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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today: at the dnepr airfield , russian troops destroyed the ukrainian mig-29 aircraft. the footage you see now was distributed by the ministry of defense today. in addition, the control center for the air target detection locator and the launcher of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system were hit. the military department reported other successes of our soldiers. division of a group of troops.
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this was stated by the head of the us senate intelligence committee. right there, at the top the ukraine aid package will be voted on by the house of representatives on tuesday, following its approval in the house of representatives. what will the next tranche of 61 billion dollars into the bottomless barrel of kiev lead to, the kremlin commented. according to the press secretary of the russian president, dmitry peskov, the decision of the congress will further enrich washington. he will inflict damage on ukraine. ruin is an increase in the number of
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dead ukrainians, peskov emphasized. what is behind the ostentatious generosity of congressmen, ekaterina shamaeva found out. feverish attempts to save zelensky’s neo-nazi regime are doomed to failure. this is how the us congress allocated money to ukraine, the russian foreign ministry commented. on smolensk square , they noted the actions of washington as the actual party to the conflict, they will receive a decisive rebuff, and the states expect a fiasco, as in their time in vietnam and it is characteristic that the white house in these internal squabbles is no longer relying on the mythical victory of the controlled kiev regime, but on the fact that so that the ukrainian armed forces can hold out at least until the november vote without spoiling their image biden. actually, for the sake of this , the persecution of zelensky and his entourage is prolonged, while ordinary ukrainians are forcibly driven to slaughter like cannon fodder. the republicans are lobbying in favor of the american military-industrial complex, which will receive the lion's share of allocations for ukraine. that is a significant part of the allocated funds. will remain in the united states,
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noted deputy chairman of the federation council konstantin kosachev, he also drew attention to the beneficiaries of this decision. we see that the republicans have split, we see that at the last stage somehow trump stepped a little to the side, in this i, frankly speaking, see his cunning strategic plan, it is absolutely obvious that no amount of money allocated to ukraine is able to change the course of... events at the front, it is absolutely obvious that by november 5 ukraine will be in the same deplorable state in which it is now , in which it has driven itself, i think that trump will build his election campaign on this, accusing both congress and the current president of they they wasted taxpayers' money, such statements are already being made by trump's party members.
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taxpayer money, we have already spent it, it is borrowed money, the majority of americans believe that we need to first protect our border before sending billions of dollars to other countries, plundering the future of our children, and all this money will burn in the furnace of a geopolitical battle against russia, he emphasized head of the state duma committee on international affairs, leonid slutsky. "washington and brussels have already been pumped into today's neo-nazi ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars, well, the counter-offensive has fizzled, it is increasingly obvious that zelensky and his junta are doomed to defeat, military, political and historical, by and large , and neither american dollars nor the robbery of russian assets by westerners, which they are engaged, will not help, our victory is inevitable, the fact that new military supplies are unlikely to change ukraine’s position on the battlefield,” note. western media, as
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the wall street journal writes, the mtr is experiencing an acute shortage of not only shells, but also manpower, and if the states intend to fill the deficit of the first, then the second is the task of kiev itself. i think that the administration was waiting for the end of the adoption of the law on mobilization, because they understood that if this law was not finally adopted, and new potential victims of ukrainians did not go to the front, there was probably no point in providing weapons, so they waited, as soon as the law was adopted, you know, they suddenly began to move towards accepting - this aid, imposing a course towards war: deep state - says the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippot. he is convinced that the decision of congress only serves the interests of financial predators. the slovak authorities speak in the same vein. we reject us war against russia, and yes, after what congress has done, no one can
