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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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the condition for new arms supplies to kiev by nato countries was the adoption of a tough law in ukraine. mobilization, a diplomatic source in brussels told tas journalists. the decision of congress to provide assistance to kiev will further enrich the united states, ruin ukraine, and increase the number of dead ukrainians. this is how the kremlin commented on the vote in the house of representatives, where congressmen approved the allocation of a financial package of $61 billion to kiev. the money will be used for the purchase of weapons and equipment, the same amount includes 23 billion for replenishment. with a range
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of up to 300 km. another scandalous decision of congress concerns the transfer of frozen russian assets to ukraine. according to russian presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, if this really happens, it will cause irreparable damage to the image of the united states, and america will have to answer for its actions. both bills will not come into force immediately; there are more to come. should be approved in the upper house of congress, a vote in the senate is scheduled for tuesday, and then the documents will be sent to president joe biden for signature. usa they are pumping kiev with weapons for the sake of war until the last ukrainian, and also so that he continues terrorist attacks on civilian targets on the territory of our country and the murder of journalists. this is how the russian foreign ministry assessed the results of the voting in congress. as the department noted, for these purposes, washington resorts to theft of frozen goods. russian assets, and
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the joe biden administration is giving the green light to this not for the sake of kiev’s victory, but so that the image of the current head of the white house is not spoiled before the us presidential election. on smolenskaya the squares warned that washington's actions as the actual party to the conflict will receive a decisive rebuff, and the states expect a fiasco, as in their time in vietnam and afghanistan. let's continue to discuss this topic. deputy chairman of the federation council, konstantin kosachov, is in touch with us. konstantin iosipovich, hello, how expected was the allocation of this military assistance? do you agree with the opinion that the decision was linked to the new law on mobilization in ukraine? unfortunately, this decision was quite expected, based on the specifics of the american politics and internal external, the americans are definitely working only for themselves, and not...
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taiwan, it is beneficial for the americans to try to weaken and split the arab world, this is where israel comes from, and the money that is spent on achieving the corresponding goals is absolutely exactly the opposite of those the goals that the same russia, the same china, the same arab world set for themselves in solving their respective problems, because in each of our cases we are really talking about strengthening. security about making the world stable and durable and so that the interests of all participants in a particular conflict in a given situation are taken into account, but in the american case this is absolutely not the case, here are 61 billion, if we take the full amount that is attributed to the ukrainian plot, then this is 61 billion invested in further militarization of the nazification of ukraine, i call a spade a spade . and this means that even though it will be
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harder for us now, we absolutely must consistently achieve the tasks assigned to the special military operation, that is, de-nectification and demilitarization, ukraine does not have the slightest doubt that this goal will be achieved. konstantin iosifovich, do you think this bill will now be quickly approved in the american senate? well, without any doubt, the senate and the subsequent signature of the president are already formalities. the main problem was in the house of representatives, which is under the control of the opposition, under the control of the republicans, we see that the republicans have split, we see that at the last stage. somehow trump stepped a little to the side, in this i, to be honest, i see his cunning strategic plan, which already extends to the period remaining until the presidential elections on november 5, it is absolutely obvious that no money
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allocated to ukraine is able to turn the tide of events at the front, it is quite obvious that by november 5 ukraine will approach the same the deplorable state in which she is now, in which she has driven herself, this, i think, is what trump will build his election campaign on, at least as far as the ukrainian plot is concerned, accusing both congress and the current president of wasting taxpayers' money essentially, so to speak, pushing the solution to pressing problems for the united states, such as protecting the border with mexico, to a more distant place.
