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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in two directions and in two more, improved the situation, the ministry of defense reported this. during the clashes , 14 enemy counterattacks were repelled. the most active combat operations were carried out by units of the southern group of forces. units of the southern group of troops improved the situation and inflicted fire damage. forces and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of maksimilyanovka, stupochki, paroskovievka and kalinina of the donetsk people's republic, repelled three counterattacks west of the village of krasnaya, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 610 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, five vehicles, a 152-mm mstab howitzer, a 152-mm d-20 gun, an ammunition depot, and the nota electronic warfare station. in the minobeard. will create
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a research and production center for the development of the production of drones and robotic systems, the head of the department sergei shaigu announced this at the training ground of the moscow military district, where he was presented with the latest drones. they are created from domestic materials, which makes it possible to establish serial production in the shortest possible time; the aircraft are capable of lifting from 10 to 200 kg, dropping various types of ammunition, another advantage is increased protection from electronic interference from the enemy. ease of management.
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the flooding situation is worsening in the city of ishim, tyumen region. the river level at this settlement reached 1.6 cm, which is much higher than the historical maximum. which was 7 years ago, according to the governor alexandra moura, a gigantic volume of water is flowing downstream, the ministry of emergency situations reported that they are sending additional forces and funds to the region. water is rising in the neighboring kurgan region. an alarming situation at the dam in the area of ​​the kirov bridge in kurgan. it is reported that a leak from the ground has been detected on the inside of the dam. according to authorities, there is currently no threat of a breakthrough, but residents whose houses are nearby are already being urged to urgently evacuate. us house of representatives, despite the fact that today is saturday at these minutes is considering a bill on financing ukraine, israel and taiwan. the final vote is scheduled between 8 and 9 pm moscow time. until recently, this was one bill, but
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conservative republicans categorically did not like the wording; they were against providing any additional assistance to the kiev regime, given that the united states had already sent to ukraine.
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to shoot or not to shoot, businessman from the ivanovo region alexander krasnov defended his family and came under investigation. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. today on the program. i went for it, and so it turned out that there was a fight. well, everything in my head right away is that they want to kill us all, they ran and screamed kill the russian, decide i fired two or three shots through the fence. everyone said that this case would be shelved, the court sentenced the red alexander petrovich to acquit on the basis of paragraph three of the second article, you would not give him a sentence, but a license to kill. it’s as if i didn’t know it, stanakolov’s argument mansurovich should be sentenced to 5 years
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in prison, this is my territory, that’s it, don’t come here, it’s better to be judged by 12 than to be punished by six, the position of the investigative committee, which believes that krasnov should be punished the well-deserved punishment for his deed remains unchanged, i believe that krasnov should become an example for those who consider themselves a man. in the summer of 2021 , a heated crowd appeared at the gates of the house of a businessman from the city of kokhma, in the ivanovo region of alexander krasnov: young people threw stones at the businessman’s property and demanded that artyom krasny, the entrepreneur’s son, be brought to justice, he allegedly behaved incorrectly when resolving housing disputes, the situation the situation became heated, the parties began to shoot at each other, using bullets. the basis of the elder, several people were injured, one died. the investigation accused the man of
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premeditated murder; he insisted on his innocence, saying he was protecting his family and could not do otherwise. heated discussions about the limits of permissible self-defense did not stop, and only specialists from the central apparatus of the investigative committee of russia were able to understand the matter. as a result, the court acquitted alexander krasnov. here are just some residents of the ivanovo region. still considers him a cruel killer, so who is he, alexander krasnov, the man who killed the uninvited guest or a hero who saved his family, and what to do if villains broke in on you, defend yourself or attack? we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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a resident of the small town of kokhma, in the ivanovo region, alexander krasnov is preparing his snow-white truck for the next trip, the road. i don’t have a close one coming up, sometimes i leave for 3-4 days, sometimes it’s two or three weeks, we go, ride all over russia, that is, it can be said that this is your partner, it can be said that this is a second home, now krasnov is a truck driver, he travels all over country.
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we, as they say, have the most beautiful nature in russia, as they say, it is so, that is, you kind of drive around, admire our nature, well, of course, it happens that, especially in winter, where it stands for two days, just recently. he had his own profitable business, he sold ivanovo textiles, famous throughout the country, several of his own stores, one in moscow, but then a dark streak came. unable to withstand the competition, his enterprise became unprofitable and closed, and then krasnov ended up in a pre-trial detention center for a long 7 months , protecting your family, he killed a man, the case made headlines throughout the region, was investigated first by local investigators, and then by employees of the central
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office of the investigative committee. as a result , the professional court completely acquitted krasno. region in the hope of meeting all the participants in this high-profile story, but first things first.
