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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today at the airfield.
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a unit of the southern group of troops completely liberated the village of bogdanovka of the donetsk people's republic and inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment. in the area of ​​krasnogorovka, donetsk people's republic. in addition, two counterattacks were repelled in the area of ​​the village of chasov yar, west of the village of krasnaya. enemy losses amounted to up to 440 military personnel, three vehicles and an anti-aircraft combat vehicle. asa akm missile system. but in the meantime , the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of next week, and the supplies will include atacoms ballistic missiles. this was stated by the head of the committee. according to the intelligence
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of the us senate, it is there that the aid package to ukraine will go to the upper house of congress on tuesday for a vote, after its approval in the house of representatives. what the next tranche of $61 billion will lead to in kiev’s bottomless barrel was commented on in the kremlin, according to the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, the decision of the congress will further enrich washington. for ukraine, it brings ruin to the increase in the number of dead ukrainians, peskov emphasized. what 's behind? the ostentatious generosity of congressmen, ekaterina shamaeva found out. feverish attempts to save zelensky’s neo-nazi regime are doomed to failure. this is how the russian foreign ministry commented on the allocation of money to ukraine by the us congress. on smolensk square it was noted that washington’s actions as the actual party to the conflict will receive a decisive rebuff, and the states expect a fiasco, like in vietnam and afghanistan. it is characteristic that the white house, in these internal squabbles, is betting on marriage to '.
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he also drew attention to the benefits of the acquirers of this decision, we see that the republicans split, we see that at the last stage trump somehow stepped aside a little, in this i, frankly, see his cunning strategic plan, obviously completely that no money allocated to ukraine is able to turn the tide of events at the front, completely it is obvious that by november 5... ukraine will be
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in the same deplorable state in which it is now, in which it has driven itself, and on this i think trump will build his election campaign, blaming both congress and the current president, is that they wasted taxpayers' money. such statements are already being made by trump's party members. a majority of house republicans voted against approving the new trans. this is not about taxpayers' hard-earned money, it's we have already spent, this is borrowed money. most americans believe we need to secure our border first before sending billions of dollars to other countries while plundering our children's future. moreover, all this money will burn in the furnace of the geopolitical battle against russia, emphasized the head of the state duma committee on international affairs leonid slutsky. brussels has already been pumped into today's neo-nazi ukraine. hundreds of billions of dollars, so
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what, the counter-offensive has failed, it is increasingly obvious that zelensky and his junta are doomed to defeat, both military and political, and historical, by and large, of me. the fact that new military supplies are unlikely to change ukraine’s position on the battlefield, western media note, as the wall street journal writes, the soo is experiencing an acute shortage of not only shells, but also manpower, and if the states intend to fill the deficit of the first, then the second the task of kiev itself. i think the administration was waiting to see how the adoption of the mobile law would end.
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i am convinced that the decision of congress serves only the interests of financial predators. in the same this is what the slovak authorities say. we reject us war against russia. and yes, after what congress did, no one can doubt that the united states declared war on russia. the united states has lost a moral battle; it is losing a historic match. the great war is closer than ever, and if europe continues to bet on the american pug, we cannot avoid it. budapest agrees with this; according to the hungarian foreign minister, many leaders of nato countries suffer from war psychosis. peter szijarta admitted that the country's government will be under serious pressure to make concessions on the issue of supplying ukraine, but the head of the ministry of foreign affairs assured that budapest will not
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participate in nato efforts to supply weapons to the armed forces of ukraine. ekaterina shamaeva, vesti. now to the situation with floods in the regions in the kurgan region, the water level in the tabu river. has decreased and is now less than a meter. the situation is stabilizing in orenburg. according to the ministry of emergency situations, flooding of new territories in the region is not predicted. the situation is difficult now in the tyumen region: in the ishim district more than a thousand residents were evacuated from populated areas, but according to governor alexander mora, the increase in water level in the ishim river slowed down over the past 24 hours. to protect villages in the region, a 12 km embankment was built, this is an addition to the 7 km of existing dikes in the tyumen region. our special correspondent, stanislav bernval, is working, he will tell you all the details. over the past 24 hours, the ishim river has added another 140 cm of water; the point is now 10 m 51 cm by 2 m 50 cm above the critical point. there is a lot of water, the water
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is overflowing, the day before there was a temporary breakthrough dams in one of the districts of the city of ishim, flooding of residential areas began.
