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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, further ruin ukraine, and increase the number of ukrainians killed due to the fault of the kiev regime. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote. in
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the house of representatives, where congressmen on saturday approved the allocation of the final package to ukraine, a financial package of $61 billion, and the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, emphasized that military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. as for one more thing the scandalous decision of congress to transfer frozen russian assets to ukraine, then, according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, if this really happens, it will cause harm.
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the condition that stopped the adoption of this law until this moment has jeopardized the entire progress of ukraine, so it is important for us to support the ukrainian people, this is a moment of choice, you can choose democracy or autocracy, freedom or tyranny, zelensky or putin, we can choose a democratic ally or a sworn enemy, that is, the usual division of the world into those who are with the united states and those who are against it, in this sense there is no division, of course, a party one. there is not and cannot be, republican hawks speak in absolutely the same vein, today this is all together one common party, the goal of which is to master the gigantic military budget that speaker mike johnson passed through congress, who betrayed his principles, betrayed his party guidelines, so how some of his fellow party members rejoice over this. the failure in
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afghanistan sent a dangerous message to our opponents that america was weak, almost immediately after this russia began to move towards ukraine, and as soon as the chairman of the fii met with putin at the olympics and cemented their diabolical alliance, an invasion followed. chairman xi has become more aggressive in the pacific and mark my words, he is looking at what happens in ukraine to determine whether to invade taiwan. outlines the proverbial rules-based world, where everyone has a label that americans themselves attach, but not everyone here this suits me, i already said that approximately half of the republicans in congress spoke out against it, but probably the most prominent opponent in recent days was the congresswoman from george and marja taylor greene, she even made an attempt to send it with the help of some of her colleagues.
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johnson to resign, but this could not be done, because biden, the white house and the democratic party, in general, the entire american party, are here for johnson, however, this is the last attempt, so to speak, to interfere. not counted, this is maintaining the patient business model that the american government is pursuing, it requires congress to continue to vote on the allocation of money, to continue to fund wars abroad, despite the fact that americans do not support this business model, built on blood, murder and warriors in other countries, it is still the government does nothing to
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ensure the security of our own borders, but if we use the metaphors of marzhari teilar green, then since we are talking about business, then time is money, no one will wait right away. after the vote in the house of representatives the bill will go to the senate, then for biden to sign, well, the pentagon has already made it clear that they were preparing in advance for a positive outcome, the us department of defense, as they say, has already formed, the washington post writes about this today, has formed the first package of military assistance to ukraine, they can enter 155mm gaub shells, medium range artillery shells and required. ammunition for air defense systems, and if biden does not delay, the senate does not delay, and the chances here are minimal, then most likely according to american military officials, the first bill, using the money approved today, will go to ukraine, well, in
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the next couple of weeks. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin, usa news.
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i propose to change the passenger’s call sign to rebin’s call sign, no, this is my call sign... it seems that people, in general, are far from the war, the story of the heroes of this report is that in some ways they were successful entrepreneurs, but at first the msvo left a profitable business in order head the garage batteries to throw all their strength to help the front. i just wanted to help our military, i would like to say so that we have peace and tranquility. at the moment i understand that here i am more needed , because there is feedback, so you, when you receive it, you understand that there a person survived thanks to you, there birds fall thanks to you, those who perform
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special tasks military operation, they are eternally grateful, very interested, and are always ready to lend a hand. this seemingly simple design, which looks more like an inverted pelvis, saved the life of a fighter with call sign zhokha, we are working on the front line, so to speak, and there are obviously no roads, and there, during a difficult period, the car was damaged, that is, well, it failed there. so to speak, well, into the crater from the explosion, there was no way to get the car out during daylight hours, that is, we were waiting for transport, there was heavy equipment, only at night, because no one in their right mind would drive during the day, here’s a basin, here’s a hat - helped me defend vehicles during daylight hours ; an effective means
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of electronic warfare was made by enthusiasts from artyom's team. who 2 years ago was an ordinary manager of a private construction company, he performed work on the installation of engineering systems, fire alarms, but everything changed in the spring of 2022.
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after that, artyom realized that he would no longer be able to live as before, his abilities are needed by fighters on the front line . yes, this is absolutely not a commercial project, we had a project, that is, it was a story of direct mutual assistance, that is, we wanted to help people so that they could achieve their goals and be in security. now at the moment we are engaged in comprehensive security plus automation, that is, we have already reached the point where we have every node of ours. of our product can be combined into a common system and , accordingly, how to scale it up,
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when he says we, he means the employees of his construction company, we tested this product, after that we realized that there is a great need for this, we started it all, ah, that is, we have expanded our vision from construction directly to this area, because we realized that no one except us, let’s say, yes, that is, if necessary, then we need to work in this area. the company now produces about seven devices that help frontline soldiers perform various tasks. when performing some combat missions, they understand that damn, if only there was this thing, for example, everything would be great, so we worked there for two months, bang, we provided this thing, they’re all like, one of these things, this is a system of remote control boards that allow you to remotely control funds electronic warfare in positions.
