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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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it’s simple, the problem is for people to be there, to live, to serve, to work, to have good places, good salaries, social services, educational institutions, so that people can stay and live there, that’s the problem, how to attract people to these harsh places, the authorities of the regions through which the baikal-amur mainline passes are just scratching their heads. first of all, it is necessary to complete the resettlement of the bamovites from dilapidated housing, which was inherited from the soviet union. 54 houses were built, in which 6,800 families moved. in currently, we have concluded contracts for the cost of two detail houses, well , we plan to introduce the commissioning dates before september 1 of this year. in the bamov villages now. sports complexes and
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swimming pools are being built in full swing. our children see water only in a solid state, because for 11 months we have, so to speak, sub-zero temperatures, here, of course, all year round, in excellent conditions, they have been practicing various sports for several years. when the frost outside the windows is below 60°, this is especially valuable, let the young people go. chakdomyn, not far from the dusialinsky tunnel, has shrunk by half, a brick factory, a plant that produced non-alcoholic products, and a sausage shop have closed, and now they are planning to restore all of this, literally. in a month, construction
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of a new school for 800 places will begin, this is a necessity, because we understand that in the near future the village of chikdomyn will grow. recently, a project for the construction of new residential buildings was approved, and reconstruction of the airfield began. now the runway will be with hard surface and accept aircraft not only in winter. the lyceum and music school were renovated. bam is no longer a road to nowhere, bam is a highway to the future of russia.
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image of kamchatka. it turned out that the masterpiece of cartography with color engravings was created by a subject of louis. he personally taught the french king geography, and peter ii invited him to take up scientific work in russia. sofia sergieva will tell you more about the unique find. a modest blue binding on a card containing two words: atlas amsterdam. in the library of the moscow kremlin museum, for more than half a century without a name, author or due recognition, a collection of color engraved maps was kept. as it turned out, according to drawings by gayhem del-lille, the chief royal cartographer of france. an armchair scientist, he never traveled outside of europe, but he had the most accurate ideas about the world bit by bit. taking the reports of travelers, on this map, for example, kamchatka is depicted for the first time, before that it was not mapped, we see a ridge going to an unknown place, now we of course understand that we have the bering strait here, but guillem delhi
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decided not to dissemble, he didn’t knew what was there, he said that there is no information about where these lands go, perhaps they connect with america, del lisle taught louis geography. bore the title of his majesty's first cartographer. peter ii invited him to move to st. petersburg, build a cartography school and create an atlas of the future empire. peter ii gave him a russian map of the caspian sea and the countries bordering it. gyom delil made his own map based on this map, and in the cartouche of this map it is actually written that it was made. according to a map drawn on the direct orders of the tsar, that is, peter i. according to this map, which was found in the moscow museum kremlin, someone clearly studied great britain and ireland, carefully highlighting the major cities in ink. these maps, of course,
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cannot be called an accurate guide for travelers. for the most part, they gave the most general idea of ​​the territories. when there were empty spaces left, gyom delil filled them with quotes and various travel notes. for example, it’s written here. the plates were valued very highly, they actually constituted the main capital of that publishing house, that publishing house that produced these cards, time has imposed on the paper left its mark, creases appeared, the paper became frayed, but the restorers did a magnificent job, embroidered the atlas,
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cleaned it, and preserved the colorful layers on all its pages, thanks to which now each of them is like a separate graphic monument. sofya sergieva, news. visited the assault battalion of the volunteer brigade named after alexander nevsky, russian ministry of defense. people from a variety of civilian professions and nationalities serve in this close-knit military team. and it unites. there is only one thing: love for one’s homeland and readiness for fight her. special report by alexander sladkov. watch right after the commercial. meet new limited designs of sbercard and stickers. sign up for sberbank online on the website or in the app and enjoy them every day. it's just space. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards. you bring your debts to a standstill, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases
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alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, you get a super cash in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atms, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! number two! artyomovsk solidar is now the direction of the strike on the held watch, opening up opportunities for further developments.
