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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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nearby, well, not far from the mine, everything seems to be the same here, and the children also perceive it as either thunder, or that’s how it all happened with us. our heroine has an amazing story: after lyuba , her mother and her husband moved from siberia to donbass, who has already signed a contract here and is now fighting in the ugledar direction. their extended family is not the only one who moved to the nwo zone. in janakevo there is a small community of wives who came to their husbands, as they say here, from the mainland. lyuba's husband, tolya, call sign tsigan, with this particular emphasis, serves in the donetsk direction, began to fight as an infantry fighting vehicle commander, now he has slightly different tasks, my task is to track, accompany the group, tell where to act, where i see the enemy, so that the boys remain safe and also make adjustments fire, mortar, and orta, yeah. during the shelling, at first the first
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time when we entered, it was scary, and then things became familiar, the fear had stopped, well, it was simply absent, shelling was already underway, well, it was already in the order of things, but for us they were shooting, okay, we hid in cover, we sat, stopped, launched the bird, sent it to watch, well, either during the shelling we launch the birds, we also observe, search, identify where these are shooting at us from or hit us, before the svo, tolya had no combat experience behind him , after military service he got a job.
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something completely different has become more, how should i say, smarter or what? you yourself feel that you have changed, that you were before participating in hostilities, now you have become more responsible, that is, i know that a lot depends on me, i treat this responsibly, because if something happens to me, then i will also let my boys down, i see my family only. it’s only clear during layoffs. at first, even many family friends did not know that his wife and children had moved to donbass. lyuba, in principle , was going to move from kusbas, although initially to kazan, so their departure did not surprise any of their acquaintances. yes, i first say, maybe move here, it will be closer here. and then my opinion changed, i said, we don’t need anything like they planned in kazan, it’s better in kazan. and i can't be stopped. yes, and i can't stop it. so, uh, what do you feel more like? the joy that the family
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is here or these fears that , god forbid, that everything is together, fears and joy, joy when i arrive , dismissal, when i am in a position, i don’t know what’s going on here, i without communication, without everything, i worry, i’m nervous, i’m not worried, when i hear that something has arrived somewhere in the winery, i start to panic, i get scared, where and what it was, because i don’t know, the family has two children, the eldest is lera. studies at school, how are your prices? received, none, none today, and lera also studies at a music school and goes swimming, her son sasha is in kindergarten, and is also studying in the kung fu section, which, it turns out, is in yenakieva, hello, hello, what are your pants? give me the package, that's it. let's go
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home, yes, i obeyed, that's right, give me your hand, lyuba says that there were no difficulties in getting the children into kindergarten and school, and there are quite enough clubs in the city, well , somehow it worked out quickly here, we arrived in june and stayed at home for a month, near our house kindergarten right away, we went there to find out if there were places, no, the good head teacher there immediately asked us if we could get a job at the school, no, i say, not yet, so she called, she had someone she knew there, she called at the gymnasium and made an agreement, that they would take us there, that is , how quickly everything happened, and how the children adapted to kindergarten and school, respectively, how they were greeted by classmates, teachers, probably asking where you are from siberia, well, everyone seemed to be surprised at first, and what what you're doing here, it's normal now, a lot of people have moved to school our child has people visiting us from neighboring cities, someone has moved from moscow.
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lyubov’s mother , irina sergeevna, who now lives in yanakieva herself, was strongly against the move of her grandchildren’s daughter to donbass. we will tell her story a little later. will their family stay to live in...
