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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today, a few minutes ago, the house of representatives of the us congress approved a bill to provide financial assistance to ukraine. voting on several documents has just ended on the capitalist hill; we will find out all the details from our own correspondent in the usa, valentin bogdanov, who is now in direct contact with us. how was the voice?
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votes in favor of military assistance to israel, well, it’s clear that all four bills have been passed and adopted by a majority, and a bipartisan one, after the voting on ukraine ended, there were shouts of jubilation in congress, republicans, half of them voted in favor, most of the democrats, holding flags, shouted the word ukraine,
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this is the leader of the democratic minority in congress. ukrainians taught us that when people believe in freedom and democracy, they are able to overcome even the strongest armies, but the pro-putin opposition that stopped the adoption of this law until now has jeopardized all progress ukraine, so it is important for us to support the ukrainian people, this is a moment of choice, you can choose democracy.
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immediately after that, russia began to move towards ukraine, and as soon as chairman xi met putin at the olympics and cemented their diabolical alliance, the invasion ensued. the fii chairman has become more aggressive in the pacific region and mark my words, he is looking at what is happening in ukraine to decide whether to invade taiwan. well, this is how the proverbial world is described in general terms, based on rules where everyone has. with the help of some of his colleagues, an attempt was made to dismiss johnson, but this did not work out, because biden, the white house and the democratic party, in general, are here for johnson.
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the entire american deepstate and nevertheless the last attempt, so to speak, to prevent the adoption of this bill, meaning about ukraine, on the part of margie teylar green there were amendments, she proposed. american taxpayers have already sent $113 billion to ukraine, most of this money has not been accounted for, this is maintaining sick business model that the american government is pursuing, it demands from congress. continue to vote for money, continue to fund wars abroad, while americans do not support this business model built on blood, murder and warriors in other countries, yet the government does nothing to ensure the security of our own borders. if we use the metaphors of margery taylar green, then since we
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are talking about business, then time is money, no one will wait, immediately after the vote in the house representatives, the bills will go to the senate, then for biden to sign, but the pentagon has already made it clear that they were preparing in advance for a positive outcome, the us department of defense, as they say, has already formed, as the washington post writes today, has formed the first package of military assistance to ukraine, it could include 155mm gaub shells, medium-range artillery shells and essential air defense ammunition, and if biden doesn't...
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us house of representatives decision on aid ukraine will further enrich the united states and further ruin ukraine, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said . according to him, the united states will be responsible for the decision to confiscate the property of the russian federation, moscow will take measures that meet its interests without a time limit. the investigative committee will establish all those involved in the death of the military correspondent.
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the last thing that military correspondent semyon eremin wrote to his colleagues. on april 19, his film crew went to the position of a battalion of one of the combined arms armies of the southern military district in the area of ​​the village of priyutnoye, zaporozhye region. on the way back , the journalists' transport was attacked by fpv drones. as a result of the repeated release of a shell from the ukrainian armed forces’ drones, semyon was mortally wounded. it was precisely this danger that the military commissar’s last report was about.
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march, we were just sitting and discussing, since we didn’t see each other in moscow, it was the tenth of how to understand that enemy drones are above you, so that artillery is preparing to work on you. in general, syoma always thought not one, not two, probably 10 steps ahead, and at the same time he was always ready for any, even the most unexpected business trips, probably for any surprise at all. bright memory. every trip to the line of combat contact is a huge risk, and semyon. understood perfectly well, his colleagues say, but he still, in spite of everything, fulfilled his journalistic duty with honor and dignity, worked in different directions, talked about the capture of volnovakha, about the battles for maryenka for azovstal. semyon eremyev worked
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everywhere, he is a very experienced, professional person, very kind, he is a romantic, and a reporter is his calling, it is... his desire to do everything possible for his homeland at his post. semyon eremin was born on february 25 , 1982 in the village of prikum. at state television and radio broadcasting company stavropol region since 2006. he began his career as a correspondent in 2004 and worked as a correspondent for channel five in moscow, crimea, sochi and stavropol. in may 2015 , i went as a special correspondent to donbass, went on a business trip to syria, and since august 17th i have become a special correspondent for lime. semyon is the person who gave all his energy, all his strength to
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work to show the whole country the strong side, the strong work of our fighters, the truth that we see in the trenches, on the front line, in dugouts, often in a very difficult situation, a real man, a talented correspondent, versatile... the armed forces of ukraine in the zaporozhye region, he received shrapnel wounds from which he died.
