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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, further ruin ukraine, and increase the number of ukrainians killed due to the fault of the kiev regime. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen on saturday approved the allocation of the final package, a financial package, to ukraine. 61 billion dollars, and
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the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, emphasized that military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. regarding another scandalous decision congress on the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine, then, according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, if this really happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states, and america will have to answer for all this. i followed the voting process on the capitalist hill. our own us correspondent, valentin bogdanov. speaker mike johnson has divided this $95 billion in aid to foreign allies of the united states into several packages. the first to vote was the package of confiscation of russian assets, followed by taiwan, then ukraine. after the vote on ukraine ended, there were shouts of jubilation from republicans in congress, half of them voting in favor.
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he was campaigning for his party, his democratic minority, hakeem jeffries, the leader of the democratic minority in congress. ukrainians taught us that when people believe in freedom and democracy, they are able to overcome even the most powerful army, but the pro-putin opposition, which stopped the adoption of this law until this moment, has jeopardized all of ukraine's progress, so it is important for us to support. ukrainian
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people, this is a moment of choice, you can choose democracy or autocracy, freedom or tyranny, zelensky or putin. we can choose a democratic ally or a sworn enemy. that is, such a familiar division of the world into those who are with the united states and those who are against them. in this sense , of course, there is no party division here and there cannot be. eh, republican hawks speak in exactly the same vein. the failure in afghanistan sent a dangerous message to our adversaries that america is weak. almost immediately after this, russia
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began to move towards ukraine, and as soon as the chairman of the fii met with putin at the olympics and cemented their diabolical alliance, the invasion followed. the fii chairman has become more aggressive in the pacific region and, mark my words, he is looking at what is happening in ukraine to decide whether to invade taiwan. well, this is how the proverbial world, based on rules, is described in general terms, where everyone there is. a label that the americans themselves attach, but not everyone here is happy with it, i have already said that approximately half of the republicans in congress spoke out against it, but probably the most prominent opponent in recent days was the congresswoman from georgie and margery teilar greene, she even undertook with the help of some their colleagues tried to dismiss johnson, but this did not work out, because biden and the white house and the democratic party, in general, are here for johnson.
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for allocating money, continue to finance wars abroad, despite the fact that the americans do not support this business model built on blood, murder, wars in other countries, yet the government does nothing to ensure the security of our own borders. if we use the metaphors of marjrie taylor greene, then since we are talking about business, then
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time is money, no one will wait. immediately after the vote in the house of representatives , the bill will go to the senate, then for biden to sign, well, in the pentagon they have already... made it clear that they prepared in advance for positive outcome, the us department of defense, as they say, has already formed the washington post, writes about this today, has formed the first package of military assistance to ukraine, which may include 155mm shells for howitzers, shells for medium -range artillery and the necessary ammunition for air defense systems, and if biden will not delay, the senate will not delay,
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the group went to the battalion positions of one of the combined arms armies of the southern military district in the area of ​​​​the village of priyutnoye, zaporozhye region. on the way back, the journalists' transport was attacked fpv drones, as a result of the repeated release of a projectile from an ukrainian armed forces drone, semyon was
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mortally wounded. it was precisely this danger that was the subject of the military correspondent’s last report , aired on the eighteenth. the sound is disgusting. the sound is really disgusting. if you hear this sound on the front line, wow! in the zaporizhzhya direction, the armed forces of ukraine have increased the number of attacks using kamikaze drones, the svo participants note; one unit of equipment can launch from 10 to twenty such drones. this time syoma left for the northern military district zone 3 weeks later than ours the film crew, when we last saw her in moscow, it was the tenth of march, we were just sitting and discussing how to understand what. there are enemy drones above you, so that artillery is preparing to work for you, in general, syoma always thought not one, not two, probably 10 steps ahead, and at the same time was always ready for any, even the most unexpected business trips, probably in general to any surprise,
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fond memory, every trip to the line of combat contact is a huge risk, and semyon is understood perfectly well, his colleagues say, but he still, in spite of everything, is an honorable and honorable reporter - this is his calling, this is his desire , he is a very kind person, he is a romantic, and to do everything possible for his homeland at his post. semyon eremin was born on february 25, 1982 in the village of prikumskoye, stavropol territory. he graduated from school, entered a local university, and received a diploma in journalism and law. he began his career as a correspondent in 2004 at the stavropol territory state television and radio broadcasting company. since 2006
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, he worked as a correspondent for channel 5 in moscow, crimea, sochi and stavropol in may 2015 , i went as a special correspondent to donbass. went on a business trip to syria, and from august 17th became a special correspondent for izvestia. semyon is the man who devoted all his energy, all his... strength to working to show the whole country the strong side, the strong work of our fighters, the truth that we see in the trenches on the front line, in the dugouts, often in very difficult situation, a real man, a talented correspondent, a versatile creative personality, wrote music and poetry, and recently shot a video dedicated to... the participants of the ivodi lezochka and on the hill there was
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a dugout post-diggers machine-gun emplacements simple farming onion carrots and only dill they don’t like everyone 33 tepochka semyon eremin died a friend of ukrainian militants as our special correspondent boris maksudov at the end of november last year during from a ukrainian armed forces drone strike in the zaporozhye region, he received shrapnel wounds from which he died, and the kiev regime is constantly targeting russian journalists, emphasizes maria zakharova. the russian foreign ministry demands from relevant international organizations and human rights structures an immediate and decisive condemnation of yet another brutal murder. we regard this purposeful and cold-blooded murder of a journalist as another confirmation of the ugly terrorist nature of the zelensky regime, which has opened a real hunt for russian representatives of the media, military officers, public figures who, with their reports... comments, publications , reveal the truth to the world community, present undeniable facts about the crimes of militants of the kiev regime.
