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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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they didn’t resume it, and after we had already filed complaints in moscow, this case of hooniganism was also taken up by the central apparatus of the investigative committee . davod ostanakulov and another resident of the ivanovo region, rustam latipov , were arrested and placed in a pre-trial detention center. it is worth noting that latipov and ostanakulov met during the attack on the house of alexander the red. there were no connections between latipov and...
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the investigative committee quickly restored the entire chain of events and re-interviewed witnesses of the participants in the conflict, investigators from the central apparatus conducted an investigative experiment with alexander krasnov, the man described in detail and showed how and where he shot during the night. as of june 26 , 2021. and here are the conclusions the investigative team made. the investigative committee has established the circumstances of the attack on the family of alexander krasnov, residents of kokhma, ivanovo region, as well as the murder and infliction of grievous bodily harm by krasnov when he exceeded the limits of necessary defense. in june 2021, at least 25 persons arrived to
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krasnov’s house, where they threw stones at a building on his territory and cars, shot krasnov in the stomach with a traumatic weapon, and beat one of his guests. krasnov responded by taking his hunting carbine from the house and shooting at least three times at the attackers. this footage is being shown for the first time. on television, in them, according to the investigation, alexander krasnov, he goes outside his area and shoots accurately at the backs of the attackers. after the incident, krasnov took measures to hide traces of the crimes, cleaned the gun, collected spent cartridges. krasnov told the arriving police officers that he had set off firecrackers with the guests. further, krasnov... completely disappeared and was absent until
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the moment of his arrest. during the investigation , krasnov repeatedly changed his testimony, spoke about being in a state of passion, and therefore does not remember the events of that day in detail. however, these arguments were refuted by an inpatient comprehensive psychological and psychiatric forensic examination. next in the program: how was the apartment dispute resolved? who does elena astanokulova blame for everything? i am with each other i was talking to my sister, just texting, you never know how i can swear, that’s right, i’m already on edge too. why were the police unable to detain those who attacked the house of alexander krasny? how did it happen that a whole investigative group worked in the small town of kokhma, and the rest were not identified. interesting
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question, but i can't answer it. and what punishment did the instigator of the conflict receive? serving in a general regime correctional colony. don't miss the continuation of the exciting investigation of eduard petrov immediately after a short advertisement on the russia 24 tv channel. krasnodar, tomsk, st. petersburg, kazan, volgograd and rostov-on-don. entrepreneurs from these cities have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. it's your turn. we will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs throughout the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about your business on alfabank is
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has been going on for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for? change and change point bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. in 2022, the case of alexander krasnov, which was investigated by skr investigators, as well as the case of davud ostanakulov and rustam latipov, which was investigated by the police, were transferred to court. accused of violating the limits of permissible defense, alexander
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krasnov regularly attended all meetings. i used weapons, i am protecting, i repeat once again, my family, children, home, guests, if i had not applied, i just don’t know how... it all ended, the process went on for more than 2 years. in february 2024, themis made a decision, we showed this footage at the beginning of our program, the professional court completely acquitted alexander krasny. the court sentenced krasny alexander petrovich on the charge brought against him for committing crimes as provided for in part one of article 108, part one of article 14 of the russian federation to acquit on the basis of paragraph three of part two of article thirty-two of the russian federation due to the absence of elements in her actions. as for dawood ostanakulov and rustam lotipov, then none of them admitted guilt in the attack on the krasnovs’ house. nastanokolo mansurovich, sentenced to 5 years in
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prison to be served in a general regime correctional colony. rustam latipov was given 4 years in prison. according to the court's decision, those convicted must also pay. is waiting to be taken to the colony, through his lawyer we sent a letter to the convict and asked him to state his version of the event. according to the defense lawyer, ostanakulov’s answer was allegedly not allowed to be conveyed by the prison staff. you have filed an appeal can you say the reasons you have given? and there, first of all, inconsistencies are indicated, as contradictions appeared in the court decision. we are visiting the wife of the convicted davud ostanakulov, elena.
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let us remember that she is the sister of alina, the wife of artyom krasny. the same apartment that caused the conflict with the shooting. these are not mansions, just an ordinary soviet two-room apartment. and then we'll take the groove. while the kids are playing with each other, elena takes our film crew to the stairwell. i have children, no matter how i tell them anything, i i say, my dad is at work on a business trip, the prosecutor, when she asked for the first time, well , when there was a trial, she asked for 5 years, well , of course, in general, although she still prepared.
