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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov expressed condolences over the death of vaenkor izvestia. peskov noted that the ukrainian armed forces deliberately make russian journalists their targets. izvestia journalist semyon eremin died the day before in the zaporozhye region.
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during a drone attack. on behalf of alexander bostrykin, investigators will take all possible measures to restore those involved in the murder of the journalist. details from maria valeeva. i hope this will be the norm the last thing that the military correspondent of izvestia semyon eremin wrote to his colleagues. on april 19, his film crew went to the position of a battalion of one of the combined arms armies of the southern military district in the area of ​​the village of “zaporozhye region”. it was precisely this danger that was the last report of the military correspondent, aired on the 18th, the sound is disgusting, the sound is really disgusting, and if you hear this sound on the front line, wow, in the zaporozhye direction, the armed forces of ukraine have increased the number of attacks using kamikaze drones, the participants note .
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10 steps ahead, and at the same time was always ready for any, even the most unexpected business trips, probably for any surprise at all. bright memory. every trip to the line of military contact is a huge risk, and semyon understood this perfectly well, his colleagues say, but he still, in spite of everything, fulfilled his journalistic duty with honor and dignity, worked in different directions, talked about the capture of volnovakha, battles for maryenka and... for
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azovstal. semyon eremiv worked everywhere, he is a very experienced, professional person, he is very kind, he is a romantic, and being a reporter is his calling, it is his desire to do everything possible for his homeland at his post. semyon eremin was born on february 25, 1982 in the village of prikumskoye, stavropol territory. finished school and entered instead. in sochi and stavropol in may 2015, i went as a special correspondent to donbass, went on a business trip to syria, and since august 17th i have become a special correspondent for izvestia.
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and recently i shot a video dedicated to the participants of the northern military district. in the middle on a hillock, dugout, post-digger block, machine gun points, simple farming, onions, carrots, and only dill they don’t like, semyon eremin died at the hands of ukrainian militants, like our special correspondent, boris maksudov. at the end of november last year, during a ukrainian armed forces drone strike in the zaporozhye region, he received a shrapnel.
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the cold-blooded murder of a journalist as another confirmation of the ugly terrorist essence of the zelensky regime, which has opened a real hunt for russian representatives of the media, military officers, public figures who, with their reports, comments, publications they reveal the truth to the world community and present undeniable facts about the crimes of the militants of the kiev regime. they were watching the military correspondent, that was it. a targeted attack, all those involved in the death will definitely be identified, the investigative committee said in a statement. the death of semyon eremin will not go unpunished, said vladimir tyulin, general director of mits-izvestia. the correspondent who died at the hands of the ukrainian nazis was left with a wife and a two-month-old
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daughter. maria valieva, ekaterina shevchenko and vladislava musatova. news. buy a ring with falcon topaz with a 77% discount or polaris equipment with a discount of up to 70%. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we take out loans at sovcombank, we get them quickly, we at sovcombank up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, take them out! it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me,
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the water is growing and in the neighboring kurgan region, a leak was discovered on the dam, near the kirov bridge, in kurgan. residents whose houses are nearby are calling. urgently evacuate, about the situation in the flood zone in the report of our correspondents stanislav vasilchenko and stanislav bernwald. the tabola level in kurgan has increased again, 10 m and 15 cm, the increase is small, only 2 cm, but this already indicates that the situation is still unstable, hundreds of villages remain under water. the roof tilted a little towards the neighbor's, you see, the bathhouse was pulled up, the threat that it was burdensome, but... the stone one might now have an impact, pull it out, everything was scattered, the tank floated away, the barrels
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floated away, everything floated away, okay, what planted it in a greenhouse there, broke the greenhouse. today, more than 400 rescuers are involved in eliminating the consequences of the flood in the kurgan region, about one and a half thousand units are used equipment, these include all-terrain vehicles, warning vehicles, drones, and of course, watercraft, search and rescue teams conduct raids every day in flooded villages and provide targeted assistance to local residents. this is how we managed to save a man who had a heart attack in the flood zone, yesterday we received a call, our headquarters received a call that a person had become ill in a dacha cooperative, our crew responded quickly, well, of course, we have been here more than once, so we all already know the way, we got to the house quickly enough, where this man lived, they carefully placed him in a boat. and of course it was already twilight - they tried something more gentle,
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search and rescue teams carry out such raids every day, at first they helped local residents evacuate, but recently abandoned animals are increasingly in need of rescue. hello, tell us exactly how your work is going, who has already been saved there recently? well, we mainly work on requests, that is, people apparently live and know that they left some animals, but it happens - for the last 2 days, so the day before yesterday, the last time people were evacuated, now the animals are mostly cats, dogs, well, there are rabbits, chickens, well , all sorts of animals, the police are also actively working, so thanks to the timely action of senior police lieutenant nikolai yakovlev and traffic police inspector roman kursiitov , they managed to save an elderly couple from flooded gardening. a man contacted us and explained that he had parents with five dogs in the flooded area and asked for help. their salvation, since they gathered on their own in the dark get out of
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the flood zone on an inflatable boat. we put the man in a patrol car and went to the rescuers, after which we explained the whole situation to the rescuers, explained where his parents were, and his rescuers organized their search to save the flood zone. the region is still in a state of emergency; the flood is moving towards the belozersky district. mandatory evacuation is carried out. kasul was the first to evacuate from the area.
