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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine , and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved the allocation of a financial package of $61 billion to kiev. money. will be spent on the purchase of weapons equipment, the same amount includes 23 billion to replenish american weapons stocks. in addition, the document states that washington will transfer its attack missiles to kiev with a range of up to 300 km. as the official representative emphasized russian foreign minister maria zakharova, military assistance to the kiev regime is direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. another scandalous decision of congress concerns the transfer to ukraine.
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in ukraine, reports came from kharkov; no damage was reported at this time. in addition, at least two series of attacks on kherson, controlled by the kiev regime, are known. what exactly was the target is being clarified, but both times an air raid warning was not announced in these territories. russian regions are struggling with large-scale floods. in in the tyumen region, water began to rise in the irtysh river, the level in ishim is rising, coastal settlements were evacuated. 600 people,
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in kurgan, in the next 2 days, expect that the flood will subside, in one day the level of tabola has dropped by 9 cm, but the danger of flooding still exists, the level of the tom river in the novokuznetsk region is rising, this is the kemerovo region, in one day the water has risen by 80 cm, has reached a dangerous level, the road to several villages is closed, they are monitoring the ice drift on the ob river in the tomsk region, heavy congestion is still manageable avoided, thanks to the folded work.
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well, as if all the industrialists had gathered like this, in fact, it seems to me that it shows that it’s not that there’s nothing terrible there, on the contrary, everything is fine with us. now there is a short advertisement, then our broadcast will continue with the stopfake program. 100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible on avito premium. well, are there any interest payments on credit cards? need a holwa.
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now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, the number one topic in ukraine remains the visits of russian missiles to shevchenko street in chernigov. according to infopomoek. there it was destroyed. harmless hotel, as a result of which, as specified, deaths and injuries dozens of people, but who are they, why did they attract the attention of russian intelligence, zelensky and company, of course, have prepared a standard manual about innocent ordinary people, victims of some kind of terrorist state, but a random photo in the window of the building flashed the metal bunk beds of a barracks sample, isn't it typical furniture for a standard hotel, but seriously, the interior is very characteristic; the disgusting thing was soon confirmed by a video from the local police. it’s easy to see that the emergency services are loading a crippled lad in military uniform, many of his colleagues are scurrying around,
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some of whom have all the signs of newly received wounds on their faces. here's a broken head with a gauze compress, and a dramatic photograph that would probably be made the main symbol of the so-called crime. "don't end up wounded on a stretcher, wearing army combat boots and wearing tactical trousers with knee pads. kiev once again, as often happens, he gets caught making his videos quickly enough, quickly making content, but this does not mean quality, in kiev it was extremely important to say that this is civil infrastructure, this kiev narrative collapses quite quickly if you look at the background and take a closer look at the details that are located there, besides , no one added fuel to the fume.. "but like igor mosiychuk, it would seem that an ideological ukranazi should play along with the propaganda, instead he immediately exposed it by writing on his telegram channel about the soldiers stationed in the ill-fated hotel; of course, against such a background, the professional liars had to urgently forget about the hotel, switching to
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another chernigov development, from the shevchenkovsky residential complex with a slightly crumpled facade to the neighboring outpatient clinic with broken windows, both episodes are illuminated by rot, well, in the spirit of the mentioned publication: similarly covered with iskanders, but we understand everything , the fact is that now is a politically very important moment for the ukrainian side, since the issue of allocating... assistance, allocating or not allocating assistance, all media resources, everything means, sympathizers is being decided the media, politicians, are now trumpeting about what needs to be given to ukraine, which means help as soon as possible, because it has not been given for six months already, in connection with this, any event that is happening now is presented in exactly this vein, in general it’s time for the enemy to get used to it, that civilians automatically cease. any infrastructure used for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, including energy. svidomo continue
