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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin, no, the call sign of my brother, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure. iran and israel exchanged blows; is there a risk of escalation in the middle east? attempting to find a compromise in the ukrainian crisis, donald trump was put on trial, for which the ex-president is accused. about this and not only
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in the international review, look after a short advertisement, buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, it’s not the first day, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer it online, so faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught vtb. everything will work out together. copies are not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application. one hundred percent originals are now more accessible on avito premium. at bigfest, chicken premiered for 109 rubles. and other offers at a very competitive price. what are men silent about? painful
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savita travel, a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel will all go as booked, with cashback, bonuses, you have a form, for baking, for squatting, try it, just like that, so, trial. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on
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the international review program. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. iran strike against israel. from the trenches to the negotiating table, searching for a way out of the ukrainian conflict. materials of our program. criminal donald trump. fantasy or reality. the process has begun in new york. yeah. i have always been confident that no negotiations with the ayatol regime, which cannot be trusted, will provide the slightest guarantee of security. you can’t put the gun on safety, otherwise it’s a waste of time. riza pahlavi, son of the last shah of iran, mahammad rizpehlivi,
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during a historic visit to israel at the invitation of the government. the crown prince, he calls himself exactly that: he assured his interlocutors how... yes, the iranian people will be freed from power. the mule will restore the monarchy, iran will become a faithful partner of the jewish state. you can’t think of a better gift for these same mules; a representative of the hated shah family hugs netanyahu and participates in a ceremony with far-right israeli ministers. iran launched a demonstrative strike against israel in response to the destruction of an iranian diplomatic facility in damascus.
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nothing can be ruled out, especially a major conflict, even if no one strives for it, trying not to cross the threshold of the irreversible. iran, confrontation is the main nerve of regional politics: the parties take irreconcilable positions, but are aware of the consequences of the confrontation getting out of control. the ideal option is a so-called proxy war, a confrontation, so to speak, with a closed visor. this is a kind of proxy war,
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proxy confrontation, when both sides of the conflict are trying to fight.
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israeli strike on the consulate, in fact over the sovereign territory of iran was the last straw. now there is a message that this is an attack on this consulate in damascus. was not agreed upon with all intelligence services in israel, that is, according to the latest reports, masado was asked, purely theoretically, if we attack, what will happen? yes, that is, the right hand did not know what the left hand was doing, when the israeli armed forces sent fighters there to destroy this consulate, supposedly massat did not... october 7 yes,
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about which a lot has already been said and written, then how this is presented today in the israeli dissociety, where can i say, this is again a mistake, yes, that is , the consequences of this attack, the reaction that occurred from the outside, were not fully agreed upon, coordinated and analyzed.
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iran, yes, it demonstrated that it can, has missile potential, that it can, in principle, disrupt the defenses, the air defenses of israel, but in principle, again , there was nothing new in this, that the iron dome can be overloaded. so due to the launch of several waves - drones, missiles, but it was has already been known for quite a long time, that is, iran simply promoted itself beautifully, so to speak, there is no doubt that iran knows its limiters and red lines that cannot be crossed, and israel is trying to provoke it in order to understand the enemy’s capabilities. however, this logic also applies to iran; it is also interested in the enemy’s capabilities. for iran it was very important to generally learn about the state
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of israel’s missile defense system, that is, it had, of course, a general idea, but like everyone else, that is, not, that is, that is, about the fact that there are some kind of anti-aircraft missile systems, and all the exact information, even about what these pro systems are, well, about their characteristics, there is still an open dose of data, that is, well, in open sources there are no exact data, so iran, to a certain extent, well... carried out reconnaissance in force, that is, he roughly calculated the outfit of forces, which he could assume was the minimum to penetrate, he considered the pro system, that is, the israeli one, and look at in general, what will happen, that is the whole reaction, well, that is, of all these air defense systems, pro, air force, that is, israel, well, plus israel was also helped there by the united states and other countries there provided significant assistance, that is, in this regard, iran, of course, finished it off.
