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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the control center dropped ammunition on him. at the journalist's workplace in the editorial office. colleagues organized a spontaneous memorial. near the monitor, a photograph, a microphone and flowers. izvestia general director vladimir tyulin noted. quote: semyon was a fighter until the last minute. he did much more than just a journalist, he helped the front, together with the military, and fought with the enemy. he died doing his job, which he truly loved. 2 days ago, in the last report, eremin spoke like a military man.
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in the belgorod region , two civilians were killed in a drone attack in the ssu, as reported regional authorities, drones attacked a village in the grayvoronsky district. when the explosive devices were dropped, a private house caught fire, there were three people inside, only one was able to escape. the fire completely destroyed the residential building, as well as the barn. another house was heavily damaged by fire, emergency services are working. the regions of the urals and siberia are struggling with an unprecedented scale. the hardest thing is now in the kurgan
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region, where the flood is at its peak. the water level in the tabol river is still above critical levels. the city is on the verge of flooding. all forces are thrown to strengthen the dam. it is located in one of the microdistricts and if it cannot withstand the pressure, the streets and houses will go under water. in total , more than 5,000 houses were flooded in the region, and there are almost 30 settlements in the disaster zone. over 15 thousand people were evacuated. large water from kurgan is moving to tyumen. region, where the level of the tabol and ishim rivers is rising, nine settlements are cut off from the mainland. evacuation in the ishim region. the center of shimo flooded the embankment. in the neighboring kazansky district, residents and villages were also evacuated turned off the electricity. a group of rescuers from chelyabinsk was sent to help. river levels have risen in the city of tashtagul, kemerovo region. residents of coastal areas are asked to prepare to evacuate. raise household appliances.
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prepare documents, essentials and medications. and in the novosibirsk region, a flooded river threatens the village of tekhtovka, in the north of the region. water levels may rise above dangerous levels over the weekend. the flood is gradually leaving the orenburg region, half of the flooded houses freed from water. in orenburg and orsk , gas and electricity supplies are being restored and garbage is being removed. a tense situation remains in the villages on the banks of sakmara, its. in tomsk , the water level in the rivers dropped below critical levels; thanks to blasting work on the tom river, the situation was brought under control, but the flood has not yet receded; in the worst-case scenario , 10 settlements could fall into the flood zone. now footage from telegram channels is iraq, where a powerful explosion occurred at a military base 50 km away.
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at least one islamic revolutionary guard member is known to have died in the corps; it is claimed that the airstrike was carried out by israel and its allies. the us central command said it was not involved in the attack on the iraqi military base. a new version of the ballet karsar was presented in novosibirsk. this performance was the first for the local theater back in 1946. the scenery was recreated for the updated production.
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presara in the new edition of the production by the soloist of the mikhailovsky theater alexander amar , variations appeared in the second act. here it is they bring him with them to the grotto for a reason, but to punish, uh, and alika, as it were, imitates him with a whip, forcing him to dance the same way as he forced his slaves to dance, one might say, ballet humor. everything new, well forgotten old performance is significant for the novosibirsk theater. in 1946, it was corsair who sang navat’s ballet page. today, classical dance is harmoniously combined with modern technologies. the stage design is all handmade according to sketches by the famous theater artist valery levinthal. novosibirsk the stage is the largest in russia, for the production of the ballet it was necessary to adapt and the scenery was increased in size, the backstage was increased in size,
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and the blue sea stretched out in width. the stage performers demonstrate their technique masterfully, performing the most complex variations. koshsar, like a ballet blockbuster, pirates, cannons, sabers, fights, great, not all ballets involve a large number of male ballets, but here there are many of us, here we have such a team spirit reigning behind the scenes, pirate fights, travel to exotic countries, seething life of the oriental bazaar, a bright and dynamic ballet that even the most sophisticated audience will definitely appreciate. ksenia krimena, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, vesti, novosibirs. now a short advertisement, then we will tell how a resident of the ivanovo region, with a weapon in his hands, defended his family from an aggressive crowd and was acquitted by the court. a new investigation by eduard petrov is about this. well, credit card debts are hanging
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to shoot or not to shoot, businessman from the ivanovo region, alexander krasnov, defended his family and came under investigation. hello, in the studio of eduard petrov. today on the program.
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in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of a businessman from the city of kokhma, in the ivanovo region of alexander the red. young people threw stones at the businessman’s property and demanded that artyom krasny, the businessman’s son, be brought to justice. he, they say, behaved incorrectly when resolving housing disputes. the situation became tense, the parties began to shoot at each other, and... several people were injured from the red senior's bullets, one died.
