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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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there were no difficulties in getting children into kindergarten and school, and there are quite enough clubs in the city, well, somehow it worked out quickly here, we arrived in june, stayed at home for a month, we have a kindergarten right next to our house, we went there to find out, are there any places, no, the good head teacher immediately asked if we could get a job at the school, no, i say, not yet, so she called, there was someone she knew at the gymnasium, she called and agreed that they would take us there, that is, it’s like everything is quick. happened, and how did the children adapt to kindergarten? to school, respectively, how your classmates greeted you, the teachers probably asked where you are from, siberia, well, everyone seemed to be surprised at first, what are you doing here, but now it’s normal, many people have moved, we have a child at school they travel from neighboring cities, someone moved from moscow, lyubov’s mother, irina sergeevna, who now... and herself lives in yanakieva, was strongly against the move of her grandchildren’s daughter to donbass.
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we will tell her story a little later. will their family remain living in donbass after the victory, or with they haven’t decided for sure yet, but are still inclined to stay. do people call her a decembrist? well, yes, they name it, and they write comments, well, somewhere we also gave interviews, and, of course, the decembrists write that they moved here, is that nice? well, yes, probably yes, not everyone understands the meaning, of course. this move with children, a lot of negative comments, a lot of even people who personally, well, with whom they personally knew, said why, you can live there and wait, in august a new addition is expected to tolya and lyuba’s family, the child is already they chose the name artyom and, of course, lyuba is very worried when her husband is on combat missions, and tolya is on the way out on a combat mission, well, probably the first time there you were so...
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shaken when you knew that he was on a combat mission, like now? well, now you still worry, of course, there are worries, but at least i know that if there is an opportunity, he will call, and i will ask, of course, how he is doing, if i had stayed at home, it would have been more difficult, because there was we have a time difference, that is, i was already asleep, it was only evening for them, so it’s not clear who is where is located, if he is somewhere in positions, then naturally, i cannot reach him by phone, here i at least know, if anything happens, who to call, where to look for him, with what words do you generally leave for a combat mission, it is clear that this is in some way degree routine, but nevertheless, these are women, wives, who are always worried, always worried, and that’s just it, i went to work, let me come soon, while we’re leaving, that is , now it’s everyday life, well, you can say,
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now that there are a large number of enemy drones at the front, fighters can go out at the position only when it starts to get dark, roughly speaking, we prepare a route for ourselves, spend some time observing certain forest areas there, certain enemy positions in the light, and then with the onset of darkness we begin to advance, because... during the day this is very fraught, it works mouth, birds of all kinds fly, and at night, only with infrared radiation they fly, but i think he can tell you more about this than i can, because he is friends with this, in the same unit with the gypsy, and often in in one group, performing tasks as a fighter with the call sign black, i work to suppress incoming uavs so that my partner can do
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his job efficiently and so that no one sets us on fire from the other side with self-checks and i cover him, it so happens that zhenya’s wife and children also moved to him from siberia to donbass. we actually met her through the internet, when i decided to go there, it just all happened by itself, let’s say, it was decided. it turned out that the risk was not in vain, that it turned out to be a woman who decided to go with me to the end, despite all the various risk factors that we currently have here. ksenia moved to yenakieva in 2020. at that time, the ssu did not shell dpr cities as often as it does now, but there were still shellings. my husband kseniy is from donbass, he fought in the militia from 1914 to 1916, i lived there. i met my husband all the time, and we
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met him on the internet, at first we corresponded for a long time, then we called on skype, and then in may of the sixteenth year it just happened, i proposed to him, so that he... would come, well, he didn’t refuse, he came and lived there with us until ’20, in august ’20 we moved here. the family lived in sharypov for 4 years; in siberia , zhenya worked as an industrial climber, made good money, but he was drawn to his native donbass. naturally, everyone dissuaded her, they said where you were going to go, there is a war going on there, even if it was sluggish in the current format at that time, everyone, in particular her mother, really dissuaded her, but... she still decided to go with me, trusted me, that's it so we ended up here, why did i want to return, because this is my home, every day, as i lived in sharypovo in krasnoyarsk, every day i thought about what and how was happening at home,
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here, my mother stayed, but i could not, in principle, to come, not to return, because she had no one left except me. zhenya tried to persuade his wife to move for several months; for obvious reasons, at first ksenia didn’t want to move to the war zone, but how long did it take for her husband to persuade her to come here? well, yes, probably about four months, i tried to persuade us to go, but you didn’t wanted, accordingly, no, we didn’t want, well , like us, we lived all our lives where we didn’t hear, never heard shots, that ’s it, well, we didn’t hear anything, to go to where we... understood perfectly well, therefore more kids, i have three boys, these are my children from my first marriage, well, especially kids, they also never grew up where there was nothing like this, they are not brought up as well as local children here, but still, that’s all they equally agreed, and the children agreed, and of course,
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ksenia’s relatives tried to dissuade her, especially her mother, after all, moving with four children to a region where in the twentieth year it was, to put it mildly, turbulent, this is a very difficult decision, it was difficult, she... all i, that this is ukraine, there is no need to go to ukraine, i said, mom , this is no longer ukraine, no, and they shoot there, well, it was hard, my mother and i generally spent a long time, a very long time, and we fought, quarreled, and everything that happened, well, anyway, then she accepted it normally, she comes to visit us guests, the first time in yanakievo took people from quiet siberian town, it ’s really not easy to get used to, but... have you ever been to the donbass for a period no, no, tell me when you moved to your first communication, probably, probably, it’s still different from siberia, very different, well firstly, we were driving along the road, we passed by ilovaisk, omrosevka, then, well, we were absolutely broken, absolutely, and
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it was scary, the further we drove here, the more it was somehow, well, everything was more terrible, well, husband reassured me that in yenak in this, well, everything is not like that, here and as such in fourteenth.
