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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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questions, proposals, objections, tributes or anything else you want, a century ahead. this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today, the decision of the congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, further ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. due to the fault
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of the kiev regime, this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen on saturday approved the allocation of a $61 billion financial package to ukraine for the purchase of weapons equipment. the same amount includes 23 billion to replenish american weapons stocks. in addition, the document states that washington will transfer its attack missiles to kiev with a range of up to 300 km. as emphasized by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. another scandalous decision by congress on saturday concerns the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. if this actually happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states, and america will have to answer for all of this. both bills will not come into force immediately. they now have to be approved by the upper house of congress. the vote in the us senate is scheduled for... april 23, but then the documents
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will be sent to president joe biden for signature. during saturday's house hearings , congress also passed bills to provide $26 billion in aid to israel and $8 billion in support for allies in the indo-pacific region. the biden administration introduced bills on ukraine, israel and taiwan by package. and because of this, during the debates, some congressmen were confused about who was in which part of the world. the united states on several packages, the first to vote was the package of confiscation of russian assets, followed by taiwan, then ukraine, after the voting on ukraine was completed.
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pinned pins on the lapels of his jackets, but let’s listen to how he campaigned for his party, his democratic minority, hakeem jeffries, the leader of the democratic minority in congress. ukrainians taught us that when people believe in freedom and democracy, they are able to overcome even the most powerful army, but the pro-putin confrontation that stopped the adoption of this law. up to this point
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, has jeopardized all the progress of ukraine, so it is important for us to support the ukrainian people, this is a moment of choice, you can choose democracy or autocracy, freedom or tyranny, zelensky or putin, we can choose a democratic ally or a sworn enemy, that is, such a familiar division of the world into those who are with the united states and those who are against it, in this sense there is, of course, no party division here and there cannot be. republican hawks speak in exactly the same vein; today they are all one common party, the goal of which is to master the gigantic military budget that speaker mike johnson passed through congress, who betrayed his principles, betrayed his party guidelines, that’s how some of him rejoice over this fellow republicans.
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with the help of some of his colleagues, an attempt to dismiss johnson, but this did not work out, because johnson was here and
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biden, and the white house and the democratic party, in general, the entire american deep state, and yet, the latest attempt, so to speak, to prevent the adoption of this bill, refers to ukraine. margie and taylor greene made amendments, she proposed to completely reset all this money, well, naturally , no one agreed to this, but she gave a very powerful, moral rebuke to all those who continue to earn money in the united states from the war. american taxpayers have already sent $113 billion to ukraine, most of this money missing, this is maintaining the sick business model that the american government is pursuing, it requires... congress to continue to vote for the allocation of money, to continue to finance wars abroad, despite the fact that the americans do not support this business model, built on blood, murders and wars in other countries, the government is still doing nothing to ensure the security of our own borders, if we use the metaphors of margery
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taylor greene, then since we are talking about business, then time is money, no one will wait right away after voting in the house of representatives , the bill will go to the senate, then for biden to sign, but also... they have already made it clear that they were preparing in advance for a positive outcome, the us department of defense, as they say, has already formed, the washington post writes about this today, has formed the first package of military aid to ukraine, it could include 155 mm gaub shells, medium-range artillery shells and the necessary ammunition for air defense systems, and if biden does not delay, the senate will not delay.
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area of ​​the village of priyutnoye, zaporozhye region. on the way back, the journalists' transport was attacked by fpivrons on the military armies of the southern military district. as a result of the repeated release of a shell from an ukrainian armed forces drone, semyon was mortally wounded. it was precisely this
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danger that the military correspondent’s last report, aired on the eighteenth, was about. the sound is disgusting. the sound is really disgusting. and if you hear this sound on the front lines, wow. in the zaporizhzhya direction, the armed forces of ukraine have increased the number of attacks using kamikaze drones, note svo participants. for one a unit of equipment can fly from 10 to 20 such drones. this time syoma left as a military commander 3 weeks later than our film crew. and the last time we saw him in moscow, it was the tenth of march. we were just sitting and discussing how to understand that enemy drones are above you, what is being prepared for you. work artillery, in general, syoma always thought not one, not two, probably 10 steps ahead, and at the same time was always ready for any, even the most unexpected business trips, probably for any surprise at all. bright memory. every trip to the line of combat
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contact is a huge risk, and semyon understood this very well, his colleagues say, but he still, no matter what, fulfilled his journalistic duty with honor and dignity. he worked in different directions, talked about the capture of volnovakha, about the battles for marinka for azovstal. semyon e worked everywhere, he is very experienced.