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to mourn the destroyed thermal power plants and central lines, complaining about the harmful consequences of blackouts for the civilian population. and they curse our armed forces for creating a critical situation by stubbornly denying the ironclad justification for such attacks. judge for yourself, the tripolye tes in kiev provided the luch design bureau with electricity to the mayakak plant. the first of these enterprises produced anti-tank missile systems. ship-based missiles neptune and mlrs alha, the second fired small arms like gapak sniper rifles and hammer mortars. in addition, the dnieper hydroelectric power station also fed the ukrainian defense industry. the city of zaporozhye depended on its capacity uninterrupted operation of the mik repair aircraft repair plant, where su-27 fighters and su-25 attack aircraft were serviced. and in neighboring dnepropetrovsk, ges supplied electricity to the yuzhnaya design bureau, known as a manufacturer of missile systems. in thunder, finally, the complete destruction of the kharkov power system made it possible to disrupt the functioning of the armored
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industry, be it the morozov bureau or the malyshev plant. all energy is work for the front, this is work for military equipment, work for the army, work for the continuation of hostilities, and here, to unfortunately, for civilians, we must admit that these are all objects of the military-industrial complex; now there are no objects. zelensky previously shared identical forecasts in an interview with the german bilt. we
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are talking about the site in kirchi, which everyone mentions about other infrastructure facilities that are military targets. we really want to destroy them. but as they say, there is no harm in wanting, the question is in the methods, here the western media do not deny themselves their wildest dreams. according to the same zsan, ukrainian planes will fly freely over the waters of the sea of ​​​​azov, as if literally at home they will shoot the bridge deck with dozens of missiles. into the supports, or they will launch a horde of sea drones, or drop some kind of huge bomb, you can’t argue, the script is spectacular, for the sake of some kind of blockbuster, but there is a problem with realism. a conflict that has reached a dead end looks very difficult for western countries, so the reader needs to be given a simple recipe, like in our fairy tale, a needle in an egg, and like death, this is precisely a variant of a counterattack when... in general, the arrow looks very nice, the only problem with this arrow is that
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it does not take into account the resistance of the russian side, as if theoretically, of course, they can break through, but this requires a huge amount of aircraft and a significant part of which will have to be lost. however, there is an alternative option, according to which the ukranazis could use long-range stormshadow missiles without entering the range of our air defense, as stated, they are capable of smashing an underground bunker into dust, let alone destroying a bridge. no problem, but is it worth believing? let's start with the fact that the sky over crimea control s-400 air defense systems, they simultaneously conduct and intercept 10 targets, and are supported by s1 missile and artillery shells, which can easily fire at four at once, and in the case of stormshadow, the targets will also be slow, because these missiles fly at a speed of less than 1.00 km/h, the same s-400 can work on objects almost five times faster. in addition, english weapons are capable of, well... maybe damaging the structure of the bridge itself, but it is unlikely to bring down the cumulative warhead stormshadow is essentially a chisel, it
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only punches a hole in the concrete, the accompanying explosion will be too weak for spans designed for a magnitude nine earthquake, and even more so for tubular piles up to 1.5 m thick, driven into the ground to a depth of almost a hundred meters, well, we all see perfectly well that modern war is in ukraine it is a training ground where you can show off your weapons, publication in the sun is nothing. other than an information operation, which is called information vaccination, this is an attempt to show the public, and our public is still not a military expert, the characteristics that this system possesses amount to outright nonsense. on the one hand, witnesses of the impending ukrainian victory believe that f-16 fighters will be a huge help in the so-called liberation of crimea, on the other hand, they themselves admit that the above-mentioned storeshadow missiles are incompatible with american aircraft, and other theses are comparable. to the point that characters with the regalia of military experts propose to take the state of emergency in the american
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baltimore as a model and ram the crimean bridge intact a vessel, be it a remote- controlled barge or a small one. sounds funny, but at the same time, the mental state of those who come up with such things is even somehow alarming, i honestly don’t even want to compare the crimean bridge and the bridge that the americans had, because that bridge was in ruins, they didn’t provide it there, the glory of american corruption and the bridge was formed, on the crimean bridge everything is much more complicated and difficult, because it is a serious object. which - it’s just not like any barge you will demolish it, but this is the first, second, well, how do they even imagine that some barge can swim up, it will not be eliminated. this is the case when material claiming to be a strategic analysis quickly slides into outright clownery, but the soft-bladed media don’t mind and are happy to broadcast the sun’s stuffing to their own audience, saying that this is exactly how everything will definitely happen, you