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doubt that the us has declared war on russia. the united states has lost a moral battle; it is losing a historic match. the great war is closer than ever, and if europe. will continue to bet on the american pug, we cannot avoid this. agree with this in budapest, according to the hungarian foreign minister, many nato leaders are suffering from war psychosis. peter szijarta admitted that the country's government would be under serious pressure to make concessions on the issue of supplying ukraine, but the head of the foreign ministry assured that budapest would not participate in nato efforts to supply weapons to the ssu. ekaterina shamaeva, lead. the condition for new arms supplies to kiev by nato countries was the adoption of a strict law on mobilization in ukraine, tas told reporters diplomatic source in brussels. egor grigoriev will talk about how the ukrainian armed forces are trying to make up for the loss of personnel. he's going to call now, so catch him, he's running. moldova
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- border with odessa region. local police eyewitnesses watch the movement of the silhouette with a smile. a ukrainian runs to save his life. there are dozens of them, judging by those thrown along. car, those who are particularly enterprising have already figured out how to do business with draft dodgers. opel cadet and nine, both for 900 dollars, mazda 323, 1.0 dollars, who needs these i'll send you the car, details, in a private message. ukraine has fled, there is a little more than a week left before the law on mobilization takes effect, and the military commissars also want to, and they often help the hilyants; in the footage there is a man in camouflage. accompanies four men to the border with hungary, those who do not pay have to fight back, women come to the rescue, such opposition groups spontaneously form on the streets of ukraine as soon as
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the lure catchers from the territorial recruitment centers go to work. ukrainian military commissars are ready open fire, a pistol, an argument more powerful than a subpoena, but the ukrainians who are subject to mobilization, it seems, will resist to the last. the gun took away that you are timid, where are you shooting, the raids of shopping malls have intensified, they meet young ukrainians at train stations, car washes, construction sites, they seem to be working after hours, even at night, there is a camera in dnepropetrovsk. street surveillance records, men in uniform in a few seconds, pack the next victim of mobilization into an suv, it is imperative to fulfill the delivery plans death, that’s what the sponsors told ukraine, otherwise no weapons, no military assistance.
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the existence of such a condition was confirmed to tas by a diplomatic source in brussels. the adoption of a new strict law on mobilization in ukraine was a condition for new supplies of weapons from nato countries. it is advisable to supply weapons. only if there is a significant number of trained military personnel who can use these weapons in defensive or offensive operations, and with timely replenishment of losses, for which it is necessary the active recruitment of new soldiers will make life more difficult for those who resist, for example, they will limit the ability to use public services, the minister of justice of ukraine stated. various ministries are now working on adjustments to cabinet resolutions that will change the provision of certain administrative ones. public services without providing a military registration document, that is , the state will try to make sure that the law is the same for everyone, that everyone complies with it, that everyone is equal before the law. the ukrainian lawyer gives a caustic, extremely precise description of the minister’s statement, and at the same time reminds that he is ready to provide services,
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including to disabled people, because they will also be sent to the front. the so-called re-examination of disabled people is starting. the first group is not, the second is. it will be necessary to double-check and prove your status, it looks like you will also have to prove your death status, the editor-in-chief of the ukrainian football magazine, for example, was invited with a summons, although he died back... last year, so he risks also receiving a vimoga, a new document for the fight against evaders, the demand for the police to deliver the hustler, it is to be hoped that it will not come to the point of excavation at the cemetery. egor grigoriev, evgenia zemtsova, irina zaborskaya, news. in the ishim district of the tyumen region , 12 km of embankments were erected around populated areas, in addition to 7 km of existing dikes. the water in the ishim river continues to rise, local authorities say. the main task now is to monitor the condition of protective structures and take prompt
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measures in case of leaks. the peak of the flood is expected at our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, will be monitoring the situation in the region for the next 24 hours. over the past 24 hours, the ishim river has added another 140 cm of water; the point is now 10 m 51 cm by 2 m 50 cm above the critical point. there is a lot of water, the water goes into overflow as soon as possible. the only outskirts that are flooded are where flooding is possible.
