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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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the regions of the urals and siberia are struggling with an unprecedented scale. the flood is most difficult now in the kurgan region, where the flood peaks. the tabola level may approach historical values ​​of 11 m. high water threatens to completely flood the capital of the region. all efforts are being devoted to strengthening the dam. from the mound, our special correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, joins us. stanislav, i greet you, tell me how the situation is? yes, tatyana, greetings, well, i still want to start with the fact that the long-awaited, positive dynamics. is now taking shape
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on the tabola off the banks of kurgan, firstly, since yesterday evening there has been no rise in water, let me remind you that the day before at 18:00 the maximum river level was recorded at around 10 m 15 cm, and secondly, after 2 hours after this measurement , the first decline of 2 cm was recorded and this value still remains, that is, now the tabol level is 10 cm, 10 m 13 cm, however... it’s still too early for residents of the region to relax, of course, that’s all preparatory measures have borne fruit, the city and the region we prepared well for the flood, but nevertheless, due to the large rise of the tabola, there is still a lot of pressure on the dams, for example, in the kitovsky district, near some settlements, the water level in the river still remains at around 11 m , you can imagine the pressure on the dams there, according to the latest information from the ministry of emergency situations , in the region there are 29 populated areas... under
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water, some houses even began to float, this is what the owners of such houses say, we came here to see their houses, moroders here and how it was flooded, well, we swam there, found that many houses had floated, a lot of houses had floated, the rest were all under roofs, the first floor was completely in the water, the second floor would soon be flooded, mother of three children, living alone , he just floated above the water like a float, well, our mother lives there too, everything floated up, tore off, tore it off, she’s a pensioner, has nowhere else to live, now the regional authorities are asking residents of voronovka, eastern small chuusovo to evacuate and wait out the flood in a safe place, in addition, by message...
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ministry of emergency situations water from kurgan is now approaching the belozersky district in the area of ​​the village of the same name, the water level is already 5.60 cm. the water level is rising in other settlements of the district. local residents are also being urged to leave their homes as a matter of urgency. in the kurgan region , a state of emergency is still in effect , more than 14,000 people are involved in eliminating the consequences of the flood. also, the ministry of emergency situations groups are now involved in the region. there are more working here now. uses about one and a half thousand units of special equipment, including which watercraft, all-terrain vehicles, and machine warnings, and of course drones , with their help it is possible to find out current information about the flood in order to more correctly distribute the forces of the ministry of emergency situations. this is the information for this hour. stanislav, thank you, our special correspondent, stanislav vasilchenko, came with information from kurgan, where they are experiencing the peak of the flood. the roar of explosions was heard
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last night, late in the evening, by residents of several regions of ukraine. closer to the morning, messages came from odessa, the dnepropetrovsk region and the kiev regime controlled zaporozhye. and late in the evening the sumy region, which is northeastern ukraine, came under attack. there, explosions occurred in two cities, sumy and kanotop. the air raid alert was announced several times in recent hours. the last of them are in seven regions of the country, as well as in those territories of the zaporozhye region. which is now under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. in the belgorod region , two civilians were killed during an attack by ukrainian armed forces drones. according to regional authorities, drones attacked a village in the grayvoronsky district. when explosive devices were dropped, a private house caught fire. inside there were three people, only one was able to escape. the fire completely destroyed the residential building, as well as the barn. another house heavily damaged by fire. special services are available.
