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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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to be built only by 2003, it shortens the road through the angarakan pass by 50 km, and saves the railway worker almost 2 hours. from freezing of strangers, the tunnels are protected by special gates that open a few minutes before the train passes. in case of unusual situations, the gates are made of fragile composite material. their locomotive is simple.
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go into the tunnel, since there was a train with burnt tanks there, and the movement of our group, the gas and smoke protection group, was carried out along the adit, it turned out that - after the explosions occurred, the tank caught fire, but it did not last long, an attempt to arrange another explosion on the bypass road to stop the baikal-amur highway was also unsuccessful, repair crews quickly eliminated the consequences of the terrorist attack.
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extinguished burning tanks, ironically, once made in ukraine. one of the saboteurs was detained; he turned out to be a citizen of belarus. now the construction of the second severomuisk tunnel, which should begin this year, will no longer be possible. only an economic, but also a strategic task. although the tunnel itself was not damaged as a result of sabotage, it was designed for an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.
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having laid destinies and lives on the real baikal-amur highway, during the years of perestroika, the builders learned that the country, it turns out, did not need the boom, literally with the arrival of gorbachev immediately the funding
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for england was abruptly cut off.
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no one has asked them yet, i would like to personally meet with the author of this phrase in order to tell him, moreover, not even tell him, but bring him onto bamov’s rails and poke his nose into this road that leads nowhere, so that he can see how bam is developing today for the hero of socialist labor. a total eclipse of the sun, you have seen it, stripped of heat in the summer, a complete eclipse and a chill, you feel
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the cold, there is no heat, there is no heat, for us it was like a death sentence for... everyone who built bam many years ago, it was predictable, that that bright moment will come when bam will be remembered and bam will begin to work. there were many officials who were against the continuation of the construction of bama, and the question was raised: why do we need bam, what are we going to carry along it, why are we going to invest such huge money in bam - with an incomprehensible perspective, but only thanks to vladimir vladimirovich putin.
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dealing with our raw materials, oil, gas, timber, coal, and today it’s almost painless, almost painless, the economy has turned to the east, in spite of our enemies we are achieving great success, it’s thanks to bam, literally in recent years giant factories have begun to be built, in taishet, where the baikal-amur mainline connects with the transib, in the twenty-first year there was... the third largest aluminum smelter in russia was launched; its construction cost about 2 trillion rubles. in the twenty- third year , a metallurgical plant was built right at the udakan deposit, the largest in russia in terms of copper reserves, and one and a half trillion rubles were invested in it. in
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uskut, after an investment of 2 trillion , a polymer plant is starting to operate, which will receive raw materials from the yarakta deposit. amursky was launched in 2021. gas processing plant, one of the largest in the world for processing natural gas gas into helium, propane and butane. now bam is being revived, a second track with parallel tunnels and bridges is being built. only in the last 2 years , the second eight-kilometer baikal tunnel was commissioned at the eastern transport site, and road and railway bridges were built across.
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on the mura, bama continues to develop further, and we have already talked about the third stage, thank god, all the specialists who built tunnels and bridges on bama are still alive and well, they know... how we need to build, because it’s big part of the bam, it goes through regarding the eternal world, the loss of a special territory where construction is very complicated, so we have not lost such specialists, the technology is all in our hands, and i am sure that we will complete all the tasks set for us by the president of the country, the construction of the second stage of bama will be facilitated the groundwork that the pioneers left behind back in the soviet era.
