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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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in a panic, let’s say, even, so i filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office of the ivanovo region about these actions from the local department of the ministry of internal affairs, the prosecutor’s office canceled the decision to terminate the criminal case, the investigation was resumed, and after we had already filed complaints in moscow, this case of hooniganism was also taken up by the central apparatus of the funds committee, already davud ostanakulov. and another resident of the ivanovo region, rustam latipov, were arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center. it is worth noting that latipov and the ostanakulovs met during the attack on the house of alexander the red. no connections have been established between latipov and ostanakulov in the case. that is, you can say yes, that you called your brother, your brother called your friend, that friend called your other friend. we don’t know at all how it all spread. yes, everyone should be responsible only for their own actions. that is. relatively speaking, 20
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people who came to red’s house, which means they all had to agree that they would use traumatic weapons there, yes, that is, if they throw stones there, now, given that the majority did not know each other, this is absurd, that is , in fact, well, it’s like the fact that everyone blamed the actions of everyone, this is, well, from a legal point of view, this is wrong, the investigators of the central apparatus of the investigative committee...
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krasny’s ​​house, where they threw a building on his in june 2021, at least 25 people arrived at the territory and cars with stones, shot krasnov in the stomach with a traumatic weapon, beat one of his...
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after the incident, krasnov took measures to hide traces of the crimes, cleaned the gun , collected the spent cartridges, krasnov told the arriving police officers that he had set off firecrackers with the guests. then krasnov disappeared completely and was absent until the moment of his arrest. during the investigation , krasnov repeatedly changed his testimony, spoke about being in a state of passion, and therefore does not remember the events of that day in detail. however. these arguments were refuted by an inpatient comprehensive psychological and psychiatric forensic examination. further in the program: how was the apartment dispute resolved? who does elena astanokulova blame for everything? me among myself, well i just talked to my sister.
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investigation by eduard petrov immediately after a short advertisement on the russia 24 tv channel . i am the new nice active. when your back hurts, i easily penetrate to the source of pain and quickly disappear. it's time for training. meet the new nice active. customers' love. the main
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this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase. at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase, a modern drug for the early treatment
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davud ostanakulov and rustam latipov, which was investigated by the police, were transferred to court, accused of violating the limits of permissible defense. i went to all meetings regularly, i used weapons, i protect, i repeat once again, family, children, home, guests, if i had not used weapons, i just don’t know with what if only this would have ended, the process went on for more than two years, in february 2024, the fimida made a decision, we showed this footage at the beginning of our program, the professional court completely acquitted alexander krasnov, the court sentenced alexander. due to the lack of corpus delicti in her actions. the measure of restraint in relation to the red one in the form of a subscription not to leave for proper behavior is cancelled. as
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for davud ostanakulov and rustam latipov, none of them admitted guilt in the attack on the krasnovs’ house. to assign punishment to davud mansurovich stanokolov. in the form of 5 years of imprisonment to be served in a general regime correctional colony. rustam latipov was given 4 years in prison. according to the court decision, the convicts must also pay alexander. in the pre-trial detention center where he is awaiting transfer to the colony, we sent a letter to the convict through his lawyer and asked him to state his version of events. according to the defense lawyer, ostanakulov’s answer was allegedly not allowed to be conveyed by the detention center staff, you filed an appeal, can you say.
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and this artyom just poked his head between me and me myself, well, i was talking to my sister, i was just texting, you never know how i can swear properly, i’m already on my nerves, too, because of all these, i also had to collect all these documents, it started, allegedly, that we want to deprive her of her apartment or something although this apartment was originally municipal, i managed to make adolya appear at all.
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now a mother of many children barely makes ends meet, with a small salary she covers her credit card expenses, she walks to work , the family car, and stanakulov’s was arrested, the car has been in a special parking lot for three years now, it is still unclear when they will be allowed to pick it up. meanwhile, the check for storage has already exceeded 4,000 rubles. it is possible that the car may be put up for auction so that...
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the nicest person, i can’t say anything more, is that he’s always there at any moment, even when you think he’s far away, he’s nearby, that is, he’s not only to me as a brother, he always helped and was there, that is, he and his friends, whose family still cannot forget him. fled from atshoi to russia in in the early nineties, after the outbreak of the civil war, she settled in the ivanovo region, everyone
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worked regularly, and did not appear in criminal reports. nick rus believes that his brother has never hurt a fly in his entire life. quite by chance he ended up at the krasnovs’ house. taxi drivers were asked to help by friends of davud ostanakulov. and bekhrus simply could not refuse them. he left behind a family. yes. two girls, how old they are, the eldest is four, the youngest is two, three already, shows photographs.
