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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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do you even understand now what you have done, the decision of the 2000s, china is our traditional partner, who today determine the life of the planet, tell me who your friend is, and i will tell you who you are, and also about sanctions 10 years ago, but this there will be mutual damage, and what now, is putin’s price jump, in the new episode of our program the answer to the question, well , that’s how it will be, how did he know all this, moscow, the kremlin, putin, let’s see. on sunday at 22:00. the severomushsky tunnel could only be built in 2003. he takes a shortcut through the angarakan pass is... 50 km and saves
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the railway worker almost 2 hours. the tunnel is protected from freezing by strangers by special gates that open a few minutes before the train passes. in case of emergency situations, the gates are made of fragile composite material; the locomotive will simply demolish them without harm to the driver. in november 2023 , ukrainian saboteurs tried to undermine this most complex and important facility in bam. here is the train that rushed up the mountain at night. an explosive device was placed under one from railway tanks with fuel. we were alerted, but the fire train could not enter the tunnel, as the train stood there with burnt tanks, and the movement of our group.
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now the construction of the second severomuisk tunnel, which should begin this year, will become not only an economic, but also a strategic task, although the tunnel itself was not damaged as a result of sabotage, it was calculated for an earthquake with a force of nine points, the explosive device could not cause it the slightest harm, but not less... we guaranteed when we built
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this tunnel that the thickness of the concrete reaches 6 m, withstood an explosion, the tunnel was built by the power of human souls, who gave their lives for it, i think it was worth it, that the tunnel will stand, even no matter what terrorist attacks, no tricks, and so on, it was built seriously, by serious guys. having placed destinies and lives on the reels of the baikal-amur mainline, during the years of perestroika, the builders learned that the country , it turns out, did not need the bam. literally, with the arrival of gorbachev, it immediately ended abruptly and financing, and it was so difficult both morally and physically, because there was no longer enough materials. people and so on and so
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on, and the most offensive thing was that they began to criticize, headlines had already appeared, there is a road to nowhere, the rails on the bam are rusting, to be honest, it was so offensive to hear the people who built all this, bam almost abandoned it together with people, in the nineties , only four trains a day passed on the railway, when the order was read to us.
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equipment, a terrible picture was growing... with desire to liquidate the railway system , at that time there were about 100-odd people, advisers from america, england and everywhere, they saw how our state needed to be completely destroyed, for me it was an extremely difficult situation, and not to let the railways collapse, so principle.
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then on baikal they caught omur, fish, all this happened. in the nineties, the bam team of many thousands was insulted and humiliated to the fullest extent, and no one has yet asked for their forgiveness, i would like to personally.
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what is an eclipse, a total eclipse of the sun, you have seen, stripped of the summer heat, a total eclipse, and a chill, you feel the cold, there is no heat, there is no warmth, for us it was like a death sentence, for those who built the bam many years ago, it was predictable that that bright moment would come , when ba... they remember you, bam will begin to work against the continuation of the construction of bam, there were many officials who were posed the question: why do we need bam, what are we going to transport along it, why are we going to invest such huge money in bam - with
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an incomprehensible perspective, only thanks to vladimir vladimirovich putin, we began to build bam, fortunately in this situation , bam, the eastern training ground, which it forms together with today almost painlessly, almost painlessly, the economy turned to the east to the detriment of our enemies, we are achieving great success. it is thanks to bam that giant factories have begun to be built literally in recent years. in taishet, where
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the baikal-amur mainline connects with the transib, the third largest aluminum smelter in russia was launched in the twenty-first year. its construction took about 2 trillion rubles in the twenty-third year , a metallurgical plant was built right at the udakan deposit, the largest in russia in terms of copper reserves. one and a half trillion rubles were invested in it. in uskut, after an investment of 2 trillion , a polymer plant is starting to operate, which will receive raw materials from the yarakta deposit. in 2021 , the amur gas processing plant, one of the largest in the world for processing natural gas into helium, was launched. now bam is being revived, a second track with parallel tunnels and bridges is being built. totally agree over the past 2 years , the second eight-kilometer
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baikal tunnel has been commissioned at the eastern transport site, and road and railway bridges across the amur river to china have been built. in the near future , another half a trillion will be invested in expanding the bam. to develop further and we have already talked about the third stage, thank god, all the specialists who built tunnels and bridges on the bama river, they are still alive and well, they know how we need to build, because most of the bama river passes along ...