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the investigation accused the man of intentionally murder. he insisted on his innocence, saying he was protecting his family and could not do otherwise. heated discussions about the limits of permissible self-defense did not stop, and only specialists from the central apparatus of the investigative committee of russia were able to understand the matter. as a result, the court acquitted alexander krasnov. here are just some of the residents. region still considers him a cruel killer, so who is he, alexander krasnov, the man who killed the uninvited guest or the hero who saved his family, and what to do if villains broke in on you, defend yourself or attack, we took on for this matter and conducted their own investigation.
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a resident of the small town of kokhma, in the ivanovo region, alexander krasnov is preparing his snow-white truck for the next trip. the road ahead is not close, sometimes i leave for 3-4 days, sometimes for two or three weeks, we travel, ride all over russia, that is, he can say, this is your partner, he can say, this is a second home, now krasnov is a truck driver, he travels around all over the country.
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we, as they say, have the most beautiful nature in russia, as they say, you should eat it that way, that is, you kind of drive around and admire it our nature, well, of course, it happens that especially in winter, where you stand, there are days or two, a streak, unable to withstand the competition, his enterprise became unprofitable and closed, and then krasnov ended up in a pre-trial detention center for a long 7 months, defending his family, he killed a man, the case made headlines throughout the region, was investigated first by local investigators, and then by employees of the central
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office of the investigative committee. as a result , the professional court completely acquitted him. krasny: the court sentenced krasny alexander petrovich, on the charge brought against him for committing crimes, is provided for by part one of article 108, part one of article 114 of the code of the russian federation to acquit on the basis of paragraph three, part two of article thirty-two of the code of the russian federation due to the absence of corpus delicti in his actions. the measure of restriction in relations is red in the form of a subscription about not leaving and proper behavior to cancel. friends, well done! our film crew. in the ivanovo region in the hope of meeting all the participants in this high-profile story, but first things first.
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warm friday, june 25, 2021, did not foretell any trouble: many guests gathered in the cozy house of alexander and elena krasnov, they were seeing off their only son artyom to the army, no loud music, no reckless drunken antics, however, the future soldier looked sad and not at all because he had to leave his native walls for a whole year. one after another , threatening messages poured into red jr.'s mobile phone. few people knew that a couple of hours before the farewell, the young man got into a serious fight, and
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the thing was this: artyom’s wife krasnova, alina. i have a sister, elena, she is a mother of many children, she has been married for many years to a native of a neighboring state, davud ostanakulov. elena and davud live in an apartment that belongs to the sisters, everything was calm until ostanakulov allegedly tried to deprive alina of the right to square meters. krastov jr. stood up for his wife, word for word, and a conflict broke out. i'm telling you.
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but still decided to sort things out not by phone, but in person, not far from that same apartment, but i decided to go, because when i talked to him on the phone, he immediately, well, immediately started talking about his mother, well, i told him, i ’ll come now and we’ll talk, they started insulting your mother and the whole family, and he just went for it, he started again talk about the apartment, and so it turned out that the fight was all. there was one: alone, he ran away. the words of artyom krasny slightly differ from these video frames; they were taken by neighbors who watched what was happening from their windows. the quality, frankly speaking, is unimportant, but still visible, on the streets with a dozen strong, young guys.
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the climax of the brawl was not captured on the smartphone camera; all that is known is that davud ostanakulov was defeated, and artyom krasnov and his friends went home to see him off to the army. it seems that the story could have ended there, but that was not the case. here are the next shots. friends and acquaintances gather near the scene of the fight. after some time , they moved from the residential area to the private sector of the city of kokhma. a large company , estimated from 25 to 40 people, was stopped
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by a police patrol, although not for long. soon the crowd, as if nothing had happened, continued on its way, already at midnight stones flew into the krasnovs’ house, family members remember those terrible... this is a summer kitchen, we have a gazebo here, we adults sat here, saw off our son to the army, young people sat under the canopy, we just heard screams, which means stones were flying through the gate, which means the windows were hitting the cars there, well, the pieces of iron. the aggressors from the street have iron rods, painless bats and traumatic pistols in their hands. the krosnows immediately
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understood that this would not end well, and the guests urgently needed to be taken to a safe place. 25 people hid in this small bathhouse. women and children waited for the police to arrive. red had to take up arms and defend his home and guests. two people stood up to defend the home from uninvited visitors: alexander krasnov himself and his friend alexander shestakov. at first they just wanted to calm down the angry migrants, but it didn’t work out. we took care of it there, well, stop, calm down, let’s talk normally. the man is coming at me, i understand that now i’m kind of looking at his hands, he’s swinging, i i raise my hand, they hit me in the bridge of my nose, my nose was broken here, i lost consciousness,