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just need to wait a little longer, and there’s nothing from the crimean bridge will remain, the latest by mid-july. well, let's time it. before the stated deadline, the more pleasant it will be to remind the propagandists of their lies. well , let’s also not forget about the announcements of a counteroffensive from those who promised to drink coffee in yalta last summer. in general, it’s time to think about why outdated horror stories about the attack on crimea are being revived now. they, of course, cannot launch an attack on crimea, but they can do this in the information space, precisely in order to disrupt that same holiday season. they accidentally do this just at the end of spring, at the beginning of summer, in order to scare them. of people, so that they would be subject to this panic attack and refuse to vacation in crimea. however, whatever the plans of zelensky and syrsky for the coming summer, they are not giving up on the idea of ​​​​collecting more cannon fodder. the verkhovna rada has finally adopted a scandalous law on mobilization, which reduces the conscription age to 25 years, and also cancels demobilization and significantly
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affects the rights of those whom the ukrainian authorities consider draft dodgers. according to the people's deputies, this will help attract harm to the armed forces of ukraine. the notorious half a million people, long ago named the necessary minimum for a successful confrontation with russia, but not everyone agrees with the figure, for example, gauleiter of the nikolaev region kim is sure that 500,000 is too little, while the foreign agent medusa hints that the scale of the potential conscription only seems huge and frightening, in fact they are quite gentle, since, if necessary, kiev could put significantly more recruits under arms. well, let's figure out whether such calculations are fair? he himself... assures that about 11 million male citizens are in the draft age, but over a million of them are already serving, another million are from abroad, one and a half million are disabled, and 3 million are registered as ukrainians, but rather out of habit, because they live in new russian regions, as a result, about 4 are truly available to soul catchers, 5 million, although it will not be possible to drive everyone into the trenches, most of them are
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taxpayers who, at the very least , fill the independent budget, which means that the real mobresource today does not exceed.
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without anyone else there trying to pay off, they arrived in the village, well, we have to go, they took everything and sent to hostilities,
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no one thinks about the quality of the contingent, because the central committee is faced with the task of carrying out statistics, however , in bandera’s virtual reality , almost everyone wants to perform military duties, and numerous stories about draft dodgers are not much, but russian information and psychological operation, such narratives are now being dispersed by the main directorate of ukrainian intelligence, meaning first of all... it’s really much healthier for your health than catching russian shells in the trenches under avdeevka. i woke up and freaked out. there are already hundreds, if not thousands, of such publications on social networks, the trend is obvious, but
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the leadership of the gur labels it artificially orchestrated, insisting that the popularity of trickery is greatly exaggerated, well, someone might even believe it if the budanovo department did not forget to coordinate the temnik with the border service, in just a week, she managed , firstly, to report on the channel for the massive transportation of draft dodgers abroad from transcarpathia, and secondly, she failed. they film, they often film them abroad, of course, they show how they relax, how they escaped from this call, these shots, which the kiev regime cannot block in any way, have ceased to resonate even with a proven target audience
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, otherwise how else to explain the viral video from the ukrainian blasphere, this is a lawn near stellas of independence in kiev, where a tradition arose of planting a small flag when a resident of the capital died at the front, in the summer of twenty-two there were relatively few such flags, which you can now see for yourself, at such a price sobering up is given to those who... were cynically lied to and fed thousands of ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel. next, our broadcast will continue with the week in the city program. good morning, we again have the main stories that happened nearby. my name is yaroslav krasienko. uncontrollable, from where
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they become real madmen on moscow roads, it’s not my fault, you won’t do this again, i will, because he’s under something, and what to do if you meet one of these on the way, denis voskovsky resists madness, the victim began filming her abuser on her phone here. residents asked, well, to do it faster, that is, they are ready, they say to be patient, temporary inconveniences, in which areas of moscow major improvement is beginning, about 40 km of various road network facilities are now being built, the office is closed, employees have been dismissed, a trust that has burst, why hundreds of muscovites fell for the financial bait, this is not even 100%.
