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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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it’s only clear when you see your family when you’re on leave. at first, even many family friends did not know that his wife and children had moved to donbass. lyuba, in principle , was going to move from kusbas, although initially to kazan, so their departure did not surprise any of their acquaintances. yes, at first i said, maybe you’ll move here, it will be closer here, and then my opinion changed, i said, you don’t need anything like they planned in kazan, it’s better in kazan. and i can’t be stopped, yes, and i can’t be stopped, that’s it, that’s what you are do you feel more joy that the family is here, or these fears that , god forbid, that everything is together, fears, and joy, joy, when i come on leave, when i am in a position, i don’t know , what’s happening here, i’m without communication, without everything, i’m worried, nervous, not worried, when i hear that something has arrived somewhere in vinachki, i start to panic, i stop.
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i’m scared where and what it was, because i don’t know, there are two children in the family, the eldest lera is in school, what grades did she get, none, none today, and lera also studies at a music school and goes swimming, her son sasha is in kindergarten, and also studies in the kung fu section, which, it turns out, is in yanakieva, hello, hello, what are your pants? lyuba says that there were no difficulties in getting children into kindergarten and school, and there are quite enough clubs in the city, well , somehow it worked out quickly here, we arrived in june, stayed at home for a month, near our house right away there is a kindergarten, we went there to find out, there is no space, there is a good manager there. immediately to us
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asked if they got a job at the school, no, i said, not yet, so she called, someone she knew was in the gymnasium, she called and agreed that they would take us there, that is , how quickly everything happened, and how the children adapted to kindergarten to school, respectively, how your classmates greeted you, the teachers probably asked where you are from , siberia, well, everyone seemed to be surprised at first, what are you doing here, now it’s a lot normal.
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they write comments, well, somewhere we also gave interviews, they write, of course, the decembrists, that we moved here, it’s nice, well, yes, probably yes, not everyone of course understands the meaning of this move, even with children, there were a lot of negative comments, there were even a lot of people who personally, well , with whom they personally knew, said why, you can already live wait there, in august a new addition is expected to tolya and lyuba’s family. the name artyom has already been chosen for the child and, of course, lyuba is very worried when her husband is on combat missions, when tolya is on his way out on a combat mission, well, probably the first time you were so shocked there, when you knew that he was on a combat mission, like now, well now, of course, you are still worried , there are worries, but at least i know that if there is an opportunity, he will call, and i will ask, of course, how he is doing, if i had stayed at home,
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it would have been more difficult, because there was a difference between us in time, that is, i was already sleeping with them only in the evening, it’s not clear who is where, if he is somewhere in positions, then naturally i can’t get through to him, here i at least know if i need to call someone, where he is look for what words you use when leaving for a combat mission, it is clear that this is in to some extent a routine, but nevertheless, these are women, wives,
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we spend some time observing certain forest areas there, certain enemy positions, and then with the onset of darkness we begin to advance, because... during the day this is very fraught, mouths work, they fly birds, all kinds, and at night, only with infrared radiation, they fly, but i think he can tell you more about this than i can, because he is friends with this, in the same unit with the gypsy, and often in the same group, performing tasks fighter with call sign black, i'm working to suppress the approaching ones.
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to take a risk, it turned out that the risk was not in vain, that there was a woman who decided to go with me to the end, despite all the various risk factors that we currently have here. ksenia moved to yanakieva in 2020. at that time, the ssu did not shell dpr cities as often as it does now, but there were still shellings. my husband kseniy, originally from donbass, fought in the militia from 1914 to 1616, and i was there as well. i suggested to him that he come, and so did he didn’t refuse, he came and lived there with us until ’20, in august ’20 we
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moved here, the family lived in sharypovo for 4 years, in siberia zhenya worked as an industrial climber, earned good money, but he was naturally drawn to his native donbass. everyone told her where you were going to go, there was a war going on there, albeit in a sluggish format at that time, everyone, in particular her mother really dissuaded her, but she still decided to go with me, trusted me, so that's how we ended up here, why? i wanted to return, because this is my home, every day i lived in sharypovo in krasnoyarsk, every day i thought: about what and how was happening at home, here, my mother stayed, but i could not, in principle, not come, not return, because that besides me, she had no one left, zhenya had been trying to persuade her wife to move for several months, for obvious reasons, to move to the war zone
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, at first ksenia didn’t want to, but for a long time her husband tried to persuade her to come here, well, yes, it probably took four months to persuade her so we can go.
