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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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all this reduces the time of aiming at the target and firing a shot, so we turn on the map mode, here we have a target, an enemy stronghold at a height, we aim the target on the map, mark the target, one shell fire. there is a gap. the eye of the thunder program was developed by a team of programmers led by a man who introduced himself as peter. what problems were solved from the donetsk direction ? many guys wrote, complained, he said: the enemy came out, set up a gun, 15 minutes, he said, they worked, turned up, left, we he says that they have been found so far, so far they have been handed over to us, so far this goal has been confirmed to us, it happens for several hours, it was more, even, it’s hard to work, it’s hard to resist.
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saturday, sunday, holidays, we are away, in the evening you communicate, now i have a job and volunteer help, this is my life now, i wanted to give up everything at one point, and somehow i told the guys this, i say, damn it , i don’t understand what ’s going on, they told me, you’re crazy, and as the feedback began, they started writing letters, inviting people, and sending video works.
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well, just to understand what it brings, when i saw real benefits, then we decided not to stop and move on, because it is really necessary, the guys appreciate it. the most relevant area of ​​work is accompanying assault groups, this is how it happens, the voice of amber is behind the scenes, it ’s clean there, it’s clean there, there’s no one there, go straight, that’s it, here’s a grenade to the left, a grenade to the left here, a grenade to the left, great pleasure comes from the fact that you work with the users themselves, precisely with the one who performs the combat mission, when you they send there that they hit, these are these joyful cries when you see a hit on a tank and there’s just the whole observation point there, as if... and you won the jackpot, this, well
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, this inspires you to move on, but it went right in my opinion at the entrance to the entrance nearby, yes, but explode, come on, dear, yes, the fighters have hundreds of such videos, not all are allowed to be shown on air, but behind each is the heroic work of not only the military themselves, but also the invisible army of those who help them in to the rear. it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, like this, it’s clear, i understand, this is how induction tefal is available at the megamarket for only 219 rubles. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection, look, it ’s lucy from monaco, it’s catching here, you’re on my stream, great, where can i go from this connection?
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12:37 pm
calculates everything, well, how did it happen, of course, we also got 10% cashback with a free debit vtb cards, vtb, together everything will work out. next, we will talk about the feat of two russian soldiers, ivan mironyuk and soslan katolov. in the special operation zone, our soldiers returned after the battle to pull their wounded comrades out from under fire. how they managed to accomplish their plans, see in the new series of the documentary series by arkady mamontov. and here was an incident during the war.
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i always pray, i always pray, i try to fast, i always fall asleep with prayer. when i go into battle with prayer, this is a mandatory rule, probably for a warrior, that is , as it turns out, there are no atheists in war, and well, actually, i try to maintain some kind of spiritual component at a level, because god protects us all, and as i have become convinced for the thousandth time that without god, there is probably no life, no... some kind of salvation, lord, grant you, hear me, hear me,
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lord, lord, i called to you, hear me, there is no voice of my supplication, but let me cry to you too, and we will hear, lord.
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we decided to talk about this incident because it clearly illustrates the old russian folk saying: perish yourself. and help out your comrade, junior lieutenant ivan mironyuk, professional military man, infantryman. ivan began his service in the fifteenth year, from the seventeenth to the twenty he participated in hostilities in the syrian arab republic, gained good combat experience, when his own began, he ended up here. "we can give our lives for many things in war, the most important thing is that was the right thing, well, it could be
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a comrade who is feeling bad, it could be a commander, it could be a mother, relatives, it could be anyone, but for god, for the faith, the king and the fatherland, as they say, so that it is not in vain, ivan." knows why he is here, why he is risking his life, simply because, because it is necessary, because there is a war, because people feel bad, that day an assault group of russian infantry moved in several infantry fighting vehicles. we had a task
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to some kind of rapid attack on the settlement of novomikhailovka. the very essence of this. the attack was to use some kind of swift action, some kind of swift attack, to pass through the section of the road that was under fire, to enter the village, the infantry had to gain a foothold in this village, and that is , the armored vehicles should already be systematically carried out. push enemy troops out of a populated area, but military fortune is fickle, today you beat the enemy, and tomorrow he beats you, this time fortune turned away from the russian battalion, the attack failed, our senior commander gave the command to retreat, and we rolled back from... . back to the area, the company commander then, my current battalion commander, he made the decision
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that well, he looked, they didn’t take the people, everyone knew that there were wounded there, he decided that we needed to go there to pick up the guys from there, i’m going there, these are his words , i say, well, that means we’re going together, then i look at him, i started to get dressed, helmet, put on a bulletproof vest, i say, vanya, what are you doing, what are you doing, he says, commander, i’m going with you, he says, i say, where are you going, he says where, if he says you have to die, then we’ll die together, that when in the middle of shooting the commander hears such words from his subordinate, he understands that he has a brother not by blood, but by war, and this can be stronger than blood whiskers, i didn’t think about the fact that they probably could have killed, at least i don’t remember such thoughts when you work, when the seventh
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sweat drops from you, well, you hardly think about the fact that they can kill there, well, probably, adrenaline plays more in the blood, fear, it is always present, well, that’s how i feel for myself i decided that it was better... to die like a warrior like this than now and then, now i’ll leave, no one would probably have said a word to me, if i hadn’t done this, no one would have reproached me for anything, but i would have known for myself and i would have had to live with it that i didn’t even try to save my comrades, well, as if i chose the first one, katolov was exiled, born in south ossetia in the city of heroits khinuval. perhaps that is why he had no questions about which
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path to choose for himself, my clashes, from about 2003 to 2008 , relations between south ossetia and georgia were always tense, there were clashes all the time, and how would i i firmly decided for myself that...
