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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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i am very pleased to be here, people want law and order, the crime situation is terrible, stores are being robbed, we will fix the situation, send a lot of money to new york, while the city is in a terrible state, and the whole world is looking at it, how ridiculous it is the judge behaves towards me, because there is no crime in my case, crimes occur here once a week or even more often. we can say that this is trump’s new election strategy, or tactics... which he was forced to implement due to those difficult circumstances that arose around him, it will quite possibly bring him success, especially since there is a wide field here in new york for such spontaneous events, well, look, firstly, you can go down to the new york subway almost every day, where there is crime and where traces of the policies of prosecutor alvin breg, station in new york, are also visible.
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the subway is full, even if you go every evening, organize a rally, you can go to the migrant center, one of the largest in the united states, on randles island, under which playgrounds, football fields, now people from all over the world live there, you can talk about migration there, you can go to wall street to talk about the economy, that is, new york is such a model of america in miniature and according to the reaction of people who listened to trump in gurley. i can’t say that he causes irritation, such a personal observation, at the end i will share , imagine, for example, there 3-4 years ago, or in 2020, when there was a wave of blm, a man in a hat, in a make america great again cap , worn by trumpists, here in it was impossible in new york, but now such people are appearing, that is, even here in liberal new york, which, of course, will vote for the democrats again in november 2024.
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the attitude towards trump has changed a lot, this is also an important remark, every trial in which trump participates, he at least increases the rate of cash collections, when last year there was news about the opening of more and more new criminal cases against him, the amount of donations grew, most likely it will be the same here, so even in the case a guilty verdict that may shine on trump at the end of this... what we bring from travel savita cashback bonuses next trip avito trip everything will go as booked with cashback bonuses. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but
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or in a branch and receive special, favorable conditions. what do we bring back from savita’s travels, a little? sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. what are you doing, spring? st. petersburg and veliky novgorod were suddenly covered with snow. how long will winter return? other cities should worry, we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we’ll touch on. april decided to beat a record for the number of cataclysms, a mind-blowing wind in moscow, then in kurgan. what is the reason for the weather anomalies, and what to expect
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next? dubai also surprised me this week. the flood there became historic. can the extreme nature of the rain be explained solely by a natural fact? there is a stripe of northern lights over russia again, which means that the sun has awakened from sleep, when will magnetic storms hit the earth? you are watching the main weather program, i am vadim zavodchenkov, hello, the atmosphere this week was seething, cataclysms, and on any taste, floods, storms, snowfalls, and... weather anomalies were observed in almost every region of the country immediately after reviewing the flood situation, and then we will find out what other surprises to expect from the heavenly office. russian satellites are closely monitoring the spring floods in the country. the images from the kanapus-b spacecraft show the hydrological situation in the
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tyumen, orenburg and kurgan regions. these are the regions that have suffered the most from flooding in recent days. in the trans-urals, the water level in the tabol river as of friday exceeded 10. according to forecasts, the water will continue to rise, the level is expected to reach 11 m. rescuers are continuously on duty along the dam; in places of landslides and ground movements, bank protection work is being carried out using heavy equipment, barriers are also being erected from sandbags, and water-filling dams are being deployed. the ministry of emergency situations delivered additional motor pumps to the most flooded areas to pump out water. look how it’s hidden, you hear, this is water. that’s not good, something all came up there, in the tyumen region on ishim work continues to strengthen the dam and increase the height of the dam; in several settlements , emergencies ministry specialists are erecting temporary earthen embankments, they are assisted by volunteers, and the evacuation of residents from areas of potential flooding has been organized. the feeling that we are insignificant,
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small in front of such natural elements, only together we can do something at all, and of course we all believe in the best. one more point. tensions in the orenburg region, the situation here has stabilized, commissions are working in the region to assess the damage from flood, in orenburg itself they are pumping water from the entrances of houses, the water level in local rivers has noticeably dropped, but many areas are still flooded. at the end of the working week , residents of the central regions of european russia also had a hard time. a force nine storm hit moscow, the wind tore off roofs and the lining of creatures, and many were hit. trees, cars were damaged, gusts carried away garbage containers and road barriers, there was strong wind throughout the central region, for example, the following shots of chairs, well, to the northwest