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iran produces its own ballistic missiles. it all started with a deep modernization of chinese, north korean or soviet models. the first ballistic missile shihab-1 appeared in the late eighties. it was a modernized analogue of the soviet r-17 missile and the north korean hwasong-5. range range up to 350 km. in the 1990s it
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was replaced by ab-2, and in 1998 it was presented at a military parade. hub-3, which with a ton of warhead could fly up to 2.0 km, but these were liquid rockets that took a long time to prepare for launch. at the beginning of the 2000s , solid-fuel medium-range ballistic missiles appeared in iran : sajil one with a firing range of up to 2.0 km and sajil-2, also known as ashura. the mass of the warhead is approximately the same, one ton. based on shehab-2, the kam missile was developed. iran bombed with these missiles in 2017 islamic caliphate targets in syria and attacked a us air force base in iraq. on the night of april 14, during an attack on israel, iran used its most powerful imad ballistic missiles, with a range of up to 1,700 km. from the moment of launch, this missile can be controlled throughout its flight until it hits the
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target. in addition to them, 30 pavi cruise missiles from the family were launched. samar with a range of 1,650 km. they are in service with the islamic revolutionary guard corps. the wings of rockets can fold during flight, which increases their maneuverability. in february 2023, when presenting the pava missile, iranian media emphasized its ability to reach israel, since the distance from tehran to tel aviv by air is only 1,600 km. also, during the last attack on israel, i used, in addition to missiles. 136 and 238 with a range of up to 200 km, capable of carrying up to 50 kg of explosives. yes, iran did not use all its capabilities, and
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it specifically wanted to avoid causing real damage, because it knew that israel was then. will respond with the involvement of allies, that is, the desire to rewrite the rules deterrence, but without the risk that israel will undertake to respond fully, and nevertheless, expert observers are convinced that iran’s capabilities are not so crushing, maybe not crushing, but not at all insignificant, iran loudly declared them. apparently, iran's stock of medium-range ballistic missiles is many times higher than the stock of anti-missile missiles that it has, that is. israel. because these are also much larger in the number of launchers that they can, that is, iran can simultaneously produce large salvoes of the number of missiles and this and continue these salvos for a longer period of time, that is , if in such a case in the event of a full-scale conflict, iran, apparently, can greatly oversaturate, simply speaking
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, the israeli anti-cancer defense system, it simply has, well, even if there is a missile in the squad they're all just there. however, he won’t have time to reload them, that is, to repel an attack, and one must take into account the fact that mid-range ballistic missiles can only be repelled by a specialized missile defense system, in this case it’s israel’s system he arrow there or in english, and which is there, well, there are three options and also this, that is , the american, that is, these american anti-missiles from these... sesminets also helped who were at sea, they also say that they shot down several missiles, it turns out that the number of these anti-missile systems is very limited, that is, and yes, if in case, that is, iran can simply carry out a much more massive strike , which is here these systems are about oversaturation. israel's air defense consists of several
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layers. until recently , the iron dome system that it uses was considered an important element. to intercept short-range unguided missiles and drones, mainly those launched by hamas, islamic jihad or hezbollah. the dome was developed by israeli specialists with us support. the first battery was deployed in may 2011, near the city of bersheva. israel managed to shoot down about 90% of all missiles, and the complex coped with the tasks until last year attacks on october 7. another spy air defense system. it is designed to protect against attacks from airplanes, helicopters, bombers, cruise missiles , and drones, but little is known about its use. the next level is the david farewell system, developed jointly with the american corporation rayton, the creator of the patriot complex. it is designed to intercept ballistic and coral missiles at
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a distance of 40 to 300 km. the highest level is the hets or strela two and three long-range interception complexes, created by israel together with us missile defense agency. they can destroy targets at a distance of up to 3,000 km. these... complexes were, in particular , used to intercept long -range missiles launched by the yemeni houthis. israel has old, but quite reliable american patriot batteries, which appeared back in 1991 to protect against iraqi skat missiles. on the night of april 14, israel was fired upon from the territory of four countries: iran, iraq, lebanon and yemen. according to the idf, almost all missiles were shot down. but his allies actively helped him in this. more than 70 drones and three ballistic missiles were intercepted by ships and aircraft in the us navy in the eastern mediterranean.