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which i just listed, there is no one left, people evacuated in advance, the strengthening of dump continues in the ishim region, in the kazan region in areas that are prone to flooding, and people, uh, city residents are taking an active part in this, it’s even creepy, we are not it will flood where i live, well, on people, i don’t know, probably psychologically, it’s in general, if i were younger, i’m 73 years old, i would also go help, of course, as obligatory, creepy, of course, what can i say in vain - consider, this will all flood someone first, again everything needs to be done first, everything needs to be repaired, it’s creepy, creepy, especially for us old people, it’s generally creepy,
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the governor of the chemyansk region makes daily rounds of flooded areas that are potentially dangerous for flooding, he said about that the victims will be paid compensation. in aleksandrov , these fpv drones are now assembled, configured, and controlled through special glasses. these copters have high speed, precise control and improved quality of communication, in contrast to basic ones. the devices are being prepared for our soldiers on the front line. we have the most advanced technologies for assembly, for programming, which allowed us to supply our fighters
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in the special military operation zone with better products, that is, better controlled drones. the drones are assembled by volunteers, each at his or her job during the day, and in the evenings and on weekends they program the aircraft here. the popular front helped launch the production of kamikaze attack drones in vladimir. this model flies at 5 km and accelerates to 160 km/h, anyone can catch up. moving equipment, very maneuverable, easy to control, good picture quality transmitted to the operator, it is possible to install any payload, any striking elements up to maximum weight. these drones have already been tested in lugansk and donetsk. after successful testing , 50 of these drones were sent to the front lines. the vladimir kulibins even developed their own radio-electronic installation. she will greatly help at the front. the device suppresses enemy copters, saving lives
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russian fighters. the prototype is currently being tested. the picture is lost. the control is also on gas, do you hear, right? the picture froze. everything, everything, fell. the htuwes began producing another anti -drone device. according to the idea, this is an attachment to a machine gun that shoots a net, entangling the propellers of the uav, thereby disabling it. you’re standing in the dugout, you don’t need to go into the dugout to hide. he will destroy you there, he came out boldly, he came out in your face, the firron is flying at you, he pressed, that is, on the ak-74, he twisted it, it’s already ready, it’s standing next to you, he went out, quickly destroyed, eat the next one, now they have created two types of net launchers, the first hits a target at a distance of up to 30 m, the second up to 50, they are still being tested, the developers say they need another month to finish everything, and then they want to produce them in large quantities. craftsmen across the country are supported by the popular front; it helps activists with the development, scaling of production and
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sending inventions to the zone of a special military operation. anastasia ponko, news. in the moscow kremlin museum it was possible to identify the author of the atlas with the first image of kamchatka. it turned out that the masterpiece of cartography with color engravings was created by a subject of louis x. he personally taught the french king geography, and peter... was the first to suggest that he do scientific work in russia. sofia sergieva will tell you more about the unique find. a modest blue binding on a card containing two words: atlas amsterdam. in the library of the moscow kremlin museum, for more than half a century without the name of the author or due recognition, a collection of color engraved maps was kept. as it turned out, according to the drawings of geyom del lille, the main royal cartographer of france. an armchair scientist, he has never traveled outside of europe, but he has the most accurate ideas about the world, bit by bit, collecting reports from travelers. and on this map, for example,
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for the first time, kamchatka is depicted. before this, it was not plotted on the map; we see a ridge going to an unknown destination. now, of course, we understand that we have the bering strait here, but giyom delhi decided not to dissemble, he did not know what was there, he said that there is no information about where these lands go, perhaps they are converging. with america. del lil taught louis the fifteenth of geography, bore the title of his majesty's first cartographer. peter ii invited him to move to st. petersburg, build a cartography school and create an atlas of the future empire. peter ii gave him a russian map of the caspian sea and the countries bordering it. gyom de lisle, based on this map, made his own map, here in the cartouche of this map. in fact , it is written that it was made from a map