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where is the husband there and us and where is he there and us, your wife didn’t say, let’s go back, it wasn’t like that, well, between each other - sometimes there were conversations that it’s scary when with... it’s normal, but how she said that the people here are especially friendly, so we’ll wait and see, these are her words, but what is very difficult to get used to is the shelling of the city, several times the arrivals were not far from the house where ksenia’s family lives, she flew into this gas station, it was such a mad explosion , all our windows were shaking, everything, everything, everything, well... it was generally very it’s scary, and then there ’s also an asphalt metal depot not far from us, there
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were also flights there, it was also right there, well, somewhere about 500 meters from our house just like that, if you panic yourself, then they start to panic, you’re sitting there like you’re scared, but you’re telling the children, everything’s fine, calm down, everything’s fine, it’s somewhere out there, it’s not here, that’s it, my son is 13 years old and he’s already like, yes, it’s flown somewhere, it’s somewhere in gorlovka, they say let the rear city go, but shelling still takes place from the ukrainian
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sides in the rear cities, so it was scary, there was even such a thing that donsk sent her to her mother-in-law, to her mother, to her, but she was there for a maximum of a month, and then returned. at the time of the start of the svo, zhenya was working at the yenakievo metallurgical plant, when the family left the city for a short time, he came to the military registration and enlistment office and signed a contract. and while we were not there, he quietly went through all the commissions, signed the contract and we arrived, he said: “that’s it, i have a contract signed, i'm leaving." now, again, for obvious reasons, evgenia does not often see her family, only during furloughs. ksenia has long settled into yanakievo and feels at home here. i like it here, when we arrived, the first week -it was still hard, then i... like this i traveled around the city, looked somewhere, this city is so small, cozy, so
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to speak, even if, of course, they are not particularly well-groomed, there is nothing special here, like this in krasnoyarsk, we have these playgrounds, cinemas, entertainment centers everywhere, let this not be the case, but the city is small, well-groomed, and the people are somehow kind, accustomed to the donbass, and the children, even ksenia’s eldest son, who is now studying at a military school in vladikavkaz, is going to be transferred to donetsk, and if only conditionally. turn it over, rewind 4 years ago, knowing that after that there would be hostilities and so on, in the twentieth year they took the risk of moving here, yes, if my husband had also told me that we would go, and that here i am, well, here i am i’ll go, i went after him anyway, i’m nowhere without him, i’ve never regretted my choice, that’s it i have it, as if i can’t imagine that somewhere we are already far from each other, and despite the fact that...
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but it turned out that a few months after her daughter, she moved from kuzbass to donbass . lyub, you tell your mom, mom, i ’m moving to the dpr, her reaction, she’s in shock, well , we argued about it, we moved, i even rarely called her, because well... again hearing about what come back when we first arrived here, then
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it’s like, who’s going to take a photo of something there? beautiful, then you’ll send it to her, oh, how cool, i called in september, how to get to you, they were just planning to buy a house in the krasnodar region, that is, they went there for reconnaissance, but i knew that they were there, and she’s calling like to get to you, i say, well, i don’t know, somehow this is probably done in advance, carrier buses, so... she called, and in the evening she already came to us, when she decided to stay herself, probably in a couple of days , as i looked here, everything was up to... they found it, i was just on leave that day, i had to in the evening to leave for combat, i went in the afternoon, met them, arrived, got ready to leave for combat, about a week later i, i get in touch, called my, well, wife, she said, my mother stayed here, if i buy a house here, i was surprised , i just tell the boys, guys, i ’m not going to leave, my mother-in-law is
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staying here, everyone laughed at me. well, here’s our purchase, again my husband came, saw, my husband was the initiator, well, of course, he came, saw, and i win, he was just released for a few days in january, they showed us that here the house is for sale, well, we came and looked, he’s irish, that’s it, i like it, i’m just like that, let’s take him, well, we’ve taken him.