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the military correspondents were being followed; it was a targeted , targeted attack. all those involved in the death will definitely be identified, the investigative committee said in a statement. the death of semyon eremin will not go unpunished, said the general director of mits-izvestia vladimir tsyulin, the correspondent who died at the hands of the ukrainazis was survived by a wife and two. reporting by alexander korbov. on this street
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in the village of novaya tovalzhanka, the restoration of destroyed housing has only recently been completed due to previous attacks in the ukrainian armed forces. a new attack on peaceful homes claimed several lives and ruined all this work. during the shelling , a young pregnant girl was on the street. unfortunately, one of the mines fell in close proximity. the fragments scattered throughout the area. she was seriously injured. the doctors who arrived in time fought for her until the end. life, but unfortunately, she died, as did her unborn baby. three more people were injured of varying degrees of severity; one of the victims had to be hospitalized; the rest were treated by doctors. help on the spot, the wounded will be treated at home. he took the garage, looked at what was going on here, there was a white wall here, nothing was visible, white and gray, he jumped into the inspection hole, sat, i don’t know how long, as soon as they got out the second one arrived, artillery mines fell in... dense in the residential area, the enemy deliberately targeted the civilian population; residents of the village counted at least
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four explosions. the metal fences in the area are all pierced with shrapnel, both at the level of human height and close to the ground, to be behind them at the time of shelling not the best idea, of course, at the first loud sounds you need to look for stronger shelter, at least with brick walls. over the past 2 years, everyone who lives in the belgorod border region has learned this axiom well. first you need to save your own life, and only then take care of the damaged property. is this not the only damage you have? no, of course, the facade, the roof, the windows, the fences. did you manage to hide somewhere yourself? yes, i managed to open up with the child in the basement. after the first flight. well, that is, i immediately heard the first loud sounds and basement, yes. there is no other way for us. in novaya tolzhanka, after a mortar attack, 12 residential buildings were damaged. on the same day the enemy.
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units of the southern group of troops improved the situation and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of maksimelyanovka stupochki paroskovyevka and kalinino of the donetsk people's republic. three counterattacks were repelled west of the village of krasnaya, donetsk people's republic. enemy losses amounted to up to 610 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, five vehicles, a 1522mm mstab howitzer, a 152mm d-20 gun, an ammunition depot, as well as electronic warfare station no. by june 1
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, special areas for practicing anti-drone skills will appear at all training grounds of the ministry of defense. new small arms developed with the participation of snipers from the northern military district zone will be used in such tests. this is a statement by sergei shaigu, the head of the ministry of defense was just shown samples today, he came to a training ground near moscow to check how effectively they are using experiences in the development of military equipment. report by alexey konopko. how much can you do? maybe no more. those losses of equipment that the enemy attributes to the russian army, and this is only one type of drones, the minister of defense is shown a whole line, all the components are their own, completely domestic, jumping rosatom plastic, they also make their own motors, motors themselves. these drones are capable of carrying from 10 to 200 kg of payload, this can be almost anything needed at the front, from the camera that
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transmits the image, like this, for example, directly now a drone of a different type, arlan, shows a fighter. the right bank of the dnieper, to the medical supply of the wounded for battle, provisions, ammunition for rifles or explosives, its new drone can not only be dropped into the trenches or onto enemy equipment, but also become part of minefields, the strike apparatus has proven itself extremely effective in mining, especially at night mining, universal there are drops of various types of ammunition so that a serviceman can use any ammunition that he received from such devices.
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an fpv drone flies straight into an enemy dugout, and so lancet, with the adjustment of his partner zal, destroys nato tanks, disappointing their suppliers. drones are causing deadly damage to one of the main symbols of american military power. in two months , russian troops disabled five of thirty-one abrams tanks, a senior us official said. at least three others were seriously injured. at least 30 leopards were killed. abramets is considered by many to be one of the best in the world. the fact that it can be easily destroyed by a drone changes its very nature modern warfare. with the price of abrams at 10 million dollars, adds the new york times, his killer sometimes does not cost even 500. operators of such equipment are trained in just 2 weeks; by the beginning of summer, as deputy minister of defense yevkurov said, training grounds for combat will be created at all specialized training grounds of the army with drones using small arms.