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the un spoke out against the killing of journalists and emphasized that each such case must be thoroughly investigated. this is how the organization commented on the death of the war correspondent. he was mortally wounded in the zaporozhye region near the village of priyutnoye; a ukrainian armed forces drone dropped ammunition on the journalist. at the voenkor workplace in the editorial office of a colleague organized a spontaneous memorial. near the monitor, a photograph, a microphone and flowers. yaremin covered the progress of the special military operation from the very beginning, worked in maryanka, mariupol, and visited the azov-stal plant. he was one of the first to transmit reports from volnovakha in march of twenty-two. he was awarded a medal of the order. for services to the fatherland, second degree, now the address of the telegram channels is canada, where a fire broke out at the airport in the east of the country, the fire almost completely destroyed the air traffic control tower, rescuers are still unable to
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eliminate the source of the fire. not far from the airport there is an armory where ammunition is stored; due to the high risk of detonation, the authorities have already declared a state of emergency. north korea has tested a new anti-aircraft missile, the country's central news agency reported. the launch was carried out towards the yellow sea. in addition, phinyang tested a new ultra-large warhead for a strategic cruise missile. this was reportedly done to test its power. seoul has already called the actions of its northern neighbor a provocation. russia handed over uganda has two mobile anti-epidemic modules. laboratories based on kamaz trucks are capable. drive through the most difficult off-road terrain to carry out the most complex research on site, rospotrebnadzor specialists conducted exercises for their african colleagues and showed all the capabilities of modern equipment, from uganda, my colleague anna nemirovskaya. russia is rapidly expanding its work with
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african countries. in the current foreign policy concept , the african direction is officially declared one of the most important, cooperation in science and healthcare among the priorities. for 2 months , russian mobile laboratories traveled by sea and... land from st. petersburg to the capital of uganda, kampala. two modules for testing for particularly dangerous infections, ebola, cholera, and yellow fever, are based on kamaz vehicles, which means they can travel long distances off-road. and this is extremely important, because, for example, the last outbreak of ebola in uganda occurred precisely in a remote area, on the border with the democratic republic of the congo. they have proven themselves to be excellent in case in guinea. this august will mark 10 years since. the first delivery of such a laboratory to guinea, over these 10 years in guinea, using our mobile technologies and pit surveillance technology, we managed to cope with the ibola fever epidemic, an outbreak of yellow fever, an outbreak of measles and
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an outbreak of cholera in guinea, and we do all this together with our friends. vladimir putin announced that such a laboratory would be transferred to uganda at the russia-africa summit in the summer. called a sanitary checkpoint, it is through it that epidemiologists will get into the laboratory, here they will leave their clothes, change into work clothes, put on protective suits, personal protective equipment, there is also a shower here, they will need to use it at the exit, let's move on, the mirror is not here for beauty, but to check, how tightly the protective clothing fits, the doors here are designed in such a way that during real work... it will not be possible to open two at the same time, only one at a time, so-called negative pressure is maintained here, this means that the pressure outside is higher than the pressure inside, thanks to this, air can only exit from here through a specially designated channel with powerful filters.
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it’s not for nothing that demonstrations of laboratories are called military exercises; the fight against infections is like a battle for survival. we have already seen situations where outbreaks of diseases occurred here, but instead of help. most countries left africa alone with them, they continued to kill african peoples. we need to work together within the framework of russian-african initiatives to prevent the transformation outbreaks of infection in weapons. working together is russia's principled approach and the scientific conference, which brought together scientists from 15 countries and two international organizations, is just an example of such common work. teach specialists, give tools and share our most advanced scientific and practical ones. developments, this is very important, this is very valuable, and this is so appreciated by our colleagues on the african continent. the approach is western, our colleagues here have already experienced it when they can only send the material to the laboratory, and then a week or two achieve, but what is there after all? this is
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the largest and best equipped laboratory in uganda, the equipment is foreign, mainly from the usa and japan. tests of patients from all over the country are brought here twice a week, and during an epidemic. 1-2 hours from the moment the installation arrives at the required points until the moment when it can begin to take samples and analyze them. russia didn't just hand over the laboratory. the ugandan specialists who will work here have been trained by russian colleagues from the microbe anti-vulture institute, and this demonstrates the previously announced principle of russia, african problems, african solutions. anna nemirovskaya, igor belogurov, news. what is a good car for you, mileage,
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the world of investments. sportmaster has collected all sports in one application. turn on the activity tracker to run, walk, receive prizes and bonuses for your activity and spend them on purchases. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. that's it. it tastes better on fire, burger king. yes, i myself did not think that i would become a driver. a friend called me. the schedule is free, there are orders. and for the money it works out decently. at first i thought i wouldn't be here for long. i didn’t have time to look back, it’s already the third year. passengers thank you. i'm doing a good job. it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine. so, dad, the journey of a taxi driver begins with yandex pro.
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just like that, no need, you need it like this, like that, clearly, i understand, like that at the megamarket , dr. jard face cream mist for 229 rubles. it happens that you dream of something beautiful, but what you get is not what you get, you expect one thing, and meet something completely different. but it happens that you are waiting for a regular banking application, but you get the best one. alfabank, the best mobile bank, is not just profitable, alpha is profitable. hello, there is a legal program on air, hosted by the duty department, in the studio alexander ostakhov. a suspect has been detained in the murder of a motorcyclist in one of the districts of moscow. here, two of his accomplices changed cars several times and managed to drive about 900 km to the rostov region,
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where they were tracked down by operatives. meanwhile , searches were carried out in the apartment of the probable killer in moscow, and security forces made several intriguing finds. report by fyodor eliseev. shahin abbasov in an unusual himself, accompanied by two special forces soldiers, heads for the first conversation with the investigator. police and fsb officers detained him in the rostov region. he managed to leave the crime scene in which he suspects abbasova.
