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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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is a participant in priority 20-30, and we are a leader in the industry track , territorial leadership, with support we will increase exports, for example, the anatomical column of pirogovo is already supplied to 12 countries to help companies enter new markets, in particular to china, russian export the center, for example, held the celestial festival yaromorka made in russia, a large amount of products that the distribution... chinese purchased for the week of the festival, it was bought instantly, so we urgently needed to solve problems on the spot delivery of products from other warehouses in china, that is, russian companies can sell their products to a chinese distributor before the festival, then consider that they have already implemented export contracts. trade turnover with china is setting records, so such events will be scaled up. russia has something to offer, including high-tech products, and it needs to be developed. more and more
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specialists are needed, and this means improving the education system, restoring training in the necessary specialties, such as sewing in chukotka multidisciplinary college. this equipment is everything, the whole complex costs about 15 million, this is a federal program, plus the government of the chukovsky autonomous okrug has allocated funds for this equipment; it is important to teach modern technologies, as in the tatarstan polytechnic university in a particularly economical way. we are all absolutely teachers, these are , first of all, engineers-mentors, firstly, from production, they teach the children directly practical skills that are needed here now, we do not give any absolutely old knowledge, and the main thing is to develop interest among young people, in the future i will be able to work in more complex enterprises, in any enterprise where there are robots.
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understanding that being, for example, an engineer is promising, i am the first, one might say, a pioneer, i just don’t know, it’s somehow interesting, you know, probably 50/50, that is, the realization that this will benefit me too, in benefit the country too. now we’ll tell you about the path that the shanghai cooperation organization has taken for almost a quarter of a century, as well as... its principles
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of current work and goals with the sco secretary general the formula of power was met. the formula of power continues its story about the largest and most authoritative international organizations. the shanghai cooperation organization (sco) is one of them. this is an authoritative and significant organization in the eurasian space. it is important to say here that you often hear the following term: realpolitik, this is when we are talking about pragmatism, practicality.
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beijing and today we are visiting sco secretary general zhang ming. such a wonderful concept as the shanghai spirit. that's what for me personally does this mean shanghai spirit to you and how?
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this, well, let’s say, shanghai spirit can help the international community in our difficult world. the concept of shanghai spirit for the first time. it is the principle of the shanghai spirit that creates a favorable environment for the calm coexistence of mutually beneficial partnerships between countries with very different political and
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cultural traditions, economic and social levels. the sco has nine member states: india, iran, kazakhstan, china. kyrgyzstan, pakistan, russia, tajikistan, uzbekistan. three states observer: afghanistan, belarus, mongolia. 14 dialogue partners: azerbaijan, armenia, bahrain, egypt, cambodia, qatar, kuwait, maldives, myanmar, nepal, uae, saudi arabia, turkey, sri lanka. initially, the sco included only six member states. in 2017 , the republic of india and the islamic republic of pakistan joined the organization for the first time. the second expansion occurred in 2023 with the accession of the islamic republic
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of iran. at this year's astana summit. full acceptance of the republic is expected belarus. according to the world bank for 2022, sco member states account for 42% of the planet's population and 25% of the land area. their combined gdp is us$24.5 trillion, 24% of the world economy. if we take into account the indicators of observer states and partners in...
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the office publication of the sco secretariat was provided to us free of charge by the chinese government and we are very grateful to the chinese side for its contribution to the construction and development of the sco. on january 15, 2004 , the sco secretariat opened its doors in beijing, dedicated to to ensure the effective functioning of the organization, to coordinate cooperation between its member states, other countries and international organizations,
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i must say that it was a pleasant discovery for us that each country, a member of the sco, has its own hall where business and informal meetings are held, where various kinds of meetings take place negotiations and conference, moscow, yes, the moscow hall, this is such a mosaic, yes, this is moscow.
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chinese dinner, russian dinner, sometimes we organize dinner receptions, yes, i understand, is it a competition to see who is better organized? this is the astana hall, this is a meeting hall, a very serious hall, the sco headquarters building is decorated with beautiful paintings that reflect the diversity of cultures and customs of the countries, participants and partners of the organization. here there is nature and city landscapes, by the way, i found among these paintings my hometown, the city of my childhood, baku, and this is not by chance.
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fourth: meeting of heads of line ministries and departments of the member states. fifth. council of national coordinators, snk. sixth. expert working groups. decisions in authorities. are adopted by consensus. in the lobby of the sco headquarters there is a memorial plaque with the names of the leaders of the founding countries of the sco carved on it. here is the shanghai charter. this room is called the charter room. dzyandzem, nazarbayev, yes, yes, akaev, putin, rahmon and karima. yes, yes, six leaders, six leaders, founders of the highway, yes
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, on june 15, 2001 in shanghai, the leaders of six states - kazakhstan, china, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and russia decided to create a shanghai organization cooperation. a year later, after the formation of the shanghai cooperation organization.
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enshrined, as you know, in the main document, these are the sco charters, they remain unchanged, but the immutability of these principles, it...
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joint counteraction to terrorism, separatism and extremism in all their manifestations, the fight against illegal drug trafficking, weapons, other types of transnational criminal activities, as well as illegal migration, encouraging effective regional cooperation in political, trade, economic, defense, cultural, educational, energy, transport, credit and financial and others... beijing and the regional anti-terrorist
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structure, headquarters in tashkent on august 16. 7 years ago at the summit in beshka the organization was signed. when, at the beginning of 2020, the world of cooperation between the member states of the shanghai treaty on long-term good neighborliness and friendship faced the terrible challenge of the covid-19 coronavirus epidemic, in the absence of regular face-to-face contacts, the institution of permanent representatives at the sco secretariat in beijing.
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next year marks the 10th anniversary of the most important document for the sco , the sco development strategy was adopted in 2015 in ufa. so, on the eve of the end of this decade, do you think it was possible to implement and what do you see as the sco’s strategic development plans for the future? in the field of international governance, with the central coordinating role of the united nations, we strive to promote the creation and improvement of a democratic, fair and rational international order based on collective principles, international rule of law,
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mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs, mutual trust, mutual benefit, the sco has been an observer at the general assembly of the united nations since 2004. we interact with the un in various areas.
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in the modern world, the principle of the shanghai spirit embodies the main content of a new type of international relations, their development towards a more just, equal and rational international order. non-governmental mechanisms are a chance. the sco interbank association is a mechanism for financing and banking services for investment projects supported by the governments of the sco member states. the sco business council promotes cooperation between member states in the fields of trade and economics, finance, credit, science and technology, energy, transport, communications and agriculture. the sco forum consists of national ones.
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despite our busy schedule, we still need to find time for relaxation and entertainment, because only when we let's rest. after work, i walk around the city, such a short walk, citywalk, i
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insist on walking every day, in addition, my hobbies are swimming, cycling, reading, listening to music, watching movies, in force.
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thank you very much for coming to beijing to the secretariat to interview me. i thank tas for your interest in the sco and the great work you have done over the years to popularize and promote cooperation. within the framework of the sco, i am also ready to maintain close contact with you and my friends and stas, let's work together to ensure that our affairs only get better and better, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, thank you.
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the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved the allocation of financial packages of $61 billion to kiev. a...


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