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winter unexpectedly returned to the country, snowfalls fell on the novgorod and leningrad regions, in st. petersburg against the backdrop of worsening weather... many accidents occurred, in the tver region the m11 highway was covered with snow, due to snow charges, visibility in some places deteriorated to 700 m. . the current storm is a clash of heat and cold on the russian plain. air masses from the subtropical zone broke through to the east of the region. as a result, the end of the working week here turned out to be the hottest over the entire sesquicentennial period of meteorological observations. but the north and northwest frozen by arctic invasion. this time of year has never happened before in the entire era of global warming. such a powerful cold snap. built weather processes in a winter manner. imagine, at the end of the working week on the territory
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of european russia, snow cover remained only on the northern lines of petrozavodsk -saktefkar, and by saturday morning its border had moved south immediately by 800 km, right up to the upper reaches of the dnieper, and in some areas quite december snowdrifts with a height of 5 had formed -10 cm. however, gaining strength... the april sun will very soon put everything in its place. already at the weekend, the arctic air, which has captured the northwest and extreme west of the russian plain, will gradually warm up. and at the beginning of the new week , another cyclone will break into european russia, trapping air masses warmed by the gulf stream in its area. so only the northeast of the region will remain in the power of the arctic. true, due to the influence of cyclones. a rare day will pass without rain, for example, in moscow on the weekend there will be light showers +13-16, on
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monday the probability of precipitation is low, the thermometer will rise to +20, which is almost 9° warmer than usual, but then rain clouds will appear over the megalopolis again and the air will gradually cool down. the united arab emirates, and then drowned other gulf countries in the rains. the downpour in dubai turned out to be so anomalous that conspiracy theories even appeared around this event, trying to give at least some explanation of what happened: could a person... have a hand in this cataclysm, we will definitely figure it out, but first let’s see how the emirates left under
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water. the strongest storm in the last 3/4 century hit the united arab emirates on tuesday, april 16. the cataclysm led to the collapse of the largest air hub in the middle east, dubai international airport. the take-off and landing strips went under water, which is why the air harbor stopped receiving and sending planes until weather conditions improve. thousands of people, including russian citizens, gathered in the airport terminals waiting for departure. a similar situation has developed at other airports in the emirates. in total, during the storm in arabia about 300 of our compatriots are stuck on the peninsula. since yesterday lunch we have not been able to get to the airport, everything is in the water, cars are floating, services, deliveries, food, taxis, all this does not work at all. from 9:00 to 12:00 practically at night, then we were dropped off
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, and then with the force of tourists who raised the rubble at the airport. airports returned to normal operation only a few days later, and this is not surprising; the emirates do not remember such a battle with the elements: due to heavy rains in dubai, large highways and streets, traffic in the city came to a standstill, cars suffered water hammer and drivers simply abandoned them on the roads. give it some hint. in the country as such, i repeat once again, there is no storm sewer system, i think that in the future it is probably worth thinking about the urban planning and engineering complex, in order to provide, at least for such an emergency, a situation that will not allow bring to collapse. world champion in winter swimming, mark mordovtsev, who came to the emirates on vacation, really wanted to relax and swim, and didn’t missed this opportunity, even despite the flood. the athlete swam right on one of the flooded streets. a few days before the heavy rainfall, there were warnings in
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many news reports; the authorities warned that there would be heavy rainfall, so that local residents, if possible, would stay at home, not go out anywhere, close their windows, and follow all safety measures. heavy downpours with thunderstorms and gusty winds hit all seven emirates. neighboring qatar, aman and bahrain were also hit. abnormally a lot of rain fell in southeast iran. peninsula, precipitation here, of course, falls from time to time, but what would be the extreme nature of the last downpour sparked a discussion in the expert community, whether this anomaly was caused solely by natural factors, or whether man tried, because in the emirates they periodically cause rain artificially in order to replenish reserves
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groundwater. flight tracking data analyzed by associated press showed that one aircraft was associated. a uae cloud seeding aircraft flew across the country on sunday. meanwhile, ahmed habib, an official at the national center of meteorology, told bloomberg that several cloud seeding missions were flown in the days leading up to the unprecedented rains. a powerful cumulonimbus cloud up to 15 km high, with a probability of 95-97%, can dump up to 50 mm of rain. in the affected dubai, there was three times more precipitation, but the creature. technology that can significantly increase the intensity of showers: when clouds of reagents, for example, particles of silver iodide, are introduced into the array, they begin to quickly water vapor condenses, that is , there are more droplets in the cloud, gradually merging, they increase in size and fall to the ground with heavier rains.