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you worry, there are worries, but at least i know that if there is an opportunity, he will call, and i will ask, of course, how he is doing, if i stayed at home, it would be more difficult, because there was a time difference between us, that is, i was already asleep, it was only evening, so it’s not clear who is where, if he somewhere in positions, then naturally i can’t get through to him, here i at least know if anything happens to anyone. call, where to look for him, what words do you use when leaving for a combat mission, it is clear that this is to some extent a routine, but nevertheless, these are women, wives are always worried, always worried, but that’s just it, i went to work, come on, soon i’ll arrive while
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we’re leaving, that is, now it’s everyday life, well, one might say, now... when there are a large number of enemy fpb drones at the front, fighters can only enter positions when it starts to get dark, roughly speaking, we prepare a route for ourselves, in the light, we spend some time observing certain forest areas there, certain enemy positions, and then with the onset of darkness we begin to advance, since during the day this is very fraught, the orta is working, birds are flying, all sorts of things. at night, well , they fly only with infrared radiation, but i think tolik can tell you more about this than i can, because he is friends with it. in the same unit together with tsigan, and often in the same group, performing tasks a fighter with call sign black, evgeniy machine gunner. well, i
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work to suppress incoming uavs, the enemy, so that my partner can do his job efficiently. and so that no one would set us on fire from that side with fibe chips and cover him, it so happened that zhenya’s wife and children also moved to him from siberia to donbass. we actually met her through the internet, how i decided to go there, but everything just happened on its own, let’s say, i decided to take a risk, and it turned out that i took the risk for good reason, but it turned out to be a woman who decided. to go with me to the end, despite all the various risk factors that we currently have here. ksenia moved to yenakievo in 2020, then the ssu shelled dpr cities not as often as now, but there were still shellings. my husband kseniy, originally from donbass, fought in
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the militia from 14 to 16, i lived there all the time, i met my husband and we met on the internet, at first we corresponded for a long time, then on sky. called each other, and then in may '16 it just so happened, i she suggested that he come, well, he didn’t refuse, he came and lived there with us until ’20, in august ’20 we moved here, the sharypov family lived for four years, in siberia zhenya worked as an industrial climber, he earned good money, but he was drawn to his native donbass, naturally, everyone dissuaded her, they said, where are you planning to go, there is a war going on there, even if... my mother tried to dissuade her, but she still decided to go with me, trusted me, that’s it we ended up here, why? i wanted to return, because this is my home, in the format at that time, everything, in particular her
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every day, as i lived in sharypovo in krasnoyarsk, every day i thought about what and how was happening at home, here, my mother stayed, but i didn’t i basically couldn’t. not to come, not to return, because she had no one left except me, zhenya tried to persuade his wife to move for several months, for obvious reasons, to move to the war zone at first. not brought up as well as let’s say the locals here grew up where there was nothing like this, they
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especially the children, they are never children either, well, nevertheless, they agreed anyway , and the children agreed, they went, of course, and ksenia’s relatives, and especially her mother, dissuaded her from moving with four children to the region where in the twenties it was, to put it mildly, restless, this was a very difficult decision, it was hard, she was all, i said that this is ukraine, there is no need to go to ukraine, i said, mom, this is not ukraine anymore, no, and they are shooting there, well, it was hard, mom and i generally spent a long time, a very long time, and we argued, quarreled, and everything that happened, well, that’s it anyway, then she accepted normally, comes to visit us, the first time in yanakieva was spent adapting to the realities of life in a region where fighting is going on, for people from a quiet siberian town, it’s really not easy to get used to, but have you ever been to the donbass it should, no, no, tell me when - it’s very different, well, first of all, we
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were driving along the road, we passed by ilovaisk omrosivka, then well, they were completely broken and it was scary, the further we drove here, the more it was like well it was worse everything, well, my husband reassured me that in yenaka everything was not like that, here and as such in the fourteenth year there wasn’t much, now , well, well, how are there arrivals now, but not so , it’s like... there in donetsk, let’s say, well, when we came here, we understood that everything is completely different here, we have taiga, the mountains are beautiful all around, but here, well, nevertheless, we got used to it, where my husband goes, we go there, where he is, we go there, your wife didn’t tell you, let’s go back, it wasn’t like that, well , between each other, sometimes there were conversations, which was scary, especially when i heard explosions not far away, but yes, such thoughts were creeping into her mind. and then she adapted normally, and as she said, the people here are especially friendly, so we’ll wait and see,
