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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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hundreds of millions of apartments in the mansion, and also elite lamborghinis and bentleys, donated by artyomshchik to his beloved wife, but why the audience shouts, i don’t believe them, are they really suspected of another scam? people want to protect themselves with a divorce; there is a marital share that can be taken out of custody. we visited the bloggers' castle, where they held their marathons, where the security forces later came with searches, what strange things are happening in the estate and what is this divorce of loving spouses and... exploding scooters due to faulty two-wheeled gadgets apartments are burning and people are getting injured. moreover, if someone or something suffers because of your sim, according to the law you will have to pay for the damage from your own pocket, as lawyers say. vladimir bazov looked into why gadgets on wheels catch fire and how to prevent this. muscovite anzhelika petrishcheeva
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tells how she and her neighbors have been breathing acid fumes from an exploded scooter for a week now. it turns out that for four days we have been in all the ventilation systems, on five floors back and forth, we have a smell, in the bathrooms, in the vestibules, in all of them, and it burned down in this vestibule, there is a smell in these vestibules, that is, throughout the ventilation, the neighbors remember, the owner in a hurry took the flaming vehicle out onto the street, and the boy, of course , was in such a sagging state. yes, all black, kumazy, it rings so much that it’s impossible to become like, it opens when the door, there would be a corridor, there’s just such a persistent smell. the walls and ceiling have already been cleared of soot, but traces of the fire remain on the front door, it’s pure luck that no one was hurt, now it’s time to think about whether such a drive is worth the candle, because in the case of chip, personal mobility devices burn like matches. the technical condition of rental electric scooters, of course, is monitored by the kick-sharing companies themselves, but... as for personal
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mobile electric transport, things are more complicated here, and if a technical inspection is not carried out on time, then it will be possible to get on such transport only to the trampoline point. for example, a scooter explosion in the north of moscow. the owner of the apartment survived, but needed medical help. home repairs will most likely cost tens, if not a hundred times more expensive than the gadget itself. or, a young man is calmly driving along the sidewalk and in the blink of an eye finds himself in a fiery cloud. an electric vehicle burst into flames right below him. the man was taken to intensive care with 20% burns to his body, but if god forbid someone else gets hurt because of your scooter, you will have to pay out of your own pocket. in the event of a scooter fire, the owner will be responsible, of course, if the examination subsequently establishes that the scooter fire occurred due to the fault of the manufacturer, as a result of some technological inconsistencies, then by way of recourse, it may already be possible to recover these funds from the manufacturer, but in general the owner is always responsible, and the responsibility for... and in order not to end up
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in court with a burnt scooter, you need to take care of checking its technical condition, how to minimize the chance of a fire itself, we asked the experts. a fire, as a rule, occurs due to violation of operating conditions, first of all, it is a violation of the scooter’s seal when water gets inside, also one of the most common cases when... batteries are damaged when the person disassembles it himself, climbs in, and hits the battery with a screwdriver. the cause of a fire may be the use of an old battery or an unsuitable charger . experts advise carrying out a technical inspection of your two-wheeled friend before the start of the season. some models may have hidden manufacturing defects; they simply need to solder the wiring or strengthen the sealing of the units, but even if repairs are not required, diagnostics will allow you to sleep peacefully while the scooter is standing in the hallway. we can see along the edge. dirt, moisture ingress,
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it has also dried out, it is visible from this side of kadesh, but the methodological part of the body is dry, clean, there is no water, there is no dirt, the sealing is factory, it is not broken, and this scooter does not require any additional work. in general, diagnostics and prevention before the season cost no more than 5,000 rubles. about 10%, or even less, of the cost of the scooter, a small price to pay for preserved health and saved finances. vladimir bazov, dmitry kanavalov. emil musaev, lead the duty unit. now we 'll check for a few minutes, there's more to come a lot of interesting news, don't switch. 100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible on avita premium. feel free to face your expenses, with yota your money will not fly away. we return rubles for the remaining minutes. you dream of beautiful things, but what you get
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reduces the formation of deposits by 20%, rosneftmagnom motor oil, we are sure you will buy it again, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where should it go? by coverage and speed, but i myself didn’t think that i would become a driver, a friend called me, the schedule is free, there are orders, the money is decent, at first i thought it wouldn’t be for long, i didn’t have time to look back, it’s already the third year, passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job . it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, just like that, dad, be a taxi driver, starts with yandex pro,
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a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates the love of its customers and has created a favorite small business award for them. become a client of sberbusiness, and we will support you in any endeavor. sberbusiness. the duty department will conduct the legal program with you. we are continuing production. fierce diet for a baby. the lazarevsky district court of sochi sentenced maxim lyuty, who doused his newborn son with cold water and starved him to death. blogger. allegedly wanted to raise a person, who can feed exclusively on the energy of the sun, at that time he himself ate meat and other products, the child did not survive, what will happen to his father and how the parent made excuses before the judge, olga zhurenkova knows.
