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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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for 299,999. magnet - price - what you need. 100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible on avita premium. let's do this again, and now for the cattle, there are other ideas, of course, let's count the payment, jur, it's been a long time without a qr code, with vtb online, the camera itself counts everything, well , how did it happen, of course, we also received 10% cashback from a free vtb debit card, vtb, together everything will work out. welcome to asia, we invite you on an exciting journey to the very heart of the continent. today in the program kazakhstan continues to fight against severe flooding. against the backdrop of natural disasters, scientists remembered one of the scenarios for a possible apocalypse throughout central asia. let's talk about rich
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week of eastern diplomacy, we will tell you how a law on domestic violence was adopted in kazakhstan; large-scale military exercises are being held in tajikistan; the weight season has opened in turkmenistan. horse racing large waters do not leave kazakhstan, the situation remains difficult. at the end of the week, snow that melted at one of the landfills flooded one of the major avenues in the capital, astana. but the regions in the west and north of kazakhstan were hit the hardest. in the western kazakhstan region , the first flood flooded almost three thousand houses. and, judging by forecasts, this is still far away not the end of a natural disaster, so it 's literally day and night. work continues to repel the elements. almost 900 thousand bags were laid, more than 100 km of dumps were built. in the kustanai region, the tobol river is returning to its banks, and residents of flooded areas are returning to their homes, or what is left of them. the picture is terrible: the houses cannot be restored, somewhere
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the foundation was washed away, somewhere the walls collapsed, the roofs were lopsided, inside the surviving houses, the picture is no less terrible, all property was destroyed. the water turned out to be merciless, not it even helped that they were preparing for the flood, when it became clear what kind of disaster we would have to face, they erected fortifications tirelessly, the settlements of the zhangeldinsky district began to be drowned with flood water from march 26, when we arrived at the place, the water broke through the dams and remained with on all sides, so we had to work at a fast pace, we had to have time to evacuate all residents from flood zones, there were times when we worked for 3 days in a row with almost no sleep or rest, there was no electricity, because of this we couldn’t... call home, only after a week they were able to contact the house, the children asked: dad, where did you go, where are you, i love my job, there was fear, and if suddenly the boat capsizes we will lose people, a touching story from petropavlovsk: local resident kirill leaving the house because... because of the floods, i took with me all the most
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valuable things, namely my cat, but kirill and the animal were not allowed into the evacuation point. fortunately , caring people came to the rescue; first , a volunteer offered to give the cat away. who lost everything overnight. the concern of rescuers, volunteers, adequate response from the authorities. president akaev announced the decision to introduce an austerity regime in order to direct funds to those affected by the floods. first of all , spending will be cut on so-called branding events, of which, it must be said, a lot has accumulated. the decision has already been announced to cancel the astana international forum, reduce spending on the nomad games that will be held this fall, and reduce expenses on participation in the international expo exhibition. so. made a working visit to the regions affected by floods, assessed the scale of the emergency
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situations and talked to people. during a meeting with victims in the kustonai region, takaev spoke about another threat that could erode the foundation on which modern kazakhstan is built, namely attempts to speculate on the language issue, and specifically about the russian language, while takaev subtly hinted at ukraine and its sad fate. as for languages, you know my position, i absolutely do. according to our constitution, the state language is the kazakh language, the russian language is used according to the constitution equally as the state language language, performs the functions of the official language, so there is no contradiction here, as it is convenient, it should be said so, now modern youth speaks both the state language and the russian language.