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in addition to the ukrainian decision itself that russian sovereign assets will be confiscated, sovereign - that means, belonging to the state, there is no talk of private ones yet, but i suspect that it will come to that, because americans are not the biggest fans of spending their money ,
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and they will act in their part in in the future, in a more anti-legal, let 's say, illegal way, and of course they will in this sense... increase pressure on their european partners, where i remind you that the main foreign russian assets are located, if we take their western part, so , alas, this story will continue like this in the regime in which we observe it now, alas, people will continue to die who could have remained alive and lived now in safety if the recent agreement had taken place, the so-called the process, the fact that it did not take place, the fact that the situation... continues to degrade, i mean human losses, destruction of infrastructure and similar stories related to the armed conflict, all this, of course, is already on the conscience - first of all of the americans all other sponsors of ukraine from
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the western side, well, ukraine pays, i return to your first question, alas, ukraine is paying for this with human lives, those very mobilized citizens of ukraine who... in accordance with the new law will go to the front against their will on a larger scale than it was before, but with the same senselessness with which they went to the front until now . konstantin iosifovich, thank you, the deputy chairman of the federation council, konstantin kosachev, was in touch with us. next, our broadcast will continue with the parliamentary hour program.
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hello, the parliamentary hour program is on air, we will talk about the main decisions of the state duma. the wall moved away from the house, that's how much. help people in need restore their violated rights. if this improvement does not occur, then power is lost legitimacy. deputies work in their constituencies. scooters in the city, they don’t understand, they drive at full speed on emotions, it’s time to introduce responsibility, we are now working with the ministry of transport, where we are discussing a comprehensive bill that would regulate the entire area at once, exempting svo participants from paying interest on loans, this this is quite a feasible burden, which, i think, the bankers will take on with the understanding of themselves, how else do they help the defenders of the fatherland and members of their families? the state duma approved a new status for newcomer: people under 35 years of age with less than 3
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years of experience, but not classified as a young specialist. what can a young employee and young specialist count on? upon employment, a one-time bonus is paid in the amount of the official salary. as well as the growth of tourist flows to belarus, new opportunities for municipalities and other topics further in our program. with the opening of the electric scooter rental season, deputies began to receive numerous complaints about reckless drivers. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin announced this in his telegram channel. he noted that the rules for this type of transport have been in force for more than a year, but there is still no responsibility for their violations. meanwhile, scooter drivers exceed the speed limit, scaring pedestrians, and sometimes ride drunk. it is proposed in the new
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bill to introduce penalties for such violations, both for drivers of sim, that is, personal mobility devices, and for cyclists. it was introduced to the state duma this week. the fine for drunk driving will be up to 30,000 rubles. and the same amount for refusing to blow straw. for riding with two people on an electric scooter , the penalty is up to 3,000 rubles. and if the sim driver leaves the scene of the accident - 5,000. the ministry of transport and the ministry of internal affairs supported the initiative. another bill is being considered by deputies. authors among other things. they propose to prohibit the use of a mobile phone when driving a sim, to fine for transferring control of an electric scooter to a drunk, as well as for drinking alcohol after an accident, so that the culprit does not subsequently declare in court that he was sober while driving the sim. discussion of initiatives ahead. chairman the state duma also drew attention to the fact that electroprokat companies should also get involved in solving the problem. my colleague alexander shavirin talked with all the participants in the process and found out what they thought. in this problem. in 2023, russians made about 210 million
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trips on rental electric scooters, twice as many as before. the forecast for this year is already about 500 million trips. the growing popularity of new transport is accompanied by an increase in the number of road accidents, thousands of cases - more than forty deaths. fines are, of course, such an authoritarian solution, but it often helps a lot. you track like. wheels or rollers, controlled by one person and having one or more engines,
