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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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whatever you want, give it to him, go ahead. the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved the allocation of a financial package of
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$61 billion to kiev. alka komarova will talk about how these hearings went. yellow and blue flags in the american congress and cheers . thus ended the meeting on the issue of allocating an unprecedented assistance package. congressmen rejoice at the successful trick, they approved the confiscation of russian assets and allocated a huge amount to kiev. at the same time, out of 61 billion dollars, 23 will end up in the states so that the pentagon can make up for it. own arsenals. now and today is our unique historical moment to show our high moral standards. the united states does not abandon its allies, we insist on freedom of human rights and democracy. among other things, the united states promised ukraine to transfer missiles to attacks with a range of up to 300 km. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, has already reported that military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. and according to the words. press secretary of
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russian president dmitry peskov, if the asset freeze actually occurs, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states, and america will have to answer for its actions. dissatisfied with the results of the vote even in the states themselves, congresswoman margery teilar greene said the head of congress betrayed the united states, because between the security of the southern border of the states and chose kyiv as ukraine. mike johnson should be removed from his position as congressional majority leader. colleagues, we do not support the fact that he approved this huge amount for ukraine today. it is insulting to me that in the american congress, during hearings, they wave the ukrainian flag, while our own border is regularly attacked by illegal migrants. let mike johnson and his supporters set their priorities. former pentagon adviser douglas mcgregor is confident that american money will not change the situation. military conflict on ukraine is virtually destined for further funding. makes no sense, and
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american billionaire david sachs emphasized: the white house can print dollars, but it cannot print shells at the same speed. the new law, sachs is convinced, will not save ukraine, because it will only be enough for half of that same summer counter-offensive, which failed miserably. elon musk also commented on the situation. in his opinion, the united states does not have a strategy for exiting the ukrainian conflict, plans for eternal war and the death of children from artillery fire shells, but in addition to money. the united states wants to send more supervisors to ukraine, the pentagon press secretary said. we are currently considering sending several additional advisors to the american embassy in kiev. they will have to manage logistics and provide oversight of the weapons that the united states sends to ukraine. i note that these people will not participate in hostilities, but will advise and support the ukrainian government and armed forces. the people who are most happy about the approval of the bill are: europe. nato almost openly stated: thanks to
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washington’s supplies, it is possible to continue to use ukrainians as human shields, despite the fact that the authorities of the old world themselves are not yet ready for the american level of escalation, as the washington post claims, europe has once again rejected a plan to confiscate profits from russian assets justified this by their reluctance to face moscow’s retaliatory measures. alek komarov, vesti. the us congress also approved a bill to allocate aid to israel for... $26 billion received the funds will be used to replenish ammunition, purchase weapons and improve air defense systems. the new funding was condemned in palestine. thus , the official representative of president mahmoud abas said that stability in the country is the only path to stability in the region and throughout the world. in turn, israel expressed gratitude for the assistance package. according to prime minister benjamin netanyahu, by their actions the states are - quote: protecting. western civilization. and powerful
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explosions thundered that night the night before in ukraine. such messages came, in particular, from kharkov. in addition, it is known, at least. two series of attacks in kherson, controlled by the kiev regime. an air raid alert in ukraine was announced in four regions. these are dnepropetrovsk, kharkov, sumy and poltava regions. russian regions continue to struggle with large-scale floods, so more than 600 people were evacuated from tyumen and shimo. the water in the river continues to rise. a second line of fortifications is being built in one of the villages. the water has already washed away the embankment and flooded the dacha. plot. now they are trying to defend apartment buildings. at the same time, according to experts, the peak of the flood is still ahead; 18,000 people could fall into the flood zone. according to the latest data, the water level within kurgan dropped by 9 cm per day, but the danger of flooding is still high. authorities
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called for residents living in the city center near the dam to evacuate. large waters are coming to the belozersky district, and the evacuation of twenty villages has been announced. the water level in... the state is rising, we will talk about this in the new issue of the program made in russia. at the end february at the forum of strong ideas for a new time, the russian president said that the labor market lacks 2.5 million people, which is 2 and a half times the unemployment rate.
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the vast majority of enterprises are experiencing a shortage of personnel, but the economy is growing, despite any sanctions, specialists are needed; we will now tell you who is doing what. here is our first story, engines produced at this samara enterprise lift airplanes and space planes into the air. ships pump gas, unique modern technologies for the development of which requires specialists, their shortage, well, at this enterprise, in order to solve the problem, several investment projects have been launched that will create 2,500 jobs in the near future. now
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you will find out all the details. there are only a few countries in the world that have aircraft engine production technologies; russia in general and samara in particular have the competence. we make products, aircraft engines, gas turbines for strategic long-range aviation, we make engines for space rockets, we make the first second stage, we make ground-based engines based on '.
