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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the application or on the website, this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today, the decision of the congress to provide assistance to kiev will ruin the usa even more, will ruin ukraine even more, will increase the number of dead ukrainians due to the fault of the kiev regime. this is how
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the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen on saturday approved the allocation of a financial package of $61 billion to ukraine for the purchase of weapons and equipment, the same amount includes 23 billion to replenish american weapons stocks. in addition, the document states that washington will transfer its attack missiles to kiev with a range of up to 300 km, as russian foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova emphasized, military assistance to the kiev regime is. direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. another scandalous decision by congress on saturday concerns the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine. according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, if this really happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states, and america will have to answer for all of this. both bills will not come into force immediately; they now have to be approved in the upper house of congress. the vote in the us senate is scheduled for april 23. and then the documents
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will be sent to president joe biden for signature. during saturday's hearing, the house of representatives also passed bills to provide $26 billion in aid to israel and support for allies in the indo-pacific. region for 8 billion. the biden administration introduced bills on ukraine, israel and taiwan in a package, which is why during the debate some congressmen were confused about who should be sent to which part of the world.
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probably the most prominent opponent in recent days has been the congresswoman from georgie and margery taylor greene, she even made an attempt, with the help of some of her colleagues, to dismiss johnson, but this did not work out, because biden, the white house and the democrats are here for johnson party, in general
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the entire american deepstate and nevertheless the last attempt, so to speak, to prevent the adoption of this bill, meaning about ukraine, from marja.
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made it clear that they were preparing in advance for a positive outcome, the us department of defense, as they say, has already formed, the washington post writes about this today, has formed the first package of military assistance to ukraine, which may include 155mm shells for howitzers, shells for medium- range artillery and the necessary ammunition for air defense systems, and if biden does not delay, the senate will not delay, but chances are here... usa. a memorial
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dedicated to the deceased war correspondent semyon eremin appeared in the izvestia building. the day before, he was mortally wounded during a drone attack in the zaporozhye region. the investigative committee has already promised to find out. to all those involved in this case, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov expressed his condolences in connection with the death of the military commander. he noted that the ukrainian armed forces deliberately make russian journalists their targets. the public chamber reported that they would petition for awarding semyon eremin the order of courage posthumously. the ministry of digital development stated that they were ready to provide support to the relatives of the deceased; midi demanded that international organizations condemn the murder of the military commander.
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semyon is the person who devoted all his energy, all his strength to working to show the whole country the strong side, the strong work of our fighters, the truth that we see in the trenches, on the front line, in dugouts, often in a very difficult situation .
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the ministry of defense will create a research and production center to develop the production of drones and robotic complexes, the head of the department announced this at the test site. drop different types of ammunition, another advantage is increased protection from electronic interference from the enemy, and ease of control allows you to train the operator in just 2 weeks. we will create a center for scientific production, well, at the same time , a design bureau for all unmanned aerial vehicles, they need
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to be assembled, assembled, before the guys appeared, thank god, now they are assembled, assembled, they are developing, well financed, through procurement, through, so that they do not stop, create laboratories with them, then it will all unite, there will be a big unification, in kurgan and in the tyumen region the flood is approaching.
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we all already know the ways, but quickly enough we got to the house where this man lived,
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carefully placed him in the boat, and, of course, it was already twilight, we tried to be more gentle, search and rescue teams carry out such raids every day, first they helped the local residents to evacuate, but recently abandoned animals are increasingly in need of rescue, hello, tell me how - police nikolai yakovlev and traffic police inspector roman kursiitov managed to save an elderly couple
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from a flooded garden. a man contacted us and explained that he had parents with five dogs in the flooded area and asked for help in rescuing them. since in the dark they decided to get out of the flood zone on their own in an inflatable boat. we put the man in a patrol car and went to the rescuers. after which the rescuer explained the whole situation, explained where his parents were rescuer.
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this is how they built it all their lives, today the ishim river increased its level by more than 2 m, the day before it was another 2 and a half in the plus, the critical elevation mark is 850 cm, it has already been passed with interest, the river rushed into the city, we managed to get at least something out, well, they made it in time, they warned us, they took out half the furniture, they were able to do some things, but they couldn’t do others, they didn’t take away the work, but it was coming... the residents of the city of ishim knew in advance that the water was rising before their eyes in the area the sirens on the roads haven’t stopped talking for a week now, mobile checkpoints are running alerts. no relatives or friends. i lifted everything up to the second floor, so i’m thinking, lift it up to the attics, prepare for the flood, i guess i should be able to withstand this, when the heat was on in 1970, 70 meters was
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flooded, the second floor means 2.50, well , i think probably must. well, everything will be preserved. the water pressure washed out a temporary dam in the fruit nursery neighborhood early in the morning. by that time, almost all the residents had been evacuated, but there were still pets, cats, dogs and even chickens in the houses. let's quit now. in a matter of hours, the water rose at least one and a half meters, in some households up to four. we were one of the first, together with rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations, to patrol the flooded area. we approach one of the residential buildings, everyone here has already been evacuated, but it is clear that there is already water in the house, therefore everything is flooded, there will be a lot of work here, but the most important thing is that people have evacuated, fortunately not many people, that’s all after all, people
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listened to the warning systems, today we brought out two men. dog, governor in the tyumen region, alexander moor is already warning at the flooding site in ishim that the water is still rising, the peak of the flood has not been passed. we have a large territory, teleinka, the first settlement, the gauging station where we have it, the peak was 2 days ago, 893 cm, today, well, in the morning it was 872, that is, 21 cm minus. it will decrease a little slower than it arrived, but the most important thing is that there seems to be a trend. in kazan -1 cm. the day before, when the ishim river became. rapidly rising in the city, in the area of ​​the pedestrian bridge, a so-called garbage dump has formed congestion. water from the river in this area began to overflow. due to the rapidly rising water in the ishim river, such a jam occurred. it must now be eliminated as quickly as possible, because water cannot pass through. therefore, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations act in two stages: one group is pulling
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large trees with a cable, the second group is a tractor, it is trying to drag garbage under... the guys on boats are also working , pulling up the garbage. the kazan and shim districts are currently included in the increased risk zone for flooding. if in first, there is a tendency for the water in the ishim river to decrease, but in the ishim region, it seems, everything is just beginning. stanislav bernval, sergey ukhvaryonok, daniel kuznetsov, maya alenova, irina zaborskaya, anna nikulaesh, vesti. tyumen region. actors anna peresilty.