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the kiev regime is constantly hunting for russian journalists, emphasizes maria zakharova. the russian foreign ministry demands from relevant international organizations and human rights structures immediate and strong condemnation of yet another brutal murder. we regard this targeted and cold-blooded murder of a journalist as yet another confirmation of the ugly terrorist nature of the zelensky regime. who have opened a real hunt for russian representatives of the media, military officers, and public figures who, with their reports, comments, and publications , reveal the truth to the world community and present undeniable facts about the crimes of the militants of the kiev regime. the military commander was being followed, it was a targeted a targeted attack, all those involved in the death will definitely be identified, the investigative committee said in a statement. the death of semyon eremin will not go unpunished,” said the general director of mits-izvestia. vladimir tyulin, a correspondent who died at the hands of the ukrainian nazis, is survived by his wife and
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two-month-old daughter. maria valieva, ekaterina shevchenko and vladislava musatova, lead. meanwhile, the belgorod region is again under attack from the ukrainian armed forces; in one day the enemy attacked the region’s territory with drones more than twenty times. two people died, including a pregnant woman a girl, two more were wounded, they are now in the regional clinical hospital. doctors provide them with all the necessary assistance. several houses from the shebekinsky district were damaged. report by alexander korbov. on this street is the village of novaya tavolzhanka, the restoration of housing destroyed due to previous attacks in usa has only recently been completed. a new attack on peaceful homes claimed several lives and ruined all this work. during the shelling, a young pregnant girl was on the street. unfortunately, here is one of mine fell in close proximity, fragments. scattered around, she was seriously injured, the doctors who arrived in time
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fought to the end to save her life, but unfortunately, she died, as did her unborn baby. three more people were injured of varying degrees of severity; one of the victims had to be hospitalized; the rest were treated by doctors on the spot; the wounded will be treated at home. he took the garage, looked at what was going on here, there was a completely white wall, nothing was visible, white and gray, he jumped into the observation room. artillery mines fell in dense residential buildings, the enemy deliberately targeted the civilian population, the residents of the village counted at least four explosions. the metal fences in the area are all pierced with shrapnel, both at the level of human height and close to the ground, being behind them at the moment of shelling is not the best idea, of course, at the first loud sounds you need to look for stronger cover, at least so that there are... . brick walls, everyone who lives in the belgorod border area has learned this axiom
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well over the past 2 years; first you need to save your own. life, and only then take care of the damaged property. this is not the only damage you have, no, of course, the facade, roof, windows, fences, they themselves managed to take refuge somewhere, yes, they managed to open up with the child in the basement after the first arrival, well, that is, i immediately heard the first loud sounds and the basement, yes , there is no other way for us. in novaya tavolzhanka , 12 residential buildings were damaged after a mortar attack. on the same day, enemy drones attacked the villages of dronovka and poros. in the latter , two people died, their entire house. burned out. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov. news belgorod region. russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in two directions and improved the situation in two more. this was reported to the ministry of defense. during the clashes , 14 enemy counterattacks were repelled. the most active combat operations were carried out by units of the southern group of forces. units of the southern
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group of troops improved the situation and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. in the areas of the settlements of maksimilyanovka, stupochki, poroskovievka and kalinina of the donetsk people's republic, three counterattacks were repelled west of the village of krasnaya, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 610 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, five vehicles, a 152-mm mstab howitzer, a 152-mm d-20 gun, an ammunition depot, and a nota electronic warfare station. until june 1, at... all training grounds of the ministry of defense there will be special sites for practicing skills in fighting enemy drones ; new small arms developed with the participation of snipers from the northern military district zone will be used in such tests, this is a statement sergei shaig, the head of the ministry of defense , was just shown the samples today; he came to a training ground near moscow to check how effectively the tso experience is being used in the development
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of military equipment. report by alexey konopko. how much can you do? no more than a year per month, such rates of production of blind needles cover even the losses of equipment that the enemy attributes to the russian army, and this is only one type of drones, the minister of defense is shown a whole line, all their components. domestic rusatom plastic jumps we also make our own motors; we make motors ourselves. these drones are capable of carrying between 10 and 200 kg of payload. this could be almost anything needed at the front. a camera that transmits a picture, like this, for example, right now a drone of a different type, arlan, is showing the fighters the right bank of the dnieper. before the medical kit for the wounded in battle, provisions, rifle ammunition or explosives. its new drone can not only be dropped into trenches or onto enemy equipment, but also become part of minefields. shock
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the device has proven itself extremely effective in mining, especially night mining. there is a universal one. there are currently 30 such devices with increased protection against radio interference per month, the equipment is new, but of course there will be more, we will now create a scientific production center, well, at the same time, a design bureau for all unmanned aerial vehicles, they are developing, they can be well financed through procurement, create laboratories with them , then it will all come together and there will be a big unification. there is still a whole range of drones left behind the scenes, which is for the army made in russian factories. this is how, for example, an fpv drone flies straight into an enemy dugout, and this is how lancet, with the adjustment of his partner zal, destroys nato tanks, disappointing their suppliers. drones are causing deadly damage to one of the main symbols of american military power. in two months, russian troops have disabled five of 31 abram tanks,
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a senior us official said. at least three more received.