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the last thunderstorm will certainly go down in history not only of the arab emirates, but also... of all planets, such downpours are rare even in the humid regions of the equatorial belt, not to mention in arid arabia, in just one day all kinds of precipitation records were updated here, for example, in dubai , the previous extreme daily precipitation amount in april was exceeded by almost nine times, and the maximum for the entire year more than doubled. experts are confident that the main cause of the cataclysm was not attempts by you...
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colder air masses from transcaucasia began to break through the region, as a result , temperature contrasts in the front zone increased to 12-15°. this activated cloud formation processes. individual masses of cumulonimbus clouds even made their way into the stratosphere. by tuesday, the vortex had reached the coast of the persian gulf, where it was additionally saturated with moisture, so that the rains in its area intensified even more. now the atmosphere has calmed down, but it is not a fact that this will not happen again, so urban planners in dubai should not delay the issue of storm drainage. independent energy problems are turning into a headache for the entire european union,
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where, by the way, not everything is going smoothly with energy either. the ukrainian minister of energy, golushchenko admitted. the state of affairs is catastrophic. this week, the kiev regime urgently imported electricity from poland and romania, while a powerful cold snap arrived. the topic will be continued by my colleague evgeniy tishkavets. evgeniy, how much has the volume of generation in ukraine decreased? vadim, ukrainian generation lost about 7 gigawatts of power, which is more than a third of the total volume. the figures were announced by the minister of energy. hermann goluschenko, when he came to brussels to meet with his european colleagues, complained that several high-voltage autotransformers were destroyed, regional energy production in kharkov was almost completely destroyed, but on the other hand, due to the mass departure of citizens , enterprises stopped working after february 2022, daily
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electricity consumption in the country fell from 415 megawatts to 250. plus, three nuclear power plants are still operating in ukraine, but nuclear power plants have one significant drawback: they must always operate at the same level, so they are not suitable for balancing systems during peak loads, that nuclear power plants are not shunters, they are not adapted to cover peaks, and until recently , peak coverage was carried out by thermal power plants or hydroelectric power stations. today, the main hydroelectric power stations in ukraine out of order. they cannot cover the peaks , those resources that remained in terms of thermal generation, yes, they are available, but they are not enough to cover the peaks, consumption peaks were covered by hydroelectric power stations, primarily dneprags, as well as by the trypillian power station and other tez , which balanced the system, is now impossible to do this, after the russian
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strikes they were disabled, which is why the kiev regime is introducing strict energy savings and power outage schedules in order to smooth out peak loads. besides is trying to urgently purchase electricity from poland and romania, as, for example, it happened on monday evening, also for the sake of transmission. and it’s easier to just leave even the population without lights. surprisingly, despite the fact that green technologies have already shown their unreliability many times in europe, square persistently introduces them on its territory. according to estimates
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at the beginning of the twenty-second year, the kiev regime has set up 4 gigawatts of solar panel wind turbines, and the head of ukrenergo, the oily western public opinion, assures that ukraine will be the first in europe to make a green transition. they say the russians don’t hit windmills, so you can... bet on them, but the fact is that you don’t need to hit them, they will stop on their own, the renewable energy itself must be reserved for it, balancing capacities must be built, and what will happen if it does calm weather and sunny weather, your electricity generation will immediately drop; in this case, as a rule, gas power plants are built, which will turn on and off in case necessity, renewable energy is not a panacea, this is such a sad picture for 30 years. robots, platforms for evacuation
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of the wounded, multifunctional sleeping modules, portable automation systems for artillery fire control, this week in patriot park, sergei shaigu was presented with more than thirty promising military developments. tatyana belova will tell you more about them. tanya, when might new equipment appear at the front? vadim, in the near future, especially since many samples have already passed tests in our own zone and are ready for launch into serial production. this week , russian defense minister sergei shaigu visited the exhibition center in patriot park. there he was presented with more than thirty samples of military and special equipment from eighteen enterprises. the robot attracted particular attention from the head of the military department. technical medical module, its main task is the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield. sergei shaigu noted that the ground medical robot is a very promising development, and most importantly, extremely