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warm friday, june 25, 2021, did not foretell any trouble: many guests gathered in the cozy house of alexander and elena krasnov, they were seeing off their only son artyom to the army, no loud music, no reckless drunken antics, however, the future soldier looked sad and not at all because he had to leave for a whole year. one after another, threatening messages poured into red jr.’s mobile phone; few people knew that a couple of hours before the farewell , the young man got into a serious fight, and the thing
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was this: his wife has a sister, elena, she is a mother of many children, she has been married for many years, for a native of a neighboring state, davud ostanakulov. elena and davud live in an apartment that belongs to the sisters, everything was calm until ostanakulov allegedly tried to deprive alina of her right to square meters. krasnov jr. stood up for his wife. word for word and a conflict broke out. youngsters, i'm telling you. come on, where are you, to me, where are you, tell me, i’ll come, you want to answer for someone, anyway, in your direction, yes, i ’m going there now, i’ll go towards reshma, i ’ll come, your friend, judging according to this audio recording, davutkulov got
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really excited, that’s what exactly the art said to him is unknown before, the man is all. decided to sort things out not over the phone, but in person , not far from that same apartment, but i decided to go, because when i talked to him on the phone, he immediately, well, immediately started talking about my mother, well, i told him, i ’ll come now and we’ll talk, they started insulting your mother, yeah, yeah, all the families were hurt because of as soon as he left, he started talking about the apartment again, and so it turned out that there was a fight, everything was honestly alone. alone, he ran away. the words of artyom krasny slightly diverge from these video frames. they were made by neighbors who watched what was happening from their windows. the quality, frankly speaking, is unimportant, but still visible. on there are about a dozen strong young guys on the street.
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one one. the climax of the brawl was not captured on the smartphone camera; all that is known is that davud ostanakulov was defeated, and artyom krasnov and his friends went home to see him off to the army. it seems that the story could have ended there, but that was not the case. here are the next shots. friends and acquaintances of ostanakulov gather near the scene of the fight. after some time, they moved from the sleeping area to the private sector of the city of kokhman. a large company, according to various estimates from 25 to 40 people were stopped by a police patrol,
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although not for long. soon the crowd, as if nothing had happened, continued on its way; at midnight , stones flew into the krasnovs’ house, family members remember those terrible minutes. this is a summer kitchen, we have a gazebo here, we adults were sitting here, seeing off our son to the army, young people were sitting under a canopy, we just heard screams, which means stones flew through the gate, which means the windows were hitting cars there, well, pieces of iron. the aggressors from the street have iron rods, painless bats, and traumatic pistols in their hands. the krosnows immediately realized that this would not
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end well, and the guests needed to be urgently taken to a safe place. 25 people hid in this small bathhouse, women and children waited for the police to arrive. i had to take a weapon in my hand and defend my home and guests. two people stood up to defend the home from uninvited visitors: alexander krasnov himself and his friend alexander shestakov. at first they just wanted to calm down the angry migrants, it didn’t work out, they tried there, well, stop, calm down, let’s talk normally, here’s a man... walks, i understand that now i’m kind of looking at his hands, he’s swinging, i raise my hand, they hit me in the nose, my nose was broken, i
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lost consciousness, and after some time the guys, artyom’s friends dragged me into the house on territory, you first fell here without anything, they knocked me out here, right here on the site, my friend came out a little to the right, he was immediately knocked down, they knocked him down, and they started beating him there, kicking him there, and at that time it came to me, well, a shot sounded, and i felt a pain in my stomach, which i looked at, i also have a t-shirt. holey hole, blood flowed, well, everything in my head right away is that they want to kill us all, maim us, they
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ran screaming, that is, when along the street they are already here to the house, that’s what the russian stab and kill, cut, wounded alexander krasnov ran into the house and grabbed a hunting rifle. chaos is happening, you warned me, well, i fired two shots in the air, i was running here, that is, bricks were flying, they didn’t give it to me, well , they threw it in my direction, because it ’s like here and punched, punched exactly where i am stood throwing. into the house, after which i fired two or three shots through the fences at the fir trees, after which we opened
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the gate again and ran after them again, i saw that one was lying on the road behind the fir tree , they called an ambulance before we had time we couldn’t even get through to the police, it’s as if they called the ambulance, that is , it was as if he also arrived soon after everything, i don’t know, well, almost at the same time, the police, the taxi driver bekhrus died on the spot because of his backside , another amerjani attacker with a gunshot injured and taken to the hospital. the police arrived at the scene a couple of hours later and were able to detain only artyom krasny. everyone else seemed to have disappeared. and the head of the family, alexander the red, was not there; he himself came to the investigators the next day. the man insisted on
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forced self-defense, stated that... he was defending his family and could not do otherwise. when i came to the investigative committee to surrender, yes, i tell them, something happened, they look at me with such eyes and say: yes ok, that can't happen maybe, well, go to the pre-trial detention center, and we will figure it out little by little, although i was arrested, and these were walking, moving, as if everything was fine with them, what thoughts were in your head when you were sitting in the pre-trial detention center with what did you disagree with, what made you angry, so men?
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local skr investigators were in no hurry. according to some reports, the investigation was supervised by lieutenant colonel of justice, konstantin vasilevich. there is no doubt about his reputation. he is a professional in his field. sent more than a dozen bandits to jail. is it true, his love for foreign cars is a little confusing. our editors have these photographs at their disposal. here is a man very similar to vasilevich, posing in german. bmw, when
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we saw after 6 months that this was not happening, i had already started writing complaints to moscow addressed to alexander ivanovich bastrykin , my wife just again, elena went to the state duma deputy for an appointment too, and at the same time with such actions we managed to achieve that the case was taken over by the central apparatus of the investigative committee, and the article was taken over by krasny was reclassified as murder committed.
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