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we saw here what was happening here, he immediately gave out the picture, here there is an imitation of the drone itself, this is given in order to see a flying object, we have a device there at a distance of up to 2 km, that is, to receive a signal from a flying drone like this kamica, and this is just a very cool product they made, guys, you... have a screen in the car, and it is always being searched for, well, they confidently said, and
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as soon as you see the image in the picture on in the image your car is a sure sign, it’s time to press the button, then the button is pressed, and then the enemy’s attack is disrupted, well , because we break the connection with the operator, develop, interrupt the video signal, save our lives. now tests of a wire repeater will be carried out, it was made at the request of the fighters, because now there is a trench war and there are no such assaults, and the soldiers are sitting in buildings, so as not to risk our soldiers again, this is thrown onto a matcha, onto a tree or onto the roof of a ten-story building , and the fighters themselves can it’s safe to sit in a shelter in the basement, there is a signal through the wire, at a training ground in the leningrad region, a man with the call sign mex is in charge of the production of the gartenzi drone, this is one of the first fpv drones that began to be widely used during the northern military district.
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but also our legendary 7-inch hartensia model, it all started with it, with compact folding props, more suitable for assaults, pulls 2, 2.5 kg, this model is equipped with a 4k recorder on board, what does this mean, the pilot sees a regular analog picture . button starts recording when the device is returning, it can view a detailed picture in high resolution, that is, this is a developmental compact model. mex admits that it was only recently. far from military topics, he worked in the construction industry as a hobby, was interested in air photography, and then the svo began, and he, together with a like-minded person, who introduces himself by the pseudonym grandfather, could not stay away. we have already assembled quite a lot of devices, more than 4,000, all of which, accordingly, have already been sent to the northern military district, and are useful our soldiers, a little around their axis,
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around their axis, engineers invested in the development of the first drones. own funds, then a large customer appeared, a well-known volunteer unit, and the production of drones was put on stream. team, crossed out his career, started a new one, because being able to do this , realizing that commercial drones are not enough, moreover, many are convinced that you can order a ready-made device and it will perform this functionality, to some extent it will perform this functionality, but not like that effectively, how the devices assembled here and the team of specialists are configured, because assembled.
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detonation occurs, this is what soldiers usually do manually, with electrical tape, an additional battery, all this takes time, they asked us to make their tasks easier, we came up with a quick installation system, power supply is already on board, no batteries are needed, and a ready-made fuse, the situation changes very quickly, everyone adapts very quickly, sometimes what we heard to do while we collected it from... is no longer even relevant, we we switch, we try to think one step forward, we switch to the next stage, and these are non-standard frequencies, these are different repeaters, all kinds, these are thermal imagers, this is the carrying capacity, an instructor with the call sign is a holy veteran of the northern military district, now he regularly goes to the front line to train more and more new platoons of
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uav pilots. i came to the svo zone as volunteers and ended up as a simple uav operator, after which i became a uav platoon commander, adjusted artillery, introduced aerial reconnaissance, and after leaving the svo zone for rehabilitation in russia, i was invited here in st. petersburg senior instructor the saint himself learned how to operate a uav on his own in a combat situation and admits that he would not wish such an extreme course on anyone. he believes that everyone who is going to the nvo zone needs to learn how to pilot in advance, because the current war is a war of drones. they use a unit of the armed forces of ukraine, and maviks, maviks shoot down each other, that is, very often, so this is already going, so to speak, in full swing, lower, lower, lower, yeah, svo veteran alexey
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kharlamov is 30, but his colleagues call him young, call sign i have one like this. because everywhere i had, i was a young guy, and a young guy, this is too long, in the end, even though i’m that age, i’m still not young anymore, but still young at heart, well, my call sign is young, and i served in the special operations forces, several contracts, literally a month before mobilization it happened that my contract ended, i did not renew it due to circumstances, because i wanted to try myself in a volunteer formation.