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so the maximum permitted speed for sims in the city is 25 km/h, in courtyard areas in residential and bicycle areas you cannot accelerate above twenty, on the roadway you can only move on the right edge only with 14 years, and only on those roads where cyclists are allowed, the speed limit is no more than six. the electric scooter must be equipped sound signal, brake system, white flashlight and reflectors. another important rule: you can’t ride an electric scooter everywhere. to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing , the driver must dismount and drive the scooter nearby. passing a zebra crossing on a scooter is strictly prohibited. vyacheslav volodin noted that traffic rules have been in force since march 1 last year, but there is no responsibility for their violations. regions are asked to contribute. changes to the code of administrative offenses to make the streets safer, the speaker of the state duma said in his telegram channel. he
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also called on companies providing rental services to follow the path of self-regulation. large federal kicksharing services supported the initiative of vyacheslav volodin. some of them have already begun to impose sanctions on unborn drivers. since the beginning of the season in moscow, mts yurent and vush have issued over 10,000 fines for violating the rules for using electric scooters. issues of legislative regulation of personal mobility devices in the state duma. is carried out by a specialized working group, it is headed by the first deputy chairman transport committee pavel fizyaev. we are currently working with the ministry of transport, where we are discussing a comprehensive bill that would regulate the entire area at once. into the laws on road safety , traffic rules, and, accordingly, into the code of administrative offenses, but this is a large document, it is currently under discussion. users of such transport, video blogger vladislav zabish, an experienced scooter rider, agree with this. for about 10 years, moskvich has been driving the streets and sharing his experience with his subscribers. with with the advent of specific rules, things have become calmer,
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but not everyone follows them. many people still perceive the electric scooter as a toy, not a vehicle, he believes. blogger, when i look at them, i have such eyes, like, what are you doing, you understand that if you are driving at such a speed, someone can drive past the corner in the same way and you will just crash, they don’t understand, they drive at full speed out of emotion, and well, it’s sad, most often, parliamentarians say, violations relate to traveling on one scooter several people, driving outside the permitted zones and speeding, statistics: says that the situation is not very good yet, because the speed limit is 25 km/h, for example, a limit is set on rental scooters, but if these are personal means of transport, then speed is no longer limited, and the majority of accidents occur at pedestrian crossings and on sidewalks.
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sharing services are interested in improving road safety and actively participate in the discussion of specific measures. before since the advent of traffic rules, businesses have limited the speed on rental scooters; they simply do not accelerate above the permissible limits, despite the fact that formally, people under 18 years of age can drive a scooter, rental services do not provide this opportunity. renting is only possible for adult users, said ksenia erdman, head of the association of micromobility operators. the only priority that business has at the moment is safety. with frequent scooters that have absolutely no no restrictions, that is, according to the law, yes, we have these restrictions, but de facto, not a single owner of a private sim follows these rules. regions can be involved in traffic regulation. so this season , for the first time on the streets of the capital, all rental scooters are driven only with license plates, this is an agreement with the moscow authorities. this way, cameras
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can record violations and hold drivers accountable. however, oblige citizens. you cannot install numbers on your scooters, since this is not enshrined in the traffic rules; this is not physically possible on a unicycle. the ministry of transport proposes to solve the problem by creating a unified accounting system that will work throughout the country and regardless of whether it is a personal sim or a rental one. regions already have the authority to regulate the movement of electric scooters in certain areas, but there are problems with introducing their own speed limits within those contained in the traffic rules. here, of course, the specialized working group of the state duma will also consider the issues of introducing the term overtaking a pedestrian, strengthening administrative responsibility for violation of traffic rules and carrying out
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information work so that russians know the rules of the road on an electric scooter in school. parliamentary hour. this week in the state duma, regional deputies concentrated on working with voters. let me remind you that anyone can turn to a deputy for help through his regional reception office or the reception office of the state duma. what was done in elena zhelnina’s review. deputies continue to work in flood zones in the orenburg region. in the west of the region residents of more than a thousand houses were evacuated.
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apartments on the upper floors have not been able to cope with their main function due to bad weather for so many years, the two upper floors are flooded with melt water, residents are forced to remove chandeliers and cut off power to any apartment.