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these were shelling of the city, several times they arrived not far from the house where ksenia’s family lives, she flew into this gas station, it was such a crazy explosion, all our windows were shaking, everything, everything, everything, well... it was generally very scary , and then there, too, not far from us , there is also an abz metal depot, there were also flights there, it was also right there, well, somewhere , also about 500 meters from our house like that, if you panic yourself, then they start to panic, you’re sitting you seem to be scared, but you tell the children everything is fine, calm down, everything is fine, it’s somewhere there, it’s not with us, that’s it, my son is 13 years old and he’s already like yes, it flew somewhere, it’s somewhere on the neck, it’s...
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what do they say let the rear city, but shelling still takes place from the ukrainian side in the rear cities, so it was scary, it even happened that... volgodsk sent her to her mother-in-law, to her mother, but she was there for a month at most, and then returned. at the time of the start of the svo, zhenya worked at the yanakievsky metallurgical plant, when the family left the city for a short time, he came to the military registration and enlistment office and signed the contract while we were away, he quietly signed the contract, because we had conversations before, i didn’t agree, and while we were away, he quietly signed the contract, went through a medical examination, signed the contract, we arrived, he said everything was fine me... the contract is signed, i'm leaving. now, again, for obvious reasons, evgenia does not often see
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her family, only during furloughs. ksenia has long settled into yanakievo and feels at home here. i like it here, when we arrived, the first week, somehow it was hard, then i drove around the city like this, looked somewhere, it’s a small, cozy city, so to speak, even if, of course, they are not particularly well-groomed, there isn’t anything special here, like in krasnoyarsk we have . that we were going and that i was going to go, i went for him anyway, i couldn’t go anywhere without
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him, i never once regretted my choice, that i have him, no matter how i can’t imagine that already somewhere we are far from each other, and despite the fact that ksenia is already accustomed to her husband’s everyday life in combat, the moment when zhenya leaves the dismissal for a position, it’s always very difficult, well, in principle, it’s impossible to get used to this, because each time it can turn out to be the last, or... let’s say, not the last, but the last, so here every time we turn around like the last time , you can say so, but i always tell her that i will return with a smile on my face, as we said above, of course, family and friends dissuaded our heroines from moving, lyubov podkholuzina’s mother was also strongly against it, but it turned out that she is a few months after her daughter moved from kusbaso to... lyub, you tell your mom, mom, i’m moving to the dpr, her
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reaction, she’s in shock, well, we argued about it, we moved, i even rarely called her, because well, listen again about coming back when we just arrived here, then somehow you’ll take a photo of something beautiful there, then send it to her, oh, how cool, in september... i called, how can i get to you? they were just planning to buy a house in the krasnodar region, that is, they went there for reconnaissance, but i knew that they are there, and they are calling how to get to you? i say, well, i don’t know, somehow this is probably done in advance, bus carriers, so in the morning she called, and in the evening she came to us, when she decided to stay herself, probably a couple of days later, when she looked here, everything was home . i was just on leave that day, i had to leave for combat in the evening, i went in the afternoon, met them,
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arrived, got ready to leave for combat, about a week later i got in touch, called my, well, wife, says mom stayed here if i were to buy a house here, i was surprised, i’m just telling the boys, guys, i’m not going on leave, my mother-in-law is staying here, everyone laughed at me. well, here’s our purchase, again my husband came, he saw, my husband was the initiator, yes, well , of course, he came, he saw, and i win, they just let him go for a few days in january, they showed us that the house was for sale here, well, we they came and looked, he’s irish, that’s it, i like him, irish, i’m right, that’s all, let’s take him, well, we took him in the house. which lyubov’s mother irina sergeevna bought, fits perfectly renovation, while she lives in a rented house nearby,
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but is about to move, so here is our kitchen, renovation is in progress, yes, renovation is in full swing, the little cat is already lying there, well, yes, i ordered a kitchen, but something else, not yet no, i’ve been here for a long time, there’s still a lot of work, yes, there’s still a lot of work, still... not even counting the little things, what i leave for later, as if i’m doing something more basic, well, there’s still a lot, there’s also a whole room, which they didn’t go into, they had just installed a window, from the daughter’s persuasion not to move until the moment when irina and her husband settled in donbass, only 3 months passed, everything turned out spontaneously, we came to visit lyuba and decided to stay, irina has five children, all adults, everyone has their own life, only fourteen-year-old matvey lives with his mother. the news that the family