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to china, that is, we didn’t understand, we’ll take it, no we will transport the cargo there, and this is also an important part, an integral part of the eastern training ground, so while all this, it means, was discussed, a little time was lost. russia is waiting for a decade of grandiose construction with plans to increase the carrying capacity of the ibam and trans-siberian railways by one and a half times. the need to transport 210 million tons by the thirtieth year, and by the thirty-third year, has been determined.
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the continuation of the bam is already being completed with the help of private investors, the same capitalists who, as they were assured in the soviet years, would never manage such a road, nothing, cope, and this is already a new song for the modern baikal-amur highway. tons of explosives cut off the words of the song and lift up layers of rock, as soon as the coal dust settles down, oleg klevan immediately sits down at the levers of his huge machine. excavators are usually wheeled,
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tracked, or walking, but at the elgin coal mine in yakutia there is a completely unique, singing excavator. to be happy while i am, alas, not ready, so let others be happy; to be happy for now, i am, alas. the music of the railway thundering nearby. in at the beginning of the two thousandth, oleg klevan completed the construction
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of the severomusk tunnel, the baikal-amur mainline assures - this is for life. bam is progress, bam is strength, i don’t know, this is some kind of freedom, this is nature, this is, well, i don’t know, this is the heart of the country, probably, let’s say this, although we had many achievements in the soviet union, but bam it. all the komsomol members tried to get here, they wanted to, over the red juices, if only 50 years ago. decided to build the baikal-amur highway, then it was now time to develop the south yakut coal basin would be impossible. the elga coal deposit is one of the largest in russia. premium quality coal with low sulfur and phosphorus content is mined here. it is this type of coal that most metallurgical plants in the world operate on, and it is
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this kind of coal that is now most in demand in southeast asia. the country has huge reserves of coal, but its production is 10 times less than that of china. the whole problem is that it is impossible to export all the coal. both bam and transip are overloaded, trains stand for hours waiting in line. russia does not produce even close to the volumes that china produces. but because there is no opportunity to develop the deposits.
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puts more and more every year, accordingly, it is necessary to develop the bam, while at the moment, well , they don’t have such opportunities, we are helping with our investments, how would the bam make its own additional branch in private hands , thereby increasing the carrying capacity, like this they are laying rails on the northern branch of the bama pacific railway, here already 300 km of track have been laid. a modern coal terminal, in fact it is a new russian port with several berths, it already accepts ships with equipment, an icebreaker recently arrived, with its help the port of lga
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will become year-round, about 80% of the ports have already been supplied there. structures, simultaneous work is being carried out on three berths, a fourth berth is being entered, at the moment another berth has been built to receive cargo, the railway is being built by two teams towards each other, both from the field and from the port itself, there are 200 km left, by the end of the year they should do break and start the first train, and this is the most ordinary church that... was used on the bama 80 years ago, to this day we use it, when we meet with another brigade on the other side, we will hammer this crutch together. the builders of the pacific railway came to yakutia from the kaliningrad region, from one side of russia to the other, to make these regions much
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closer. the weather here is very cold and unstable. constant frosts, what was the record? the record with me was -72, right here, right here, yes, it was 72, that’s you can just freeze tightly and not tear it off, well, we are all strong guys, russian guys, so we are professionals, we are all masters of our craft, we work, and we cope with nothing, but the equipment, the equipment will withstand, people understand, the russian people will withstand everywhere, the equipment will not can withstand, and the equipment can’t handle it, stops, doesn’t work, breaks, hoses break, well, that’s okay, sometimes we manage without equipment , diesel locomotives are already running along the laid track, delivering equipment, fuel, building materials, rails and sleepers, this is the storeroom of our homeland, here all
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periodic table, but it is very difficult for it, try yes... along the railway that is under construction, which is 530 km, there is not a single settlement, only taiga, rocks. permafrost is an incredible project, even by the standards of modern russia.