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journalists probably had no doubt that the court’s verdict against weed blogger maxim lyutov would be guilty. this wild story shocked many. lyuty and his wife oksana mironova cooked their son, who was just over a month old, to death. the boy died in agony. almost a year in isolation lyuta, who promoted solar energy to subscribers, has noticeably gained weight, and the kilograms are clearly not from ultraviolet radiation. in the hall of the lazarevsky district court of sochi, during the announcement of the verdict, the blogger felt quite confident, talked with journalists and tried to convince everyone around him that the child died from a congenital disease, that the child had congenital diseases, because there was obvious prematurity, that is, there were signs of dystrophy at the beginning. maxim lyutoy and his wife oksana mironova moved to sochi from st. petersburg several years ago, we rented a house. district, their child was born in february 2023 at home, the parents did not go to the doctors and did not register him, the blogger himself delivered the child. as investigators established, the fierce sun-eater and his wife watched for several days as the boy suffocated and suffered from convulsions, only at the last stage they took him to
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the hospital; the doctors could no longer save the child. collected by the investigative department for the lazarevsky district of the city of sochi, the investigative department, the investigative the russian committee for the krasnodar territory , the evidence was recognized by the court. house and ate under the counter, she was fed cabbage, because apparently he didn’t even let the pregnant woman eat. lyuty called for treatment not from doctors, but from herbal infusions. you won’t find these in the pharmacy; they are of the highest grade and were collected in ecologically clean areas. blogger lyuty actively shared very dubious details of his biography with subscribers. in one of the videos, he admitted that he had previously suffered from drug addiction; according to media reports, he had a criminal record. he called himself king and a person with superpowers. chronic migraine is...
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residents of snt laryushino-2 near moscow turned to our program for help, where strange things are happening. people claim that they pay for utilities, but are mired in debt; the bills supposedly contain services that no one provides. coincidence or not, snt chairman sergei akimov goes on vacation five times a year. my colleague alina skachkova went to the mysterious village. in one dark, dark village there was a vampire. the creature feeds, as the locals say, not blood, and other people's nerves and crunchy. money, and is also terribly afraid of light, which is why not a single lamp is lit in the village even at night,
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everything is turned off for debts, there are two of them in the prestigious village of laryushino, which in the moscow region is already more than 12 million, residents are afraid of paying for utilities, they regularly pay, but paradox, the amounts do not reach the services, but sit somewhere in the pockets of chairman sergei akimov, who is also a professional lawyer, you have a debt of more than 500 thousand, they attributed a million to me, a year ago we already told you that... he goes on vacation five times, he can afford it, but the head of the partnership tries to avoid awkward questions, having learned that
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journalists came to visit him, he tried to sneak away in his black foreign car, it didn’t work out, then he tried to run into him, but also to no avail, in the end he locked himself out in the cabin, he let his wife down on the journalists, we want to talk to sergei viktor at the workplace, when, well, can i talk to him, he’s driving, we’re on our way to kindergarten, take it from here, well, now you’re going, i wonder what in a village shrouded in darkness there is light... exclusively the estate of mr. akimov, there is a security video surveillance system, and behind a high fence there is a three-story mansion, residents are complaining, akimov cannot even be legitimately re-elected, he counts the ballots himself, leaves the correct ones, the incorrect ones fly into the trash, but i with all my might want this leadership of our the village simply left, best of all voluntarily, because you see, today akimov, i think, is a usurper who simply rules single-handedly, you know, the board is purely nominal people, like... therefore, you exist, you don’t pay, and even the philosophy in the village is simple: you pay