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was moving from kuzbass to yanakiev, of course, greatly surprised him. matvey, first question, how did your parents tell you that you were moving? were you surprised? well, at first i was surprised, yes, but i didn’t understand that what i was thinking was that the two of them went on vacation, that’s all, but they liked something so much, trouble with there is a lot of new house, now all the renovations are on irina, my husband is already here in donbass, he signed a contract and went to the front. in fact, konstantin, that’s the name of irina’s husband, already took part in the svo, in the fall. on the twenty -second he was mobilized, but after some time he returned home for health reasons, already here irina realized that her husband was going to return to duty, he began to somehow be so dark at first, but that’s something, but wait, what do you want, what do you say, yes, i’ll go, probably, where will you go, you ’re crazy, there’s no need to go anywhere, that’s what
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then that’s it, well, let’s go to the military registration and enlistment office, i say, well, i won’t take you, but then if you’re so strong... the thing that fundamentally differs between kusbasy and donbass is, of course, the climate. spring in donbass turned out to be very warm, since the beginning of april it has been +20 here, everything is blooming outside. here is the middle daughter, who is now studying in kazan, she came here, it turns out, in january for a few days. well, how would she like it, in
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general, now i’m uploading a video, how warm it is, and how... in her native capes, irina also lived in a private sector with a large vegetable garden, about the same the size of the plot, now in the donbass. at home in siberia, irina still kept cows and a bull, but there are no such plans in the new place yet. you have to help with housework more than in siberia. or or also, well, it seems to me that in siberia it was more due to the fact that the animals were at home all the time, it’s mom there, i’m walking, mom calls me, it’s like drive the cows home, there that’s all i did and the boys and i went, we just went for a walk,
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they drove it, but here, well, here it’s easy , it’s like work for me... following anyone, her mother, her grandmother, lyubov petrovna, also came to donbass, who helps irina with renovations, with the garden, well, here, when they were already planning to take this house, i kind of hinted at something to her, i say, so so, it’s home, it’s her, you need to come, you need help, that’s it, she’s here, she’s helping, well , she’s helping, really, you can’t say anything here, the help is invaluable, she’s gone. granddaughter, my daughter left for my granddaughter, i went to pick them up to help with the renovations, they bought a house there, i had to help, well, i came, tell me, here you are you’ll find out that granddaughter lyuba is moving to donbass, you know what’s going on there, that i’m going there , i was worried, i was against it, i think, like where, even with the children, they dissuaded me, well, yes, well, our
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love is useless to say it, if she’s something... then she thought it up, then that’s all, petrovna doesn’t know yet, but so far she likes it here, at 72 years old, is it easy to move like this, but nothing, for now, nothing yet, not enough to reach 28, she still seems to be young. we thought about everything for a long time, but somehow i don’t, i don’t think about it for a long time, it’s necessary, that means, we need to help, that means help, there is something that surprised me here, in any case
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, the climate, so warm, good, in comparison, everything grows, fruits, people are good, kind, fortunately there were no flights near the house where irina and lyubov petrovna live, to the sounds of explosions , somewhere in the distance and the noise from the work of our aviation about ... the country, it may seem that the families of the heroines of our material live an ordinary peaceful life, as they would live at home in siberia, but this is not entirely true: most of the time their husbands
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perform combat tasks and home are not often at all, but inakieva from time to time the ukrainian armed forces are shelling, but despite all the risks, lyuba, ksenia and irina want to be as close to their loved ones as possible. meet the new limited designs of sbercards and stickers, apply for them on the website or in the sberbank online application, enjoy them every day, it’s just space, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we are at sovcombank. we take out loans, but we get them quickly? we are at sofcom bank, loans that everyone knows, buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing
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russian troops destroyed a ukrainian mig-29 aircraft. this footage was distributed today by the ministry of defense; in addition, the control center for detecting air targets and the launcher of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system were hit. the military department reported other successes of our soldiers. a unit of the southern group of troops completely liberated the settlement of bogdanovka of the donetsk people's republic and inflicted fire defeat on manpower and ukrainian armed forces equipment in the area of
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​​krasnogorovka. donetsk people's republic. in addition, two counterattacks were repelled in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar, west of the village of krasnaya. the enemy lost up to 440 military personnel, three vehicles and a combat vehicle of the asa akm anti-aircraft missile system. the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of next week and among the cargo will be otax ballistic missiles. this was stated by the us senate intelligence committee. it is there to the upper house of congress. in the ukraine aid package will be voted on tuesday after it is approved by the house of representatives. what will the next tranche of 61 billion dollars into the bottomless barrel of kiev lead to, the kremlin commented. according to the press secretary of the russian president , dmitry peskov, the decision of congress will further enrich washington. for ukraine, it brings ruin to the increase in the number of dead ukrainians,” peskov emphasized.


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