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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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in the area of ​​krasnogorovka, donetsk people's republic. in addition, two counterattacks were repelled in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar, west of the village of krasnaya. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, three vehicles and a combat vehicle of the asa akm anti-aircraft missile system. the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of next week, and atakms ballistic missiles will be among the goods. this was stated by the us senate intelligence committee. right there at the top the ukraine aid package will be voted on by the house of representatives on tuesday after it is approved by the house of representatives. what will the next tranche of 61 billion dollars into the bottomless barrel of kiev lead to, the kremlin commented. according to the press secretary of the russian president, dmitry peskov, the decision of the congress will further enrich washington. for ukraine, it brings ruin to the increase in the number of dead ukrainians,” peskov emphasized. i found out what is behind the ostentatious generosity of congressmen. ekaterina shamaeva. feverish
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attempts to save zelensky’s neo-nazi regime are doomed to failure. this is how the us congress allocated money to ukraine, the russian foreign ministry commented. on smolensk square it was noted that washington’s actions as the actual party to the conflict will receive a decisive rebuff, and the states expect a fiasco, as in their time in vietnam and afghanistan. it is characteristic that in these internal squabbles the white house is no longer relying on the mythical victory of the controlled kiev regime, but on... so that the armed forces of ukraine will hold out at least until the november vote, without spoiling biden’s image. actually, for the sake of this, the persecution of zelensky and his entourage is being extended, while ordinary ukrainians are being forcibly driven to slaughter like cannon fodder. the republicans are interested in lobbying in favor of the american military-industrial complex, which will receive the lion's share of allocations for ukraine. the fact that a significant part of the allocated funds will remain in the united states was noted by deputy chairman of the federation council konstantin kosachev. he also drew attention to the beneficiary.
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the state in which she is now in which she has driven herself, this is where i i think trump will build his election campaign accusing both congress and the current president of wasting taxpayers' money. such statements are already being made by trump's party members. most house republicans voted against approving the new tranche.
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this is not about taxpayers' hard-earned money, we have already spent it, it is borrowed money. most americans think we need to secure our border first before sending billions dollars to other countries, plundering the future of our children, and all this money will burn in the furnace of the geopolitical battle against russia, emphasized the head of the state duma committee on international affairs leonid slutsky. washington brussels has already pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into today's neo-nazi ukraine, so what about the contras. to choke, it is increasingly obvious that zelensky and his junta are doomed to defeat, military, political and historical, by and large, and not american dollars, not worth the westerners to the russian assets they are doing it, it won’t help. our victory is inevitable. western media note that new military supplies are unlikely to change ukraine’s position on the battlefield. as the wall street journal writes, the mtr is experiencing an acute shortage of not only shells, but also manpower, and if
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the states intend to fill the deficit of the first, then the second is the task of kiev itself. i think that the administration was waiting for the end of the adoption of the law on mobilization, because they understood that if this law was not finally adopted, new potential victims of ukrainians would not go to the front, there was probably no point in providing weapons, so they waited as soon as the law was adopted, you know, their movement began suddenly. to accept this help. the course of war is being imposed by the deep state, says the leader of the french patriot party and florian philippot. he is convinced that the decision of congress only serves the interests of financial predators. the slovak authorities speak in the same vein. we reject the us war against russia and yes, after what congress has done, no one can doubt that the us has declared war on russia. the united states has lost the moral battle , they are losing a historic match.
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the great war is closer than ever, and if europe continues to bet on the american pug, we cannot avoid it. budapest agrees with this, according to the minister. local police eyewitnesses are watching the movement of the silhouette with a smile, the ukrainian is running to save his life, there are dozens of them, judging by
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the cars abandoned along the border, the especially enterprising ones have already figured out how to do business with draft dodgers. opel cadet and nine, both for... dollars mazda 323 1.0 dollars, who needs this car, details, i will send you a personal message. ukraine has fled, there is just over a week left before the law on mobilization takes effect, military commissars also want to make money, they often help the hilyants, in the footage a man in camouflage accompanies four men to the border with hungary, those who do not pay have to fight back, they come to help women. such opposition squads spontaneously form on the streets of ukraine as soon as the lure catchers from the territorial recruitment centers go to work. ukrainian military commissars
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are ready to open fire, a pistol, an argument more weighty than a subpoena, but the ukrainians who are subject to mobilization, it seems, will be... the presence of such a condition was confirmed to the tas agency by a diplomatic source in brussels. the adoption of a new strict mobilization law in ukraine was a condition for new supplies
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of weapons from nato countries. supplies of weapons are advisable only if there is a significant number of trained military personnel who can use these weapons in defensive or offensive operations and with timely replenishment for which an active recruitment of new soldiers is necessary, those who resist will have their lives made more difficult, for example, their ability to use public services will be limited, the minister of justice of ukraine stated. and at the same time the ministries are imposing, various ministries are now working on amendments to the cabinet of ministers resolutions that will change the provision of certain administrative and public services without providing a military registration document, that is, the state will try to make sure that the law is the same for everyone, so that everyone did it.
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for example, they invited him with a summons, although he died last year, so he also risks receiving a vimoga, a new document for the fight against draft evaders, a requirement for the police to deliver a hustler, it is hoped that the matter will not come to excavations at the cemetery. egor grigoriev, evgenia zemtsova, irina zaborskaya, news. the moldovan opposition has formed a bloc to restore relations with russia and the cis countries. this decision was made based on the results of the form of opposition parties in moscow.
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ideals. our people, i apologize, want go to church, and not to gay pride parades, not to anything else, we have people, we have values ​​and respect for our past, they are trying to eradicate all this, we must stand up for ourselves and we must win our right to our good future. parties have come together to create a unified force that can oppose the referendum on joining the eu, and also nominate a candidate in the presidential elections in moldova this year. as noted by evgenia guzzul, appointed executive secretary.