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after some time the guys, artyom’s friends dragged me into the house on the territory, that is , you first fell here without anything, they knocked me out here, yes right here on the site, then the attacker on... the reds' house opened fire, a bullet in the stomach, where did they get it? bullet in the stomach, i just came out of the gate right here, my friend came out a little to the right, they immediately knocked him down, they knocked him down, and they started beating him there, kicking him there, and to me this the time had come, well, a shot sounded and i felt a pain in my stomach, and when i looked at it, i had the same pain. the t-shirt is full of holes, the hole is bleeding, well, everything is in my head right away, that they want to kill us all, maim us, they
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ran screaming, that is, when along the street they are already here to the house, that’s what the russian stabs and kills, decide, wounded alexander krasnov ran into the house and grabbed a hunting rifle. chaos is happening, you warned me, i fired two shots in the air, i ran up, that is, the bricks flew off, they didn’t let me, they threw me at my side, because how would i stand. they let me into the house, after which i fired through the fences at the christmas trees, two or three shots,
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after which we opened the gate again and ran after them, i saw that one was lying on the road behind the christmas tree, they called an ambulance, as if we didn’t even have time for an ambulance, we couldn’t even reach the police, call, as if they called an ambulance, that is, as if the ambulance also arrived later, after everything i don’t know either, well, almost... taxi driver bekhrus because of choshoy died on the spot, another attacker amerjani was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound. the police arrived at the scene a couple of hours later and were able to detain only artyom krasny. everyone else, butter. disappeared, and the head of the family, alexander the red, was not there, he himself came to the investigators the next day, the man insisted on forced self-defense. stated
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that he was protecting his family and could not do otherwise. when i came to the investigative committee to surrender, yes, i tell them what happened here, they look at me with such eyes and say: okay, this can’t happen maybe, well, go to the pre-trial detention center, and we will figure it out little by little, well, although i was arrested, and these were walking, moving around, as if everything was fine with them. what thoughts did you have in your head when you were sitting in the pre-trial detention center, that’s what you didn’t agree with, what made you angry, right? men's, well , i was angry because i seemed to be defending my home, yes, relatives, friends, guests here, and what happened on the contrary was that they seemed to make me guilty, of course, it was insulting, that is, not only for myself, in general, as if, well, anyone could be in my place, with anyone, this could all have happened; employees of the ministry of internal affairs for the ivanovo region and the regional investigative committee investigated in parallel. two
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criminal cases. investigators from the investigative committee on the murder of taxi driver bekhrus from atshoi, and police officers on the attack on the krasnovs’ house. for 7 months, 7 days , aniksan krasnovykh was in jail on charges of murder and causing grievous bodily harm. all this time we were told that just wait, we will get the expert opinion, we will sort it out and decide final qualifying question. however, local skr investigators were in no hurry. according to some reports, the investigation was supervised by lieutenant colonel of justice, konstantin vasilyevich. there is no doubt about his reputation; he is a professional in his field. sent more than a dozen bandits to jail. true, his love for foreign cars is a little confusing. our editors have these photographs at their disposal. here is a man very similar to
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vasilevich, posing. in a german bmw. when we saw after 6 months that this was not happening, i already started writing complaints to elena went to moscow in the name of bastrykin alexander ivanovich, krasny’s ​​wife, to the deputy of the state duma for a reception, and at the same time with such actions we managed to achieve that the case was accepted by the central office of the investigative committee. nissan red's article was reclassified as murder. committed when exceeding the limits of necessary defense from the season was released. vladimir sipyagin, the same state duma deputy to whom elena krasnova addressed. the people's representative was shocked when got acquainted with the materials of the criminal case. those materials of the case that were in the ministry of internal affairs, well, everyone said that this case would be shelved, in the end alexander krasnov, as the defender of the family and home,
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under the article of hooniganism with the use of weapons, this criminal case was investigated for several months, no one was brought to criminal responsibility, then unexpectedly, in november of the twenty-first year, the criminal case was completely terminated due to the presence of elements of crime, then we all did not understand what was happening, we were in a panic, let’s say, even so i filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office
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of the ivanovo region about... these actions with the local department of the ministry of internal affairs, the prosecutor's office canceled the decision to terminate the criminal case, the investigation was resumed, and after we had already filed complaints in moscow, this case of hooliganism is also the central apparatus of the investigative committee has already accepted the proceedings. davud ostanakulov and another resident of the ivanovo region, rustam latipov , were arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center, stands. note that latipov and the ostanakulovs met during the attack on the house of alexander the red. no connections have been established between latipov and ostanakulov in the case. that is, you can say yes, that you called your brother, your brother called your friend, that friend called your other friend. and we don’t know at all how it all spread. yes, everyone should be responsible only for their actions, that is, relatively speaking, the 20 people who came to krosny’s ​​house, which means.


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