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these are her words, but what is very difficult to get used to is the shelling of the city, several times the arrivals were not far from the house where ksenia’s family lives , flew into this gas station, it was such a frenzied explosion, all our windows were shaking, everything, everything, everything, well, it was generally very scary, and then there was also an asphalt metal depot not far from us, it was there too... the arrivals were along it, it was also straight, well , somewhere about 500 meters from our house just like that, if you panic, then they start to panic, you sit, you seem to be scared, but you tell the children, everything is fine, calm down, everything is fine, it’s somewhere there, it ’s not with us, that’s it, my son is 13 years old and he’s already like yes, it flew somewhere, it’s somewhere on the neck, it’s not with us, it’s far away, everything is already as such, somewhere one begins to understand, you know, this word... the question is, of course, scary, especially scary for the children, because anything can happen, but the wife
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says that we all walk under god, therefore, but you still have these thoughts, despite the fact that the city of enakelov, of course, of course, naturally they are present, in connection with the latest, let’s say , events, there have been the shelling, as they say, may be a physical city, but the shelling still takes place from the ukrainian side. in the rear cities, so it was scary, it even happened that volgodsk sent her to her mother, to her mother, but she stayed there for a month at most, and then returned. at the start of svo zhenya worked at the yenakievo metallurgical plant, when the family left the city for a while, he came to the military registration and enlistment office and signed a contract. and while we were not there, he quietly, because we had conversations before, i did not agree, and while we were not there. he signed the contract on a routine basis, went through the commission with everyone, signed all the contracts, we arrived, he said, that’s it, my contract
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is signed, i’m leaving, now, again, for obvious reasons, evgenia doesn’t often see her family, only during layoffs . ksenia has long been accustomed to yanakieva, and feels feel at home here. i like it here , when we arrived, the first week was somehow still hard, then i traveled around the city like this, looked somewhere, it’s a small city, so cozy, you can. so to speak, even if, of course, they are not particularly well-groomed, there isn’t anything special here, like in krasnoyarsk, where we have these children’s playgrounds, cinemas, entertainment centers everywhere, even if this is not there, but the city is small, well-groomed, and people somehow kind. the children also got used to donbass, even ksenia’s eldest son, who is now studying at a military school in vladikavkaz, is going to be transferred to donetsk, if you turn it around, rewind 4 years ago, knowing that after that there will be hostilities and so on. yes, if my husband had also told me that we
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would go, and that here i am, well, how am i going, i went after him anyway, i... without him, i never regretted my choice, that i have it, as if i can’t imagine that somewhere we are already far from each other, and despite the fact that ksenia is already accustomed to her husband’s everyday life in combat, the moment when her wife leaves leaving a position is always very difficult, well, in principle , it’s impossible to get used to this, because every time it can turn out to be the last, or, let’s say, not the last, but the last, so here we say goodbye every time. like the last time, one might say, but i always tell her that i will return with a smile on my face. as we said above, of course, relatives and friends dissuaded our heroines from moving. lyubov podkholuzina’s mother was also strongly against it, but it turned out that a few months after her daughter she moved from kusbas to
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donbass. lyub, you tell your mom, mom, i’m moving to the dpr. her reaction, she’s in shock, well , we argued about this, we moved, i even called her very rarely, because again, hearing about coming back, when we first arrived here, then something like, then there if you photograph something beautiful, then you’ll send it to her, oh, how cool, she called in september to ask how to get to you, they were just planning to buy a house in the krasnodar territory, that is, they went. there for reconnaissance, but i knew that they were there, and he’s calling how to get to you, i i say, well, i don’t know, somehow this is done in advance, probably the bus carriers do it, so in the morning she called, and in the evening she already came to us, when she decided to stay herself, probably after a couple of days, when she looked here, that’s it, they found a house , i was just on
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leave that day, i had to leave for combat in the evening, i went to them in the afternoon. i came, i saw, my husband was the initiator, yes, well, of course, he came, he saw, and i win, he was just released for a few days in january, they showed us that the house was for sale here, well they came, looked, he’s irish, that’s it, i like irish, i’m just that, let’s take him, well, we took him, in the house that
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lyubov’s mother irina sergeevna bought, renovations are in full swing, while she lives in a rented house nearby. but it’s about to move, so here’s our kitchen, the renovation is in progress, yes, the renovation is in full swing, the little lisp is already lying there, well, yes, i ordered the kitchen, but something else, not yet, it’s been here for a long time, there’s still a lot of work, yes, there is still a lot of work, not even counting the little things, what i leave for later, as if doing this more...