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and you argue, then hold on, insults, threats, like this, with an ax in his hands, akimov checks the meter readings, even for those residents who have switched to direct contracts, that is , they pay themselves without intermediaries, our chairman’s car arrived, for some reason at night with some strange people, they came out and for some reason they were walking along my fence, maybe they wanted to poison the dog? maybe they wanted to ruin the counter, so it lasts for laryushina-2 is a long-term war: dozens of residents against one skilled lawyer, they have long been mired in the courts, stacks of documents barely fit on the table, and there was no money, and there is no money, where millions disappeared, now the police are looking into it. a criminal case was initiated upon the misappropriation of funds intended to pay for electricity to increase capacity in one of the snt. the investigation continues and all necessary investigative and operational measures are being taken. there is no suspect in the case yet, the count remains months. the greater the debt, the closer the day
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when the bailiffs will come to the village, arrest and sell the property, then laryushina 2 will finally disappear from the face of the earth. vladimir shabalin news duty department. after our program published materials about an orphan from minusinsk whose apartment money was taken by a fraudster, the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, took personal control of this story. this week we told how orphan alexander obukhov , after leaving the orphanage, moved into an apartment that he inherited from his relatives, i only lived there for a week though. a new acquaintance convinced the guy to give him his savings of 600,000 rubles. and later sell the residential area. the proceeds amount to almost a million more. the fraudster also took it for himself, and for six months the orphan lived and worked in eternal dirt and dampness at a car wash. the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, instructed the head of the main investigative department of the investigative committee of russia for the krasnoyarsk territory and the republic of khakassia , alexey eremin, to submit a report on the progress of the investigation of the criminal case and the established circumstances. we will also monitor developments. ordinary
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spectators and security officials trust him. one of the most famous russian journalists, author and host of the honest detective project. eduard petrov celebrated his anniversary. his investigation becomes the basis for initiating criminal cases and helps people seek the truth. the name of eduard petrov is associated with the formation and formation of legal journalism on domestic television. about a mentor who trained more than one generation of reporters. andrey ivlev. hello, in the studio eduard petrov. an honest detective and eduard petrov have long been one thing for viewers. the legal project became recognizable thanks to the author. it’s hard to believe, but eduard petrov is 50, you can rarely find him in his office, because as a real journalist, he is constantly in the fields, business trips, filming, meetings, for our colleagues eduard viktorovich, a senior comrade mentor from whom we want to learn, we took on this is a business, it will be an honest detective story, a corporate style, recognizable
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intonations and most importantly, attention to people’s problems, this is appreciated by viewers, colleagues and... the leadership of a large holding, an honest detective and much more will certainly remain in the tablets of television history, but the main thing is that you always strived to help people, and ordinary people, those who could not seek protection from you anywhere except journalists, i know dozens, if not hundreds,
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after a while there was today, then work in the ntv information service, profession-reporter results, after moving to vogatyrka eduard petrov continued to form legal and investigative journalism under the guidance of his mentors, now experienced media managers. they once wrote that wonderful writers of the 19th century came out of gogol’s overcoat, now we can say. that wonderful journalists came out of such programs and eduard petrov, like an honest detective, like the duty unit he reformed, now work anywhere, that then, that today eduard petrov is at the forefront of the reporting front, both viewers
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and security forces trust him, investigations often become the basis for excitement. you are still quite a young man, 50 years old, this is not yet age, you still have everything ahead of you, therefore, god bless, our large team joins in congratulating us, this is...