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that is, he not only helped me as a brother and was always there, that is, he also helped his friends who still can’t get over him. a family from atshoi fled to russia in the early nineties, after the outbreak of the civil war, settled in the ivanovo region, everyone worked regularly, and were not included in criminal reports. nick rus believes that his brother has never seen a fly in his entire life. offended, he completely accidentally ended up at
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the krasnovs’ house, the taxi drivers asked for help from davud ostanakulov’s friends, and bikhrus simply could not refuse them, he had a family left, yes, two girls, how old are they, the eldest is four, younger and two, three already, nick roose shows photos of bikhruz. a real family idyll, i can’t even believe that such a person could attack someone else’s house and throw stones at other people’s children, that’s him with his bee.
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it’s expected, but the fact that they won’t give him a sentence, they won’t give him a sentence, but a license to kill, it’s as if i didn’t know that, i didn’t even i thought of this before, this is actually not a sentence now, but a license to kill, that is, kill, and we will acquit you, then we tried to talk to a police officer,
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maybe the diaspora, this option is quite possible, i ask again what you- then you want to hear from me, i ask a very specific question, why out of twenty-five people only two were detained, i answer you that most likely, probably the rest were not identified, but how did it happen that
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a whole investigative group worked in a small town kokhma, and did not identify the remaining suspects. the russian ministry of internal affairs for the ivanovo region was told by the victims that the law enforcement officers themselves recorded it on the spot. why were only two of the twenty-five attackers detained? why was the article on hooliganism replaced by the article on intentional destruction or damage to property? and why was the investigation into this case suspended several times, and
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on what basis was krasny’s ​​son detained? i came from the department. this is the answer. we inform you that the investigation of the crimes specified in the request was carried out investigative bodies of the investigative committee of the russian federation with the further referral of criminal cases to the judicial authorities. in this connection, we believe it would be advisable to contact the above-mentioned department for comments. there's really nothing to add. could the law enforcement officers have even prevented the attack on red’s house? after all, initially a crowd of migrants. stopped by a police patrol, we also showed this footage in our program, had a conversation with them and left, that is, they did not detain anyone, did not disperse them, and after that the attackers moved towards the krasnovs' house, based on this fact, the local committee opened a criminal case for negligence against unidentified persons, it
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was investigated, but this criminal case was discontinued due to the lack of crime in the actions of the police officers. capital lawyer ivan mironov does not rule out that a new criminal case may be opened against the law enforcement officers who released the crowd to storm the krasnovs’ house for unprofessionalism, cowardice, negligence, and, of course, a crime against before those whom they must protect, whose, ensure the security of the protection of rights for? interests, the crowd did not come there for a birthday, not for a name day with congratulations, they came specifically to kill, and because they had.
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we can say that here again there is corruption among law enforcement agencies, where all this happened, it is important to note that in this program we in no way want to offend any of the police officers of the ivanovo region, they restore justice every day, one of the first to come to the aid of those in trouble, and examples of police officers risking their lives to save others...
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but it ’s too early to say that this high-profile story has come to an end. relatives of the murdered taxi driver, bekhrus and state charges, have filed an appeal in the case, but the investigation still has a lot of work to do. during the investigation into the circumstances of the attack on krasny’s ​​house , the identities of five attackers, bekhrus, latipov, amerdzhani and rakhmonov, were established. condemned for actions to identify others investigators are continuing complexes of operational investigative measures
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this year towards real terms of imprisonment for the attackers. the position of the investigative committee, two of them, two more are wanted. who believes that krasnov should suffer a well-deserved punishment for what he did remains unchanged. in may 2022, the plenum of the supreme court introduced legislation. long-awaited amendments. from now on, if someone tries to break into your home, even in the absence of violence or the threat of violence, you have every right to defend yourself. like this it would seem that the basic story was not clearly spelled out for many years. experts believe that it was this amendment that played a decisive role in the krasny case. you know that there are 12 jurors, yes, and six usually carry the pall.
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himself, his relatives and members of his family, if we are talking about the situation of an invasion of an invasion of my fortress, plot, house, apartment, it doesn’t matter.
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it is important to understand that for every shot you will definitely have to answer according to the law. alexander krasnov himself is still confident that he did everything right, acted defended his family like a man. as for the investigative committee. he there believes that krasnov committed a serious crime.
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this is the story of alexander krasny, a businessman from the city of kokhma, who killed a man while protecting his family. this was our investigation from the ivanovo region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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the condition for new arms supplies to kiev by nato countries was the adoption of a strict law on mobilization in ukraine. a brussels diplomatic source told tas journalists about this. solution congress on providing assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, infuriate ukraine and increase the number of dead ukrainians. so.
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commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved the allocation of a financial package of $61 billion to kiev, the money will be used for the purchase of weapons. and equipment.


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