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dozens of iranian drones have been shot down over iraq and jordan. in addition, british fighters from the jordanian temporary detention center were brought in to repel the air attack. flawless, the israelis say, but a residue remains, a single strike is one thing, but a massive missile strike is another thing, plus a massive strike with the help of drones and cruise missiles, accordingly, israel also did not know how all this would work together, that is, aviation, that is, the air defense system in such conditions, it turns out that it has now received invaluable data on how all this will, well, that is... work in real conditions, israel’s internal forces are already quite overstrained, the israelis themselves say that
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they cannot afford a war on several fronts, in particular , including the blow they delivered on, but this is not quite a consulate, i would say , what's up that annex next to the consulate, it was largely due to the fact that they were quite worried, alarmed by the growing activity of hezbollah’s actions. and here it was necessary, as it were , to carry out a certain containment operation, again to show its capabilities, what israel is able to do if it is driven into a corner, but again, the desire to enter into some kind of global conflict with the same iran, well the israelis do not have, we already know for certain that most, if not most, of the flying objects that israel iran... released on israel were intercepted by carrier-based aircraft of the united states carrier group, the french and the british, who were flying in
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the region, so it can probably be assumed that without this assistance, military interception, israel quite possibly would not have completely coped with this attack, because that the attack was... too massive, it could overload three israeli air defense circuits. their role was quite large, that is, after all, this is especially true in repelling, for example, attacks by drones and drones, for the reason that they had to fly for quite a long time, and accordingly, it turns out that the strength of the air defense and air force, the usa. which, who are stationed there in iraq and neighboring countries, they acted as, well, it turns out, an early warning system, and at the same time a system, that
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is, air defense is not obtained outside the borders of israel itself, that is, they began to intercept these drones and other things, then there is from afar, this of course helped very seriously, it helped israel in the sense that before israel, well, closer to israel, when they actually connected israeli air defense system, it flew there... israel, but also to understand the real processes in the region, because not only western powers participated in repelling the iranian attack, these were primarily jordan, saudi arabia, egypt, countries that took a direct part in repelling this attack, strange as it may seem, or maybe it’s not strange at all. jordan, so it generally shot down flying objects with both its air defense and its aviation, saudi arabia has already officially announced that it transmitted data in real time from...
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iran's main addressee is not israel, but arab countries, saudi arabia, the emirates and others. you intended to unite with israel against me, you wanted to weaken iran using containment methods. we have arsenals that reach tel aviv, so think about the fate of dubai or riyadh. this was the main meaning of the actions, and i think it was perceived by the recipients. in this sense, iran achieved its goal, but at too high a cost. it could have been done differently. all allies, starting with the united states, urged israel to respond carefully. apparently, he did it. and this is understandable, because israel has already achieved an important result. 2
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weeks ago, before iran struck, israel was almost completely isolated internationally, as soon as iran used force, everyone again shows support for israel, including the us congress, even those who previously opposed military assistance in israel understand , that this is an opportunity to regain the sympathy of the united states and europe, without which he cannot do, now even arab countries like saudi arabia and jordan.
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loss, refusal to use a proxy, he, of course, this is a significant statement from tehran that any further settlement of the situation in the region cannot be done without it, without, strictly speaking, taking its interests into account. everyone confidently declares their success and the failure of the enemy, everyone demonstrates combativeness, fearing to overdo it, everyone wants to act cautiously, but everyone is worried about losing face... the agenda is multi-layered: they think one thing, say another, do something else, this is what a typical modern conflict, after advertising about whether to remain in in such a conflict there is a place for diplomacy, don’t you think it’s cool, but are you saving up
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