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russia-24. in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of businessman alexander krasny. young people threw stones at the businessman's property. they came specifically to kill. the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other. and chaos is happening. a shot sounded, and i felt a pain in my stomach; blood immediately started flowing in my head that they wanted to kill us all. krasnov responded by shooting at least three times at the attackers. the investigation accused the man. v premeditated murder, i used a weapon, i defend, i repeat once again, family, children, home, guests, the case was transferred to the federal level, some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him
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a brutal killer, i went to the investigative committee, i tell them what happened here , they look at me with such eyes, they say, this cannot be, a person who killed an uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, we took up this matter and carried out our investigation, but... in one direction, as the weather approaches, everything becomes more passengers who prefer to ride outside or inside the cars, the so-called hookers, are not stopped even by the fact that every year dozens of extreme sports enthusiasts receive a fatal electric shock or die under the wheels of electric trains. my colleague, daniil sukhorochka, introduced his agent into the community of such teenagers, revealed their plans, and then caught them by the hand. the police helped him with this. there was a chase, watch it now. man-made lightning on the roof of electric trains, spectacular, but deadly, this is how crazy hookers have fun these days, teenagers, even adults, who for the sake of extreme sensations ride trains,
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trams, subways and buses, not inside, outside. all this looks, to put it mildly, unsafe, but this does not stop young daredevils. directions of moscow commuter trains, favorite routes of young extreme sports enthusiasts. to see what their community looks like from the inside, we sent our agent under the pseudonym x to. one of the meetings of the catchers, of course, our informant did not risk his life, but he saw a lot of interesting things, this is how these citizens usually climb onto trains, all this in front of dozens of passengers, these are the stories they tell about their dubious exploits, who twitched for a hundred francs, naked right in front, of course, we reported their plans to the police about the meeting of the catchers, so on the day of the meeting the police caught extreme sports enthusiasts. marked on the direction, law enforcement officers generally pay special attention to this category of citizens, this is how raids usually take place, teenagers clinging to trains at the station, a motley contingent, this
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young man, for example, was riding in a cadet uniform, well please, don’t, you can, you can, don’t, well, don’t, please, we can have a police department, we’ll talk there, and already at the police department, the caught teenagers, along with the police, are waiting for their parents, because until the age of 18 they are responsible for their unreasonable chat, hunting for hookers is a difficult task until they climb onto the electric. there are no violations, which means there is nothing to detain for, but the police are also not cut out for it, so you come across people who like to ride like a breeze on a regular basis, so the train leaves, but they can’t go after the train it turned out how we rode, gentlemen, these hookers are also being taken to the police department, from one of the extreme sports enthusiasts, this is not the first time, but your parents know what you do, gentlemen, well, now they will find out, and what do your parents have to do with this ? what a moron? that i’m a moron, and do you agree with them or not? well, there is such a thing, yes. the teenagers
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admitted that they did it for the thrill, but a meeting with the police curbed their ardor. let's hit the pinky with you, you're not for it anymore, i don't skate anymore, you don't skate anymore, no, break it. and i'm not anymore i’m riding, i give my word to the boys, let’s 1 2 3, that’s it, we remember you, the results of such trips are fines, in addition, the child can then be registered, but usually, despite the anger, parents are glad that they take their children from the police , and not from the morgue, of course i ’m shocked, did you know before that no, no, i didn’t know that in general how many times, so many times we had conversations about how dangerous it was, so that i wouldn’t even think about it, yes mish, but nothing had any effect, you’ll come back when you give him a belt, a belt, i’d really like it, so that the police are trying for the sake of
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the catchers themselves, because the goal of such raids is preservation. life, despite the severity of this problem, our employees successfully cope with the assigned tasks and engage in prevention on a regular basis, including in educational institutions, schools, technical colleges, and universities. but the police cannot save violators around the clock; we can only rely on the common sense of the latter. electric trains have long become a familiar part of our lives. they, so to speak, became familiar to the average person. however, not it is worth remembering that an electric train is a complex piece of equipment. after all, the contact network on the roof does not leave the violator a chance to live in the event of an emergency, so the railway workers worry about extreme sportsmen more than themselves. feeling worried about this person, you don’t want to fatally injure him or bring him some kind of trauma that he will have for the rest of his life. therefore, we try to take all prompt measures to ensure that the person
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remains alive. stop what you're getting. the violators themselves should remember that in such rides the bet is often life, and to win racing is not allowed. daniil sukharuchko, vital melkov, daniil korsykov, vladimir shabalin, anton senchenko, konstantin shulerenko, lead: duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti the duty department is an honest detective. subscribe, too. research and daily releases on the platform watch, go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our episode was completed, alexander ostakov was in the studio. don't miss our final episode today at 6:15 p.m. see you.
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i got it right, the future, yeah, yeah, twenty
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fourth year 2000. what about twenty-fourth, this is the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find moms, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to... act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, tributes, another, what do you want, it was given, the light for that ahead.
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the russian ministry of defense will create a research and production center to develop the production of drones and robotic complexes, the head of the department, shaigu, announced. about this at the training ground of the moscow military district, where he was presented with the latest drones and small arms. it was created with the participation of snipers working in a special military operation zone. and here is a recording of the minister's trip. completely domestic, jumping up rusatomov plastic, all of them are also their own. we make motors ourselves and automate the application as much as possible for mto.


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