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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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for example, well, a catalyst, well, for example, look, we are talking about the labeling of various products, for example, the labeling of tobacco products, if there is no labeling, this is precisely a catalyst, then there is a correspondingly high probability that it is either a counterfeit product or a product which can harm a person, and it should be noted that the government is developing a huge number of indicators in this regard, only...
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last year more than 200 indicators were developed and included in the register of indicators, this work is carried out thanks to the fact that constant attention is paid not only by the federation council, but also by the government of the russian federation, this government work is headed by deputy prime minister grigorenko, thanks to the efforts of him, his team, today this system of risk indicators, the system of a risk-based approach has received a new impetus, a new development, but last year showed that the system of prevention. it has finally been introduced into the activities of departments, what fruits has this approach brought and what form will it take in the future? when we propagated, began to introduce only preventive measures, preventive visits, at first the business first of all aroused some kind of fear, precaution , fear that such a preventive visit would be the basis for taking some kind of administrative measures.
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operations. one recent piece of legislation would protect fighter payouts from being written off in bankruptcy. the bill is currently being worked on. supporting svo participants and their families is one of the state’s priorities: there are both federal and and regional measures. our correspondent, oksana poturkina, will talk about what kind of help fighters and their families in the chechen republic can count on. ekhmat selemkhanova from
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the small village of aleroi in the chechen republic has not seen her son for a year and a half, with whom she is now talking on the phone. the man is in the zone of a special military operation, he is a platoon commander and his brother, younger son yakhmat, serves in the same battalion with him. i wanted them and i also let them go with a light heart, and whatever they do, let them go. homes for servicemen are also waiting wife and kids. by the way, his son askhab plans to follow in his father’s footsteps. are you proud of your dads? certainly. everyone experiences the same feeling for their sons, husbands and fathers. their izrievs from the city of kurchaloy. today , almost all of her gathered at one table. this is my little family, this is my eldest son, after him this is my son, this is salman for me, my son, and this is my grandson and my fiancées standing here, three are missing. visarga and haddie's two sons are now at the front. we worry all the time, but it’s their duty, they protect. our
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common homeland, and these were also there, they recently arrived, they are from there, from the city of kurchiloy to the north military district zone, they sent 150 soldiers, whose families can count on any... the feeders are in the fso zone, the family is alone at home, they are on a business trip rarely come, so someone has to take care of them. relatives of military personnel are surrounded by attention from both the federal government and local leadership. in our region, they are assisted by the foundation named after the first president akhmat hadji kadyr, hero of russia, who helps, starting with food packages, right up to solving any living conditions, material assistance for solving. family issues or referrals for treatment to other regions or even to the point of sending them abroad, this fund sends food convoys to the svo area, also helps residents of these new regions of ours, at first the operation was
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sent through this fund and provided assistance in the region of 30 billion rubles, these are all the donations that are provided through this fund for participants. all kinds of support are provided, and combat veterans are of particular importance in the region. a number of medical institutions, including the innovative center for physical and rehabilitation medicine, are engaged in the rehabilitation of soldiers who returned from the north military district zone in the chechen republic. last year alone, more than 100 special operation participants and their relatives were received here. the center has all the conditions for a speedy recovery of patients and even has its own park. now nasir magomadov is undergoing rehabilitation at the center, from the very beginning nvo he was in the combat zone in two. months of service was wounded by a sniper, the bullet passed next to the spine, while nasser moves in a wheelchair, but there is a high probability that this is temporary. the doctors told me that i have a 60% guarantee that i will become, i just need to go through the rehabilitation center,
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this is where the doctors work with me, do everything they can, they gave me hope, it gives me courage. special conditions have been created here for svo participants and their loved ones, medical psychological assistance to them it turns out, first of all, no matter how offensive it may be to state, injuries can be serious, but our specialists make every possible effort to minimize as much as possible all the consequences of an injury or any injury. the fighters fall into the hands of highly qualified specialists. often, after treatment and rehabilitation at the center, patients do not require additional medical manipulations, which until... everything is fine with his arm, they even decided to operate on him, but after our operation he went to st. petersburg again for repeated consultation, he was told that everything
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was fine, there was no need to operate, while in the northern caucasus there were no medical institutions equal in uniqueness to the orgun center, perhaps it will appear in the near future, in grozny a new ... boarding house is now being built for combatants who in the near future they will be able to earn money, where they will undergo rehabilitation, as well as participants of military special operations who will return home, they will be able to restore their health there, undergo full rehabilitation, and receive the necessary help. and such reverent attitude towards the participants of the special operation is, without exaggeration, in every region of the country. much work to support fighters and their families is carried out at the legislative level. as the chairman of the federation council emphasized, about 100 laws have been adopted to protect.