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“where are you going, you’re crazy, you don’t have to go anywhere, that’s all that’s next, well, let’s go to the military registration and enlistment office, i say, well, i won’t take you, well then, if you ’re knocking on this door so hard, november 1 he signed a contract, left, irina’s husband carries out tasks in the ugledar direction and for obvious reasons there can be little communication, you
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don’t really have any communication, if he even called somewhere, then i’m trying to ask him my questions. how are you, what are you, he waves it off, he needs to find out how i am and how we have here, in the end we asked each other like that, that’s it, i need to run, that’s the whole connection. what makes kuzbass and donbass radically different is, of course, the climate. spring in donbass turned out to be very warm. since the beginning of april it has been +20 here, everything is blooming outside. here is the middle daughter who... she’s studying now, she came here in january for a few days, well, how would she like it, in general, now i’m posting the video, how warm it is and how good it is, how the gardens are blooming, oh, how it seems like a hunt to come here, i’ll miss so much, but you won’t miss it, you’ll come, but just when everything is blooming, there will be fruits ready for you, in
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her native capes, irina also lived in the private sector with a big one. .. at home in siberia, irina still kept cows and a bull, but in the new place there are no such plans yet, you have to help with the housework more than in siberia or or also, well, it seems to me, in siberia it was more due to the fact that animals, it was at home all the time, it’s mom there, i’m walking, mom calls me, it’s like... bring it to the cows to the house there it was all me and the boys and i went for a walk, we drove it, and so here - well, it’s like an easy job for... following lyuba, her mother, her grandmother, lyubov petrovna, also came to donbass, who helps irina with renovations, with the garden, well, here, when they were already
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planning to take this house, i seemed to stutter something to her, i said, so and so at home, it’s her, so you need to come, you need help, well, that’s it, she’s here, she’s helping, well, she’s helping, really, you can’t say anything here, the help is invaluable, granddaughter, she left for her granddaughter daughter, i went to pick them up to help with the renovations, they bought a house there, i had to help, well , i came, tell me, now you’ll find out that my granddaughter lyuba is moving to donbass, well, yes, you know what’s going on there, that i’m going there, i was worried, i was against it, i think, like where, even with the children, they dissuaded me, well, yes, well, it’s useless for us to say it’s useless, if she thought of something, then that’s all, i was embarrassed that she was going, and then she went herself, that’s when you my daughter said that she also decided to stay here, you tried to dissuade her somehow, but no, what? to dissuade, no, i didn’t try anymore,
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i didn’t try anymore, when the house seems to have been taken and there is a lot of work here, i think we need to go help, as we don’t abandon our own, but lyubov petrovna is 72 years old, most of which she lived in siberia, has she finally moved to donbass? people are good, kind, fortunately there were no flights near the house where irina and lyubov petrovna live, she
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had already gotten used to the sound of explosions somewhere in the distance and the noise from the work of our aviation, well, somehow now it’s nothing, when the plane started, you can even snuggle it’s kind of creepy, it’s so loud and low, now we’re used to it, but it’s nothing, it flies, what do you see, how beautiful, it seems, and may god give them strength, protection, so to speak, tolya and lyuba’s large family in donbass continues to grow, here now he is also tolya’s brother; he signed a contract and serves in the same unit as the gypsy. from the outside it may seem that the families of the heroines of our material live an ordinary peaceful life, as they would live at home in siberia, but this is not entirely true, most of the time their husbands perform combat missions and are not at home at all not often, but yanakiev is fired upon from time to time. but despite all the risks, lyuba, ksenia and irina want to be as close to their loved ones as possible.
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and partners sincerely wanted to help, why should russia completely copy all western conditions, american democracy now it’s also shaking, this scale of russia, there’s something about you russians that europe doesn’t understand, stand by, who are they, newbies, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i... came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has a call sign, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, lived, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, don’t touch her, not yours, holy light, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger.
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i propose to change the passenger’s call sign to rebin’s call sign, no, my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s for sure. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov expressed condolences over the death of the izvestia military correspondent. peskov noted that the armed forces of ukraine deliberately make russian journalists
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their targets. lime correspondent. semyon eremin died the day before in the zaporozhye region during a drone attack. on behalf of alexander bastrikin, investigators will take all possible measures to identify those involved in the murder of the journalist. maria valieva has details.


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