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well, the equipment here is mostly domestic, which is unique; we already make complex, difficult technologies here in russia, and the component base is most often ours here too. here is a new workshop for welding technologies, for example, it applies various coatings with a laser, here is a center for additive technologies, 3d printers, embodying the designer’s idea, grow parts, that is, such a part, something grown here, yes, that is, yes. on this detail we grew here grown blades, in particular, were used to create part of the new engine of a russian long-haul aircraft. we are now looking at the rear rack assembly of the pd-35 product; as part of the okra cooperation, we are working together with pervsky engines. and to develop
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production, of course, we need scarce specialists. where can i get it and train it? there is a joint project between the company and the samara state university. every year, as part of the engineering start program, we prepare about 20 students from the age of 21 for kompanytsova, it takes... from 4 to 6 years, they even defend their diplomas at an enterprise where, during their studies
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, students already begin to work, immediately after graduating from university i go to work at a factory, that is, accordingly, there is a workplace right away, it seemed very interesting and additionally the time of studying at the institute, that is, i receive theoretical knowledge, i come here i’m already getting visual practice right away, it’s clear that not all vocational training students follow the profile, and although the percentage is growing, this is still not enough. today we are ready to hire, if there are ready-made technologists, we can hire more than 100 people today various departments, and if we take the need for a workshop staff, this is more than 100 people, yeah, and the designer is a separate issue, there is still one there, so the need is great, we take almost everything that is prepared for us today, and therefore the scale of the project is growing , for the engineering start there is a competition of up to five people per place, the university trains specialists not only for this enterprise, we really are.
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memedical technologies, in the coming years the need for personnel is more than 30,000 people,
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training centers are being created in different regions. the educational center. then we have now come to the conclusion that the number of listeners who are here
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exceeds the indicators that were included in the investment project. 70% - practice, 30 - theory, courses from 10 months to several years. the task of this center is to prepare such a wide-profile worker who would master not a single specialty, at least five or six at once, that is, there will be no need to select. a person who would work only on one machine, this is, in general, this is the practice we now have today, we we are actively expanding it. now the pressing problem is that many who have received a diploma do not work in their specialty, it turns out that the investments of the state of education are becoming ineffective, which is why the law on targeted recruitment was developed on may 1. we are entering the format for the first time when a school graduate. will choose not just a specialty and an institute, he will choose a
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guaranteed job, that is, the employer will initially, using this new mechanism, create a need, we have according to the law , all companies with state participation have the right to apply for such targeted training, representatives of the agricultural industry have the right, which is very important - this is food security, a crying industry, a very important point: this is a territory of transitional development of the far east, because for me it was important to include here investors who come to the far east, and we will thus open a window of opportunity for... for guys living in the far east, that is, the employer forms a request through the state services portal, university understands what specialists are needed, the graduate, through a single portal that will connect resources to work in russia, and having entered the university online, will see the proposal for targeted recruitment and choose where to work. for the first time, a full picture of how the employer is set up and what
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the guys want to become? and the most important thing is that the guys understand that ours is a big country. this is an opportunity after university to go to kamchatka, primorye and the urals. this will create new formats of life prospects. absolutely right. well, for our russian manufacturer, it’s like just what you need. this requires getting motivated specialists. there is an example where training and practice bear fruit in the tomsk region. this is the ophthalmology clinic of the siberian state medical university, there is one interesting development by tomsk specialists that helps preserve vision with the support of artificial intelligence. according to statistics
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, there are about 10 million people in russia with diabetes, they have an increased risk of retinal disease. earlier diagnosis was possible using a retinal camera. similar cameras have already been purchased by the state for the districts of the tomsk region. we have treated about 1,500 patients and we have identified 130 patients, and pathology of various stages, of which 30 people were identified from a severe stage, whom we have already taken for treatment, they were invited, and i want to say that.