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andrey arkaevich, please tell us what the club of friends of russia is, who is part of it, what goals this organization has, and its goals. well, you know, despite the fact that we have a badge, the russian friends club, i came to it today this studio is wonderful, but nevertheless, the club of friends of russia is still a project, it is not an organization, much less a legal entity, it is a socio-political project that was made both by our russian colleagues and with the participation of a large number. true friends of russia in different parts of the world, including, by the way, in unfriendly countries, which our president spoke about last year, emphasizing that for russia there are no unfriendly peoples, so we proceed from this principle, this project is a little over one and a half years old, it started in june
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twenty-second year, and it was a coincidence, it was really a coincidence, that for the first time we talked about this at an international event dedicated to the observance day on june 22. first year, the conversation took place in minsk, that’s when the idea of ​​creating a club of friends of russia, of which russia really has a lot, but this is not what we’re talking about, received public support for the first time. presentation abroad, and minsk is
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the capital, one of the two capitals of our union minsk, where the first such face-to-face state was, so the topic is the near abroad, it is, without any doubt, on our agenda, but the near abroad, it is different, the baltic states are also a post-soviet space, sort of like the near abroad, but there are people there too, and latvians, estonians , lithuanians, not just people living there, who think ... that it was a tragic mistake to elect russophobes to power in these neighboring territories at one time, this is the policy that they are implementing today on the orders of washington, but here, too, i specifically say on the orders of washington, because it is necessary to separate the american people, after all, these are different, very different people, among them there are participants in this project, and those who are in the white house today, and there in congress, some issues are, so to speak, resolved in a purely russophobic style. well , i can’t help but say, this is important, let’s say, during the russian-african summit, which
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was also in st. petersburg, there were also many events in this format of the club of friends of russia with our african colleagues, we also presented this club, this project within the framework of the st. petersburg economic forum, that is, we use every opportunity for face-to-face contacts, and where logistical difficulties arise, we use it. videoconferencing system, taking into account what we have already done, and we worked in a full-time format, including in the western hemisphere as part of our well-known international festival marathon, then in general we are already talking about thousands of people in different countries, and very different people, famous politicians, famous musicians, famous film directors, and famous scientists, in general, very different people, different ages, different religious views, or even atheists. and there are people from western europe, including scandinavia, france, great britain,
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here, well, i don’t want to be on the air now - i might just put people in an uncomfortable position, but even there are active members of the house of lords, that is, in principle, now are the times that we need to be more careful in naming names and addresses simply because people will be under pressure; in fact, our task is not to complicate things. someone's life, but to promote the values, the goals that we set for ourselves, and they are of a unifying nature, and here russia now acts as such a flagship, this is not being done against anyone, it is for something, for the freedom of nations, for the sovereign equality of the state, about which by the way, we talked a lot in connection with the approaching birthday, the 300th birthday of immanuel kant, and it was no coincidence that we called him our fellow countryman, which is true, he was actually a subject of the russian empire.
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remember his legacy, and also because his very important work, it was called towards eternal peace, contains three important positions: the first is the sovereign equality of the state, it presupposes and from it follows the principle of non-interference, the internal affairs of the state are extremely relevant today, and of course, this is the principle of the peaceful existence of the state by various political systems that presuppose compliance with the first two, and if we look carefully at the history of the past... after he wrote this book, this idea was repeatedly with the russian side, and then from the soviet side, and
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now again from the russian side, it was offered to the world, sometimes this was expressed in very serious designs, for example, such as the organization of the united nations, or - the helsinki treaty, or the helsinki treaty, or there, well, i won’t go into all the events, but even the famous speech of our president vladimirovich putin in munich in 2007, it also proceeded from these principles. states, but the only thing you need to understand is that the neo-imperialists are these neo-colonialists, they profess another principle, this is the promotion of colonial practices that have become obsolete a long time ago, but... still taking place, this is neo-globalism, and if you are supporters of these unsuitable, in my opinion, practices, then you automatically reject the principle of sovereign equality of the state, they are simply are incompatible, in this sense, another initiative is ours, this is the global movement for the freedom of the nation, which was founded here in moscow in february, including with the participation of many members, well,
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informal members, of course, our informal club, this was also of great and... important importance, do you think, here are your meetings, your conversations within the framework of the club of friends of russia, can they ultimately lead to the signing of, well, an agreement similar to helsinki, helsinki 2, so to speak, conditionally, and you know, of course, such documents are , after all, primarily the domain of diplomats, heads of state, heads of government, but what i would draw attention to is, for example, on april 3, we adopted at the federation council. a very important document, this appeal in connection with attempts to interfere in our presidential elections, an appeal to the united nations, to international parliamentary organizations, parliamentarians from almost the whole world, and we presented this document there too, discussed it, and by the way it was supported by almost everyone who took part in this in person in absentia format, many emphasized this negative role
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of this small circle of the state led by washington, modern washington, by its leaders. who pursue a rather aggressive policy, and sometimes they simply fight in order to be able to interfere in other people’s affairs and impose their will on everyone, rejecting the principle of that very sovereign equality that emmanuel kant wrote about. the development of the arctic territories will be a priority for our country, at least for the coming decades. for this macro-region , significant budget funds are allocated for infrastructure development and investments are attracted. the russian arctic today is not only vast expanses. and a place to live building a business, as one from evidence of the state’s long-term aspirations to systematically develop these territories, the arctic hectare program. georgy podgorny will tell you how to become a participant and what can be done on the allocated land. the program has been in effect since 2021, according to which any citizen of our country can receive 1 hectare of land in the arctic,