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now we are on the ishim sinitsina highway, as you can see, due to water overflow, the highway is now closed, the villages of sinitsino, samanovo, borki, a rest house, are now cut off from the city of ishim, all because of the ishim river it went straight into the spill, and now it is spilling so actively that it has overflowed across the highway, there is a lifeguard on duty here, and there is a pts. a floating vehicle of the russian ministry of emergency situations in case it is necessary to evacuate someone, but as far as we have information, in all the villages that i just listed, there is no one left, people were evacuated in advance, the strengthening of the dam in the ishimsky district, in the kazansky district continues areas in areas that are prone to flooding, and people living in the city take an active part in this, it’s creepy that even we won’t be flooded de... i live, well, for people, i don’t know, probably psychologically, this is
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in general, if i were younger, i’m 73 years old, i would also go help, of course, as obligatory, creepy, of course, what he says, think about it, this will all flood someone first, again everything needs to be done first, everything needs to be repaired, it’s creepy, creepy, especially for us old people it’s generally creepy, the governor of the chemyansk region makes detours every day.
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in aleksandrov , these fpv drones are now assembled, configured, and controlled through special glasses. these copters have high speed, precise control and improved communication quality, unlike basic uavs. the devices are being prepared for our soldiers on the front line. the popular front gave us the most advanced technologies for assembly and programming, which allowed us to supply our fighters in the zone. special military operation of better products, that is , better controlled drones. volunteers assemble drones during the day, each at their job, and in the evenings and on weekends they program the aircraft here. the popular front helped launch the production of kamikaze attack drones in vladimir. this model flies 5 km and accelerates to 160 km/h, will catch up with any moving equipment. very maneuverable, easy to control, good quality images transmitted. operator, and it is possible to install any payload, any striking
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elements up to maximum weight. these drones have already been tested in lugansk and donetsk. after successful testing , 50 of these drones were sent to the front lines. the vladimir kulibins even developed their own radio-electronic installation struggle. she will greatly help at the front. the device suppresses enemy copters, saving the lives of russian soldiers. the prototype is currently being tested. the picture is lost, the control is also on the gas, you hear, yes, that's it, the picture froze, everything fell, in tuva they started producing another device against enemy drones, as planned, this is an attachment on... which shoots a net, entangling the propellers of the uav, thereby, disabling it, you are standing in the dugout, you don’t need to go into the dugout to hide there until they destroy you there, you went out boldly into your eyes came out into your eyes, the firron flies at you, pressed, that is, on the ak-74, spun it, it came out already ready, quickly destroyed it, waits for
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the next one, now they have created two types of net launchers, the first hits the target at a distance of up to 30 m, the second up to 50, they are currently being tested, the developers say they need another month to finish everything, and then they want to produce in large quantities, such craftsmen throughout the country are supported by the people's front, it helps activists with the development, scaling of production and sending inventions to the area where a special military operation. anastasia ponko, news. catching a pyro firebird is not easy, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on there are many routes, choose the most suitable one from the maps. build routes that suit you best. yandex maps. if you get up more than twice at night, apalazer. at the first
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details. i checked. and for you, for anyone else? torture opens up new horizons. ruviki, you know where to find out. how are actors trained for the big stage? who creates the magic of theater and circus? performs the images of actors. today in moscow , full-fledged work is underway to prepare those who develop our culture, make us richer spiritually, and ask difficult questions. philosophy and morality, and today we have the opportunity to understand and understand how and where creativity is created. light movements, in
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every touch, passion and tenderness, not immediately you will guess that this ethos is not for two, but for three. and the third hero is the desk. deciding to bring to life the ease of flight of thought with its inherent unexpected turns, these future actors open up their souls, expanding their personal range of what is possible on stage. the teachers of the theater college, it would seem , will see the idea in any boyish prank and help it to reveal itself. here today. quite a large number of people who can safely call themselves, including me , students of oleg pavlovich tabakova, this is continuity of generation, continuity
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of history, continuity of skills, continuity of knowledge from konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky and neroevich danchenko, and this, in our opinion, is very important, because the acting profession cannot be taught, it can only be learned. there is a huge difference between these two concepts of teaching and learning. you cannot force an actor to love if he himself has not known love. sasha, your friend, or hate, if his heart, or hers, did not burn with rage. another thing is how to help you feel it? this is education on a different level. and the responsibility on teachers is enormous. we are preparing, well, i say this jokingly, cultural peddlers. because they will become, not all of them, of course, but many of them will become media people, they will bring this culture to the masses, this responsibility,
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a huge responsibility, it lies with art schools, we know, we are not preparing actors, we are preparing spectators, how a music school does not prepare musicians, by and large, but listeners, that is, people who shape culture in people, shape aesthetic qualities and taste in people...