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shaigu also examined his new samples. that is, we have already brought it as close as possible to... and production is growing, the minister has already reported to the president about the increase in supplies by several times, moreover, i refine the equipment based on feedback from the front, the result is both quantity and quality, which nato is forced to admit. russian troops can fire artillery and deploy drones much faster than the ukrainians. us officials initially believed that russia's military... was weakened, but the commander of nato's allied forces in europe told congress that the russian federation's armed forces had demonstrated an increasing ability to learn and adapt on the battlefield, both tactically and technologically. by according to the government, technical requirements for drones in the northern military district zone are updated every two weeks, a pace that no military-industrial complex in the world
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has ever known. alexey konopko, lead.
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where are you from 11 b? i’m not from the eleventh b, we are also from the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, in the eleventh b, i only need one boy, here he is, i had to come all this way to watch this good film, why are you so lucky? i really liked it, beautiful actors, young, beautiful filming, express all this, all these emotions were there, it’s very it was cool, this was the first film that i was absolutely delighted with, the humor is good, i need to get to school at 7:33, my nephew is there at night, but it’s not like that yet, wait, i’m hey, it was funny, yes, the rating is like this, very cool, if you have any questions, ask how i... could i even end up here, what a meeting, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, super, oh, this is the situation, yes, this is the situation ,
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we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now, the very essence of this attack was to gain a foothold in this village, the meat grinder is going on, it’s going on a very tough attack, fear, it’s always... present, i decided for myself that it’s better like this, he decided that we need to go there to pick up the guys from there, it was a miracle, but it’s real that we can’t do anything, there is absolutely never any chance in war.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions. what in general, with production, raw materials, exports, what is our product?
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hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov, and we... are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money. the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? necessary mobilize all resources. give me the recipe.
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in the small town of yenakievo, in the dpr, lyubov podkholuzino already seems to feel at home. it's been almost a year since lyuba and her children moved from siberia to donbass, where her husband serves. well, he was first mobilized in september 2022, that is , he was sent to a unit in omsk, we came there at first, at first i was alone, then we came with the children, they released him there for a couple of days,
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then he was sent here. ’23, that’s all, and we didn’t see each other until may, well, he said come as soon as possible, and i was working and somehow it was scary to come here, of course , you don’t know anything, and the war seemed to be around, well then it came, convinced that it was more peaceful here, so they decided to move, lyuba moved to donbass from another mining region, kusbas, or rather from the city myski, which is not far from novokuznetsk, and lyuba and her husband are at home... we have known each other since school, we studied together, then somehow fate separated us, i worked at one enterprise, he at another, that is, he at a loader, i at security service, at the mine, yes, they worked at the mine, then somehow we met, started communicating, well , somehow everything started to work out, so... then
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we started living together, well, and accordingly everyone mobilized him, he left, everything happened very quickly, in may twenty-third lyuba came to the dpr, first just to visit her husband, then she returned to kusbass, but after just a few weeks she arrived with her children and found an apartment, and in donbass, before her husband anatoly began serving here, she only knew that there was fighting in the region , who are you anyway knew about donbass, here before before - spouse. i started serving here and actually decided to move, well, basically i didn’t even know anything, we lived somehow, well, we heard on the news, yes, that there is such a thing, that this is happening here, well, somehow they didn’t go into details, didn’t read in on the internet, in general, specifically, what is life like here and what, then we started, after i came here, i thought about moving, i started looking for some local groups on the internet, i wrote, read, talked to some there,
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where? arrivals, fortunately, are infrequent, but nevertheless, you have already adapted to these sounds, got used to them or not, or it’s impossible to get used to it, well , in our kusbass there are mines everywhere, and that is, coal is exploding, the sound is similar, it’s also loud, the windows are also shaking, because we lived in our house nearby, well, not far from the mine, like here everything is also similar, well, the children also perceive it as either thunder, or this
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is how it all happened for us, for our heroine. an amazing story: after lyuba , her mother and her husband moved from siberia to donbass, who has already signed a contract here and is now fighting in the ugledar direction. their extended family isn't the only one who moved to the nwo zone. in yenakevo there is a small community of wives who came to their husbands, as they say here, from the mainland. lyuba's husband, call sign. gypsy, with this emphasis, serves in the donetsk direction, he began to fight as an infantry fighting vehicle commander, now he has slightly different tasks, my task is to track, accompany the group, tell where to act, where i see the enemy, so that the boys remain safe and also make adjustments fire, mortar, and orta, yeah, during the shelling, at first the first time when we came in, it was scary, and then it was it has become more familiar, the fear has ceased, well, it’s just...


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