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absolutely free, now i’ll tell you more. the scope and geography of the program are impressive. the specificity of the region is such that there are very large uninhabited territories, but in order to be able to subsequently build a road, and make the necessary connection of all the necessary infrastructure, and of course proximity is important - rural settlements or cities. they say about the north: once you come there, you stay forever, and
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serious incentives have been created for this. once again and in detail: the land is given free of charge, the lease is for almost half a century. for 49 years, and you can register it as property in 4 and a half years, another six months are given to confirm that you are using the hectare for its intended purpose, these first 5 years should be enough to settle down, build a house for yourself or some object for tourism, production, in general, what is enough for a flight of fancy? it’s quite simple to apply, you need to submit documents through the mfc or through a website on the internet... quite small, not complicated, and this, in general, provides opportunities for wider involvement of residents, and of the whole country, not just the region. the arctic hectare is issued for individual housing construction, or for some industrial initiatives,
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all possible startups can be implemented here, as well as for agriculture or for development tourism, recreation. of course, the arctic hectare is developing experience, and it is extremely positive from another land development program, we are, of course, talking about the far eastern hectare. according to government data, just last year 10,000 people received their hectares, and over 8 years , over 122,000 people became participants in the program. the principles of the arctic initiative are similar, as are the motives, and the effect in the arctic is becoming increasingly significant. as of august 2013, already 5,000 people began to develop their hectares in the north, the most popular direction for individual housing construction, about a quarter conduct various business activities, and separately one can predict the contribution to the growth of tourism and... it just assumes that
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the choice of a site is far from populated areas, then an arctic hectare, on the contrary, a hectare can be taken next to settlement. what is this connected with? well, of course, with the severity of the climate and the cost of bringing it to such a remote level. some interesting details about the arctic program: one person can receive a plot of up to a hectare only once, but for a family of up to ten people you can ask for the corresponding number of hectares. and it’s also
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important that territories are not given out in an open field, where there is nothing nearby. as a rule, there are cities nearby where all the life of the regions is concentrated, which means that there are already or are being built roads, electricity , etc., which are simply necessary for such a difficult but ambitious task as the development of the north. in order to build, therefore, in fact , what today the program of hectares of the arctic far east took place is
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fact, and this program creates additional stimulating conditions for consolidating the population in these territories, but at the same time developing, these programs raise new questions that need to be addressed. today , the russian arctic is the place where the potential of the entire country is realized and where, if not everything, is done. there is a lot to make your dream come true, and federal programs are a guide and an effective assistant to making what people want possible, be it an arctic hectare or a mortgage at 2%, northern allowances and so on, this is just tools that help residents make the north truly enchanting and attractive. the jewelry industry has regained the right to use special tax regimes. the law that was approved by the federation council will help breathe new life into small businesses. domestic producers to be competitive in the silver market. we’ll find out what other opportunities will open up for jewelry production from senator pavel tarakanov. the introduction
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of restrictions had such an impact that the industry slightly slowed down its development precisely in parts of small medium enterprises. we saw an increase in the tax burden on individual entrepreneurs at the end of 2023, it grew by almost 2.5. naturally, it could not affect the activity of entrepreneurs, namely small entrepreneurs, they curtailed their plans, many for development, in some cases they closed enterprises , the number of employees decreased, well, in general, the industry showed an increase in turnover of about 15% and a slight increase in the number of cash registers, but basically this growth was of course ensured not just a small jewelry business, but a large business, that's it... all these factors, they are the reason that we , as part of working out the instructions of the president, we have developed our law, together with the ministry of finance of the russian federation,
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in order to allow those jewelers who are engaged in the production and or sale of products and silver, use special tax regimes, the industry is very cautious about these prospects, but i approximately expect that the number of those enterprises that are engaged in exclusively. well, today there are about 500 such enterprises, the number of sales points will grow even more, and if we talk about the number of additional jobs, the industry also estimates from five to 10 thousand additional jobs, which will be created accordingly that these are the special tax regimes they will return. next week, senators will discuss the implementation of state policy in the region. energy saving. issues of development of the transport complex in the constituent entities of the country will be touched upon. measures to develop roadside infrastructure will be considered. see you in a week.
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see you on the senate program. democracy, glasnost, in general, perestroika in one word. these guests came in, came out and talked to each other. nevermind, but they say that everyone is equal. the speed with which this restructuring took place showed that soviet society was, in principle , a capitalist democratic society. i remember a great feeling of freedom among the people, but people don’t know many things about the collapse of the soviet union, they were carried away by western ideas, they can be friends, the americans began to tell us how we needed to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, they sincerely wanted to help, why russia should completely copy all western structures, american democracy
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is now also shaky. stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, a white rose , can you, can you sing sometime?
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with permanent members of the security council, the president immediately outlined two main topics: state reserves and the fight against the drug threat. the conversation took place via video conference. we have several questions today, let's talk about state reserve reserves, talk about...


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