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prepare for the flood, i raised everything to the second floor, so i think that now i’m waiting for an ambulance so that my grandmother can be hospitalized, she has limited mobility, tomorrow is a day off, we’ll clean everything in her house too, lift it into the attics, well, it must be able to withstand this, when the heat was in the seventeenth year, 70 meters was flooded, the second floor - that means 2.50, well, i think it should probably... everything will be preserved. the water pressure washed out a temporary dam in the fruit nursery neighborhood early in the morning. by that time
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, almost all the residents had been evacuated, but there were still family members in the houses. animals, cats, dogs and even chickens. in just a few hours, the water rose by at least one and a half meters, in some households up to four. we were one of the first, together with rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations, to patrol the flooded area. we approach one of the residential buildings, everyone here has already been evacuated, but it is clear that there is already water in the house, so everything is flooded, work will be done here. a lot, but the most important thing is that people were evacuated, fortunately not many people, after all, people listened to the warning systems, today we evacuated two men, a dog, the governor of the tyumen region alexander moor is already warning at the site of flooding in ishim, the water is still
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rising, the peak of the flood has not been passed, our territory is large, the first populated. the gauging station where we have it, the peak was 893 cm 2 days ago, today, well, in the morning it was 872, that is, 21 cm minus, it will decrease a little slower than it arrived, but the most important thing is that, well, it’s like a trend there is in kazan -1 cm. the day before, when the ishim river began to rise rapidly, in the city, in the area of ​​​​the pedestrian bridge, the following was formed so-called garbage jam, the water from the river in this area began to overflow, due to the rapidly rising water in the ishim river , such a jam occurred... a jam, it now needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible, because the water cannot pass, so the employees of the ministry of emergency situations they operate in two stages, one group pulls out large trees with a cable, the second group is a tractor, it is trying to drag garbage under the bridge, and the guys on boats are also working , pulling up the garbage. kazansky and
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shimsky districts are currently included in increased risk zone for flooding. if there is a trend in the first. ukraine, israel and taiwan. until recently, this was just one bill, but i categorically did not like the wording.
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here we have the launch point of the drone itself, this is according to the previous profession, that’s for sure. why did you rise to the rank, rose to the rank of junior lieutenant, mobilized, and no, left the service, so that, that is , a volunteer went, yes, that’s right, he signed a contract and so on, but it’s not a shame that the rank is not transferable, no way, the most important thing defend the homeland. ready, ready, plus, we're afraid, key, key,
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attention, launch, gone dear, we haven't seen each other in the pine.
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at first i equipped these groups with electronic guns and some means that were available at that time, this is still the end of the 22nd year in terms of pressure, now in these groups there are... barreled weapons, multi-shot carbines, again electronic weapons, there are jammers, radars, detectors, and this group, in every division i created it, we are now constantly improving it, many commanders, including artillery, and not only, they solve this problem, for example, there is an artillery crew or...
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to carry out the main one, this is for him, as important as it is, in order to preserve himself and his guns and their subordinates, but often people sacrifice this, so in order for them not to sacrifice, i made this decision, created these groups, this is the officer who was the first in the brigade to receive a state award for svo. medal of the order of merit for the fatherland with swords of the second degree, congratulations, here i have training, preparing defense groups
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against fpv drones for the machine gun. they attached a laser pointer, he trains to hold the target, he learns to keep track of it, and the leader also tells him what’s best, what he can’t hold, that he needs a machine gun, for example, press harder, and that is, the task is just the green dot all the time, so that you can press the dot on the target, bend your legs a little, well, look, let’s say, on the internet, yeah, that is, it turns out to be aligned for...
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that’s not the point here then in order to aim yourself, namely to hold the laser, that is , to practice the movement of the body, so that in the future, when you are accompanying the target, now wait until a little, now i’ll understand, yeah, it’s cool, those who saw how they fly nearby explode, psychologically then it’s hard to hear this buzzing, you have to people got used to it and were no longer afraid, they knew that they could be easily fought, his task is to determine by the sound where he is flying, to at least try, well, try to aim the machine gun, the fighter is blindfolded and he is obliged to determine by the sound the direction of approach of the ethereal facial apparatus, comes at you suddenly,
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i hear, i hear. now there’s one there, one there, yes, he’s coming at you in the field, that’s right, he’s gone, he’s afraid of you, what else? the field comes at you,
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now at least it hit you, okay, okay, now it’s right, yes, now, yes, you probably almost before everyone else they became active. we have expanded this business, we have mock-ups of self-propelled systems, targets, reproducing a light-thermal signature, a sound signature, so that they cannot distinguish, we work on mock-ups, creating false ones for them , and i will say, i have one mock-up, i won’t go into too much detail , because what he is and what, but the enemy
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hit him four times. i repair it again and again, here it is four times, these are highmars, and excalibr, a babaiga flew in and worked for him, well, that is, he’s already done, i already do this sometimes with me he’s doing this, the head of the engineering service of the brigades, he’s counting how much the investment has returned, and he’s like that, he’s all i’m saying, your task is to get him hit, and that’s it, he’s already got an attack, we’ll get him ready now, we ’ll get him ready now, that is... colonel , give us half a day, give us half a day, i say, that's it, come on, once you asked me how the fight is carried out, i said, well, shotguns, now one of the moments has appeared, you also remember, this thought they voiced about the stand performers, this is your idea, by the way, that’s how it is, i’m speaking seriously without any doubt exaggeration, clearly an exercise that...


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