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the operation to capture the main suspect and his accomplices lasted 2 days; the security forces say they had little chance of escaping, and these footage captured the beginning of a terrible story that broke, it turns out, several lives at once. just a few minutes ago, the unconscious man was in in the arms of this girl in perfect health. on behalf of his bride, twenty-four-year-old kirill made a remark to the driver of a car parked at the entrance, in response, the owner of a white foreign car, twenty-one-year-old shahin abbasov, hit the motorcyclist with a knife, after which the probable killer and his friends, in a panic, began to remember the ambulance number and call for help. and after a few minutes , the suspect grabbed his head in fear of what he had done and decided to escape, got into
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the car with his brother and fled the scene, leaving kirill to die. in a day conflict. kiril came on a motorcycle to visit his fiancee, with whom he was fond of bikes and cycling. i still don’t understand, well, that is, yesterday i had a son, handsome, smart, who wanted to get married and have children, but today i don’t have him. as a result, the alleged killer was unable to escape, and the criminal case, in which the main defendant was a twenty-one-year-old man, made headlines throughout the country. the resonance was so widespread that the head of the investigation will personally supervise its investigation. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia instructed to transfer the criminal case of murder in moscow to the main investigation department for the most complete and objective investigation. from the moment of the murder , the operational work did not stop for a second; the day before, the father, uncle and friend of the suspect were detained; they could have helped the relative hide. tonight , searches were carried out in the abasovs’ apartment; to
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get into the room they had to open the door; harry’s persistent smell can still be felt here. the apartment is currently sealed. in during a search in the father's apartment, where the probable killer also lived, a large amount of cash was found. 44 million rubles and 300 thousand us dollars. on friday morning , repeated searches took place here, during which money was seized; the security forces needed a large bag to take it away. according to some media reports, the man could not explain the origin of such large sums, but it is known that his father and older brother were selling shoes. according to some media reports, the store is registered to the latter. on a large marketplace, annual turnover which is about 15 million rubles. is clearly not enough to explain the millions found at home, the suspect and his brother drove premium foreign cars, the apartment itself, bought with a mortgage, raises the question, where did the officially unemployed head of the family get the living space in the capital? by an unfortunate coincidence, the suspect’s apartment is located several floors higher in the same
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entrance , where the deceased kirill kovalev lived with his girlfriend. the arrest of the probable killer took place with the coordinating role of the moscow prosecutor's office. the prosecutor's office coordinates the work of law enforcement agencies to establish all the circumstances of the crime committed, the causes and conditions conducive to it, and also controls the identification of the ownership of a large amount of money seized from the apartment of the suspected source of its receipt. in addition, it is necessary to check information about possible violations committed when obtaining citizenship and permitting documents. within the framework of the preliminary. the consequences of the accomplices' actions were reclassified as murder committed by a group of people with hooligan motives. in the near future, the court, with the participation of the prosecutor, will consider the issue of choosing a preventive measure for the suspect. fyodor eliseev, dmitry shestukhin, vasily yurchuk, dmitry tikhanovich and dmitry timofeev, lead the duty unit. a high-profile case of the rape and murder of a sixteen-year-old
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girl has ended in krasnoyarsk. her body was discovered in the summer of 2022 in a park in zheleznogorsk. to find the criminal investigator. collected and studied the dna of more than 10 thousand men and finally identified a match. the suspect was then still an academy cadet. ministry of emergency situations, he was detained right during classes. he listened to the verdict with a smile on his face. olga zhurenkova for more details. the spacious hall of the krasnoyarsk regional court can barely accommodate all the journalists present. the increased media attention to this high-profile case is understandable. the verdicts are announced for the probable killer of a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl from zheleznogorsk. the process itself took place behind closed doors. indifferently watches everything that happens, as it was established in court, on the night of july 31, 2022, he attacked a schoolgirl. the victim's death occurred on at the scene of the accident as a result of mechanical
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asphyxia. the accused threw the girl’s mobile phone and number into the lake, took her passport and purse and kept it at his place of residence. sixteen-year-old masha disappeared after a city holiday in the closed city of zheleznogorsk, 50 km from krasnoyarsk. relatives and police volunteers searched for her for three days. combed. city ​​courtyards and parks, divers checked the bottom of the river, thinking that she might have drowned. the teachers of the school where she studied until recently believed that masha was alive. there is no such pain for anyone as for children. and they really hoped until the last moment, because she is very sociable and sociable. the schoolgirl’s body was found in a city cultural park on the shore of a lake, covered with earth and covered with branches. the killer. were wanted for almost 9 months, the police were ready to pay a reward of a million rubles for help in solving this murder, dna samples were taken from local residents,