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the device itself, the filling is important here, which allows the patient not to have to travel to the clinic once again, images are sent from the regions to tomsk, the neural network processes them, helps the doctor make a diagnosis, statistics are generated: the neural network was written by employees of our university, a team of it specialists, including those with medical education , these are graduates of our medical and biological faculty, these are graduates of tomsk polytechnic university. who took part in the development, that is, the idea was medical, and from them there was just the technical part of the component, and this one was trained for 3000 images, now the sensitivity is more than 86%, the more images, the more accurate the program, contributed to the statistics presentation at the exhibition forum russia. in a day
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there were 400 patients, everyone was interested, took our business card, brochure, learned as much as possible about the project, about... cooperation, we had iranian ambassadors as our guests, who were also interested in the technology, in august of this year i was part of the delegation from tomsk region visited belarus, we have very good relations with the russian export center, and we recently held such a forum made in russia under the chairmanship of belousy,
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we also took several there, won in nominations there, the winners were... this task not easy, export still requires proper interdepartmental interaction and crossings across borders, through our checkpoints, this advantage is probably our location in the proximity of the asian region, and today exports are growing, we are on good terms with uzbekistan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, support in entering export is extremely important, the russian export... center has many measures, from financial, for example, lending, compensation for logistics costs, to non-financial, this is participation in exhibitions, training, we pay a lot of attention to the development of special programs, for example, about 700 exporters received acceleration programs last year, acceleration is training
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that is guaranteed to lead to an export contract, well, every exporter or potential exporter, he chooses himself , what set of knowledge he needs to be nourished at the moment, so our diverse line of educational programs, including acceleration, including benefits, allows the exporter to choose what he needs here now. rets organizes, for example, courses called export afterburner, they are all over russia. more than 66,000 people and more than forty educational products were trained. the first level is a basic program for beginners, the second is acceleration, the third is a mini mba. and just like that, consistently, responding to business requests.
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developments make it possible to compete and replace imported equipment, for example, lines are assembled like a construction kit, the percentage of russian equipment is growing, and everything is managed by its own program. there is an artificial one running in the cloud. an algorithm that prevents errors, finds bottlenecks in the operation of the packaging line and remotely optimizes the operation of the equipment. there are several patents, a design bureau is being developed, and this is just a question of personnel and training. we have a program of interaction with a technical university, according to which, firstly, we need to show people who, when they are still studying, where they will then, after they
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graduate, where they will go, we organize industrial excursions, students come and watch , they ask questions, someone lights up eyes, as for support, a grant of 30 million rubles has been received to update machines, there is preferential lysine, the company can give a discount. for your equipment, well, we have 12%. the consumer receives equipment 12% cheaper, but the enterprise does not lose anything, because then at the end of the quarter the state compensates for this discount. last year, the company became the exporter of the year in the region, deliveries to neighboring countries, conclude contracts with africa? are you collaborating with a russian export center? do you have any support? does it turn out to be an export plan for you? oh, the russian export center is a special thank you. in the course of how to carry out, conduct foreign economic activity, what tools are available, what support is available, the number of businessmen to whom the russian
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export center provides: more and more support, that year 24,000 companies, an increase of 23%. foreign trade transactions added 33%, this is already $17 billion, so there is indeed a growing awareness that exports can and are a very serious, effective factor in additional profit when exporters, selling their products in export markets, expand opportunities for selling their products in other markets, in addition to the russian market, which is not always large enough to absorb all the production capabilities that our industries have. now is another example of how a higher education institution can train personnel and produce products needed by the country. here is
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one of the medical products that is mass- produced in the preobrazhenka industrial park in samara. what is this? now you’ll find out, but first i’ll say that many of these products have never been made in russia before. the rector shows the developments of the samara state medical university, the autoplan hardware and software complex, which is already equipped in 12 centers, in fact it has become such a neurosurgical navigator, the product has already received two registration certificates, it allows you to work on the head, on the spinal column, in addition to...
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movement that is set by artificial intelligence, but produces everything in a full cycle in an industrial park, where there is a convenient logistics and infrastructure, there are plans for new devices related to telemedicine, now they are equipped with devices from third-party manufacturers, at the moment , this year we have the task of localizing these devices, devices such as a tonometer and a set-fondoscope will be localized,
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individual endoprostheses are also produced here , some are grown on a 3d printer, last year we made about 400 endoprostheses, in principle, as if, if necessary, we can do more, so we have planned a second 3d this year to purchase a printer, that is, we are expanding production, the problem we have is that we cannot do anything about it yet, that is , we are covering a market in need in russia, so far there are no problems, there are plans to make sliding prostheses for children at university. about 200 engineers and it specialists, the “science, production and patient” chain already allows us to bring the desired product to the market not in 7 years, twice as fast, of course, with government support, and not only financial. if we are talking about medical healthcare of the russian federation, then this is a state task, and a federal project on medical science for humans, where we are participants, if we talk about the exchange of science in russia, the university is a participant,
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priority 20-30. was purchased instantly, so we urgently needed to solve problems on the spot with the delivery of products from other warehouses in china, that is, russian companies can sell their products to a chinese distributor before the festival, that is , consider that they have already implemented export contracts. trade turnover with china puts records, so such events will be scaled up; russia has a lot to offer.


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