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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the defense ministry will create a research and production center to develop the production of drones and robotic systems. the head of the department, sergei shaigu , announced this at the training ground of the moscow military district, where he was presented with the latest drones. they are created from domestic ones.
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drop various types of ammunition, and another advantage is increased protection from electronic interference from the enemy, ease of control allows you to train an operator in 2 weeks, we will now create a center for scientific production, well, at the same time crab on... all drone technology, they need to be assembled, assembled, before the guys appeared, thank god, now assemble, complete, they are developing, well financed, through procurement, through, we don’t stop, create laboratories with them, then that’s all there will be a large association, sergei shaigu also presented small arms, it was created with the participation of snipers working in the zone of a special military operation.
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powerful explosions rocked several regions of ukraine last night. messages came from odessa, the dnepropetrovsk region and zaporozhye, controlled by the kiev regime. the sumy region, in the north-east of ukraine, also came under attack. there , explosions occurred in two cities, sumy and kanotop.
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izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin died in the zone of a special military operation. he was mortally wounded in the zaporozhye region near the village of priyutnoye. a ukrainian armed forces drone dropped ammunition on him. at the workplace, the journalist and his colleague’s editorial office organized a spontaneous memorial. near the monitor there is a photograph, a microphone and flowers. izvestia general director vladimir tsyulin noted. quote: semyon was a fighter until the last minute. he did much more than... just a journalist, he helped the front, together with the military, fought with the enemy, he died doing his job, which he sincerely loved. end of quote. two days ago, in his last report, eremin spoke about the military being trained to fight drones. voenko announced the progress of the special military operation from the very beginning. he worked in marinka, in mariupol, and visited the azov-stal plant. one of the first to transmit reports from volnovakha in march twenty second year. eremin was awarded a medal. what
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's really going on, we talked to him many times on this topic, he was always on the cutting edge, he tried to get to where the most important, bright, hot events are happening, he took risks, he took a lot of risks, semyon is the person who spent his entire life energy... i devoted all my strength to working to show the whole country the strong side, the strong work of our fighters, the truth that we see in the trenches, on the front line, in dugouts, often in a very difficult situation in the mud, in the heat, in the rains, he tried and worked, worked successfully, one of the best, one of our best... the guys
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of our russian journalistic corps in the war. nato countries agreed to transfer even more air defense systems to kiev. this decision was made by the borun ministers during a meeting of the nato ukraine council. this was stated by secretary general of the alliance en stoltenberg. and a meeting of g7 representatives took place on the italian island of capria. what statements were made?
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victoria koroleva will talk about this. representatives of the seven gathered on the italian island capri once again expressed strong support for discussing pressing issues on the international agenda. kiev, among the many ukrainian issues are frozen russian assets, their confiscation threatens with legal risks. the director of the european department of the international monetary fund warned that in the event of a withdrawal, the west should be wary of unpredictable consequences. with regard to the seizure of russian assets, our view on this particular issue is that this should be determined and decided by the appropriate jurisdictions and courts. from our side, it is important no matter what decision is developed. the possible implications for the functioning of the international monetary system must be taken into account and respected because it has provided so much benefit and economic prosperity over recent decades. after the start of the special operation, the eu froze almost half of russia’s foreign exchange reserves, amounting to about 300 billion euros. if
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they are confiscated, retaliatory measures will follow, they warned in moscow. the countries of the family group decided to hold them back, they want to achieve russia compensation for damage to kyiv. speaking at capra general sector. meanwhile, already within the framework of a meeting of the ukraine-nato council, he addressed his alliance allies and called on them to increase military support even at the expense of their own security. nato countries must look deeper into their arsenals and get these munitions. if they can only supply ukraine with the weapons they need to provide. own defense, then they must take risks. germany, despite internal disagreements, plans to purchase four more patriot installations for kiev, writes bloomberg. the netherlands is going to allocate an additional more than 200 million euros, but in hungary they believe that european leaders have chosen the wrong strategy and feel
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as if they are participating in a war. according to the hungarian prime minister, brussels is playing with fire. europe has already spent a lot. when i call leaders in brussels, they talk about this war like this. as if this is their own war, because they are participating in it, because they are the first to send weapons, there is a whole stream of weapons being sent, and then we find out that they are sending tanks, then they are talking about planes, and now they are saying that they will have to send troops, and nato will be in the center of things. we are in a very bad situation. in ukraine, they are discussing tightening mobilization, meanwhile, the military themselves are confident that bringing in new people will not have an impact. in the position of the armed forces of ukraine. while kiev is concerned about the lack of shells and people, western experts are drawing attention to the catastrophic decline in morale in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. the brigade disbandments we are seeing are obviously due to panic, panic because of how the situation in