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while trains with coal are transported here by locomotives developed with the help of the americans, after the imposition of sanctions, components along with a diesel generator from general electric were no longer supplied to russia. but the bryansk machine-building plant has already begun producing a completely domestic locomotive 3t-28. well, it was designed specifically for bam, from the topography of bam itself, many curved serpentines, weather conditions of temperature differences, that is, from -40 to +50. in the summer, if it’s very hot, we turn on the air conditioning and drive in comfort, calmly, not worrying about anything... just like
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you’re driving in a car, just like at home, all that’s left are rugs , put everything in the microwave, please, everything you need is here for the new russian diesel locomotive, we also needed a new domestic diesel , but unfortunately the engines are so powerful... they are not serialized for locomotives in russia were produced, so the power plant at the kolomensky plant had to be developed in record time in just 2 years, but, as they say, the diesel engine turned out no worse than the american one. this generator can generate 3 mt for diesel locomotive traction motors. real import substitution, that's all. the components are made in russia, so this is our future, so to speak, this is our pride.
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transmashholding, the main manufacturer of russian railway equipment, managed to invest billions in reconstruction even before the sanctions and re-equipment of their factories. instead, so to speak, of american and western technologies, it is in no way inferior to them, and in many respects it is superior. 12 of the newest locomotives in the black and white leur of the elgotrans company will soon go to the pacific railway, and another 12 diesel locomotives in corporate colors. are already working on bama, this is only the first batch. our freight traffic has grown, bam
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is developing, a second track is being built, and the most modern diesel locomotives are being delivered here. for the twenty-fourth year, the russian railways company ordered the delivery of 30 3t28 locomotives to tynda north. according to the schedule, they will arrive and be put into operation for further transportation. while the coal mined at the ilginsky deposit is exported via the baikal-amur mainline, the railway line to the bamov station ulak was also built by the coal company; when they build a road to the sea of ​​okhotsk, coal production will be able to increase almost three times. we are at kilometer zero. you see the bend, this is where the pacific railway begins, this is the most ambitious project on a global scale over the past few decades, when a private shareholder, realizing
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that the development of the field requires carrying capacity, using his own non-borrowed funds, he decided on such construction from yakutia, pacific. the railway has already arrived in the khabarovsk territory. the head of the region examines the grandiose construction project from an airplane window and recalls that the project was actually drawn on a napkin during the st. petersburg economic forum, just 3 years ago. such precedents there has never been transport construction in the history of russia. and we get it already at the end of next year, at the beginning of twenty-fifth. road port with a total capacity of 50 million tons per year , for comparison, all the ports of vanin and the soviet
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harbor today are loaded from... of course, the builders of the pacific ocean road are still far from the komsomol volunteers of bam. in august 1984, the team from the domaine alexander bonder set a world record for the speed of laying railway tracks, almost 5.5 km per day. but the shock workers of capitalist labor are still great, are trying.
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the next project could be the development of the melkantsky railway deposit, it is here, literally a few hundred kilometers from the deposit to the port of elga, the next stage the company can begin its development, if this happens, then the largest mining and processing metallurgical plants will appear here, for now there are
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only... rotational workers settlements for 10,000 people, but there is already an airfield with a reinforced concrete landing strip, it is capable of receiving heavy transport vehicles and passenger superjets with boeings. previously here from yakutsk it took people 3 days to get there, and soon there will be direct flights from moscow, irkutsk and novosibirsk. 2 years ago there was just a swamp where equipment was drowning. in summer, in winter the main task was to scoop out this frozen swamp and replace the soil with a rock cushion. the thickness of the cushion on the permafrost is almost 6 m. 12 thousand concrete slabs were laid on top. laying was carried out with a deviation accuracy of plus or minus 3 mm tolerance.
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they plan to make the coal miners' settlement permanent over time: build a school, a kindergarten, a hospital, a bakery and a dairy have already been opened, they are pouring yoghurts and kefir for employees, they have even started making cheeses. after training in the gym, there are continuous benefits for the body in such a climate. so gradually the uninhabited areas of russia become quite suitable for life. like an old frigate across the seas, on the waves where even steel cables crack, i will find my happiness in flowers, and let others search for men’s highways in the stars.
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it's not just rails, rails are simple, that's the problem, so that people would be there, live, they served, they worked, there were good places, good salaries, social services, educational institutions so that people could stay there, this is the problem, how to attract people to these harsh places, the authorities of the regions through which the baikal-amur mainline passes are just scratching their heads , first of all, the resettlement must be completed. obamaites from the soviet union. 54 dilapidated housing were built, which were left as inheritance houses in which 6,800 families moved. currently, we have concluded contracts for houses, well, the terms of commissioning we plan to introduce these houses by september 1 of this year. in the bamov villages now in...


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