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one mortar was working on us, we seemed to be orienting ourselves, we were already accustomed, a whistle, we lay down, we heard the explosion and moved on, well, it was like time, the more time passed, the more alarming it became i stood for the guys, because i understood that the distance there was close and that is, there could be any kind of connection. no one comes out and you don’t know the situation, it’s still so difficult, so we made a decision, now we’re running, that is , we’ve already moved on at a run - well, we’ve already moved on this entire section at a run, the same just like they were running, they whistled, they relied, it
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was already approaching, they whistled, the gap got up, it was physically very difficult, of course, well, in our... in the battalion , some kind of rule was taken, probably, some kind of dogma, probably , as an axiom, that all those who are alive are dead there, they should all go home, that is, return to the area of ​​​​concentration there, yes, well, i couldn’t believe it, but now especially, as if it was a dream, if you think like that, then it there was something unreal, because...
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during the war and before there it was necessary to get acquainted, especially with the neighboring rue, the majority there, well, they themselves recognized me after this incident, but it was nice, of course, when people came up, they didn’t even remember their faces, they came up, hugged me, said thank you, that’s it of course, it was nice, desperate at first glance, the act of two soldiers changed the balance on the battlefield, albeit for a short time, but it was enough to save a dozen soldiers’ lives. having already returned, when the guys were pulled out, having already returned there to the concentration area there, we are so good at each other we look around, we stand there, we talk about what happened, we discuss, i see, he has it
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on his bulletproof vest here. pockets, the fragment went straight into the store, he just laughed, i say, i say, why do you have it, but i don’t, and we also called him a greedy person, or something like that, well, somehow we ... laughed with him, after all, god saved him, god saved him, saved him, but this is a miracle, in fact, a miracle, there are absolutely never accidents in war, just like atheists. behind
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every man in uniform is his mouth, his father, his mother, they gave their provides the child with survival skills not only in peaceful life, but also in war. at the age of 5, he probably already put a weapon in my hands and... taught me to shoot, then i remember, my shoulder was knocked off by the recoil, so i cried then, i thought i would never take this weapon in my hands again in my life, but nothing, then always my father took me hunting with him, after the incident when we pulled out these guys, we saved these guys, we... called my father,
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well, i just saw my father cry for the first time, the son calls, and he is black such a completely black face, i thought it was set on fire bmppp, i tell him that they set it on fire or what? he says, no, they pulled out the wounded with the commander, well, in short, i already began to think specifically that i had to go, my father volunteered for the front, he couldn’t leave his son, son, if i pass the medical examination, i ’ll go, he said, you can’t i have to go here, who is all this, i say: son, what are you asking? i said, i’ll go, i mean i’ll go. he says: that’s it, i’m going to the front. i say, dad, well, don’t you, don’t, father, well, i
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tried to dissuade him, but in the end, after six months he had a medical examination and went on his own volunteer, but to a different unit, but you know, i told the therapist, he said, where are you going, how old are you, you, this, this hurts, then it hurts, i told him, listen, there are... there are living and dead, there are no sick people there, this is 100%, it was very difficult, in fact, when my father left, my mother was left alone at home, there was no connection, he didn’t come out for about a month, i probably had gray hair somewhere on my head when you just can’t call your father to ask how he’s doing, you know that a meat grinder is going in that direction, it’s going very a tough attack, and still no father, the emotions were frantic, well, nothing, here we are standing, filming, you are right now in
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the frame, how the treatment is going, excellent, it will heal like a dog, a positive attitude, as always, you don’t lose, that’s right, well done, no, of course not, but what would we do without it? my father is an ardent patriot of our country, he is a russian man to the core, but there was no such thing that his son, his homeland is the main thing, no, he simply by his actions, he just always showed that homeland is... the only and the primary thing that we are given in this life is that it needs to be protected and protected.
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you are the most holy theotokos, the most pure mother of god, you are the joy of all those who mourn, hear the sorrowful me, you are the quenching of all sorrows, soothe my sadness, and you, the burning bush, save the worlds. these fiery deadly arrows checked all of us, i prayed so intensely, you won’t believe it, it started snowing for literally 10 minutes, their quadcopter
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flew away. all accidents, they are not accidental, these are all given situations given by god, and we, probably, with our guardian angel, are simply following on this path there is no war at all; there is no chance in war. belarus, ukraine, and russia - it’s like, these are brothers, it’s like the holy trinity, that if you divide it, well, you can tell, for example, this, for example, here i am ukrainian, there, i’m belarusian, i’m russian there, this is possible according to nationality.
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divide, but in essence we are all slavs, we are all of the same blood, the russian world is a place where there is no evil.
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if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. the artillery masters flew into the area, faster, half of the detachment was as if people had never served in the army, when they learn the spirit
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from them it turns out to be simply incredible. russia demands from international structures the condemnation, murder, military correspondent of lime, this was stated in the russian foreign ministry, journalist of lime semyon eremin died the day before in the zaporozhye region during
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a drone attack. according to alexander's commission.


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