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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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he’s already done, i already sometimes do this for me, the head of the engineering service of the brigades, calculates how much the investment has returned, and he’s like that, he’s always, i say, your task is to get hit, and he’s done, i’m already asart , we ’ll cook him now, we’ll cook him now, dacha colonel, give us half a day, give us half a day, i say, that’s it, come on, you once asked me how the fight is carried out, i say, well, shotguns, now... one of the moments appeared, you also remember this idea was voiced about stand performers, this is your idea by the way, that’s the way it is, i ’m speaking seriously, without a bit of exaggeration, of course, the exercise they perform is a little different, and not like clay pigeon shooting, well, that is, it has its own nuances, plus we change it in different ways , but the percentage has increased.
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shooting down drones in a combat situation after this weather, here we train fighters, and in order for there to be a sharp reaction to drones and so that they know how to shoot, the main thing is that we train the reaction, well, we ourselves have studied the propellers, what they are in general, how to work with them, so that they understand the return and so on, the cartridges that we have are a childhood legacy. yes, that is, they bring their own, but they asked for permission, i say, to import, i knew that you would take yours, the tourist is ready to shoot, watch, disc, target, handsome, check, watch,
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disc, vamakt, no, second backlog, backlog, second, when you aim, you kind of cross it out, or you just take a lead, well, yes, you take a lead, as in, just right away, or you lead it, and you take the lead like a hare. where i come from altai, that is, they hunted there, yes, that is, if i see a one-eyed your squirrel has probably been with a gun all its life, from the age of 14, that is, your hands already feel everything, understand everything, you need to take aim, the main thing is how to understand, catch everything ahead of time. then
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you get it, a trophy? no, four children, a contract soldier or a mobilized one, signed a long time ago, which they were so tired of watching on tv, but together with their brother, the first drone was the heaviest, it’s unclear, they ran out and shot, it exploded over their heads, and then it went. with drones, they have already started counting among themselves, you shot down, no, i shot down, on i took it from a long distance, well, up to a long distance from a rifle 5-45 with a machine gun, that’s who hits, at a close distance of up to 40 m already from a gun, that is, this is such a distance, that is, you have time, yes you have time, he sometimes comes up, looks first , and then to the target, that’s it. we are now
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going to a firing position, there i have two gun crews, at the end of february, at the beginning of march, the enemy removed nato caliber artillery, 20-25 kilometers from the combat line, touching in depth so that our systems would not reach it, but he bothered cassette. precisely with cluster munitions along our front line, in conditions of poor visibility, the fogs there were just to our advantage on certain days, engineering prepared such serious firing positions for guns, one gun is 200 kilometers from the front edge, one gun, well, he almost two, 800 kilometers somewhere around give or take, but very risky, yes risky. the guns
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worked there for a week and a half, then i naturally removed them, during that week and a half there were more than 10 m37s. how much is 1700-1200 in artillery terms?
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is it considered close? it's very close. for an artilleryman, this is big. this is insolence , i would even say. comrade colonel was very complimentary, saying that he rolled out then. they didn’t strike, well, mostly the artillery was just frightening, and also striking that then the system, to be honest, there were a lot of them , all sorts of different non-towed and self-propelled ones, that is, as counter-batteries for fighting, yes, yes, well, basically just for this we roll forward, so that, accordingly, the artillery, which is located far away, so that we can reach it, this is already from fpv, yes, yes, clearly. overlapping the gun, now we are overlapping the guns, we started using them relatively recently, there haven’t been any cases of entanglement yet, it was his gun that worked on the front line, these guys are almost straight forward, practically, yes, 1,200 m, 1200 m from the fire,
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well from the front end, completed their task, pushed the enemy further back, and we hit, there were several targets there, that is , the enemy’s gun and... drove them even further to the rear so that they wouldn’t work so hard on our boys on the front end, which they rewarded ? st. george's cross, degrees, well done, like guys, everything is fine with us, you picked them all for yourself, you know, like twin brothers , we gave everything, we are like, well, like a family, it turns out, we united, mobilized, that's it two people, one contract soldier, what he worked with, ordinary shells, slow-motion shells without a cap, there were many of us, whatever command came, we worked them out, that is, it turns out that we had to bring a bunch more bull with us, moreover, in a different assortment, well, the car went directly to them didn't fit of course, i walked the distance on foot,