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the country itself, the kiev journalist dmitro korpenko, who for some reason took the pseudonym apostle, as if he were on the front line, decided that the flood was a good reason to abuse the kazakhs, they say, this is what you need, too little humanitarian aid was sent to ukraine, the kazakhs had a flood, well, that ’s not a pity at all, neither a gram nor grama, no sympathy and regret, and... more about disasters, just last week we talked about the water shortage at the main hydroelectric station of tajikistan, how a few days later
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, due to rising water levels in mountain rivers , devastating mudflows swept across the country, terrible flows of mud with clay and stones damaged hundreds of houses in different regions of the country. against the backdrop of all these alarming events, it would be appropriate to remember how 25 years ago the un published a scenario of a possible apocalypse for central asia. it all begins there just from the descent of the sores lake in the tajik world. the researchers presented calculations according to which the disaster would claim a huge number of lives and make vast areas uninhabitable. tajikistan, uzbekistan, afghanistan, turkmenistan and kazakhstan are at risk. lake sorets is a reservoir on the settlement in the gorno-bodokhshan autonomy, the height is more than 3.0 m above sea level. the length of the lake is about 70 km, the maximum measured depth is about. m. the lake was formed relatively recently in 1911 year, as a result of a blockage on the bartank river
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after a strong earthquake, and the intensive filling of the lake was completed only in 1926 . there are several disaster scenarios, here is the most likely one. another landslide can destroy the lake and provoke another, but much more powerful force flow. a huge mass will flow along the mountain river, then along the panzhiye mudarya. water, mud, stones up to 80 m high and a speed of about 100 km/h. this flow will stop only at the aral sea itself. the theory speaks in favor of the fact is that at least nine lakes are known on this very barank river that ceased to exist in this way. an additional risk factor is global warming, because the natural platinum of lake sores inside consists of huge blocks of ice. if they melt, there could be destruction. be so large-scale that the entire south of central asia will turn into a lifeless desert, the danger is real,
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the danger, in fact, was realized from the very beginning since the earthquake of 1911, the danger was felt, here is the lake was filled for several years, according to various estimates there were 16-17 km of water in it, it is natural that a breakthrough of water from such a lake, incomplete, is probably unlikely to completely go away, it will bring big problems for the territories that lie downstream, first of all, tajikistan and afghanistan will be affected, up to uzbekistan and... areas in tajikistan and afghanistan along the bartank and pyanj valleys, of course large areas where many people live will be washed away, well, first of all, the rushan district of tajikistan, there is station on the usolsky dam and
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a warning system was made downstream, in the villages that are located downstream. what else do you remember about the past week in asia? in vostane , police officers detained a citizen of uzbekistan, who had been on the international wanted list for more than 10 years. he is reportedly suspected of human trafficking and is preparing to extradite him at the request of tashkent, but for now the person involved has been placed in detention. regular shipping can be created between the turkmen port of turkmenshi and astrakhan. line preliminary agreements about this were achieved at a meeting between the governor of the austrian region, igor babushkin, and the consul of the central asian republic. in addition, the parties agreed to increase the volume of mutual trade. the beauty of asia in the italian cradle of geniuses. the florentine palace of palazzo pitti is holding an exhibition of light and color, where you can see paintings by artists of uzbekistan and russian orientalists of the first half of the 20th
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century. a large-scale exhibition was presented by presidential assistant shavkata mirziyoyeva, his eldest daughter. said. kazakhstan became the first country in the post-soviet space where domestic violence has been made a criminal offence. after the decriminalization of this article in 2017, this issue caused constant heated discussions in society. according to official data alone, kazakh law enforcement officers last year recorded more than 100,000 complaints regarding domestic violence. 69 women died. and seven children. one of the key triggers that pushed the authorities to take decisive action in this area was the high-profile trial of the former minister of national economy of kazakhstan kuandyk bishimbayev. he is accused of that in november last year, during a family quarrel, he beat his common-law wife saltanatnukenova to death. more than 150 thousand people signed an open petition to the president
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of the republic demanding tougher punishment for domestic violence. disproportionally soft. the enforcement of the law for minor crimes in the family sphere creates a sense of impunity among potential violators and naturally leads to more serious crimes, including murder. here are the main provisions of the updated law: the fine for causing minor harm to health, beating is also punishable by community service, and torture is already imprisoned for up to 3 years; for causing moderate harm to health , they will be sent to prison for 2 years; for serious harm. up to 8 years in prison, but life imprisonment for pedophilia, murder of a minor. what is curious is that even at the stage of discussion of the law by deputies, voices against it were loudly heard in society. in particular , the organization kazakhstan union of parents spoke out against it, explaining its position with the fear that, under the pretext to combat domestic violence, standards are being adopted
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that will allow children to be taken away from families en masse and given to foreigners for adoption, he commented.
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preventive, here very clear, clear measures have been worked out in order to examine the situation of the child, examine the situation in the family, that is, to clearly see this situation, analyze it, it is aimed at getting local communities, families, neighbors involved ksk, that is, here such a large mechanism will be triggered, which will stand on defense child safety, including protection. so that they can still be raised in their families. can kazakhstan become an example for other central asian states of how ready the region is to abandon traditional patriarchal foundations? well, we see now that society is becoming stronger, citizenship, this very precedent of this adoption of a law on domestic violence, toughening, punishments
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mainly with the participation of civil society, people who rose up with these initiatives for change, it seems to me that this the opportunity would also be applicable to the countries of central asia, where they are now also very strong, which means changes are taking place. the benefit of public influence on power, the roots of violence lie in patriarchal ideas, the subordinate roles of women, in gender inequality, this, of course, is already such a tradition that has developed in the public consciousness, so of course for the countries of central asia, i think that this will be very similar great incentive to solve this problem. kazakhstan raises the stakes, astana has increased the claim against it 10 times foreign oil companies. the government calculated that for the kashagan megaproject alone, western corporations defrauded kazakhstan of $150 billion.