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management company, the roof has already been repaired twice, but to no avail; one of the families turned to the reception of deputy valery hartung with their problem. here we need to involve both law enforcement agencies and the city administration so that they... have a little influence on the owners companies that are simply idle. residents of tver also remembered the problem with their roofing this week. only this time they came to an appointment with the leader of the united russia faction to talk about its transformation; with the help of vladimir vasiliev, they managed to find funds for repairs; it took only 2 months. now it was raining, the apartment didn’t leak very heavily, i was happy, we waited and waited. at the meeting, representatives of snti discussed with vladimir vasiliev the construction of a section of the highway; it was decided that when when designing, specialists will take into account the opinion of land owners. people also
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talked about the successful repair of the facade of the historical building, and raised the issue of repairing the sewer and improving the rivers. as a result of the collapse of structures erected in the seventies of the last century, infrequencies rushed into reservoirs and formed a jam. a joint solution was found with the water utility and the government of the tver region. deadline. together. the internet reception office of sergei mironov of the legislative branch is accepting appeals here today. all letters from the faction leader
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just russia personally reads for the truth. the deputy discussed some topics via videoconference. the center of attention is a bridge in the republic of crimea that is in danger of collapse. last year, the site's bank protection structures were washed away and its support was washed away, and residents of the leningrad region are asked to reconsider the location of the waste site in... located in the very heart of the city, within walking distance of the main attractions of the volga embankment. state duma deputy vladimir plyakin met with social activists and discussed possible
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prospects for a cultural heritage site. first you need to decide on the concept of development of the territory. if today, together with the regional authorities, together with the federal authorities, we do not take some measures to preserve this historical, cultural site, then through what... realtors should be more responsible, deputy vladimir koshelev announced a bill to regulate their activities at a specialized strategic session : market of real estate services in russia, legal regulation and responsibility. now about 70% of such services in russia are provided in the shadows. the vast majority of specialists do not register their income anywhere. they are not employed, therefore they do not pay taxes. the number of victims of black realtors in russia is consistently high; 7-8 thousand people are deceived annually. the
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meeting participants agreed that rosreetr should control the process from the state. our task now is to develop some approaches so that we still have a legal status in the law. who is a realtor, what kind of person has the right to engage in real estate activities. problems in the spheres of housing and communal services and landscaping were more of a concern to residents of tatarstan at meetings with deputy amir khamitov. many not only voiced difficult situations, but immediately suggested solutions. this approach greatly simplifies the process. during live communication with people , she quickly delves into their problems and...
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is already working part-time in her specialty, saying that this is a big contribution to her future. over the past 9 months, i have been in the role of a public assistant in the main investigation department in moscow, in investigative committee in the prosecutor's office. and i was already starting to get acquainted with how this process of producing a case goes, from the investigative committee to the prosecutor’s office, and how it then ends up in court. marina’s classmate, eighteen-year-old dmitry, proudly declares that he has received a place in the district court and will work
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in the archives. deal with matters related to the destruction or, on the contrary, selecting certain cases that have either lost their significance, or the matter has been completed, they need to be disposed of, as it were, and ivan dreams of becoming a deputy in the future, he began to act even before entering the university, i worked in the system of election commissions in the region, in particular, i prepared some regulations, worked with existing practice, and was also involved in areas related to the youth election commission. it is necessary to support in every possible way the desire of young people to work, the deputies are sure. young specialists already have a legal right to benefits and preferences, but the problem is that only those who have already graduated from a university and are getting a job for the first time receive this status. professions. state duma deputies drew attention to the problem and adopted a law that eliminates this injustice. we made
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a formulation. young specialist is more understandable for law enforcers, for employers and regions, while maintaining the conceptual content that a young specialist is that young person who not only gets a job for the first time according to his qualifications, but also the one who worked during the period of receiving education has a labor certificate experience. in addition, we believe that this will simplify the activities of student labor organizations. detachments, in general, this is a modernization of legislation, which, thanks to...
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federal and regional laws, presidential decrees and government regulations, is, for example, incentive salary bonuses, compensation for travel expenses, payments for the construction or purchase of housing and much more. young professionals and workers can count on support from both the state and the employer. many companies, in order to attract young people to work, create special corporate programs. we are in one of russia's large corporations will find out how they
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support young people. such a bonus in the amount of the official salary, if a young specialist moves even with his family, we pay him the full cost of moving and settling down, there are also benefits for... an active mortgage, it is 2% without a down payment, and if the young specialist this he took out a mortgage, he has temporary housing, the company also pays him temporarily, there are a number of other benefits, if young people had any special guarantees and benefits will also remain. deputies note that the law has another practical benefit, such preferences and benefits can...


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