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back in the twentieth year, covid had a strong impact and until about the twenty-second year
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the checkpoints to china were closed, that is, we did not understand whether we would carry the cargo there or not, but this is also an important part, an integral part of the eastern training ground, so while this is all, it means they were discussing, a little time was lost, russia is waiting for a decade of grandiose construction, with plans to increase the carrying capacity of ibam and transib by one and a half times. already a new song of the modern baikal-amur highway. the singing of birds in the spring, not pissing off
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the carts, the wind trembles, centuries-old oaks, tons of explosives cut off the words of the song and lift up the layers of rock, as soon as the coal dust settles down, oleg klevan immediately sits down to the levers of his huge machine. excavators are usually wheeled, tracked, or walking, but at the elga coal mine in yakutia there is a completely unique, singing excavator. unfortunately, i’m not ready to be happy yet, so let them be happy. there are others here, to be happy yet, alas, i’m not ready, so let
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others be happy, driver oleg klevan, an incredibly talented man, writes songs right in the cabin of his excavator, travels around the country with concerts, performs at music competitions, i sing songs on the excavator i’m writing to this monotonous, as if the rhythm is playing, and i’m writing songs. and somehow the words themselves form a song to the music thundering next to the railway. at the beginning of 2000 , oleg klevan completed the construction of the severomsky tunnel, the baikal-amur mainline assures - this is for life. bam is progress, bam is strength, i don’t know, it’s some kind of freedom, it’s nature, it’s, well, i don’t know, it’s... from the country, probably, let’s say so, although we had many achievements in the soviet union , but bam it was
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all the komsomol members trying to get here, wanted over the red juices, if 50 years ago they had not decided to build the baikal-amur highway, then it would have been impossible to develop the southern yakut coal basin now, the elga coking coal deposit. one of the largest in russia, premium quality coal with low sulfur and phosphorus content is mined here; it is this coal that most metallurgical plants in the world operate on. and it is this kind of coal that is now most in demand in southeast asia. the country has huge coal reserves, but they are mined it is 10 times less than china. the whole problem is that it is impossible to export all the coal. both bam and transip are overloaded.
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trains stand for hours waiting in line. russia does not produce even close to those. volume, as china produces, why? but because there is no opportunity to develop the deposits, and there is no transportation, there is no way to remove this coal, if we produce 400 million, and china produces 4 billion 600, the celestial empire buys another billion tons in other countries, our country supplies to exporting only 200 million tons, there is room for improvement, so russian coal miners decided to build their own railway. coal deposits are developing very actively and the volume of transported coal is growing more and more every year, accordingly it is necessary to develop the bam, while at the moment they don’t have such opportunities, with our investments we are helping the bam to make its own additional branch in private hands
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, thereby increasing the most carrying capacity, this is how the rails are laid on... the northern branch bama, the pacific railway, 300 km of track has already been laid here, this road will pass in yakutia from the elga coal deposit, through the mountains of the stone range to the sea of ​​okhotsk. a modern coal terminal will appear at cape manorsky, in fact it is a new russian port with several berths, it is already accepting ships with equipment, an icebreaker recently arrived, with its help a portelka. will become year-round, about 80% of the port facilities have already been sprinkled there, simultaneous work is underway on three berths, it is entering the fourth berth, at the moment a pier has also been built to receive cargo, the railway is being built by two brigades facing
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each other, and there are 200 km left from the deposit and from the port itself, which should be done by the end of the year. much closer, the weather here is very cold , unstable, constant frosts, what was the record? the highest record for me was -72, right here, right here, yes, it was 72, you can just freeze tightly and not tear it off, well, we are all strong guys, russian guys, that’s why we’re all professionals,
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we’re all masters of our craft, we work hard, yes and nothing, we can handle it with technology, technology will hold up, people are understandably russian. they can handle it everywhere, the equipment can’t handle it, and the equipment can’t handle it, it stops, doesn’t work, everything breaks down, hoses break, well , that’s okay, sometimes we manage without equipment , diesel locomotives are already running along the laid track, delivering equipment, fuel, building materials, rails and sleepers. this is the pantry of our homeland, here is the entire periodic table, but it is very difficult, try to get it and get it out of here, driver sergei khadygin from the amur region, he is no stranger to frost, he simply says you don’t need to turn off the diesel locomotive, otherwise it will freeze completely and won’t start, but it’s so interesting here, taiga romance and bears,
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the diesel locomotive is not afraid, you’re driving next to it, it’s walking next to you, you can feed the bear, it’s from the deck, well, even with a window. they are already fed, they are not afraid of anything, although there is no need to do this, feed them along the railway under construction , which is 530 km, there is not a single populated area, only taiga, rocks and permafrost, an incredible project, even by the standards of modern russia. trains with coal are still carried here by locomotives developed with with the help of the americans, after the imposition of sanctions , the components, along with a diesel generator from general electric, were no longer supplied to russia, but the bryansk machine-building plant had already begun to produce a completely domestic
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3t-28 locomotive. well, it was designed specifically for bam, from the topography of bam itself, a lot of curves, serpentines, weather conditions, temperature changes, that is, from -40 to +50. in the summer, if it’s very hot, we turn on the air conditioning and drive in comfort, calmly, without worrying about anything, in the winter we can also turn on for heating, accordingly, if something happens to us, we also have an autonomous heater, the windshield is also heated, the mirrors are all heated, for the most part, in my opinion, it’s like driving in a car, just like at home, all that’s left is to lay down rugs, a microwave, please, everything you need is here for...