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for officials in brussels and strasbourg, you are not french, not austrian, not pole, german, and you are first and foremost a european, centralized europe leads. the fight against gender differences, gay marriage has been legalized in the vast majority of eu countries. for those countries where gay marriage is not officially recognized, the european authorities are twisting their arms through the courts. according to the opposition, joining the european union threatens moldova with the loss of food sovereignty. the reason is the eu’s imposition of its goods, the lack of healthy competition and the provision of niches to goods from ukraine due to.
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in the united states, as vasily balya noted, 46% of europeans today are dissatisfied with the standard of living, almost 60% are disappointed with the actions of the authorities, while the countries of the eurasian economic union, despite sanctions, show steady growth in gdp, which means the course for moldova should lie to the east. good for our citizens, in this hall today gathered exactly those people who understand
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how important it is for the entire moldovan opposition to unite, yes, against the enemy, against poverty, against the problems that the european union and the leadership in person of mandu ipas, and we are very glad that it is here, in moscow, on the territory of the russian federation. nobody closes our mouth and we can express our opinion. moldova must decide on its course this fall. on october 20, the country will simultaneously hold both presidential elections and a referendum on joining the eu. anna voronina, dmitry shestukhin, dmitry belous, news. next, let’s summarize the work of the russian government over the past week.
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seven mobilized citizens will receive additional support measures. those who living in apartments where it is impossible to use individual meters, they will not pay for water and gas services for their absent relatives. to receive such a benefit, relatives of the mobilized must submit to the management company a document from the military registration and enlistment office confirming. the government will be provided free of charge to the land boundaries and has expanded the social gasification program to gardening partnerships. gas networks of vsnt citizens' plots located within the boundaries of gasified settlements. an application for connection can be submitted either by the owner of the household or by the chairman of the snt. the government has expanded the list of vitally important ones. and drugs for the treatment of high-cost pathologies for free medical care. it includes
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three combination drugs that are used to treat patients with various viral and bacterial infections and infectious and inflammatory diseases. the list also includes two new medications needed by patients with multiple sclerosis. these medications have also been added to the list drugs for the treatment of patients with complex and rare diseases within the framework of the fourteenth program. high-cost nasologies. mikhail mishustin met with prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko in moscow. russia and belarus have achieved. unprecedented level of cooperation in the field of high technology. countries jointly engage in space research and implement their results into the economy. despite increased sanctions, integration in the union state is progressively strengthening. mutual trade turnover reached 4.2 russian rubles transit transportation of belarusian
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goods using russian infrastructure has more than doubled, to 20 million tons. based on the results of negotiations. the heads of government signed an agreement on the mutual recognition of electronic digital signatures in cross-border electronic interaction. now belarusian and russian entrepreneurs will be able to participate in government procurement procedures without restrictions and perform other legally significant actions in the common markets of the union state. another important achievement is the agreement on joint production of the light multi-purpose aircraft osvey. these are solutions. has systemic importance for deepening integration in the union state, i believe that this is exactly what the citizens of both russia and belarus expect from us.
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now the direction of attack on chasov yar, which is held by the ukrainian armed forces, opportunities are opening up for the further liberation of donbass, the front here is actively breathing, there is intense traffic at night. because during the day there is no better time, the enemy today lacks forces, there are not enough people, please come here, gentlemen, we have infantry, landing forces, the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense, a lot of people fighting in this direction, i usually take off my clothes here, and then we will now decide who will be where, this is a volunteer brigade named after alexander nevsky, well, half of the detachment definitely didn’t serve in the army at all.
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an employee, well, an information specialist , in principle, to some extent even your colleague, they swooped in, faster, here even experienced fighters actually attack strong points enemy, during breaks they improve like this, paratroopers storm, marines, now in every motorized rifle battalion a full-time assault company is necessarily deployed, it even has its own artillery. nevsky brigade assault battalions. keep your weapon on safety. i served on an urgent basis and contracted with the special forces. no matter how the elite is considered. well, in fact, when
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i got here, i realized that the elite are precisely these earth workers, yes, who are buried there, they must come out, pile up or hold on. that is, this is the most the infantryman has the hardest, most terrible work. “we live right at the command post, we eat, we sleep right there, but it’s impossible to show it as it is, there are all secret electronics all around, now is the time of high technology, drones, drones, when a group goes in for an assault, and three or four cheap cars fly up there and they unwound it on the way or..."
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to work out, yes, footage of one of the last ones somewhere, some small task there , the assaults captured the ukrainian alexander andreev, here he is with his hands raised, rendered help, fed with candy, some kind of surrealism, in general there is an understanding of what you are fighting for, but no, i don’t think about that. i thought, i just went, took a weapon, yes, i must say, we are fighting because of the fear of going to prison, we are in position, we refuse
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to go, the company says either to the position, or in the season, what are the moods in the unit, bad moods, the boys are running, that is, they are not afraid to go to prison or... i talked to prisoners about how it all happens there, it’s so deplorable there that they have nowhere else to go, we had one prisoner here, he had such a rather fragile body, build, but very powerful fingers, hands, i say, what did you work for, he says, i was a builder all my life until i was 50 years old, then i volunteered to fight, and of course i was captured, because he is not a military man . solidarity is not being restored, they are not clearing mines, it’s still dangerous here, somewhere nearby already. we speed up, we are not
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just walking, but moving closer to the brigade’s medical station, in the spacious basement, doctor house and doctor tanga are bandaging the wounded, both lungs, here many refuse to be evacuated to the hospital, they want to go back to the team, we understand that the symptoms are starting to show back, that no, nothing hurts me, no, i’m fine, can i go back to my comrades who...


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