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in demand at the forefront. they're waiting for the car it's absolutely incredible how... this machine itself should go to the group in the coming days and start working. yes. there is nothing more valuable than human life. so, based on this, we need such a machine. as quickly as possible, yes, as quickly as possible and as much as possible, yeah, and as cheaply as possible, today we need to ensure the evacuation of the wounded from the front line, do it as safely as possible, as quickly as possible, the attitude towards the wounded in the russian army is fundamentally different from the approach which is common in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, for example, creepy footage proving that the kiev regime perceives its military personnel as expendable material, after an unsuccessful offensive in the zaporozhye direction... the ukranazis, instead of saving their wounded comrade, finished him off and burned him. another graphic episode: a wounded ukrainian soldier abandoned on the battlefield, in order
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to save his life, tried to crawl to russian positions with broken legs. our soldiers threw pain-relieving chocolate bars into the water for him, but 50 meters from rescuing him, his brothers-in-arms finished him off from a drone. but let’s return to russia’s latest military developments. here's another one robot, multi-purpose, is being released. on wheels and tracks, it can be used not only for evacuating the wounded, but also install weapons on it, so it turns into a combat unit, the closer we get, not only in the air, this is assistance using drones, but on the ground to enemy strongholds , defense lines, fortified areas, and so on and so forth, the better it will be. the main thing is that there will be no casualties among personnel. the army was also informed about the development of a promising wearable system
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control automation. together with our colleagues from the ras space research institute. the sun quickly restores energy and becomes covered in spots. the increase in solar activity has reached a level where it has become noticeable on earth. on the night from tuesday to wednesday , the first magnetic storm in april was registered. its duration was about 4.5 hours.
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magnetosphere disturbances caused a series. auroras in high latitudes, bright flashes appeared in the sky over surgut, khantemansiysk and yakutsk, as well as in kareli. weak northern the aurora was recorded over chelyabinsk, perm and yekaterinburg, then the geomagnetic situation stabilized. after such activity in march, he needed some rest. however, even back when this was just starting, we said that it would last no more than two weeks, and that’s roughly what happened. starting from april 13-14, we began to record rather sharp changes in the sun, which are currently continuing. huge centers of activity are located on the surface of the star, and right now there is an area of ​​a group of sunspots almost the size of a quarter of the sun. in such a situation, even without complex model calculations, we can say with confidence that there will be a geomagnetic strike
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on our planet. ensured, therefore the forecast for magnetic storms for the coming week is unfavorable, the main disturbances of the magnetosphere are expected from monday to wednesday, energy continues to accumulate in the spots, it is possible that soon we will witness new x-class flares. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it may be, goodbye! democracy, glasnost, in general, in a word , perestroika, these guests came in, came out and said in between themselves, what the hell are you telling us, that everyone is equal, the speed with which this reorganization took place showed that soviet society, in principle, it was a capitalist society, democracy - it was a revelation that this is freedom, this is liberalism, i remember.
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doesn’t understand, stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i’m a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, adam i, why adam, and not adam, a chechen, i, an artist, a white rose, can you, i can, will you sing somehow, whether i’m shave, whether i’m alive, we don’t need names,
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it’s not a trifle, or what, not yours, well, you’re a daisy, little light god, homer to the machine gun, what to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger, i suggest changing it to rebin’s call sign, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right.


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