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simalal and misanthrope, the heroine celimene, this dress conveys the character of the heroine, such a light yoke, the petticoat has now been made , but it has not yet been finished, but each costume really begins with a sketch on paper, this is perhaps the most important part of the craft, work on composition and style. in this college, the drawing review takes place in such an environment, everyone lays them out.
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what to tell the next guys, so here you corrected this little eye, clean it up a little, then you’ll get confused, even more yes, strengthen it, uh-huh, difficult work begins in the first year, students complete assignments on academic drawing, reproduce a cast of david’s lips and eyes with a pencil on whatman paper, the guys study. constructively depict, well, in general, not only even a person, in principle, the objects surrounding them, in the future these skills will be useful to them, again, also in painting, because... painting
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without a good drawing, in principle, it cannot exist. sofia takeva has been drawing since childhood; she long ago realized that she wanted to connect herself with theater and cinema. besides sofia has the talent of a designer, combining one with the other, she chose her educational track. i really liked it here the first time, i traveled here for 2 years for a competition, i had just finished ninth grade, i entered here because i realized that i didn’t want to go anywhere else. moreover, i have been sewing for quite a long time, we sewed a skirt this semester, this is one of the assignments, i am very critical of my work, but i really really like it. when entering college, a student should immediately set his sights on a specific job. trend for early career guidance concerns creative specialties. already starting from the third year, third or fourth year, the girls go to practice in theaters. and we have such
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practice sites as... they work a lot, practice a lot, and then they become jugglers, tightrope walkers, well, first they raise acrobats here from an early age, go on stage, fall in love with the stage, they really like it, and accordingly they then give themselves up completely the work of term art, our children come from 4 years old, study until they are 18 years old, at first they kids start with preparatory base, that is, general training,
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we pump them up a little. we stretch and then look at the child’s direction. most of the time is spent in the rehearsal room, it is important that every movement is clearly verified, only then the stage. bone, a little softer, don’t add too much. yana good, well done, taller. the three girls stood up. where is sasha, let's go. up, my, now the elements, yes, let's work. sash, okay, just look, be careful, sash, stand on the contrary, a little back here. under no circumstances go there is sasha gerasimova behind, the children are performing complex elements, many of which can be found performed by professionals in the arena of a large circus, these guys prove every day that they have no limits to what is possible, those guys who are now on our stage, their rehearsals are crazy, 6-7 days a week, that is , in order to be sure, yes, that is , to practice numbers, because children participate in more than one act, that is, like jugglers, they can also be acrobats,
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so the work is simply enormous. so the moscow educational system provides an opportunity to reveal one’s potential in the most daring directions. church art is an integral part of pop life in general, so we really wanted to make this department richer, very popular for our students, for our parents, and purposefully, somewhere around 6 years ago we opened a circus department. today this area has grown greatly. strongly, more than 100 children are studying circus art, choreography, acting, costume, but how else to complement the image is answered at this theater arts and technical college, here, among other things, they teach the fine art of makeup and hairstyles. today we are going through the theme of chinese opera, chinese opera is divided into male and female, today i have a male image, first i
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had to create a sketch, and... and think through my image in detail. the art of transformation is an image, this is a mood, this is a dramaturgy that a makeup artist conveys to the viewer, using only brushes, combs and other tools; all this also needs to be learned. and this includes theatrical makeup, film makeup, television makeup, historical hairstyle, creative hairstyle. it’s a big deal, it’s both cinematic pastiche and theatrical pastiche, that is , when wigs, beards, and mustaches are sewn, this is how the foundation of quality, the future performance, performance, show or movie is laid, this is the coordinated work of many specialists, the most narrow specialties. the profession of a pastor is one of the rarest professions in the world; we are among the six rarest.


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