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in moscow, crimea, sochi and stavropol. in may 2015, i went as a special correspondent to donbass, went on a business trip to syria, and since august 17th i have become a special correspondent for izvestia. semyon is the person who devoted all his energy, all his strength to work. to show the whole country the strong side, the strong work of our soldiers, the truth that we see in the trenches, on the front line, in dugouts, often in a very difficult situation, a real man, a talented correspondent, a versatile creative personality, semyon eremin wrote music and poetry, and i recently shot a video dedicated to the isvo participants in the middle of a forest. yes, on a hillock, dugout, post-digger block, machine-gun emplacements, simple farming, onion
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carrots, and only dill they don’t like, semyon eremin died at the hands of ukrainian militants, like our special correspondent boris maksudov, at the end of november last year, during a ukrainian armed forces drone strike in the zaporozhye region, he received shrapnel wounds from which he died. hunt for russian journalists, kiev. maria zakharova emphasizes that the russian foreign ministry demands that relevant international organizations and human rights structures immediately and decisively condemn another brutal murder. we regard this as purposeful and the cold-blooded murder of a journalist as another confirmation of the ugly terrorist nature of the zelensky regime, which has opened a real hunt for russian representatives of the media, military officers, and public figures who, with their reports, comments, and publications, reveal the truth to the world community. present undeniable facts about the crimes of militants of the kiev regime. the military correspondent was being watched, it was a targeted
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, targeted attack, everyone involved in the death will definitely be identified - it says message from the investigative committee. the death of semyon eremin will not go unpunished, said vladimir tyulin, general director of mits-izvestia. the correspondent who died at the hands of the ukronazis left behind a wife and two-month-old daughter. maria valieva, ekaterina. polzhanka has only recently completed the restoration of housing destroyed due to previous attacks in usa. a new attack on peaceful
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homes claimed several lives and ruined all this work. during the shelling , a young pregnant girl was on the street. unfortunately, one of the mines fell into immediate proximity. the fragments scattered around. she was seriously injured. the doctors who arrived in time fought until the end for her life, but unfortunately, she died, as did her unborn baby. three more people. received injuries of varying degrees of severity, one of the victims had to be hospitalized, the doctors were able to help the rest on the spot, the wounded will be treated at home, he collected the garage, looked at what was going on here, there was a white wall at all, nothing was visible, white and gray, he jumped into inspection hole, i sat there, i don’t know how long, but as soon as they got out , the second one arrived, artillery mines fell in a dense residential area, the enemy purposefully hit the civilian population, the villagers counted... at least four explosions. the metal fences in the area are all pierced with shrapnel, both at
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the level of human height and close to the ground, being behind them at the time of shelling is not the best idea, of course, at the first loud sounds you need to look for a stronger shelter, at least so that there are brick walls . this axiom over the past 2 years, everyone who lives i learned well in the belgorod border region. first you need to save your own life, and only then take care of the damaged property. i know you don’t have any damage, of course, the facade, the roof, the windows, the fences, you managed to take refuge somewhere, yes, i managed to open up with the child in the basement after the first arrival, that’s... that is, i immediately heard the first loud sounds and into the basement, yes otherwise, in our new tovolzhanka , after a mine strike, 12 residential buildings were damaged; on the same day, enemy drones attacked the villages of dronovka and paros, in the latter two people died, their house was completely burned down. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region.