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more than 10,000 men were checked for involvement in the crime, where we now need to go, that what kind of place is this, what happened there, well, there was a murder not far away, when did it happen, by whom and who was killed? on july 30, i committed a murder, this is a verification of evidence of a probable murder. at the crime scene, in the presence of investigators as witnesses, aniseforov tells how he dealt with the schoolgirl. you took the stone, further, further. how many hits? well, from two to five, from two to five, where did they strike? now, during the investigation of the criminal case, it turned out that this incident can hardly be called an accident. the investigation found that evgenia nisifforov had previously attempted an attack; he hit a nineteen-year-old girl on the head with a stone on the beach. examination, no deviations were found in him, that is, he understood what he was doing, yes,
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he gave stable testimony without any changes. evgeniy anisifororov was found guilty in a maximum security colony; he will spend the same number of years as he has currently lived in this world, 21 years. olga zhurenkova, alexander ovsyanikov, conduct the duty department. a unique laboratory complex has been opened in russia in moscow. modern equipment in the future. objects of research are received, which need to be further determined by cost, this is our uniqueness, that we carry out the entire complex of research, starting from the study of the stone. from time to time
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, outstanding examples of the work of jewelers are exhibited in museums around the world; this is a necklace by french craftsmen in a branch of the louvre. the peculiarity of the work is the cutting of the stones; it is this that creates the desired impression, for which connoisseurs are willing to pay millions. there is a term - the game of stone, that is. here are cutting defects, we see this, and this
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already affects the value, and behind the next door painstaking work is going on on documents and banknotes, experts studying delicately created counterfeits show particularly interesting examples of ruble and dollar bills, and this bill was seized from counterfeiters at the time of the arrest, they were in such a hurry that they didn’t even have time to cut off the lower part, experts call such banknotes super fakes due to the very high quality of workmanship, it is even impossible to determine that they are not real, all because there is even a relief here, but specifically in this case , the counterfeitness is revealed by the fact that the bill is not made from a cast sheet of paper, but from two glued ones, here neither we nor the experts were able to determine the authenticity by eye, but it is still possible to do this . forensic equipment reveals all the details, every expert knows the security complex, what to look for, in what lighting to look at the bill, at what magnification
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to look at it and... what parts of the bill to look at, equipped, without exaggeration, with the latest word of technology the new complex of the federal center for forensic expertise priminjuste united almost four hundred experts under one roof, a place where the most complex studies of almost any type can be carried out, was inaugurated with the participation of minister konstantin chuychenko. a lot of equipment was created in cooperation with our belarusian partners, that is, we are talking about the fact that this is the most important project within the framework of our union.
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sholokhov's manuscript came into his hands, what matters here is not only the entire text itself, but all the amendments that sholokhov made here matter, yes, that is, he wrote one word, crossed it out, wrote another on top, it was important to show, and that he did everything, all the editing too. the new center, the ministry of justice is confident, is not only a new building - an opportunity for different departments to work side by side. the main benefit that this project will bring is the opportunity to realize the intellectual and professional potential of those who are passionate about their work. maxim shevchenko, sergey truskov and dmitry matrosov, lead, duty unit. today at 18:15, no skip the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. lost in the fight against corruption. in bryansk, investigators seized the property of the former deputy head of the city department of the ministry of internal affairs. what wealth did the colonel
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acquire through backbreaking labor? a house previously purchased by his family, he completely rebuilt it and began to live in it with his family. we studied the luxurious interiors of the police department and were surprised where a fighter against economic crimes got such a villa. restrained classics without excessive gilding, this new thing, what could an influential colonel extort from whom? is it true that he was friends with the leader of a criminal group and how does he explain his origin?
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scandal in the blogger family. the couple and the chikalins, known as lerchik and artyomchik, barely recovered from tax charges and announced divorce and division of property. i leave the relationship simply with a complete feeling of gratitude and love. at stake is the wealth of hundreds
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of millions, an apartment in a mansion, and more. lamborghini and bentley given by artyomshchik to his beloved wife, but why don’t the audience shout at them? i believe they really suspected another scam? people want to protect themselves with divorce. there is a spousal share that can be withdrawn from under there arrests. we visited the bloggers' castle, where they held their marathons , where later the security forces came with searches, what strange things were happening on the estate. and is this a divorce of loving spouses or a divorce of a gullible public? exploding scooters, faulty two-wheeled gadgets are causing apartments to burn and people to be injured. moreover, if someone or something gets hurt due to your sim, according to the law, you will have to pay for the damages from your own pocket, that’s what lawyers say. vladimir bazov looked into why gadgets on wheels catch fire and how to prevent this.


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