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bloomberg writes about the new lawsuit, citing its sources. to understand, the entire expenditure portion of the kazakh budget for the current year is just over 37 billion. and here 150 billion was actually stolen from the people by foreign corporations. read more about... what is this huge scam? the amount that was announced is indeed quite large, it concerns lost revenue, lost profits from kazakhstan as a result of the fact that the ncoc consortium, which is developing the kashagan field, repeatedly postponed deadlines, that is , the agreement has certain parameters for payments to the republic, scheduled by year, plus or minus somewhere on - prices and so on, from this the amount has now reached, according to its official data, and according to unofficial data , about 60 billion dollars. this is a consortium’s investment in a project, while the authorized body psa filed claims in international arbitration for non-recognition of the amount of expenses exceeding 13 billion dollars, that is, kazakhstan believes
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that these amounts were unreasonable, uncoordinated expenses, does not want them to be reimbursed from the oil received, sold oil, if we add to it an environmental fine of 5.1 billion dollars for excess sulfur protection and other issues, plus this lawsuit, this is a fairly large amount, which can be - so large, even on a global scale, maybe, well, number one in terms of lawsuits filed. this week several important high-level interstate visits took place. in astana takaev received the kyrgyz leader sadyr japarov. the ceremony took place at the akarde presidential palace. following the meeting, an agreement was signed on deepening and expanding allied relations. during the meeting were also discussed. cooperation in trade and economic, transport and logistics, water and energy cultural and humanitarian spheres, at the state residence and palace of the nation in dushanbe, president of tajikistan imali
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rahmon received uzbek leader shavkat mirziyoyev. focus on deepening political dialogue, building up trade and economic cooperation, expanding interregional contacts. as a result of the high-level negotiations , an agreement on allied relations was signed, which, according to the parties, symbolizes the transition to a qualitatively new stage. uzbek-tajik relations, but another high-level visit stands out, even given the difficult situation when floods are raging in the country, president takaev, between the work of the operational headquarters and visiting the affected regions, finds time not to postpone his visit to yerevan. it can be assumed that the negotiations in armenia were definitely not successful and seemed to require urgency. takaev arrived in yerevan just a month after he visited azerbaijan. on the one hand, kazakhstan, together with armenia, is a member of the csto and the eurasian economic union; on the other hand, it actively cooperates with azerbaijan and turkey. at a joint press conference, takayev said that kazakhstan is ready to undertake a goodwill mission
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, in particular, to provide yerevan and baku with a platform for negotiations. and to other events: military personnel of the 201st russian base joined the tajik armed forces for exercises in the khatlon region. they worked out the script there. counterterrorism operation, according to the legend of which conditional gangs tried to break through the border of the republic in the mountainous region. participants in the maneuvers paid special attention to the use of reconnaissance drones and fpv drones, as well as tank firing. the spring racing season has officially opened in turkmenistan. the first tournament of nine races was held at the mary equestrian complex, where over 100 khaltika residents arrived from all over republics. the best riders received
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we have been working with the national bank for 2 years now, now we just need to expand it, regarding artificial intelligence, we have already carried out a pilot project with the faculty, and that is , this is something that needs to be developed, and not something that needs to be created. and finally, a story from the 18 plus category from kazakhstan. 0.5
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unknown sodas, literally... blew up the internet, pitted comedians, moralists, freebies, those suffering from corrupt love, and even policemen against each other. in almaat , youth launched a challenge: young guys standing with a bottle near an elite shopping center, in the hope that wealthy ladies will flock to the sweet drink. lemonade means that the horseman is ready for a lady in an expensive car to pick him up and, as they say, feed him, warm him and caress him, mainly, of course, caress him. the term has already even appeared. however, it turned out that most of the videos that appeared on the internet were just a joke, but the police, just in case, held preventive conversations with soda lovers. and then, really, nothing good comes from this soda. take care of yourself see you, as usual, next week in the center of asia.
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the ministry of defense will create a research and production center to develop the production of drones and robotic systems. the head of the department , sergei shaigu, announced this at the training ground of the moscow military district, where he was presented with the latest drones. they are made from domestic materials, which makes it possible to set them up in the shortest possible time.


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