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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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includes 23 billion to replenish american weapons stocks. in addition, the document states that washington will transfer its attack missiles to kiev with a range of up to 300 km, and as the official representative of our foreign ministry maria zakharova emphasized, military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. another scandalous decision of congress concerns the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine. according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, if this. really happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states, and america will have to answer for its actions. both bills will not take effect immediately, and they still have to be approved by the upper house of congress. a senate vote is scheduled for tuesday before the documents are sent to president joe biden for his signature. powerful explosions rocked the night before in ukraine. such messages came, in particular, from kharkov. in addition, at
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least two series of attacks are known in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. an air raid alert in ukraine was announced in four regions, this dnepropetrovsk, kharkov, sumy and poltava regions. in russian regions they continue to struggle with powerful leashes from tyumen and shim, more than 600 people were evacuated. the water in the river continues to rise. a second line is being built in one of the villages. according to the latest data, the water level in the kurgan river has dropped by 9 cm over the past 24 hours, but the danger of flooding is still high. authorities called on residents located in the city center near the dam to evacuate.
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the level of the tom river is rising in the novokuznetsk region, this is the kemerovo region, the water has risen in a day by 80 cm and reached a dangerous level, the road to several villages is closed, the water has not yet reached residential buildings, but in the orenburg and tomsk regions the flood is receding, but it will take a long time to eliminate the consequences, actors peresilt and mark eidelstein. became winners of the avance prize, which is traditionally awarded during the moscow international film festival. peresilta received an award for his role in the series the boy's word. eidelstein played the main character in the recently released film 100 years ahead. let me remind you, awards from film reporter magazine recognize the best young filmmakers. they just started filming films due to the lack of hollywood films at the box office. this gave an opportunity for new faces to come out.
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programming students returned to their homeland, the cup of the prestigious world tournament was won by students of the faculty of computer science of the higher school of economics. they beat rivals from more than 100 countries, as the winners were greeted, emil mirsaev will tell you about this. the capital welcomed the champions radushna, despite the fact that it was close to midnight, guys arrived at sheremetevo terminal-c airport on a direct flight from cairo and it seems that they did not immediately understand the scale of their victory. we congratulate
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you, this is a resounding victory, first place in the world, this is very strong, but tell us in general, what emotions do you experience, what does it feel like to have such a high rating? well, we are still, to be honest , in shock, why? there were very strong competitors, and the result could have been anything, it was very lucky that it turned out exactly like this, where we were the first. the team from the higher school of economics brought with them world cup of the international programming olympiad icpc, this is one of the largest most... write a program from scratch and there is nowhere without coherence, the winners themselves, fyodor amashov, kirill kudreshov and alexander babin, are sure. firstly, the team must be united, the work must be coordinated, and this is probably the main quality, but in addition to the hard skills that are conditionally needed, this is the ability to solve mathematical problems, the ability to write code. we trained for a long time, everyone
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understood each other, when you read the conditions, you understand what kind of person you can give this problem, so that he solves it, you know who understands what topics and who will be easier to solve this problem, guys, ph' the national sports programming team recently won the games of the future in kazan, as well as the russian championship last year. all three became interested in it disciplines at school. according to the coach, a unique training system through the synthesis of modern methods and the best practices of the soviet past helped to beat oxford and cambridge in the finals. we have already gathered strong guys, that is, many of them, yes, probably everyone had diplomas from the all-russian olympiad either in computer science, or in mathematics, or in some other subject, that is, they started doing this a very long time ago. they gathered with us and after that they began to train as a team, but this team won not the only one, egypt hosted two finals for 2023 in the twenty- second. both olympics were constantly postponed, either because of the pandemic or because of the aggravation in the middle east. so, students in she won third place in
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the competition the year before last. this line in in the overall standings is awarded a gold medal. what’s important is that the team from the capital’s festeh also received it, and they also brought with them a silver medal, or a third. this year's olympics will be held in the fall in astana, as expected, without delays, which means the guys have a little less than 5 months left to prepare, victory is again prophesied for russian athletes.