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donbass is developing. today there are more and more reports that ukraine's defense capabilities are collapsing, which was to be expected. but experts are calling to stop pumping weapons into the orderly ukrainian troops. western politicians appear to be uninspired. victoria koroleva, news. the regions of siberia are experiencing the most powerful spring floods. a large wave is coming to the tyumen region, from the direction of kurgan. the level of the ishim river is rising rapidly. nine settlements are already cut off from roads. in kusbas due to melting snow also recorded a rise in water in the rivers. in the toshtagol region, residents were asked to prepare for evacuation and take documents with them. things and necessary medicines, in the north of the novosibirsk region the river threatens the village of pikhtovka. water levels may rise above dangerous levels over the weekend. in the orenburg region, the flood is receding, the water is leaving, but more than 14 thousand residential buildings still remain flooded. ice drift in
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the tomsk region has ended. the water level in the tom river has dropped below critical levels. take the situation was brought under control thanks to blasting operations. and how the situation with spring leashes develops in the kurgan region, our special correspondent stanislav vasilchenko will tell you about this, he is in direct contact. stanislav, i greet you, according to the forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations, the peak of the flood in the area. expected in 2-3 days, tell us what the situation is now, are people being evacuated? tatyana, greetings, despite the fact that the peak of the flood is still ahead, now for the second day there has been a positive trend in the tobole off the coast of kurgan, firstly, since yesterday evening there has been no rise in water, but the day before at 18:00 there was a measurement, and the maximum value of tabola was reached - this is 10 m 15 cm, but already... 2 hours after this measurement the water began to fall by 2 cm and 10 m 13 cm has remained
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at this level for the second day, however , it is still too early for residents of the region to relax, the fact is that there is still a lot of water in the tobol, because of this the dams are all fortified structures are experiencing colossal loads, well for example, in the kitovsky district, in some settlements, the water level has remained at more than 11 m for several days now, you can imagine what it’s like... residential buildings and more than 300 country houses, in many snt buildings simply cannot stand it and float up due to such a large volume of water. we came here to see our houses, the moroders were here, and how it was flooded in general, well, we swam there and found that a lot of houses had floated up, a lot of houses had floated up. the rest are all under roof, the first floor is completely in the water, already the second floor
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it will soon be flooded, the mother of three children lives alone, it just floated above the water like a float, well , our mother lives there too, everything floated up, tore it off, tore it down, she’s a pensioner, there’s nowhere else to live, right now there’s one of the gardening associations right behind us, called communal one, you can also see that the houses are flooded along the roof, some... float up, now here, in this area, employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations are working around the clock, carrying out bank protection work so that the water does not go further to the next snt, there is also an airport on that side, to provide work day and night for the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, now lighting equipment will be installed here, which was delivered to the kurgan region by order of the minister of the ministry of emergency situations of russia, alexander kurenkov. now the regional authorities are asking residents of voronovka, vostochny and... cheusovo to evacuate and wait out the flood in a safe place. in addition, according to the ministry of emergency situations, water from kurgan
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is now approaching the belozersky district, threatening populated areas there. in the area of ​​the village of the same name, the water level is approaching 5 m 60 cm, and continues to rise. water level in other settlements of the district. local residents are also now being urgently evacuated. let me remind you that a state of emergency has been in force in the kurgan region since april 8.
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hello, ivan kudryavtsev is here. and we open the second page of the diaries of the forty -sixth moscow international film festival. so, the forty-sixth miff opened. how was the ceremony and what else did you remember about the first day of the festival? the opening ceremony was preceded by a briefing from festival president nikita mikhalkov. he said that the main criterion for selecting films for the festival is their quality. moscow festival, it was never engaged. that's how long i 've been leading it, never in my life has the quality of the moscow festival today differed from all other big festivals in that they have all become colonial, but we have not. mikhalkov also shared details of the creation of the eurasian
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film award, it could be held as early as next year, it will be a powerful step towards the discovery of new cinema and... did not interfere with the reception of guests, including svetlana nemolyaeva, milash bikovich, dmitry dyuzhev, sergei debezhev, tatyana lyutaeva , evgeny mironov. today, it seems to me nothing overshadowed the holiday, because everything that begins during the rain must
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end happily, so we are waiting for an interesting, bright program, we really want good impressions. see the countries like brix, south america, yes, because this cinematographer is not very familiar there, i’d like to get to know each other, i’m a fan of romanian cinema, i love police adjectives, sulfur nevada and so on, it seems to me that they have an interesting school there and some kind of visual culture, they are great, i love rkf and there are no expectations, expectations that it would just be a holiday, cinema, as it is, as it was, and maybe a good film, here i am... this year the film festival will show 260 films from 60 countries, the works will be judged by filmmakers from europe, , turkey, usa and
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russia. i’m very glad to be here, just wonderful, wonderful memories of moscow. the last time i was here was at the world cup , at the iceland-argentina match. the icelandic goalkeeper, well, remember, who saved a penalty from lionel messi, he too. creative culture that unites peoples cinema mission, a lot was said from the stage that evening, the guests were welcomed by the minister of culture olga lyubimova, with a message from president
