, without the use of a quantum computer directly, conditionally, but essentially reproduce those processes that seem to imitate the computing power and productivity of a quantum computers,
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it seems to me, for such problems that are solved by supercomputers from the point of view of...
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this means that in taiwan everyone was happy with on the other hand, well, as a meteorologist and climatologist, i’ll say that in taiwan there are water shortages, it’s true, we ’re not in danger of that anyway, just recently there was an earthquake, and if you look back just a couple of years ago, they said about the global semiconductor crisis, in addition to the relationship between the usa and china, there were a lot of climatic factors, the same fires, earthquakes, a lot in japan. happened and the auto industry suffered greatly from this, well, it’s clear, well, who’s talking about what a meteorologist, climatologist, of course, about water, since i remembered about water, it’s interesting, in yours, in this area of ​​yours, why is there so much water in production? a lot of ionized water is used for washing the plates, and that is, in the end, even despite the fact that we are talking
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about some kind of ancient device in my hands, this is the end of the nineties, but even if we produce such small things, everything equally, in the end , a huge amount of water is used in the production itself, of course, of course, a lot , usually in production there are separate stations for the preparation of specialized water purification, and the cycle, in general , does not... must work in a 24x7 cycle to restrain the entire infrastructure from the point of view, yes , this is indeed the case and this seems to imply such a need to some extent, dependence to constantly ensure the production of microcircuits, that is, if the factory is not loaded, not only does this affect the economy, but the quality is affected by a percentage. it certainly has a little bit of this connotation, maybe, well, not just scandalous, but funny, so, naturally, our western partners blame us,
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it’s not just that they accuse, but they claim that in order to do this for our rocket production, for our high-tech, we take chips out of microwaves, and then from somewhere else somewhere, in general, we find them in trash heaps, this is, well, this such a technical thing, i understand that this smacks of something...
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democracy, glasnost, in general, in a word , perestroika, these guests came in, came out and peacefully spoke to me, wow, what are you telling us, that everyone is equal? the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society, in principle, was a capitalist society, democracy - it was revealed that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember a great feeling of freedom among
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the people, but people did not know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, we can be friends, the americans began to tell us how we need to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, and sincerely wanted to help. i'm why adam and not adam i'm a chechen i'm an artist white rose can you sing somehow i shave if i'm alive names we don't need to touch her or whatever you don't touch is not yours well you're a daisy light
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god, homer to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest you change it to the call sign rebin, no, love my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s right. if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative
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competencies. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it's easy to make a deepfake and change your voice. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry meeting with you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you at the russia exhibition, in the summer of 2020.
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still considers him a cruel killer. some residents of the ivanovo region went to the investigative committee, told me what was happening here, they look at me with such eyes, they say: this cannot happen, a man who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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2:00 am
hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. in the international review program, events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments, rehearsal for the third world war, iran struck israel, from the trench to the negotiating table, searching for a way out of the ukrainian conflict.


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