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to shoot or not to shoot, businessman from the ivanovo region, alexander krasnov, defended his family and came under investigation. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio.
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considers himself a man in the summer of 2021 at the gate at the house of a businessman from the city of kokhma, in the ivanovo region, alexander krasny, a heated crowd appeared. young people threw stones at the businessman’s property and demanded that artyom krasny, the businessman’s son, be called to account for allegedly acting incorrectly when resolving housing disputes. the situation escalated, the parties began to shoot at each other, from the bullets of the red elder, several people were injured,
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one died. the investigation accused the man of premeditated murder, he insisted on his innocence, saying he was protecting his family and could not do differently. heated discussions about the limits of permissible self-defense did not stop, and only specialists from the central apparatus of the investigative committee of russia were able to understand the matter. as a result, the court. acquitted alexander krasnov, but some residents of the ivanovo region still consider him a brutal murderer. so who is he, alexander krasnov, the man who killed the uninvited guest or the hero who saved his family, and what should you do if villains break in on you, defend yourself or attack? we took up this matter and carried out your investigation.
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a resident of the small town of kokhma, in the ivanovo region, alexander krasnov cooks.
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we, as they say, have the most beautiful nature in russia, as they say, it is like that here , that is, you kind of drive around, admire our nature, and, well, of course, it happens that there are snowstorms and storms especially in winter. there are two people there every day. more recently, the man had his own profitable business, selling ivanovo textiles, famous throughout the country. several own stores. alone in moscow, but then came black strip, unable to withstand the competition, his enterprise became unprofitable and closed, and then krasnov ended up in a pre-trial detention center, for 7 long months, protecting his family, he killed a man, the case thundered throughout the region, was investigated first by local
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investigators, and then by employees of the central office investigative committee. as a result , the professional court completely acquitted krasny. the court sentenced krasny alexander petrovich on the charge brought against him of committing a crime as provided for in part one of article 108, part one of article 114 u the krf was acquitted on the basis of paragraph three of the second article thirty-second of the code of the russian federation due to the lack of corpus delicti in its actions. the measure of restraint in the red relationship in the form of a subscription not to leave for proper behavior is cancelled. our film crew visited the ivanovo region in the hope of meeting all the participants in this high-profile story, but first things first.
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warm friday june 25, 2021 did not foretell any trouble. many guests gathered in the cozy home of alexander and elena krasnov, they saw off their only son artyom to army. quiet music, not without crazy drunken antics, however, the future soldier looked sad. not at all because he had to leave his native walls for a whole year, red jr.’s mobile phone received threatening messages one after another, few people knew that a couple of hours before
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the farewell, the young man got into a serious fight, and it was... here's the thing: artyom krasnov's wife, alina, has a sister, elena, she is a mother of many children, she has been married for many years to a native of a neighboring state, davud ostanakulov. elena and davud live in an apartment that belongs to the sisters, everything was calm until ostanakulov allegedly tried to deprive alina of the right square meters. krastov jr. stood up for his wife, word for word.
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well, it so happened that the fight, everything was honestly one on one, he ran away, the words of artyom krasny are slightly at odds with these video frames, they were taken by neighbors who were watching what was happening from the windows, the quality, frankly speaking, is not important, but still visible , there are about a dozen strong young guys on the street.
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friends and acquaintances of ostanokulov gather near the scene of the fight. after some time , they moved from the residential area to the private sector of the city of kokhma. a large company, according to
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various estimates, from 25 to 40 people was stopped by a police patrol, though not for long, soon the crowd, as if nothing had happened, continued on its way at midnight to the reds’ house... there are stones in the body, family members remember those terrible minutes, this is a summer kitchen, we have a gazebo here, we adults were sitting here, seeing off our son to the army, young people were sitting under a canopy, we heard just screams, which means stones were flying through the gate, which means the windows were hitting the car. in the hands of aggressors from the street, iron rods, painless bats and traumatic pistols.
