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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. control over the circulation of methanol and the fight against surrogate, about work on an important bill that directly concerns the health of citizens. so much has been done to strengthen the alcohol market. to combat
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counterfeiting, according to legislative regulation, and most importantly - preserving people's health. construction of a modern fishing fleet and processing plants, how the long-term strategy for the development of the fishing industry is being implemented. the regions will be motivated to produce more, support more, so that more funds are returned. relocation from dilapidated emergency housing, how to solve the problem when people themselves do not want to move, in which regions is this? the issue is still acute, we see these barracks of poor housing, well, it’s simply impossible in our time look at them, let alone allow our citizens to live there, reform of control and supervisory activities and a risk-based approach, implementation of the president’s instructions, what benefit will people get from this? the desire to operate a business in a white, clean manner, there is a guarantee that people will receive good services, the club of friends of russia principles forever.
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legislation is the humanization of the judicial system of the criminal procedure code and so on, by the way, a lot has been done recently, and irina leonidova is a supporter of further humanization the criminal legal code, the judicial system as a whole, this is pleasing, a professional person with a deep knowledge of the subject, i would say that irina leonidovna is not a parquet general, but has passed. as it should be, all steps from the ground, so she knows the entire judicial system, knows the pros, knows what the cons are, what needs to be worked on, as for new regions, as irina podnosova reported, work is actively underway there to create bodies of the judicial community, the courts began working there already at the end of september twenty-third, the senators asked at that moment, the candidate still had many questions, one of them concerned civil cases, she said
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that in the twenty-third year more than 27 million requests were recorded. dear irina leonidovna, citizens trust the courts, and have increasingly begun to turn to the courts to protect their rights. please tell us for which categories of civil disputes judicial protection is most in demand today. thank you. 13 million are cases arising from credit legal relations. this is very serious and problematic now. because as the chairman of the judicial panel for economic disputes, i know that the results of consideration of such cases sometimes become a reason for declaring citizens consumer bankrupt, about 10 million cases are housing cases, mainly disputes about the collection of utility bills, and these are citizens’ claims to management companies for poor quality services, the supreme court pays a lot of attention to such issues as the protection of children’s rights, and the protection
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of rights, labor rights, pension rights, and recently, of course, we have been paying a lot of attention we pay attention to protection. rights guaranteed by the state to participants of a special military operation and their families. the fight against illegal alcohol trafficking is reaching a new legislative level. parliamentarians have prepared an important bill to introduce a register of organizations involved in the circulation of methanol. according to the initiative , every liter of this toxic substance will be counted. according to senator sergei rebukhin , this initiative found support in the government. a supervisory body will be determined to include those included. will be included in the company register are obliged to regularly provide all necessary information in electronic form. the head of the upper house called this initiative long-awaited, because we are talking about preserving the life and health of our citizens. so much has been done to strengthen the alcohol market, to combat counterfeiting, to
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regulate legislation, and this is very noticeable in the flow of funds into budgets at all levels, and most importantly, to preserve people’s health and regulate methanol. i already said at one of the meetings, the most powerful lobby prevented this from being done for 2 years, now this gap has been breached, the government has approved, i ask you to actively promote the adoption of this law. valentina matvienko added that it is also necessary to bring order to the circulation of medical alcohol and expressed hope that this work will be completed by the end of the year. now a topic that is relevant to the economic development of many regions. creating new jobs. fishing industry. this area showed impressive growth in key indicators over the past year, the production of aquatic biological resources amounted to almost 5.5 million tons, and this is a record for the entire post-soviet history of russia.