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faces, they show that there is no need to get hung up on one two three stars, but such a spread of talents, opportunities, no, i think that everything is good, on the contrary, i regard what is happening as some kind of huge benefit for our cinema, because we have discovered names, on production, well, like all the industrialists, they gathered like that, in fact, it seems to me that it shows that it’s not that there’s nothing terrible there, on the contrary, everything is fine with us, winners of the international olympiad.
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strongly, tell us in general, what emotions do you experience, what does it feel like to have such a high rating? well, to be honest, we are still in shock, why? there were very strong competitors, and the result could have been anything, it was very lucky that it turned out exactly like this, where we were the first. the team from the higher school of economics brought with them the world cup of the international icpc programming olympiad is one of the largest and most prestigious competitions in this sport.
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participated in the composition of the national sports programming team recently won the games of the future in kazan. as well as at the russian championship last year. it disciplines all three of them became interested in it at school. according to the coach, a unique training system helped with it in the oxford and cambridge finals through the synthesis of modern methods and the best practices of the soviet past. we have already gathered strong guys, that is, many of them, and probably all of them, had diplomas from all-russian olympiads either in computer science, or in mathematics, or in some other subject, that is, they started doing this a very long time ago, while still in school, they gathered with us and after that they began to train. as a team, however this team’s victory is not the only one; egypt hosted two finals for 2023 in the twenty-second year; both olympics were constantly postponed, either because of the pandemic or because of
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the aggravation in the middle east. so, students in she won third place in the competition the year before last. this line in the overall standings is awarded a gold medal. what’s important is that the capital’s festeh team also received it; they also brought with them a silver medal, or third and fifth places in the competition for 2023 and 22, respectively. we appreciate the result very much worthy, our university participates in such a competition every year, every year it brings different kinds of medals, but two medals of this level, of course, this is a great pride for us. all usilino teams are planning to prepare for this year’s olympics; it will be held in astana in the fall, as expected, without delays, which means the guys have a little less than 5 months left to prepare. he again prophesies victory for russian athletes. emil mersaev, anna pogonina, svetlana solovyova, alexander cherkasov, yaroslav borisov and vadim samsonov. news. if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies.
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artmasters. to reproduce on earth the conditions that are realized in the stars. russian scientists have come closer to solving this problem. i have reached the final stage.
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meters will be located in the so-called clean zone, but those who wish will be able to observe the experiments without interfering with the process; a gallery has been built for this purpose. elf is a two-channel
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complex, one channel will generate a pulse with a duration of 5-20 nanoseconds, another with a picosecond, that is, an even shorter pulse duration. this combination will allow for research that is currently not possible with existing laser facilities. specialists will be able to. emit behavior, structure, properties of matter, radiation of super-strong magnetic and electric fields in new conditions, which do not exist even in some space objects. it will mainly work with the physics of high densities, pressures, with the so -called warm dense matter, when we using laser radiation, we create conditions that make it possible to compress a substance to pressures and temperatures that are otherwise difficult to achieve. and this makes it possible to study fundamental processes, which also occur in astrophysical objects, so
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experiments in laboratory astrophysics are possible using such installations. by modeling what happens in space, including very strong magnetic fields that are otherwise impossible to achieve, or in the interior of planets, because they are achieved there very high pressures, one of its tasks is to train scientific personnel, the elf project is already underway, all volod kravchenko with a group of students assembles the target chamber, its body was handed over in myth by colleagues from trinity, the troy institute for innovation and thermonuclear research, it took more than a year . ..
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well, yes, yes, depending on what we study, for example, for the so-called first day experiments, there may even be some kind of plate, say, made of tin or something like that. aidar kadyrov, fourth year student, develops vacuum spatial filters for a laser system, says that the main challenge for him, as a designer , is to enclose all four channels of the spatial filter in one pipe, but precisely with...
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and his physics teacher not only lectured at school, but also at the same time, he was engaged in scientific activities at a nuclear university. having learned about the elf, kirill performed in the mythology and now, at 18, is working on assembling a target camera. my soul is more inclined to work with my hands, this is some kind of engineering work, if there is something solder, you need to do wiring somewhere or model something there, i always take on this, there’s really nothing complicated about it. elf is a class setting. nuclear centers of the country are included in the state program priority 2030. several institutes of the russian academy of sciences and rosatom enterprises are involved in the implementation of the project, the wall in one of the offices of mifi, the clock shows not only the time in moscow, but also in snezhinsk, where the all-russian research institute is located technical physics in sorov. there, on a basis outside of experimental physics
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, the world's most powerful laser is being created. the university installation has proven its effectiveness around the world. it is less energy-intensive, it is cheaper to operate and we can use it to conduct more experiments, which will then be scaled up and used in... it is impossible to answer the question at what stage the entire project is now. yes, the assembly of the installation is being completed, but there is still an experimental part ahead. world experience shows that such complexes can serve for 30 or 40 years, like the international
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space station, which is after.


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