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all the components are made in russia, so this is our future, so to speak, this is our pride. transmashholding, the main manufacturer of russian railway equipment, managed to invest billions in reconstruction and re-equipment even before the sanctions their factories. this is a new diesel locomotive that has come to replace, so to speak, american and western technologies; it is in no way inferior to them, and in
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many respects it is superior. 12 of the newest locomotives in black and white levrey of the elgotrans company will be sent soon. in 3t-28, according to the schedule, they will be suitable and put into operation for further cargo transportation. while
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coal mined at the ilginskoye deposit is being transported via the baikal-amur mainline, a railway line to the bamovskaya ulad station was also being built using the coal company, when they pave the way to the sea of ​​okhotsk, coal mining. will be able to increase almost three times, we are at the zero kilometer, you see the bend, this is where the pacific railway begins, this is the most ambitious project on a global scale over the past few decades, when a private shareholder, realizing that for the development of the field it is necessary carrying capacity, he used his own non-borrowed funds... he decided on such construction. from yakutia pacific the railway has already arrived in the khabarovsk territory. the head of the region examines the grandiose
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construction project from an airplane window and recalls that the project was actually drawn on a napkin during the st. petersburg economic forum just 3 years ago. there have never been such precedents in the history of russian transport construction. and we will receive already at the end of next year at the beginning of the twenty-fifth a road port with a total capacity of 50 million tons per year. for comparison, all the ports of vanin and the soviet harbor today load 40 million a year. the railway is being laid manually without involving a rail-laying train so as not to wait for all the embankments to be completed and built. here are the bridges, well, it all depends on the weather conditions, well, on average it’s about 100-125 m, but i mean, well, that’s the day shift and the night shift, well, about 250 m for...
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so far there’s only shift camps for 10,000 people, but there is already an airfield with a reinforced concrete landing strip, it is capable of receiving heavy transport vehicles and passenger superjets with boeings. previously , people took 3 days to get here from yakutsk, but soon there will be direct flights from moscow and irkutsk
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and novosibirsk. 2 years ago there was just a swamp in which equipment sank in the summer, in the winter the main task was to scoop out this frozen swamp and replace the soil with a rock cushion, the thickness of the cushion on the permafrost is almost 6 m, 12 concrete slabs were laid on top,
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it becomes quite suitable for life, like an old frigate, on the seas, on the waves where even steel cables crack, i will find my happiness, by the faded lights, and by the stars, let me search. it's not just rails, rails are just that, that's the problem, so that there are people there, lived, served, worked, there were good places, good salaries, social services, educational institutions so that people could stay and live there, that’s the problem, how to attract people to these harsh places,
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the regional authorities are just scratching their heads? through which the baikal-amur mainline passes. first of all, it is necessary to complete the resettlement of the bamovites from dilapidated housing, which was inherited from the soviet union. 54 houses were built, in which 6,800 families were resettled. currently, we have concluded contracts for storey buildings, well, the commissioning dates are we plan to put it into operation by september 1 of this year. sports complexes and swimming pools are now being built in full swing in the bamov villages. our children see water only in a solid state, because for 11 months we have, so to speak, sub-zero temperatures, here, of course, all year round, in excellent conditions they have been engaged in various sports for several years, when
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the frost outside the windows is below 60°.


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