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we’ll talk about strategic directions for developing the work of the russian fishery complex with senator alexander dvoinykh. alexander vladimirovich, hello, the committee that you head has formed 17 proposals for the development of the fishing industry in russia, one of the points for changing the average. in general, all the proposals were formed to increase the food security doctrine, please tell us more about this, what changes are expected, what will they affect? well, together with experts for expansion opportunities of the domestic fish market, for consumption, for such an increase in the global expansion of domestic fish products and human needs for fish products , we were suggested by experts not only from the fishing industry, but experts who deal with healthy nutrition, to still substantively reconsider the consumption rate, today in in russia, we consume about 22 kg of fish products per year per person, this is quite small, firstly, there is a minimum recommended norm by the ministry of health, our doctors - this is 28 kg,
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in general, if you look at world experience, there are scandinavian countries where the level of consumption is somewhere around 70 kg per person. consumption, and what experts suggested, the food security doctrine is the most important document that generally determines the development strategy, which industry should be supported, where subsidies for transport should appear, so experts suggest revising it so that we can subsidize transportation, so that we can
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create storage infrastructure in the regions, this topic has been raised more than once in the council federation that the availability of fish products in russia is far from universal. regions, and sometimes its cost varies three or five times depending on the season, on the ability to store, committee members are inclined to believe that it is important to support such a proposal, in order to form a completely new strategy, i would like to talk about support in more detail, regarding legislative initiatives, are there any proposals today that provide for additional support for agricultural enterprises, fishing in remote areas of the world's oceans, well, besides...
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today there is a problem with this, because the infrastructure in these areas is lagging behind, both social and transport, and we see that in a number of regions there are problems, for example, with labor, and here it is very important that the regions that create this added value, which pay taxes, feel the support of the state, but the president in his message to the federal assembly indicated that it is the interests of regions when distributing taxes between. here are the fishery elections between the federal and regional budgets, here, what
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is being done in this direction, what is the balance now? the order was formulated very clearly, and i will say that the regions supported it very much, because residents of large fishing regions, kamchatka, know how much, what volume of taxes fishermen pay, and at the same time they do not see fundamental changes in their region, because they are leaving the federal budget, then... so that, i say again, there is
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justice has been restored in a certain sense, experts tell us about this, we see what results the fishermen are achieving, and at the same time we see that the infrastructure of the regions is quite serious, this is an incorrect gap, but here it is precisely the president’s order that will allow us to speed up this work already in this year to develop such support measures; moreover, a law was recently adopted, again aimed at developing the fishing industry. it was initiated by the federation council when bona fide fishing fishing tenants of plots, after paying the rent , fishing plots are automatically extended, this is a world practice, this creates a good investment climate, fishermen are beginning to not be afraid to invest in coastal infrastructure, because if the contract with them is broken, this infrastructure becomes unclaimed, therefore the legislative framework has been developed, instructions that the president of the region gave ...
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enterprises are extremely bad, and we see how the ukrainian authorities treated this industry and, in general, how this region was treated. our task today is to formulate an accurate plan, determine what forms of aquaculture can be effective, we hear such a request from our new, reunited regions, and such an initiative was voiced by the senators at the plenary. meeting and after the plan is developed, we will review it, approve it and, together with the regions, we will naturally
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implement it, and we already see that there are a number of investors who are ready to come to new territories and develop this potential, so here we still have a lot of work ahead, but this will make it much faster integrate our disconnected territories into the larger economic model of the russian federation. just a short ad now, we 'll be back soon, stay tuned.
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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture; in the pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to do. deep fake.
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i have been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. in the summer of 2021 at the gates of the house businessman alexander krasnov, a heated crowd appeared. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically to kill. the situation escalated,
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the parties began to shoot at each other. shot and i felt pain in my stomach, blood flowed into my head immediately that they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting at least three times at the attackers. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder. i used weapons, i repeat once again, i defended my family, children, home, guests. the case was transferred to the federal level. some residents the ivanovo region still considers him a brutal killer. i went to the investigative committee, told him that something was happening, they looked at me with such eyes, they said: this cannot happen. the man who killed the intruder. or a hero who saved his family. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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this is the senate program, see below. relocation from dilapidated housing. how to solve the problem when people themselves do not want to move, in which regions is this issue still acute? we see these barracks dilapidated, dilapidated housing, well, it’s simply impossible in our time to look at them, much less allow our citizens to live there, reform of control and supervision
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activities and a risk-oriented approach, implementation of the president’s instructions, what benefit will people get from this? the desire to operate a business in a white, clean manner, there is just a guarantee that people will receive good services, a club of friends of russia, the principles of eternal peace of immanuel kant, are they relevant today in the year of the tricentenary? famous philosopher, our task is not to make it difficult for someone life, but to promote the values, the goals that we set for ourselves, and they are of a unifying nature. it is necessary to develop a systematic program for the comprehensive socio-economic development of the komi republic, valentina matvienko stated. she drew attention to the lack of modern prenatal centers in the region, whose days were spent in the federation council, and the shortage of health workers. also, the chairman of the federation council called on the authorities of the region to do so. disassemble and resolve the issue of closing schools, over the past 8 years their number decreased noticeably, while she noted that in koma much attention is paid to the development of the social sphere,
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salaries for teachers and health workers are being increased, support is being provided to large families, and new housing is being built. at the same time , the problem of numerous dilapidated housing remains relevant, where people are only registered, and only a few people who do not want to move permanently live there. we need to work out this scheme because... the fact that we see these barracks of dilapidated emergency housing, well, it’s simply impossible to look at them in our time, but especially if we allow our citizens to live there, at the same time we need to build more, only 0, if i’m not mistaken, 0.3 km per inhabitant, this is one of the lowest indicators, understandably northern conditions, and that’s out of the entire volume of housing under construction, more than half are...