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the krasnovs immediately realized that this would not end well, and the guests urgently needed to be taken to a safe place. 25 people hid in this small van. walks, i understand that now i’m kind of looking at , well, let’s talk normally, here’s a man giving me his lessons, there’s a swing, i raise my hand,
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they hit me on the bridge of my nose, here my nose was broken, i lost my creation, after some time time guys, artyom’s friends dragged me into the house on the territory, you first fell here without anything, they knocked me out here, right here on the site. next, the attackers on the krasnovs’ house opened fire, a bullet in the stomach, where they received a bullet in the stomach, i just came out of the gate right here, my friend came out a little to the right, they immediately knocked him down, they knocked him down, and they started beating him there, kicking him there , and at that time it came to me, well, a shot sounded and i felt pain in my stomach. i found and looked too, my shirt has a hole in it and there is blood it started flowing, well, everything in my head right away is
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that they want to kill us all, maim us, they ran and screamed, that is, when they were already walking down the street towards the house, that’s what the russian is, kill them in the wounds, decide the wounded man ran into the house and.. i grabbed my hunting carbine and chaos is happening , you warned me, so i fired two shots in the air, so i ran up the gate, that is, the bricks were flying, they didn’t let me, and they threw themselves in my direction. because it was as if here and punched, punched exactly where i was standing, they threw it into the house, after which it was as if i made it through the fences little trees, there were two or three shots, after which
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we opened the gate again , we ran after them again, i saw that one was lying on the road behind the christmas tree, they called an ambulance as if we didn’t have time , even we couldn’t even get through to the police , as if, and they called an ambulance, that is somehow... he already arrived after everything, i don’t know, also we almost simultaneously with the police. taxi driver bekhrus died on the spot due to a rear accident. another attacker, amerjani , was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound. the police arrived at the scene a couple of hours later they were only able to detain. and the head of the family , alexander the red, was not there; he himself came to the investigators the next day.
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the man insisted on forced self-defense, stated that he was defending his family and could not do otherwise, when i came to the investigative committee to surrender, and i tell them what happened here, they look at me with such eyes and say: oh well, this can’t happen maybe, well, go to the pre-trial detention center, and we will figure it out little by little, even though i was arrested, and these were walking, moving around, as if everything was fine with them, what thoughts were in your head when you were sitting in the pre-trial detention center? this is what you agreed with, what made you angry, so masculine, well , angry because i seemed to be defending my home, and my relatives and friends here, and the opposite turned out to be that they seemed to make me guilty, that’s of course it was insulting, that is, not only for myself, in general, well , anyone could have been in my place, that is, any of this could have happened, employees of the department of the ministry of internal affairs for the ivanovo
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region and ... the regional investigative committee investigated two parallel criminal cases. investigators from the investigative committee on the murder of taxi driver bekhrus from atshoi, and police officers on the attack on the krasnovs’ house. for 7 months, 7 days, anisan krasnoor was in jail on charges of murder and causing grievous bodily harm. all this time we were told that just wait, we will get the expert opinion and we will sort it out. and we will resolve the issue with the final qualifications, however, local investigators of skr were in no hurry; according to some data, the investigation was supervised by lieutenant colonel of justice, konstantin vasilevich, to doubt his reputation is not necessary, he is a professional in his field, he has sent more than a dozen bandits to jail, however, his love for foreign cars is a little embarrassing, our
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editors had these photographs at their disposal,
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a criminal case was opened against the attackers under the article of hooniganism with the use of weapons, this the criminal case was investigated for several months, no one was brought to criminal responsibility, then unexpectedly in november of the twenty-first year the criminal case was completely terminated due to the existence of a crime, then we all did not understood what was happening, were in a panic,
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let's say, even... i filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office of the ivanovo region about these actions from the local department of the ministry of internal affairs, the prosecutor's office canceled the decision to terminate the criminal case, the investigation was resumed, and well, after we have already filed complaints in moscow, this case of hooniganism was also accepted by the central apparatus of the investigative committee, also the argument of ostanokulov and another resident of the ivanovo region.


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