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so, with the arrival of real warmth,
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people are not driving on the roads of the moscow region. only. law-abiding drivers, but also those who shouldn’t be there at all, crazy racers risking their own and other people’s lives, those who like to ride at high temperatures and simply not quite adequate people, these are the most dangerous, you never know what to expect from them, two families at once, driving with children along the novorizhskoe highway, did not even suspect that they would find themselves in the epicenter of what drama they would find themselves in, the entire anthology of moscow road madness is from denis voskovsky. the very beginning of the road quarrel and the subsequent altercations, after which one of the participants in the incident began to literally ram the car of the other, what remains, as they say, behind the scenes, the victim began to film her offender on the phone, here on the thirty- second kilometer of the novorizhskoe highway, when the conflicting parties stopped at the side of the road to finally sort things out. the conversation did not work out, forty-two-year-old resident of kaluga alexander shavrigin immediately
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attacked the sashchenko family with his fists and there were three small children in the car along with adults, sensing danger, the mother tried to it is possible to get them out of harm's way as soon as possible in the literal sense of the word. by that time, shavrigin had already dented sashchenko’s suv with his bumper. go away, go away. under the continuous crying of a child, evgeniya, as if in a nightmare, is trying to break away from her pursuer. and... it seemed that such wild stories were forever in the distant past, when there were no road cameras in every phone. today , the caste of road aggressors who deliberately provoke emergency situations has thinned out, but has not disappeared. nevertheless, there remains a marginal part of the population, which is still equally tries, well, to use not only incorrect, deadly dangerous maneuvers, a person, driving a car, begins
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to identify himself with the car, expose himself to powerful, large, heavy, it is difficult to understand what is going on in the heads of inadequate racers organizing races right on a busy highway , try, maybe from sixty, you are honking, the consequences are important, gas changes and the roar of a falling off bumper woke up all the residents of the otrada residential complex in krasnogorsk. stop the red van that has damaged almost everything cars in the parking lot could only hit a pole. between the steering wheel and the seat, the police found a twenty-six-year-old insane man. summer resident of koshira, but get him out of there, it’s not my fault, you won’t do this again, i will, the last loud race, during which, fortunately, no one was hurt except for the flowerbed and the car, the intruder, happened on march 18, a sixteen-year-old championship medalist russia in karting, i went for a ride in my dad’s car and, as they say, the sneakers were on the floor, i plowed the lawn on dybenka street and several times spectacularly turned over, managing to remain unharmed, still an incident on the novorizhskoe highway, a case of a special order,
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once again, a healthy-looking man is chasing and periodically ramming a car with a woman and small children, because he is a slave, please, please don’t get closer, we ’re in we will have other cars, according to those who were inside, shavrigin tried to push the car off the road into a ditch with side impacts, his pupils were quite large, he shouted that he was drunk and... why did the inspectors behave this way? understandable, because in any case we have not just an accident, we have an accident with an injured person, we have a situation in which the driver clearly behaved inappropriately and tried
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to create a threat. we will soon return to the main stories that happened nearby; now there is news that could not have been ignored. the famous moscow panda katyusha turned out to be far from harmless to the bear cubs; she had already shown her teeth and claws in the literal sense, injuring a zoo employee. everything happened during the game. those who usually look after like a bamboo bear, we were used to katyusha being quiet, calm and good-natured, but that was not the case.


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