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putin, the official representative of the mida maria zakharova, with an address from the minister of foreign affairs lavov to the participants of the brix festival, which takes place as part of the miff. the moscow international film festival was officially opened by the show's president nikita mikhalkov and fridrik thor fridrikson. icelandic director, screenwriter and producer. heads the jury of the main competition. honorary award named after konstantin stanislavsky i believe, this year the theater and cinema actor, artistic director of the theater of nations evgeniy mironov received. the opening ceremony of the forty-sixth miff ended with the screening of the film open heaven. its authors are directors from mexico, santiago and marianna oriaga. every year , the miff business platform brings together key industry players to discuss current issues of the professional community. in that. year, special attention was paid to supporting regional cinema and the development of film clusters, allowing filmmakers from remote corners of russia to receive specialized education, exchange experiences with colleagues, and
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promote work to a wide audience. the main task in this case is to make a brand out of regional cinema. many directors really came from some kind of remote place, yes, they bring their understanding of our life, the legacy of their ancestors. yes, that’s why they become interesting for other, or nationalities, viewers. next, the sixteenth moscow pitching of debutants took place on the business platform. this year , authors are turning to childhood nostalgia continue to follow the trend in teen stories. based on the results of the pitching , laureates were named in three categories. in documentary films, this is an eight-episode project called green corner, which tells about the trade in right-hand drive foreign cars in vladivostok.
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and his skate project: in order to understand the son of a skateboarder, the main character decides to get on the board herself. the key to a successful debut film is sincerity, because when you write your first picture, as a rule, by the way, often the directors are also the author of the script, and you put all your the life experience that you managed to accumulate during this time, and it seems to me that this is especially valuable. in the series category at the debutants pitching, tatyana ismakova’s project was noted for...
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maybe due to the budget, but projects that have potential at the box office and the festival movement, but there are thrillers, very well written and good genre stories in this format, debutants don’t always manage to write a coherent script, but those projects that were presented at the pitching seem promising to us. and uh ethnicity, we talk if we talk about national, regional cinema, truly ethnographic national films, i don’t know about them, about shamans, about some kind of ae - some kind of universal, well, unique, unique stories of the regions, it seems to me that it will also be interesting to a wide federal audience, that’s what i i also see, well, in general , the future development of the industry, together with federal studios, regional studios can make similar films of a fairly
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high level. saturday is the first day of screenings of the national miff competition - russian premieres. in the program drama nevada anna tyurins and matyaas musa, and the comedy of alexandra karmaeva is the worst of all, released under the auspices of the production center in gig debut. in the national competition russian premieres on saturday, films by debutant directors will be shown. two different views of young filmmakers on the life and problems of an ordinary person. a joint project between russia and argentina - a psychological drama. musa, the main character of shura, played by tatyana dmitrievskaya, lives in a small village in the nizhny novgorod region with her son. her husband is in a psychiatric hospital and does not recognize his relatives. a young woman is looking for a better life for herself and her child, but cannot escape the control of her domineering mother-in-law. her image
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is brilliant. embodied by olga lapshina. one day shura finds out that her husband has escaped from the hospital and she is overcome with fear. anna tyurina spoke about the history of the film's creation and the search for the main actors in an interview. my husband and i, with the director of this film, in general, we produced this film, and were looking for an opportunity to make our own project. and when we were on vacation in russia, in the village.
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do it your way, at least until end, to try our hand, we practically thought, since we would be filming in locations, we already knew where we would be filming, we would be in locations in the nizhny novgorod region, and we decided to look for an actress for the main role there, in general we organized the casting ourselves, initially they were looking for a non-professional actress, they wanted to try, but none of them were actresses. was not suitable for this role, but the most interesting thing is that tatyana came to this casting, she came, she was the first one to come to the casting, and we already understood when the casting ended that we would take her, and this this is also her debut, in general this is her debut role, she is an actress of the puppet theater.
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alexandra karmaeva, a graduate of vladimir menshov's directing workshop, presented the youth comedy worst of all. ksyusha subbotina’s school life is not cloudless, she failed the selection to perform at the prom, scandals with her mother at home, bullying at school due to excess weight. ksyusha starts a block where he makes fun of himself, his teachers, and at the same time everyone around him. subscribers like this kind of content and love it. as she calls herself, becomes the most popular girl in school. the main role was played by rima latysheva, a jazz singer and saxophonist. the worst of all was her debut work in a feature film, but the image of ksyusha turned out to be familiar and understandable, the filming itself became a kind of therapy. there are some patterns there that i can say i stole, probably borrowed from some people i knew, that is
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, it turns out i picked up a little bit from everyone. by a little.


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