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future pilots are trained on these devices, but only at the final stage, so that for the first time to raise a bird in the field, you need to successfully master flights on simulators and a small copter indoors. now we are launching the route, we will have to take off little by little, first we will have to inspect it, it turns out that we can fly everywhere, and after that we will be able to fly for a while, that’s the very first thing, but now we are slowly flying and looking around. if it suddenly falls, hits, we land it again, take off, look, look, slowly fly around, fly around, study the whole space. in general , to study the course, to master the simulator course, so to speak, is required from twenty to 40 hours, and the octagon being such
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a broad ecosystem, it is a streaming center, and technical areas, areas of interaction with industry, because we are constantly testing those drones and products that we now have on the market in order to qualitatively keep up with the times in terms of what we bring to the educational processes, well, in terms of ensuring that people can use the highest quality products in general. a girl with the educational pseudonym matryoshka in everyday life , a hairdresser came to learn operator of the impact drone and volunteer for the svo. most likely, this is temperament, character and, well, personality type also affects this. in general, i have always been interested in this topic, that is, for me. there was parachute jumping, there was also rifle shooting , i also have a rank in small-caliber rifle shooting, but i always
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ride a motorcycle for sports, that is , i was always predisposed to this - a year ago i studied at another school, but there they trained on mavics, here are fpv drones, fpv is a little more complicated, another, let's say, different management, different view, that’s why i’m now... i’m training, i’m already planning to go out on a contract in may, here’s a man with the call sign reader is already an active serviceman, in pyaterburg he’s recovering from an injury, and i decided to spend this time on training a new specialty. yes, it allows me to get a shrapnel wound along the entire right side, a fracture of the elbow in the liver, a fragment, a rib, there are a lot of fragments in the hip area, well , it turns out i was an ordinary attack aircraft, there is a very disastrous situation with the fact that the power supply operator is like there aren’t any, so that’s why we need to increase the number of guys, or something, increase the number of specialists, because there are a lot of assaults there, and i decided for myself that i
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still need to unlearn, not just be a stormtrooper or something else, namely as operators to control drones, in fact, i think this will give more efficiency than just running around a trench with a machine gun. the gunner with the call sign yantar has more than 500 hit targets, here are just a few of them. and all thanks to the battle management geographic information support system called the eye of thunder. to achieve a combat mission, the very first thing we need to hit the enemy is to open him up, that is. well, to detect, find, find the enemy, this requires a scout, i play the role of a scout, i am somewhere on
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the front line, not far from the enemy, i raise a drone, conduct reconnaissance, found the target, discovered the enemy, the next thing we need to do is - this is to hit the enemy, respectively, inflict fire on him , work with a mortar, artillery, tour, fpv, drone, whatever. if earlier, in order to do all this to destroy the target, i needed, firstly, to detect it, after that i took the map and began to look for where this target was on my map, that is, i compared the picture from the drone with the electronic map, looked for the target manually, determined its coordinates, transmitted these coordinates to the firing position, picked up the radio station, went out, said, accept the coordinates, dictated them manually for all this...
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settings for shooting are automatically calculated, all this reduces the time of aiming at the target and the work shot, so turn it on operating mode on the map, here we have a target, the enemy stronghold is at a height, we aim the target on the map and designate the target. one shell fire, there is a gap, the thunderstorm eye program was developed by a team of programmers under
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the leadership of a man who introduced himself as petro. and what problems were solved from the donetsk direction, many guys wrote, complained, he said: the enemy comes out, put out a gun, 15 minutes, he says, they worked, turned up, left, we say, they have been found so far, so far they have been handed over to us, so far this target has been confirmed to us, there are several there were even more hours, but it’s hard to work, hard to resist, we started to fight it, now we have the maximum result from the moment of detection to defeat in up to 5 minutes. peter, the head of an it company, is involved in business automation in everyday life. with the beginning of the northern military district, more and more of his friends and acquaintances began to go to the front line. he couldn't stay away. at first he helped with things, sent quadcopters, now he spends all his free time developing software that will help the fighters. there are no days off, most often we have all saturdays, sundays, holidays, we on the road, in the evening you communicate. here
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i have it. now i have work and volunteer help, this is my life now, i wanted to give up everything at one point, and once i told the guys this, i said, damn, i don’t understand what ’s going on, they told me, you’re crazy, and how did the opposite happen? communication, they began to write letters, and invite people, and send videos of work, well, just to understand what it brings, when i saw the real benefit, then we decided not to stop it.
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great pleasure comes from working with the users themselves, namely with for those who perform combat missions, when they send you there to hit you, these are these joyful screams when you see a hit on a tank and there’s just the whole observation point there, as if they’ve won the jackpot, well, it inspires you to move on, yes, i think i went straight to the entrance to the entrance next to yes. explode, come on, dear, yes, the soldiers have hundreds of such videos, not all are allowed to be shown on air, but behind each is the heroic work of not only the military themselves, but also the invisible army of those who help them in the rear.
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the current ukrainian government acts smoothly as the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, separate completely from moscow, an assembly has been created that is not the church of christ, give a moscow priest, give a moscow priest. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states and the west initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what happens further.
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