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but i had to walk, the physical labor was colossal, that is, i lost weight unrealistically, as i walked, yes, i feel like it took me probably 15 kilograms. where is the enemy now the enemy is now 6 km away from us, that is, if there is a command, you open, i open the gate, i begin my work, i raised the bird, i looked, i can’t see you, yes, yes, they lifted me, they looked, yesterday literally even, well, this a daily process, that is, they shot off branches somewhere, now the greenery is coming, the foliage has withered somewhere. rolls over the gun, i’m already reaching now we’ve come to the point that we’re doing a few things, we’ll now have more boxes with earth,
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with sand on top, that is, the shelter from here, it goes here, it’s covered here right away. for all fighters, and this influences the result, in fact, very strongly, this is precisely the situation, because if a sphere arises that just such calm confidence
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is some kind of element, well, i’m not saying panic, but some kind, i don’t know, tugging, something like that, that's all, the result immediately suffers, dogs. what rank do they remember you from, lieutenant colonel, there was such a story with a dog, in the seventeenth year i was in syria on a business trip, we stopped in... there was a large dog lying in a populated area, something like an olabai, so big, and next to it there was a puppy, well, my heart skipped a beat, i said, stop, stop at car, i took the puppy with me, uh, girl, i don’t know the breed, but the syrians said that this was some kind of their breed, bred for paska, so it grew up, this dog was with me, guarded the tent
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everything, while i was there on a business trip six months, the time for replacement was already approaching, so this situation happened, and she was injured, a dog, a shrapnel, and i even remember her as a veterinarian, everything was there, well, they didn’t save her, they didn’t save her. i’m flying to russia, my wife, even when we were studying at the academy, people lived there in general, everyone tells me, let’s get a dog, just, i say, what a dog, we should have it somewhere ourselves, let’s be patient, we’ll be patient for now, until we get one someday, of course, here i come from a business trip, i once had a dog, oh, well, i served in the caucasus then, i remember, well, just. i'll take it and come in on avito, shepherd puppies in vladikavkaz,
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went to vladikavkaz, bought, well, 6 years old, mikha, show the way, forward, another forest, not the one where we first met, even different in nature. the first time was pine, yes, there were foundations, yes, there was a resort right there, a resort, although in flint, well, probably the most difficult period was, then it was not easy, then the enemy stopped where the firing range of my guns ended, yes , then it was loud there, then i remember, we just worked at the red one, but with a gun, right? about five minutes later she was flying flew back then immediately in return you
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have been in armenia for how many years already 7 years already 7 years and at the same time you started the war as a private contract soldier so definitely not i started the war as a sergeant of a gun for the quarter became no longer well at the same time not just a weapons commander you are a gun you are for mariupol you know how it happens that units are given the rank of guards and you receive a personal call sign. why red? well, because i worked a lot with the high-precision krasnopol supply. the best among the people, oh, this is the ammunition that i saw, well, we mainly used it in mariapoli, because the nazis, the nazis placed their guns and there were tanks and grads. without hesitation, even near kindergartens, near residential buildings, well, without hesitation,
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you naturally won’t hit with ordinary supplies, but kastopol is right on target, a shot on target, that’s it, well, for mariupol, i remember, you got georgiy, that’s right, he got a great georgiy to the degree, and then there was kremenaya, kremenaya, there was no guldar, then donetsk, kremenaya, a lot of very directions, i came to see you then for the first time, but you arrived in kremenoy, then you... worked right away, you were covered, yes through 5 minutes, well, we’ve already moved further away, we ’ve got the arrivals started, well, you managed to get everything worked out right away, what kind of story was it with the drg , well, there was such an abandoned abandoned settlement, not a populated area, but an abandoned building, well, there we lived nearby, fire started, we hear fire on our next to the car there is a house flying past the field. the crew immediately on command raised, well, for battle, contact, when i went first, these people
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were dressed in civilian clothes, well, that is, well , it’s clear the matter with the machine gun, as soon as he saw me, i was the first to go in the head, well, the rest were there behind they sat down, and i was just walking in my head, well, i’m thinking, you never know, one of our nobodies, a person from the frontiers , comes and opens fire on me, hits me with a bullet, i’m already ready to fall, well, i start shooting at them, he immediately fell, it’s all over for him . started to run away, well , that’s the end of him too, naturally, that is, you took off the second one too, or no longer, it’s already ours, ours, well, too, that is, i then flew straight into the hand, that’s right, well, then quickly, well... they tied me up, pinned me down , naturally, they sent me to rostov, well, everything was treated there and back to order, this commander of the crew of the hall luntsev, you graduated from me, the faculty of topography, that’s right, the military space academy, that is, we made him into an artilleryman,