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in fact, konstantin, that’s the name of irina’s husband, has already taken part in the svo. in the fall of twenty-two he was mobilized, but after some time he returned home for health reasons. already here. irina realized that her husband was going to return to duty, he started to get dark somehow at first, yes , that’s something, but wait, yes, what do you want, what do you say, yes, i’ll probably go, where are you
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going, you're crazy, you don't have to go anywhere, that's all there is to it, well, let's go to the military registration and enlistment office as a congress, i say, well, i won't take you, well then, if you are knocking on this door so hard, on november 1 he signed a contract, left, irina’s husband is performing tasks in... the ugledar direction and for obvious reasons there may not be contact very often, well, there is really no contact, even if he is somewhere i called, then i ’m trying to ask him my questions, how are you, what are you doing, he brushes it off, he needs to find out how i am and how, what we have here, in the end we asked each other like that, that’s it, i should run it’s necessary, that’s the whole connection, what’s fundamentally... different between kusbass and donbass, this is of course the climate. spring in donbass turned out to be very warm, since the beginning of april it has been +20 here, everything is blooming outside. here is the middle daughter, who
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is now studying in kazan, she came here in january for a few days, well, how she would have liked it, in general, now i’m sending her a video, how warm and how nice it is, how the gardens are blooming, oh , it’s like a hunt to come here, i ’ll miss so much, but you won’t miss it, you ’ll come, but just when everything is in bloom , there will be fruits ready for you. in her native capes , irina also lived in the private sector with a large vegetable garden, a plot of approximately the same size is now in the donbass. at home in siberia , irina still kept cows and a bull, but there are no such plans in the new place yet. do you have to help with housework more than in siberia or or the same? well, it seems to me that in siberia it was more due to the fact that... animals, it was at home all the time, it’s mom there, i ’m walking, mom calls me, it’s like, drive
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the cows home, there that’s all i did, the boys and i went, we just went for a walk, they drove it, but here, well, it’s so easy here work for me, after lyuba, her mother, her grandmother, lyubov petrovna, also came to donbass. who helps irina with renovations, with the garden, well, here, when they were already planning to take this house, i seemed to stutter something to her, i said, so and so at home, it’s her, so you need to come, you need help, that’s it, she’s here, she’s helping, well, she’s helping, really, there’s nothing more to say here, the help is invaluable, my granddaughter left, my daughter went to pick up her granddaughter, i went to help them, they bought a house there for renovations, i had to help, well, i came, tell me, here you will find out that granddaughter lyuba is moving to donbass, well, yes, you know what’s going on there, that i’m going there, i
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was worried, i was against it, i think how, even with the children, they tried to dissuade me, well, yes, well, ours would like to dissuade it - it’s useless, she what? - she thought it up, then that’s all, then she was also indignant that she was going, and then she went herself, that’s when your daughter told you that she also decided to stay here? you tried to dissuade me somehow, but no, but what to dissuade, no longer, i didn’t try anymore, i didn’t try anymore, when the house seems to have been taken and there is a lot of work here, i think i have to go to help, as we don’t abandon our own, yes, lyubov petrovna is 72 years old, most of which she lived in siberia, whether she finally moved to donbass, lyubov petrovna doesn’t know yet, but so far she likes it here, at 72 years old, is it easy? such? moving and nothing and... so far nothing up to 28 is enough still seems to be young yes they thought about everything for a long time they left yes i somehow no i don’t think
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for a long time it is necessary means we need to help means help there is something that surprised here, well anyway the climate is so warm in comparison fruits are growing, good people are flying near the house where irina lives , now he is also tolya’s brother, he signed a contract and serves in the same unit as tsigan. from the outside it may seem that the heroin families of our material live an ordinary peaceful
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life, as they would have lived before... in siberia, but this is not entirely true, most of the time their husbands perform combat missions and are not at home very often, and yanakieva time from time to time the ukrainian armed forces are shelled, but despite all the risks, lyuba, ksenia and irina want to be as closer to your loved ones. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions
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to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church. how to separate completely from moscow, an assembly was created that is not the church of christ. el moscow priest. the ocu has nothing to do with religion. some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing off ukrainian people. from russian. the lord is divine among his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the chamber


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