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with children who need to be given housing. commenting on the appeal of komi residents on social networks, valentina matvienko drew attention to the kirov park in sektafkar, which requires repair, and called on the relevant minister of the republic to take up this issue closely, and i instructed the senators who represent the region in the federation council to keep this issue under control. according to the head of the upper house, kumi has significant economic potential, which needs to be developed by creating favorable conditions for business, not only in the mining industry and timber processing. keep the flood situation under control, and support people who have lost their homes. valentina matvienko called on senators of the regions who are suffering from the spring flood to actively participate in
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permission. according to the chairman of the federation council, it is necessary to keep your finger on the pulse, help resolve all issues until the water recedes, and when it does subside, take a more substantive look at the losses and losses suffered by citizens. innovative approaches and effective mechanisms for the development of municipal territories were the focus of attention at valentina matvienko’s meeting with women, heads of municipalities. the speaker of the federation council said that the ministry of justice is currently developing a bill on optimization. control over activities of local government bodies. the document plans to reflect the use of a risk-based approach and preventive measures that will replace frequent inspections. it was against them that many complaints were received from municipalities. valentina matvienko called on the heads of municipalities to take initiative to improve the work of local self-government bodies. according to her, the federation council always advocates for women in all spheres to more actively express themselves. moreover, their
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work is at the local government level. not is of particular significance, let me remind you of the words of vladimir vladimovich putin, who has repeated more than once that it is local self-government that determines the way of life of our entire large country, it is very important for us that the voice of local self-government is directly heard in the process of making government decisions, believe me, this is not a figure speeches, this must necessarily be the case, with their concerns and experiences, citizens first of all come to you, and often on issues that are not within your authority, but at the same time people count on to responsiveness, attention, sensitivity on the part of local governments, in my opinion, and i think, in your opinion, these qualities are by nature, they are characteristic of us women, so the number
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of women is not accidental. there are more than three times the number of men working in municipalities; the figure itself speaks for itself. reducing the number of inspections, instead a risk-oriented approach and an emphasis on preventive measures, is also about the reform of control and supervisory activities. let me remind you that the president proposed starting next year abandon the moratorium on business inspections, but reduce their number and take a different approach. let's talk more about the implementation of these initiatives.
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multiple, it must be said, for example, in 2023 there were only about 360,000 inspections, although years earlier there were more than a million of them, so this approach, it now gives business the opportunity to develop more calmly, moreover, the department has adjusted all organizations and enterprises into a single catalog, grouping into six categories enterprises of dangerous reproduction of dangerous possible impact on human life and these six categories, which include about 7 million enterprises in the russian federation, they have their own risk categories and their own approach. and if we talk about indicators of the risk of violation of mandatory requirements, which, as i understand, will be catalysts for unscheduled inspections, what can be attributed to them? catalysts are, first of all, those factors that show that there may be a violation, there may be a danger,
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a threat to the health or life of people. and if the catalyst signals to the supervisory authorities that there is such a danger, then this is precisely the basis for making a visit, conducting an inspection and preventing possible violations, such catalysts and work on them, they give very high efficiency, under such a risk catalyst, indicator risk, which means the degree of detection of violations is approaching 90%, well, what kind of catalyst could it be, for example, well , a catalyst... for example, look, we are talking about labeling of various products, for example, labeling of tobacco products, if there is no labeling, this is precisely a catalyst, then there is a correspondingly high probability that this is either a counterfeit or a product that can harm humans, and it should be noted that the government is in this...


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