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drawn on the direct orders of the tsar, that is, peter i. from this map, which was found in the moscow kremlin museum, someone clearly studied great britain and ireland, carefully highlighting the major cities in ink. these maps, of course, cannot be called an accurate guide for travelers. for the most part, they gave the most general idea of ​​the territories. when there were empty spaces left, guiem delil filled them with quotes, various... travel notes, for example, here it is written: the road from moscow to vyatka through kostrama and galich is shorter than through ustyuk, but it is not so reliable and convenient because of the idol worshiper . cheremisov, despite all the imagery and freedom of form, cartography was elite art, only a few could afford to buy a map, and even a color one, the production was very labor-intensive, the image drawing received from the cartographer who compiled it was applied to copper plates, these copper plates were valued very highly,
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they actually constituted the main capital of that publishing house, the publishing house that produced these maps. time left its mark on the paper, creases appeared, the paper became frayed, but the restorers did a magnificent job, embroidered the atlas, cleaned and preserved the colorful layers on all its pages, thanks to which now each of them is like a separate graphic monument. sofia sergieva, news! what's a good car for you? mileage! condition, comfort, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re all in a commercial bank, we take out loans, we got it quickly, we’re in a private bank, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows,
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samples. this array of information will speed up the sequencing process by tens of times reducing the cost of the genetic census of the peoples of russia. we will tell you what other research is currently underway in this issue. scientific approach to building materials. how to strengthen concrete using metallurgical slag? we can already confidently say that the use of such materials makes it possible to shield and the reinforcement in the composition of reinforced concrete allows them to retain their penetration properties longer. ruthenium against cancer, the metal, named after russia, helps in chemotherapy. you can influence several aspects of cell activity at once. and overcome the shortcomings of the drugs that are currently used. how to splice? tan with bone, the latest domestic developments in the field of implant printing. the most important professional goal is, of course, to achieve a level of medicine so that a person can, in principle, live and
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function fully as he did before the injury. the inventor of 3d printing once admitted that the use of his i didn’t even think about brainchildren in medicine. this idea was later suggested by doctors. as a result, it has become possible not only to bioprint, but also to create complex medical implants that fuse with human bones. my name is egor karmazov, i am a project manager for additive technologies and an additive manufacturing technologist. we manufacture medical implants that are used in maxillofacial surgery, as well as in reconstruction of the musculoskeletal system. the implants are printed on a special printer, the raw materials are two types of titanium powder, and for ideal osseointegration a specially developed coating is applied, similar in its chemical composition to the bone tissue of our body. this is the first production of a full cycle of such products in russia. now, for the last 2 years, we have been talking a lot about technological independence, import substitution, in fact , that section, two printers that are set up to create medical implants of various importance from
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titanium alloys, were in them for the first time in 2018 there were already laser-optical systems of domestic production in place until last year, no one did this in russia, we did it already in the eighteenth year, the chamber in which printing will take place is pumped with argon to avoid oxidation and changes in the chemical composition of the material. on the construction platform, which is installed directly in the chamber, the product will be placed on supporting structures, it looks something like this, that is, there are supports, there is the product itself, layer by layer when applied the powder of the product with the supports is fused by a two-laser optical system, the platform on which the fusion will take place is made of the same titanium as the powder, it is applied to the platform with a layer thickness of 50 microns using a fused carriage. two lasers, this produces the first finished layer of the implant itself, then the platform is lowered by 50 microns and the cycle is repeated again until
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the product, like a layer cake, receives the desired shape. next, the implant is sent for heat treatment in a vacuum oven, then separated from the platform, cleaned and sent to the laboratory for application of a special bio-coating. its unique composition includes all the microelements necessary for... the key feature of our development is that we apply bio-coating not only to the external, but to the internal surface of products, which is especially important when working with porous and cellular products made of titanium alloys, since bone tissue and blood vessels must completely penetrate the implant to increase the biomechanical stability of these products, the prospects for such additive technologies are enormous; it is possible to produce products with complex internal channels, mesh structures, movable hinge mechanisms and much more, covering the entire range of needs of the medical industry for implants. for this purpose , joint work has been organized with leading universities in the country.