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russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in two directions and improved in two more. the defense ministry reported this. during the clashes, 14 enemy counterattacks were repelled; the most active combat operations were carried out by units of the southern group of forces. units of the southern group of troops improved the situation and inflicted fire damage on the troops and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of maksimilyanovka, stupochki, poroskovievka and kalinina, donetsk people's republic. three counterattacks were repelled west of the village of krasnaya, donetsk people's republic. the enemy's losses amounted to. up to 610 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, five vehicles, a 152-mm mstab howitzer, a 152-mm d-20 gun, an ammunition depot, and a nota electronic warfare station. the ministry of defense will create a research and production center to develop the production of drones and robotic systems. the head of the department
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, sergei shaigu, announced this at the training ground moscow military district, where he was presented with the latest drones. capable of lifting from 10 to 200 kg, dropping various types of ammunition. another advantage is increased protection from electronic interference from the enemy, and ease of control allows you to train an operator in just two weeks, that is, due to the fact that we will now be creating a scientific production center. well , at the same time, the design bureau for all drones is working with equipment, they need to be collected, collected, before the guys appear, thank god, we are now i’m going to complete them, they are developing, they are well financed, through procurement, they don’t stop, we create laboratories with them, then it will all come together and it will be a big unification. a credit card
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are even talking about exceeding the historical maximum. water rises on the tabol river near kurgan. the situation in these two regions our special correspondents are following: stanislav vasilchenko and stanislav bernwalt. the tobol level in kurgan has increased again, 10 m and 15 cm. the increase is small, only 2 cm, but this already indicates that the situation is still unstable, hundreds of villages remain under water, the roof is small, tilted , well, next door, you see, a bathhouse pulled it up, the threat that he had it made of logs, but i had a stone one, it could now have a blow, pull it out, everything was scattered, the tank floated away, the barrels floated away, everything floated away, well, okay, i planted it there in the greenhouse, greenhouse broke it. today , more than 400 rescuers are involved in eliminating the consequences of the flood in the kurgan region, about one and a half thousand pieces of equipment are used, these are all-terrain vehicles, warning vehicles, drones, and of course,
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watercraft. every day, search and rescue teams conduct raids on flooded villages and provide targeted assistance to local residents; this is how they managed to save a man who had a heart attack in the flood zone. yesterday we received a call, our headquarters received a call that in the dacha cooperative source the person became ill, our crew. once they reacted, well, of course, we’ve already been here several times, so we already know the route, we quickly got to the house where this man lived, carefully placed him in the boat, and of course it was already twilight, we tried to be more gentle, such raids by search rescue teams spend every day, at first they helped local residents evacuate, but lately more and more abandoned animals need rescue, hello, tell us exactly how your work goes, who you have already managed to save there lately, well, we mostly work on requests, that is, people apparently
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live and know that they left some animals behind, yes, it happens for the last 2 days, the day before yesterday the last time people were evacuated, now the animals are mostly cats, dogs, well, there are rabbits, chickens, well , everything... the police are actively working, so thanks to the timely actions of senior police lieutenant nikolai yakovlev and traffic police inspector roman kurseitov, they managed to save an elderly couple from a flooded garden. a man approached us and explained: that he had parents with five dogs in the flooded area and asked for help in rescuing them, since in the dark they were going to get out of the flood zone on their own on an inflatable vodka. we put the man in a patrol car and went to the rescuers, after which... we explained the whole situation to the rescuers, explained where his parents were, with him, the rescuers organized their search to save the flood zone. there is still a state of emergency in the region, the flood
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is shifting towards the belozersky district, mandatory evacuation is being carried out, roe deer were the first to be evacuated from the area, the animals swam to the shore, deer are swimming, there is another group getting to the shore, according to the forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations in the coming days on tobol near kurganazhit. they couldn’t, but they didn’t take away the work. residents of the city of ishim knew in advance about the approach of big water, the water was rising before their eyes, in the area the sirens on
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the roads have not stopped talking for a week.
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together with rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations, we went out to patrol the flooded area. we approach one of the residential buildings, everything is already here evacuated, but it is clear that there is already water in the house, therefore, everything is flooded, there will be a lot of work here, but the most important thing is that people evacuated, fortunately not many people, after all, people listened to the warning systems, today we two men and a dog were taken out, the governor of the tyumen region, alexander moor, is already warning at the site of the flooding that the water is still rising, the peak of the flood has not been passed. we have a large territory, telinka, the first settlement, the gauging station where we have it, the peak was 2 days ago 893 cm, today, well, in the morning it was 872, that is, 21 cm minus. it will decrease a little slower than
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it arrived, but the most important thing is that, well... there is -1 cm in kazansky. the day before, when the ishim river began to rise rapidly, a so -called garbage jam formed in the city near the pedestrian bridge. water from the river in this area began to overflow. due to the rapidly rising water in the ishim river, such a traffic jam occurred. it now needs to be eliminated as quickly as possible, because water cannot pass through, so the emergency situations ministry employees act in two stages: one a group is pulling large trees with a cable, and... the second group is a tractor, it is trying to drag garbage under the bridge, and there are also guys working on boats pulling up garbage. the kazan and shim districts are currently included in the increased risk zone for flooding. if in the first there is a tendency for the water in the ishim river to decrease, then in the ishim region, it seems, everything is just beginning. stanislav bernval, sergey ukhvarenok, daniel kuznetsov, maya alenova, irina zaborskaya, anna nikulaesh. news. kyumin.
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customers' love is the main reward for anyone entrepreneur, you don’t just prepare cakes, give unforgettable emotions, don’t give fashionable haircuts, but help to be closer to each other, don’t create fashionable things, but give the opportunity to be in the center of attention, this is not easy for each of you.
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yes, that's why.


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