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drones are much faster than ukrainians, us officials initially believed that the army russia is seriously weakened, but the commander of nato's allied forces in europe told congress that the russian federation's armed forces have demonstrated an increasing ability to learn and adapt on the battlefield, both tactically and technologically. according to the government, technical requirements for drones in the northeast military district zone are updated every two weeks, a pace that no other military-industrial complex in the world has yet achieved. mefe scientists are completing the creation of the newest unique laser installation elf, this is a world-class project, it is also called photon factory. the elf will help in conducting experiments on thermonuclear fusion, in exploring the universe, and also in teaching students. elizaveta
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khramtsova will talk about new opportunities about where this fabulous name comes from in the new issue of the atom horizons program. to reproduce on earth the conditions that are realized in the stars to solve this problem.
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in a 300 m2 hall, a 24 m long laser will be located in the so-called clean zone, but those who wish will be able to observe the experiments without interfering with the process, for this purpose they built
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gallery. elf is a two-channel complex. one channel will generate a pulse with a duration of 5-20 nanoseconds, the other with a picosecond, that is, an even shorter pulse duration. this combination will make it possible to carry out research that is currently unavailable on... existing laser installations; specialists will be able to emit the behavior, structure, properties of matter, radiation of ultra-strong magnetic and electric fields in new conditions, which are not even found in some space objects. she will mainly work with physics high densities, pressures, with the so -called warm dense matter, when we , using laser radiation, create conditions that allow the matter to be compressed to...
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the elf project is already training scientific personnel, all volod kravchenko with a group of students is assembling a target chamber, its body was conveyed in myth by colleagues from trinity, the troy institute for innovation and fusion research. it took more than a year to design and create the necessary parts, and seval wrote off his master’s diploma at basis of working with this particular element of the installation. you can imagine the precision with which you have to deal when you see the scale of the target and the tip of the needle. we are currently developing the design of a target assembly for laser alignment, to show how it will all be arranged there, well, in general, the concept is that
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there is some kind of base , a certain holder for targets is screwed onto it, well, yes, yes, depending on what we will study, for example, for the experiments of the first day, the so-called, there may be some kind of a plate, say, made of tin or something like that. aidar kadyrov, a fourth -year student who is developing vacuum spatial filters for a laser system, says that the main challenge for him as a designer is the task of enclosing all four channels of the spatial filter in one pipe, but it is the complexity of the design that attracts the most. vacuum volumes are used because there is very powerful laser radiation; at the ends there are lenses near the spatial filter in the place where they focus a lot the concentration of energy can be forgotten... i was
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a schoolboy when i wanted to join the project, he studied in the person of primefi, and his physics teacher not only lectured at school, but was also simultaneously engaged in scientific activities at a nuclear university. having learned about the elf, kirill performed in the mythology and now, at 18, is working on assembling a target camera. i’m more passionate about working with my hands, this is some kind of engineering work, if you solder something, you need to do some wiring somewhere or model something, that’s what i always undertake for that. but there's really nothing complicated. elf is a megascience class installation. it is being created at laplas with the cooperation of the country's leading nuclear centers and is part of the state program priority 2030. several institutes of the russian academy of sciences and rosatom enterprises are involved in the implementation of the project. and the clock on the wall in one of mifi’s offices shows not only the time in moscow, but also in snezhinsk. there is the all-russian scientific research institute of technical physics in sorov. there at the base. not
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experimental physics is creating the world's most powerful laser installation at fal 2m kilojoule elf will work in conjunction with the megaajoule ufl2m pair, a national mega-level installation plus a university installation has proven its effectiveness in the world. it is less energy-intensive, it is cheaper to operate and we can do more with it. experiments, which will then be scaled up and used at a large megajoule installation, which is now called a national- level installation, this emphasizes the importance the complexity of such a machine. it is impossible to answer the question at what stage the entire project is now. yes, the assembly of the installation is being completed, but there is still an experimental part ahead. world experience shows that such complexes can serve for 30 or 40 years,
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like the international space station, which was added with new modules after launch, elf will develop over several decades. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, prospects yes, ours are more brutal, yes, ours will be more brutal. how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product like?
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