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we, of course, attract young people. why is this a very attractive destination? they don't understand that this is impossible. they see the goal ahead and move towards it without noticing any obstacles. therefore, this is the connection, youth and new technologies. it always gives a very serious impetus for the development of technology and obtaining the very best results. the plans include not only working with titanium-based implants, but also a bold project of biofabrication, the creation of living organs. and tests of the biofabrication of blood vessels under the influence of physical fields have already been successfully completed. alexey vladimirovich, let's first talk about what technologies rusatom focuses on. rusatom is currently strategically targeting energy. technologies, of course, nuclear, we carry out the task of ensuring a twenty-five percent production of nuclear energy in total
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consumption. firstly, we immediately say that we are engaged in additive technologies to obtain specific products, because in one technological process it is possible to immediately make an actual final product with the required characteristics, for example, by engaging in additive technologies, we are working on a product called a scanner. a scanner is a control of laser radiation, we look at how laser radiation interacts with the material, due to this, for example, we learned from... to control the primary crystalline structure resulting from such interactions. of course, we will extend this to other materials and other technologies. but if we talk about the cutting edge of science for rusatom, this is precisely the possibility of using the microcosm to substantiate products that are, well, let’s say serious, well, tens of hundreds of tons of weight.
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that is, what is bilsenstein’s general theory of everything, yes, well, it’s not exactly a theory, but in general the question is how to make such a technology that will allow us not to spoil what is laid down by genetics, how to make sure that by laying down certain genetic dashes , energetic connections at the micro level in a non- biological organism, here in inorganic materials, how to make a technology so that later it does not greatly spoil what we have laid down . at the beginning, yeah, this is our leading edge. alexey vladimirovich, everything came together in a picture, thank you very much, it’s very clear. platinum is one of the rarest and most expensive metals on earth. it applies in various fields and jewelry is just one of them. the true value of platinum is manifested in medical and technological fields, for example, chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer is often carried out with drugs based on platinum, although it is a necessary
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antitumor drug. the effect is always accompanied by increased toxicity. for example, one of the most common drugs used in chemotherapy causes many side effects. to reduce the adverse effects on them, scientists are looking for options for new compounds. initially, probably, it all started from childhood; i was interested in understanding and getting to the bottom of things , including at the molecular level. that's why i chose chemistry for myself, now... in the laboratory i am working on the development of antitumor compounds, which in the future may become medicines that will be sold to help people. chemists at moscow state university synthesized a possible alternative to the existing antitumor drug, replacing platinum with ruthenium. this metal too belongs to the platinum group, but has lower toxicity. the know-how lies in combining two active ones in one molecule.
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we introduce ruthenium into the structure of already known biologically active anti-fuel drugs, which are used today in clinical practice with success. in this way, it is possible to influence several aspects of cell life at once and overcome the shortcomings of the drugs that are currently used. now it is important to understand whether it was possible to increase the specificity, that is, a more accurate hit new. compound on target, we have shown that this substance affects the cell cycle in a certain way, this is a completely new development, that is , a completely new small molecule that can then be used as a medicine. to include the substance in the list of drug candidates for cancer therapy, scientists will have to study the toxicity of the complexes to healthy cells and conduct preclinical tests on laboratory animals. new.
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approach to concrete production has been developed scientists mrs. innovative technology is especially relevant for material that will be used in the arctic zone and in the construction of structures located in water, for example, for bridges. khaidarov bakhsiyorovich, associate professor of the department of functional nanosystems of high-temperature materials. i work to ensure that there are more technologies in the world that are resource-saving and energy-efficient. at the moment, we have come to the possibility of obtaining low-clinic mineral binders. based on granulated blast furnace slag. concrete consists of cement, sand, crushed stone and water. during mixing , only cement exhibits activity, forming calcium hydroxide and hydrosilicates. due to the presence of calcium hydroxide and a number of hydrated compounds, there are quite serious problems associated with the destruction of concrete structures in highly mineralized aquatic environments, that is, in the sea. the high salt content that our northern seas are rich in leads to


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