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many will give form when they learn, the spirit of it turns out there are just an incredible number of them, comrade is standing there, a trade union worker, who is a railway worker, what a thug he is, he is such a trade union worker, but you can show up here, yes, of course, the trade union federation of the sverdlovsk region, a worker, well, an
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information specialist, in principle, to some extent, even your colleague. here, even experienced fighters actually attack enemy strongholds, and during breaks they improve like this. paratroopers storm, marines, now in every motorized rifle battalion it is mandatory a full-time assault company has been deployed, and it even has its own artillery. the nevsky brigade has assault battalions. weapons on safety, here i am. urgently and a contract for the special forces, as if the elite were considered, well, in fact, when i already got here, i realized that the elite are precisely these earth workers, yes, who were buried there, it is necessary, they came out, piled on or held, then well, this is the hardest, most terrible job of an infantryman,
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we live right at the command post, we eat, we sleep right there, but to show...
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footage of one of the last assaults captured the ukrainian alexander andreev, here he is with his hands raised, they provided assistance, fed him candy, some kind of surrealism, do you even understand what you are fighting for? i just went, took a weapon, i must say, we are fighting.
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how it all happens with them, of course, of course, i talked to prisoners, as a rule, the prisoners we come across are ordinary, ordinary workers who went to war because of what they have there, who have no money, yes, whoever 's family situation is so deplorable that they have nowhere else to go, that's it we had one prisoner here, he had such a rather fragile physique, but very powerful fingers and hands, i say, what is your job? he says, i was a builder all my life until i was 50 years old, then i volunteered to fight, and of course i was captured, because he is not a military man, they don’t restore the solidarity, they don’t clear the mines, it’s still dangerous here, pay attention, it’s the middle of the day, except there’s no one here, the streets are completely empty,
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it’s hard to walk, by the way, it’s very daring, the sky is like that, but we walk in the open. challenging the circumstances, somewhere nearby, already we speed up, we are not just walking, but moving closer to the brigade’s medical station, in the spacious basement doctor chaos and doctor tanga are bandaging the wounded, both lungs, here many refuse... this is also an order, that is, the soldiers are obliged to be treated, they cannot violate this order, here they are, no, i want to go back, they begin to hide the symptoms, that no, nothing
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hurts me, no, i’m fine, can i go back to my comrades who stayed there, this is my daughter, a hero, if there is a pub, eh? doctor tanga sergey from krasnodar, an excellent specialist who decided to change his life and go to war, his call sign is tango because sergei and his wife love to dance. you write poetry, sorry. this infirmary is called heroes of the basement. arrival, painful screams, brother, hold on, stretchers, bloody shreds. a life is saved in a cold basement, work is in full swing day and night, the road is broken, the loaf is flying, the goal itself is fatty, the instructor is seasoned, but the heart
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hurts, if only you could make it to the basement in time, it works out, the doctor should be a cynic, and you are a romantic, cynic, medical cynicism, aka what is it for, it’s a defensive reaction of the psyche, every time you die with your patient, there’s no mental health ...
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here, during work , some kind of projectile may arrive, and maybe there will be loud sounds of flashes, the light will go out, maybe 10 more wounded will be brought in, for example you need to switch to multitasking mode, and that is, of course , there are some peculiarities here.
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here, it even remains with him in civilian life for some time, so we introduced getting used to working in certain conditions , internal awards of the detachment, these are services to completed by a detachment, perfectly executed, i solemnly present you to someone who has distinguished himself on the front line, who has earned a badge for service as a volunteer, an internal award named after alexander nevsky, this is awarded to those doctors who have already proven themselves in their work, who have proven that they somehow
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get it brave, courageous, courageous, who are not afraid of any hardships, live in a fraction of civilization constantly with virtually no rotation, light from a generator, imported water, that is, despite all this, they do their work. shoot, fight, that is, doctors are also different, some doctors say that they are stormtrooper doctors, so not all doctors live in the rear and do bandages. they pumped me out, i thought,
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well, a fighter, there’s something wrong, well, show me who, they pumped out the cat, they had their own problems in the brigade, there are problems with mice, i remember it was, they caught dozens of everyone a day, there were 16 cats, we trained them, now where are they, they took everything to anapa, why is there a girl, here is the third one, these are two brothers, one sister, they told me that there is a very big rat, but here somewhere, i heard about a big rat.
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it’s bad to eat, it’s amazing, there’s a war going on, people she lived with them, but lately it’s started to get warm, there’s not enough bread, sometimes, kindness, compassion, the nevsky brigade evacuates cats. yes, soon he will be treated and live in a loving family, let’s hope that everything will be healed, that he will be cured, that’s the hope that everything will be fine, god willing.
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at the dnepr airfield, russian troops destroyed a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft. this footage was released today by the ministry of defense. in addition, the control center was hit, a radar for detecting air targets and a launcher for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system.


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