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a reconnaissance officer, now we are preparing to launch an unmanned aerial vehicle, here... here operators, here is the uuv control center, hello, everything is fine, it’s not scary, in the dark, no, on the contrary, i don’t know, oh , look, we have an armored one, yes, yes, you are looking out, yes, we are waiting, when the launch goes , yes, yes, when the technicians power the board, so that we can start going through pre-flight checks, yeah, then everything will be according to the higher command, that’s for sure. this is exactly the crew that went to the bridge, which they saved, then the bird reached the house, yes, absolutely right, on the 28th, when we were working, as usual in that area, we were given the task of making adjustments along the bridge, knowing that there was strong opposition there , we moved there, and as usual we met with him, for about 2 o’clock we tried
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to break through, when already... vladimir rudolfovich, this is an innovation, launches from the body, yes, launches from the body, we are working over starting at low speed when the car is moving, well, from a standstill we are already confident, while moving we are still finalizing certain points, the system, right?
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is accumulative, the scatter of the accumulative goes in five directions, that is, not in one direction, in five different ones, that is, even if it falls near the target, that is, it will still hit something somewhere, it turns out that five jets go out, a cross - crosswise and one goes to the center with a five-beam one, which means that its detonator is electric and it turns out to be electric and also dp.
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light bulb, now listen to what he says, the circuit is red, we understand, yes, now it will be green again, if it is red, under no circumstances should it be connected to the charge, it must be somewhere, clearly, what is the advantage of this complex, that secrecy, secrecy, firstly, yes we have it going, secondly we have mobility, well, you launched it, and also the guys are already in control, yes, we launch it, go to cover, and the guys are already further to its target in fact.
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they changed the channel, the connection was restored, and so i sat attentive for 3 hours. we need to monitor the connection, because we may lose the board, then it turns out that you need to have a very calm character, and be very attentive to...what were the civilians doing? welder, worked as a welder, and you? and i’ve been here for 10 years already, yes, yes, you recently
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went here as a volunteer in the twenty-second, who now has the advantage in unmanned control, us or them? i think we’ll use a wing type for reconnaissance drones. we definitely have an advantage in attack drones like the lancet, we have an advantage, i think somewhere there is probably approximately parity, but then someone destroyed a bridge with a hurricane, yes, but this is the rarest case in history military art, and this crew that carried out the hurricane. well, they are great, they presented me like this next to each other, yes, definitely, they are all represented, well, here you have to understand, there is an even larger share of spotters, and
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you still had to fly to this bridge, but they are for working on areas, yes, this is an area, i have a minimum target of 500 to 500, and depending on how much... the projectile i fire, it all grows densely, so how you managed to dismantle the bridge is completely incomprehensible to her, vladimir rudolfovich, the stars, you see the red ones on board, this is the number important targets destroyed by this machine, by this crew, in each machine there are two dugouts, one battery, one support air, now the machine has worked, the other has gone on duty, this has gone...
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3 km to the front edge, close, close, well, temporary we had a position, we turned around, we were working on sighting, we reached the waiting area, by the way, the bridge fell, six shells in pursuit, please,
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because i’m changing the weather on the other side, you’re experiencing hail storms at times.
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democracy voice the americans began to tell us how we needed to democratize, they saw us as friends and partners, sincerely wanted to help, why should russia completely copy all western ways, american democracy is now also shaky, this scale of russia, there is something in you russians that europe does not understand, stand. who are they, new guys, this
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is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, you can have a white rose, i can, you’ll sing somehow, friends, she’s alive, we don’t need names, she’s not worth it, or what, it’s not worth it, not yours, well, you little crumb, holy light, what to do, commander, shoot. passenger's call sign. i propose to change the call sign of the passenger to the call sign of rebin. no, my brother's name. are you still a passenger? yes sir.
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5:00 am
the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, further ruin ukraine, and increase the number of ukrainians killed due to the fault of the kiev regime. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen on saturday approved.


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