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what they felt for him, what they thought, what thoughts they had, thoughts, thoughts, not even thoughts, the hope is that there will be normal justice, that is, as it should be, but that they will not give him a sentence, they will give him not a sentence, but a license to kill, as if i didn’t know this, i didn’t even think of it, this is really now it’s not a verdict, but a license to kill, that is...
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which probably the rest were not identified, but how did it happen that a whole investigative group worked in the small town of kokhma and the rest of the suspects were not identified? interesting question, but i can’t answer it, not for me, conversation with alexander bolychev clearly did not help shed light on the details of the investigation. we wrote an official letter to the ministry of internal affairs and asked the following questions. at what time the call to the duty officer was received, how many similar calls were registered and after what time the police officers arrived on the scene, what the victims told the employees of the department of internal affairs of russia in the ivanovo region, what the law enforcement officers themselves recorded on the spot, why out of twenty- five attackers only two,
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why was the article on hooliganism replaced with the article on intentional destruction or... committee of the russian federation with further referral of criminal cases to the judicial authorities. in this connection, we believe it would be advisable to contact the above for comments. there’s really nothing to add about whether the law enforcement officers could have even prevented the attack on krasny’s ​​house, since initially the crowd of migrants was stopped by a police patrol. we also showed these shots in our program, had a conversation with them and left, that is , they didn’t detain anyone, didn’t disperse them, and after that
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the attackers already moved towards the house krasnov. on this fact with the local committee. a criminal case was opened for negligence against unidentified persons ; it was investigated, but this criminal case was discontinued due to the lack of corpus delicti in the actions of the police officer. capital lawyer ivan mironov does not rule out that a new criminal case may be opened against the law enforcement officers who released the crowd to storm the krasnovs’ house. unprofessionalism, cowardice, negligence and of course. crimes against those they are supposed to protect, whose ensure security, protection of rights and legitimate interests? the crowd came there not for a birthday, not for a name day with congratulations, they came specifically to kill, and since they had stones, they
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had firearms, and what else, naturally, there were knives, and if god forbid, they broke into this house, then we can assume that it was a bloody massacre for the whole family. and the fact that they calmly walked in a crowd along the street, the police did not ask them any questions, they were released, they were released, this can also be said, that here again there is corruption among law enforcement agencies, where all this happened, it is important to note that in this program we in no way want to offend any of the police officers of the ivanovo region. they restore justice every day, they are among the first to come to the aid of those who find themselves in trouble, and there are countless examples of police officers risking their lives to save others.
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i am very grateful to the police post for finding our child. now the krasnov family is slowly coming to its senses, the mother is studying. housekeeping, and father trucking. his son artyom helps him. but it is too early to say that this high-profile story has been put to rest. relatives of slain taxi driver behrus from atshoe and state prosecutors have filed an appeal in the case. yes, the investigation still has a lot of work to do. during the investigation. in the circumstances of the attack on krasnov's house, the identities of five attackers were established: bikhrus, astankhulov, latipov, amerdzhani and rakhmonov. in february of this year
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, two were sentenced to real terms of imprisonment of these, two more are wanted. investigators are continuing a range of investigative and investigative measures to establish the identities of the remaining attackers. the position of the investigative committee, which believes that krasnov should receive a well-deserved punishment for his actions, remains unchanged. in may 2022, the plenum of the supreme court introduced long-awaited amendments to the legislation. from now on, if someone tries to enter your home, even in the absence of violence or the threat of its use, you have every right defend. this seemingly basic story was not clearly spelled out for many years. experts believe that it was this amendment that played a decisive role in the krasny case, you know that there are 12 jurors, yes, and
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six usually carry the coffin, so there is a good saying, it’s better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by six, which means i think that for a citizen, if, from his point of view, there is a real danger to the life, health of himself, his relatives, members of his... territory, that’s it, don’t come here, that’s it, then it will be quite effective. how as a rule, situations requiring self-defense happen unexpectedly, and
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everything depends on how a person reacts to them. what questions might there be? you fired from a legal weapon, having gone through all the necessary procedures to obtain permission, which i tell you again, was given so that you ensure safety, any conflict occurs when your wife is presented. this is our fourth film about exceeding the necessary defense, and we can safely say what happened to the residents of the small town
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of kokhma in the ivanovo region. may concern any family and, of course, many would like to have a weapon for self-defense in order to feel safe, but it is very important to understand that for every shot you will definitely have to answer according to the law. alexander krasnov himself remains confident that he did everything right, acted like a man and protected his family. as for the investigative committee, they believe that krasnov committed a serious crime.
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this is the story of alexander krasny, a businessman from the city of kokhma, who killed a man while defending his family. it was ours investigation from the ivanovo region. hurt only you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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. the regions of the urals and siberia are struggling with a flood of unprecedented scale, the most difficult thing is now in the kurgan region, where the flood is at its peak. the tabola level may approach historical
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values ​​of one. can you tell me how the situation is?


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